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John Sheppard Whump

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    The Seed Spoilers:

    And... thunk!


      The Seed

      Da boots!!

      Nice caps Ali! I don't think anyone here is going to try and stop you from watching that scene!


        Originally posted by theheartsofatlantis View Post
        Thank you I was not sure how to do that. Sorry.
        Welcome to the thread!!!!!

        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
        I'm just watching it again for the second time, and I love it more and more each time I watch, and boy does Joe/Shep look hot. Ali, I couldn't agree with you more.

        The Seed


        I did a huge review on the ep thread, but suffice to say, I absolutely adored this ep from start to finish, and maybe a little bit more than S&R in some areas. I just thought the teamyness and character stuff was lovely in this, everyone got their own bits, even Radek, bless him, and Teyla had tonnes to do, which is fabby. And I liked Keller and Woolsey in this to. But goodness me, the whump.... oh let me count the ways. From Shep volunteering and lying on the gurney and mentioning turning into a bug *Listy will luff that* to carson telling Shep to relax, and Shep's panicked/frightened expression and saying, yeah sure i'll relax. Fabby stuff, and getting tied down to the bed, and convulsing... and then flatlining, omg oh Sheppy D, you were so close hon. See I told you, it's coming, And then flat line, and the compressions, and the mask, and the convulsions... and the prepare to intubate!!! I've said that haven't I, even to Sheppy's groggy reply. Oh my I adored it. Loved, loved, loved all the stuff about the wraith tech and how a ship is created, and then Sheppy getting noodled, well he did break the rules. If we get noodled it's only fair Shep get's the same treatment. But oh my TWO impalements, and Shep not being able to stand and OMG i can't believe it went all the way through to his back!! And then him collapsing to his knees and gasping for Woolsey to get them out of there, and the whole crashing into the building, and saying 'This might hurt!' Oh we hoped. Then an infirmary scene oh my, complete with pulse ox, IV heart montior and sticky pads and
        PEEKAGE!!!!! *iz dead* Oh my there were some lovely shots at the end of Shep, and then the chat with Woolsey, I loved it. Shep still needed to be a bit more poorly at the end there, but , it only hurts when he breaths, oh big bless! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
        My only bug bear was how they did the CPR!! It's on the bottom of the sternum people, not the top No, I won't harp on about it, i'll not be *****y, because I am grateful for that fabby whump, I really am, it's just those lil things, they niggle at me you see, and it bugs my brain, and I have to get it out of my system

        I may need to watch it again


        Oh welcome to our new peeps
        I just love your reviews.

        The Seed:
        I do have to agree with you on your one bug bear, wouldn't they have also removed the pillow and laid him down flat to begin compressions? But I'm not complaining. I absolutely loved this episode and thought that JF did a fantastic job as ever. His comic timing was perfect during the infirmary scene when he was getting the shot. Sure I'll relax he says.

        What I did find odd was that McKay hardly did anything this episode. It was actually nice. I do love the character, but it was nice seeing other people shine in the episode and saving the day. Like Shep.

        Congrats to all the milestoners, I think Roo was one of them and I can't remember anyone else. Sorry.

        Ali you are so good to us. Thanks for the caps.

        Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
        AVI by *ERIKA*


          Looks like I killed the thread.

          OT Question

          Does anyone know when Torchwood is going to be starting up again?

          Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
          AVI by *ERIKA*


            Originally posted by Lorr View Post
            Oh, my, Peggy and Ali. You two are up late. I hope you get some sleep tonight! LOL
            Hehe I am going to bed in a minute. I am a bit excited.

            Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
            Thank you Joise for teh gif!! And Ali for the pics!

            Another thing i noticed on teh second viewing

            The Seed

            After he got stabbed, he lifted his gun and wavered a few seconds, but in the end he had to make a choice and was about to shoot Keller. Its his job...and man the thoughts running through his head while being in such pain and shock--and being forced to almost pull the trigger.

            Double whump! Could you imagine if he had to kill her to save the ciyt?

            Thanks from me for the gif Josie.

            I noticed that, can you imagine the angst if he'd have done that?! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            Oh I think he has had for a while... way back in the promo pics for Sateda we noticed that. But as you say, doesn't detract AT ALL!

