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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    Eeeeeeeehhh! I know! Two Shep whumpy eps in a row! (Oooh look, I made a rhyme! )

    Is it the weekend yet? Is it? Is it?!! *bounces*
    I know,the days aren't nearly going as fast as I would like them to I think this might be a good time to watch some good old whump episodes from the past to help speed up the week.Any suggestions?


      Originally posted by bebop View Post
      You are doing SOOOO well not looking, I just couldn't resist..,..and I've got the earplugs ready for Saturday morning, just in case and bubblewrapped the greenhouse..
      OMG I feel all of a twitch - I think I have a case of Shepwhumpanticipationitis! Better than tonsilitis but still making me feel very unsettled!!!!


        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
        Can I just add that I think I am going to burst in a minute!!!!!

        OMG I cant stand it!!!!!!!

        I wonder what it is!!!!!!

        But dont tell me!!!!!!!!

        Heee! I love that you're having such fun getting all excited about what the whump might be without wanting to actually know!


          Originally posted by WhumpSheppie View Post
          I know,the days aren't nearly going as fast as I would like them to I think this might be a good time to watch some good old whump episodes from the past to help speed up the week.Any suggestions?
          I'm leaning towards CG... I didn't get to watch it as I was thinking about yesterday...


            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            Heee! I love that you're having such fun getting all excited about what the whump might be without wanting to actually know!
            Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Oh dear me!!!!!

            Help me someone!!!!!!!!!!

            Okay I need to calm down a little!!!!!!!!!

            Oh blimey! Deep breaths!

            At this rate I will need to be intubated come Saturday!

            It's not intubation is it? No dont answer - that will never happen - dont mind me!!!! Oh goodness - I think I need a cup of tea and a lie down! ( maybe something stronger than tea!)


              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              I'm leaning towards CG... I didn't get to watch it as I was thinking about yesterday...
              I actually watched that yesterday,but I could probably watch it again.You never get tired of whump episodes,you always discover something new


                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                Oh dear me!!!!!

                Help me someone!!!!!!!!!!

                Okay I need to calm down a little!!!!!!!!!

                Oh blimey! Deep breaths!

                At this rate I will need to be intubated come Saturday!

                It's not intubation is it? No dont answer - that will never happen - dont mind me!!!! Oh goodness - I think I need a cup of tea and a lie down! ( maybe something stronger than tea!)
                Aaaaaaaand breathe!

                Oh man can you imagine the whump thread if Sheppard got intubated in an episode; it would EXPLODE! To paraphrase a quote from a Dr Who forum moderator after he saw the preview copy of The Stolen Earth, we'd have to "pressure hose the squeee off the walls of the forum"!!


                  SheppyD, you're actually making me jealous that I'm not in the position you are!

                  A bit of S4 whump: (does it still have to be in spoilers?)

                  What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                    SGA Fan those S&R pics were just pure whumptastic awesomness!!!

                    Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                    Maybe it isn't a cut at all. Maybe it's a small red Death Slug!! - a sort of vengeful cousin of the iratus bug, that creeps around on a person's face inflicting them with awful agony that they then need to stoically overcome.

                    Or maybe I'm just being silly...

                    Which reminds me: according to my last night's dream, episode 19 of season five is now called "Speed Freaks", and involves Shep chasing a Wraith around a racing track while driving a Sinclair C5 (anyone remember those?). I suspect this comes from watching Top Gear just before bed, and also from accidentally typing C5 for C4 yesterday, and having a little chuckle about the images that threw up.

                    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                    Oh my Do I read this right? Whumper Listy actually has compassion for buggy!Shep clone??
                    What??!!??!! I did what??!!?? NOOOOooooooooooo!!! please don't take away my whumper membership it was an honest mistake

                    Ah! That´s more like it
                    Poor clone!!