            And facially, he seems to be looking even younger, somehow!
            He looked really young in this, bless his little cotton socks. that seems to be my phrase for the day.

            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
            **raises hand** even in my cough medicine induced coma I thought "SheppyD's gonna love this!!!!!

            Yes you do!!!! **iz waiting**

            My thoughts on The Seed

            See Ali, I knew this icon would come in handy.

            LOVED it.
            Loved the convulsions.
            Loved the impalement.
            Loved the wavering gun that still pointed at Keller because he had to whether he wanted to or not.
            Loved the restraints and the comment that he said about having them might have been a good idea.
            Loved his volunteering for the dangerous stuff. He doesn't let anyone do what he thinks he should do.
            Loved the mentions of Lorne and Carter even though they weren't seen.
            Loved Woolsey. He came across to me as by the book but not forgetting the human aspect of things. He knew that jobs had to be done and things needed to progress so if there wasn't concrete evidence of Michael then move on. If Keller was at a stand still with Carson then move on.
            Radek whump!!!!!
            Teyla being Mom. She sounded different to me. More relaxed and a part of the city. TPTB, or maybe it was Rachel's choice, have always seemed to give Teyla a stilted style of speaking. She seems to speak in a more relaxed manor now. I like it.
            LOVED the new table in the conference room and the fact that they commented on it and it didn't just appear.
            GREEN INFIRMARY SHEETS AND WHITE SCRUBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Hubby hasn't seen it yet since I ended up watching it while waiting for my cough medicine to kick in at 2 AM this morning. Now I will get to watch it on the big TV in HD!!

            Josie's GIF will be enlarged for me. I won't be able to fully show my enjoyment but I will be dancing inside!!!!
            Pocus, you still feeling poorly hon. Oh poor you. *hugs* I'm sorry hon, but i'm glad you enjoyed it, and maybe made you feel a little better.

            Originally posted by sherryw View Post
            Welcome to the thread!!!!!

            I just love your reviews.

            The Seed:
            I do have to agree with you on your one bug bear, wouldn't they have also removed the pillow and laid him down flat to begin compressions? But I'm not complaining. I absolutely loved this episode and thought that JF did a fantastic job as ever. His comic timing was perfect during the infirmary scene when he was getting the shot. Sure I'll relax he says.

            What I did find odd was that McKay hardly did anything this episode. It was actually nice. I do love the character, but it was nice seeing other people shine in the episode and saving the day. Like Shep.

            Congrats to all the milestoners, I think Roo was one of them and I can't remember anyone else. Sorry.

            Ali you are so good to us. Thanks for the caps.
            My reviews are rambling and incoherant half the time especially this time at nite.


            I couldn't agree more, I absolutely loved the initial infirmary scene... well both of them actually. But the first one, oh it was just so funny and squee, and you can tell he was getting snarky and didn't want to hear all the bad stuff, It might have put him off being heroic hehe.


              Originally posted by sherryw View Post
              Looks like I killed the thread.

              OT Question

              Does anyone know when Torchwood is going to be starting up again?
              OT answer
              Not for a while. Then it will only be 5 eps. Then 2009 til more. If I remember all that right!

              There is a thread some where about it!


                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                The Seed:[/B]

                I honestly think it has actually gone all the way through! OMFG!!!

                Oh my yes! I SO need to tag this episode!

                I can't stop watching the (The Seed)
                convulsion scene! It's so freaking awesome! Sheppy in restraints and his nervousness but determination, the way he suddenly starts to feel it and his friends' concern and then he starts twisting and shuddering and OMG you can hear the bed rattling... and it keeps going and he's still shaking and you can hear his heart racing on the monitor and Ronon's trying to hold his legs down and OMG!!! It's SO freaking AWESOME! I could watch this clip forever!
                Yes you DO need to tag it!!

                I have this urge to watch SEED again, I have no idea why I need to watch again, it's just this warm rumbly in my tummy that tells me it can only settle down once I view it!! But hubby is watching TV downstairs where the DVR is And I don't think I could explain why I need to watch just a few scenes!!

                Originally posted by Linzi View Post

                You're all right. I watched the penultimate scene from The Seed again:

                I watched in slow motion, and it DOES look like it goes all the way through! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

                Did you all hear the grunt of pain Shep gives before he can answer Woolsey? As if he just can't hold back the cry of pain before he speaks? SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I am so totally in whump heaven. How did I not notice this sooner????

                We need more light in Atlantis!!!! So we can see things clearly the first time around!

                Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                He was at the brink. Even his voice was barely audible.

                I think his voice deserves an Emmy for S5!

                OT for non-whumpy stuff...
                we got home from a party at a friend's house and OMG, a guy walked in and I'm telling you, if I had seen this guy walking through an airport, I would have sworn it was Joe F!! Tall, spiky dark hair, stubbly and HOT! So I ask a friend "who's the hottie?" and he tells me he's the UPS guy at his partner's company!! I couldn't take my eyes off of him - wish I had a picture to post. I'll have to ask my friend if he has one. He always talks about the hot UPS guy and he's so right!!!
                So we get home, it's freakin' hot out still and we get home as it's getting dark, and hubby opens the garage door and a skunk runs in!! It headed towards the back of the garage and we have no idea if it's still in there!! We're prisoners! I ran to the front door with the kids and left hubby in the car in the driveway
                Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                  Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
                  Thank you Joise for teh gif!! And Ali for the pics!

                  Another thing i noticed on teh second viewing

                  The Seed

                  After he got stabbed, he lifted his gun and wavered a few seconds, but in the end he had to make a choice and was about to shoot Keller. Its his job...and man the thoughts running through his head while being in such pain and shock--and being forced to almost pull the trigger.

                  Double whump! Could you imagine if he had to kill her to save the ciyt?

                  I nearly choked at that. Seed
                  that fact that he knew he might have to do it and took the pistol with him. He didn't want Ronon or anyone else to need to make that choice. Oh, my!

                  Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                  Was it just me or does JF have a couple grey hairs in the sideburns of teh hair? Not that it detracts at all...
                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  Oh I think he has had for a while... way back in the promo pics for Sateda we noticed that. But as you say, doesn't detract AT ALL!

                  And facially, he seems to be looking even younger, somehow!
                  Bless him, he has fabulous genes. I think that little touch of grey just adds to the attraction! He's quite dangerous for my health!

                  This is not really a spoiler, just a general comment about the direction TPTB are taking with Sheppard.
                  Besides the completely amazing and delicious whump, the writers, directors, decision makers, etc., have been giving us a whole lot more with Shep. It's mostly little things, like (Seed spoilers)
                  telling Keller to get some rest and volunteering to take the cure first,
                  the talk he had with Carter on the balcony in The Seer, the hints of the very mysterious past in Outcast, his subtle hand in taking command in Adrift, the thing with Wallace in MC, and so on.

                  The other characters have been given more obvious growth in single episodes, but Shep, and JF, have gotten a hefty amount of growth spread out over many episodes. Even though I would love another Shepisode like Outcast, I also appreciate the bits worked in all the other eps.

                  Does that make sense?


                    Just popping in to say, OMG, that bit at the end of The Seed
                    (the impalement, of course!)
                    took me totally by surprise! That just made the entire episode!

                    So may I just say,


                    Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                      Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                      MAJOR Spoiler for The Seed

                      Just a quick little gif, and I mean quick no work gone into this one at all so forgive its slightly crappiness but lets face it, it had to be done. Let me know if its too dark.

                      Warning! Its a 1MB file which is why its not suitable for posting here and I'm only linking to it - by all means snurch just don't post it here because its not fair on the dial-up crowd.

                      Ouch! That's got to hurt.

                      It really does look like it goes all the way through, as he crumples forward you can see it quite clearly I think.


                      THANK YOU!!!

                      Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
                      Thank you Joise for teh gif!! And Ali for the pics!

                      Another thing i noticed on teh second viewing

                      The Seed

                      After he got stabbed, he lifted his gun and wavered a few seconds, but in the end he had to make a choice and was about to shoot Keller. Its his job...and man the thoughts running through his head while being in such pain and shock--and being forced to almost pull the trigger.