                    Yeah, they tend to get addictive though, don´t they
                    phew dodged that bullet........ hmmmm dodging bullets, something I hope Sheppard doesn't manage to do very often

                    OMG yeah I get so wrapped up with playing on here and wandering around the net, time disappears and I don't even notice. I could easily waste my whole day

                    Originally posted by bebop View Post
                    Blinkin Nora!!!!.......they are GEORGEOUS!!!!!!!!! are a very talented whumper!..

                    They obviously have no taste what so ever Listy, I would sent the clones in to sort 'em out..

                    I have to say that Exhuming McCarthy is probably one of the best fics I have ever read...I am on tender hooks every week waiting for the chapters to appear....*throws chocolate in hope of an early update...preeeeezzzzz!.

                    OT for doggie stuff

                    I took Lenny and Maggie to the Boxer Rescue fun day yesterday...we entered 5 of the competitions and we won 2 firsts, 1 second and 2 fourths, I am SO proud of them both..
                    I agree was attempting to wait until Exhuming McCarthy was all uploaded, but got too impatient, so I read the first 18 chapters in one go (well except for sleeping ) I am so addicted now, and its getting close to the end so I will be sad once its done.

                    awwwww Lenny and Maggie did so well and they are just so adorable

                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    ^Awwwww cute!

                    So come on folks, who's getting giddy about The Seed? How long we gotta wait? 5 days?
                    get giddy?? I am constantly giddy anyway, however The Seed does have the potential to finally tip me over the edge

                    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                    Me, me, me! *jumps up and down*

                    Oo, phone's ringing! Must calm down

                    I now have an image of Cazz answering the phone in a very loud and happy HEEELLLLOOOOO with an additional squeee


                      Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                      I've got to wait a whole... ooh... eight hours? longer than I should. I've got to spend all of Saturday in a library enrolling millions of children in Team Read, this year's summer reading challenge. ("Do you want to get a medal just for reading books?") I suspect my mind will keep wanting to stray onto other things that day, in a way that could be quite embarrassing: "Do you want to join Team Seed? No, I mean Team Sheppard. No! Sorry. Team Read. You can get a medal just for whumping Shep! No, I mean just for reading books."

                      I was also invited to go straight from work to a all-night LARPing adventure that overflowed into Sunday. "Oh, I'll be tired from work," I said, "so I'll give it a miss." Secretly, of course, I was thinking, "and not get to watch The Seed until Sunday night? No way!" This getting outside and meeting people is all very well, but a girl's got to have her priorities.

                      glad I am not in the library this week, I would be laughing everytime that question was asked I like you have your priorities sorted

                      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                      Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so desperately wondering what you guys are squeeing over in The Seed - but i sooooooooo dont want to click!!!

                      I am in agony!!!! Hehehehehehe!!!

                      I hope it is good

                      Tell me - is it something we have or havent seen before? Without giving anything away?

                      Oooops forgot to say great news about the pups Bebop! They are cute!
                      Stay strong hun, it will be worth waiting for

                      Originally posted by bebop View Post
                      I know what you mean, I don't tell anyone I'm a whumper...I don't think many people do get it at all...and it is SOOOO hard to explain..
                      OMG no one in RL knows I am a whumper, they already think I am a loon. Saying that for all I know they all could be whumpers too and I wouldn't know. I mean how do you even get that into a conversation.... "Hi I whump Shep how about you?".....nah thats not gonna work.

                      Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                      Well, that's why I never even remotely tried to get them published. If I couldn't bear the thought of people I knew reading them, what chance did I have with strangers? (Somehow, I don't count fanfic readers as strangers. They're people who are "on the inside", as it were, and understand.)

                      Anyway, it's occurred to me that I've been rambling away all afternoon without mentioning whump much, so as soon as I got home (how I love working only five minutes from home!) I rushed out to do some insta-whump just to salve my conscience. (no spoilers)

                      It does occur to me that normal behaviour on coming home to find a completed load of washing flashing at me would be to take it out and hang it up, rather than stuff an action figure in, take a picture, then close the door again and leave it weakly flashing. Oh well. Priorities, again.