                      Double whump! Could you imagine if he had to kill her to save the ciyt?

                      I thought that too -
                      alternate ending could have been Shep shooting Keller, bring back Carson, then emo angst for Shep.

                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      And facially, he seems to be looking even younger, somehow!
                      He does!! He seems much hotter this season so far. There's something about him - he looks different but I can't figure out why.
                      Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                        EEP! *dies* Josie, you have the best gifs! (Wasn't it you who did the "Common Ground" gif, too?) That moment makes me want to choke every time I see it--
                        it really does look like that tentacle goes all the way through. *shiver*

                        Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                        ROTFL at that icon! I love it!

                        Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                          This is not really a spoiler, just a general comment about the direction TPTB are taking with Sheppard.
                          Besides the completely amazing and delicious whump, the writers, directors, decision makers, etc., have been giving us a whole lot more with Shep. It's mostly little things, like (Seed spoilers)
                          telling Keller to get some rest and volunteering to take the cure first,
                          the talk he had with Carter on the balcony in The Seer, the hints of the very mysterious past in Outcast, his subtle hand in taking command in Adrift, the thing with Wallace in MC, and so on.

                          The other characters have been given more obvious growth in single episodes, but Shep, and JF, have gotten a hefty amount of growth spread out over many episodes. Even though I would love another Shepisode like Outcast, I also appreciate the bits worked in all the other eps.

                          Does that make sense?
                          I think you are absolutely right.
                          It has been a subtle but steady development that until you pointed it out in order, I have not connected. I knew that Sheppard felt more "filled out" character wise. Each little bit adds to the whole and, to me, seems more real because it is consistent.

                          I do love the eps that are all about him but we have discussed it many times that a character ep about someone else gives us more insight into Sheppard and how he reacts and how he feels about those around him. It is almost like the story line needs to follow his personality which is understated and doesn't like the spotlight. He prefers to be on the sidelines, getting his job done and protecting those around him. No matter what the cost to him personally.


                            Originally posted by Salty View Post
                            Yes you DO need to tag it!!

                            I have this urge to watch SEED again, I have no idea why I need to watch again, it's just this warm rumbly in my tummy that tells me it can only settle down once I view it!! But hubby is watching TV downstairs where the DVR is And I don't think I could explain why I need to watch just a few scenes!!

                            We need more light in Atlantis!!!! So we can see things clearly the first time around!

                            I think his voice deserves an Emmy for S5!

                            OT for non-whumpy stuff...
                            we got home from a party at a friend's house and OMG, a guy walked in and I'm telling you, if I had seen this guy walking through an airport, I would have sworn it was Joe F!! Tall, spiky dark hair, stubbly and HOT! So I ask a friend "who's the hottie?" and he tells me he's the UPS guy at his partner's company!! I couldn't take my eyes off of him - wish I had a picture to post. I'll have to ask my friend if he has one. He always talks about the hot UPS guy and he's so right!!!
                            So we get home, it's freakin' hot out still and we get home as it's getting dark, and hubby opens the garage door and a skunk runs in!! It headed towards the back of the garage and we have no idea if it's still in there!! We're prisoners! I ran to the front door with the kids and left hubby in the car in the driveway
                            Hot guy and a skunk. Odd day! LOL

                            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                            I think you are absolutely right.
                            It has been a subtle but steady development that until you pointed it out in order, I have not connected. I knew that Sheppard felt more "filled out" character wise. Each little bit adds to the whole and, to me, seems more real because it is consistent.

                            I do love the eps that are all about him but we have discussed it many times that a character ep about someone else gives us more insight into Sheppard and how he reacts and how he feels about those around him. It is almost like the story line needs to follow his personality which is understated and doesn't like the spotlight. He prefers to be on the sidelines, getting his job done and protecting those around him. No matter what the cost to him personally.
                            You said it a lot better than I did!


                              Hi All

                              Is it me or am I crazy

                              For the seed
                              At the very very end before the fade out when Woolsey crosses his arms it looks as if Shep does a little grimace as if in pain. At first I thought it was a slight smile but in slow mo looks like a grimace.


                                it did sorta... the poor guy... we just gotta make him all better.