                      My husband works on the Mainland and commutes by ferry, on foot. This means that when he orders something that's heavy and has to be delivered and signed for between 9 and 5, he gets it sent to my work. This can be... interesting. Poor delivery men turn up, carrying a package that it quite clearly a 5 foot long sword, and you can just tell they're dying to ask why on earth Library HQ needs such a thing. People at work try to pick up the deceptively small packages, and fall over when they discover they actually contain about a million chainmail rings.

                      Today, though, I received 48 bottles of mead, helpfully labelled "Mead" on the outside. I suspect more will come, since my husband's running the bar from the annual big gathering of his live role-players, and has great plans. I just know that forever more everyone at work will "know for a fact" that I have a daily delivery of alcohol, and the delivery man is probably even now telling all his mates that those librarian types have more fun at work than you'd expect.

                      However, 48 bottles of mead are heavy. I now feel whumped.

                      Sorry. Back to whump *turns to ongoing WIP, where Sheppard is not very happy at all right now.*
                      how to brighten up everyday tasks I like it, maybe we should revisit the 101 ways to whump shep list and make it 101 household ways to whump him

                      Originally posted by prion View Post
                      Shall read the thread when I get back (must go out), but for those folks who are truly bored, have no taste in their reading material, YES, the boys are back in the latest segment of SGA Action Figure Theatre...

                      A Day at the Pool


                      Contains distubring imagery which might warp your mind
                      YAY!!!!!! ROFLMAO

                      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                      Oh okay - so it is obviously something a lot of us would like to see- given it turns up in fanfic a lot! Oh that and the fact we havent seen it before - yes that makes me very happy!

                      Thanks Ali!!!!
                      You know what I am really giddy about the fact you don't know and you are gonna get a nice surprise, it will be so nice to read your take on it all after you see it

                      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                      Does anyone know of any good Search and Rescue tags... besides Ali's and Titan 5.

                      I thought there would be loads of them but so far I've only found a few.

                      Thanks peeps..
                      I second that request, I really want to read loads of S&R tags, must wander over to LJ to the usual comms See whats on there.

                      Originally posted by WhumpSheppie View Post
                      I've been a whumper since the dawn of time but I only became a member on gateworld today.I have always liked to read what my fellow whumpers have to say,but I never felt the urge to write something myself until now.
                      I think I just got a "whump-overdose".Let me try to explain.I mean,first there was Search and rescue(which was awesome by the way),the upcoming ep(the seed) seems to contain a lot of promise of the shep whump and I can say the same for Broken Ties.Thats three episodes in a row with Shep whump.Woowww,I think this is going to be a truly great season!!!
                      Welcome to the whump thread hun, hope you have lots of fun looking at all the pretties and talking about how wonderful whumping Sheppy is


                        Woohoo! The excitement is palpable in here today! Bring on The Seed!

                        Originally posted by WhumpSheppie View Post
                        I've been a whumper since the dawn of time but I only became a member on gateworld today.I have always liked to read what my fellow whumpers have to say,but I never felt the urge to write something myself until now.
                        I think I just got a "whump-overdose".Let me try to explain.I mean,first there was Search and rescue(which was awesome by the way),the upcoming ep(the seed) seems to contain a lot of promise of the shep whump and I can say the same for Broken Ties.Thats three episodes in a row with Shep whump.Woowww,I think this is going to be a truly great season!!!
                        Hello & Welcome! With a name like that, you'll love it in here.

                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        Eeeeeeeehhh! I know! Two Shep whumpy eps in a row! (Oooh look, I made a rhyme! )

                        Is it the weekend yet? Is it? Is it?!! *bounces*
                        *bounces with you!* I think I'm more excited about The Seed than S&R.

                        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                        Can I just add that I think I am going to burst in a minute!!!!!

                        OMG I cant stand it!!!!!!!

                        I wonder what it is!!!!!!

                        But dont tell me!!!!!!!!

                        Originally posted by bebop View Post
                        Phew!!, you've calmed down now I see..

                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        I'm leaning towards CG... I didn't get to watch it as I was thinking about yesterday...
                        Can I make a confession ...I watch CG on an almost daily basis...

                        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                        Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Oh dear me!!!!!

                        Help me someone!!!!!!!!!!

                        Okay I need to calm down a little!!!!!!!!!

                        Oh blimey! Deep breaths!

                        At this rate I will need to be intubated come Saturday!

                        It's not intubation is it? No dont answer - that will never happen - dont mind me!!!! Oh goodness - I think I need a cup of tea and a lie down! ( maybe something stronger than tea!)
                        Ha! Look at you trolling for hints.
                        Your excitement is infectious!

                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        Aaaaaaaand breathe!

                        Oh man can you imagine the whump thread if Sheppard got intubated in an episode; it would EXPLODE! To paraphrase a quote from a Dr Who forum moderator after he saw the preview copy of The Stolen Earth, we'd have to "pressure hose the squeee off the walls of the forum"!!
                        Too true...

                        Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                        SheppyD, you're actually making me jealous that I'm not in the position you are!

                        A bit of S4 whump: (does it still have to be in spoilers?)

                        Woot! And thanks for these!


                          Here's a pic from DG to help everyone through the day - not especially spoilery


                          Keep thinking everytime I see a pic of JF reading they need to bring back the "Read" campaign that ran a few years ago here in the US (pictures of celebrities with their favorite books). Either that or JF's thinking if he's very quiet, they'll ignore him...


                            Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                            A bit of S4 whump: (does it still have to be in spoilers?)
                            Yes it does - but thanks for the yummy pics! Makes me want to go off and watch some S4 whump....


                              Hello all. I had an amazing time at Shore Leave. David and Kate are hilarous. I did make an attempt at getting David to whump Shep but must confess it didn't go very well. I waited and waitied to ask my whumpy question at the Q & A and wouldn't you know it just as its my turn at the microphone some Shore Leave staff come on stage to give David presents. As I stood there on the mini stage looking like an idiot, he finally decided to let me ask my question while the opened one of the gifts for him. I asked him when it was McKays turn to whump Shep since Teyla and Ronon get to do it all the time, why couldn't he just whump him in the head with his tablet. He quickly answered that he was doing that in his head all of the time and they turned his attention back to his gifts. Very disappointing.

                              Now S & R was not disappointing. One of the best episodes ever! Can't wait for next week.


                                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                                Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Oh dear me!!!!!

                                Help me someone!!!!!!!!!!

                                Okay I need to calm down a little!!!!!!!!!

                                Oh blimey! Deep breaths!

                                At this rate I will need to be intubated come Saturday!

                                It's not intubation is it? No dont answer - that will never happen - dont mind me!!!! Oh goodness - I think I need a cup of tea and a lie down! ( maybe something stronger than tea!)
                                Steady!!!...*fans SheppyD with her latest copy of 'Intubation Monthly' with its Sensational Special report on 'Scrubs, Which colour?'*..

                                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                                Aaaaaaaand breathe!

                                Oh man can you imagine the whump thread if Sheppard got intubated in an episode; it would EXPLODE! To paraphrase a quote from a Dr Who forum moderator after he saw the preview copy of The Stolen Earth, we'd have to "pressure hose the squeee off the walls of the forum"!!
                                I have the weirdest images floating around in my head now.....

                                Originally posted by Listy View Post
                                awwwww Lenny and Maggie did so well and they are just so adorable

                                get giddy?? I am constantly giddy anyway, however The Seed does have the potential to finally tip me over the edge

                                I now have an image of Cazz answering the phone in a very loud and happy HEEELLLLOOOOO with an additional squeee

                                my fan fiction place

