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John Sheppard Whump

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    Hi All

    The seed:
    I watched the impalement in slow motion. Very cool.

    I think there was a bit of a boo boo in the episode. They had the Dusty solder ( I think that was her name) up in the control room when she should have also been quarintined since she was on the planet. She was the one that shot the dart down. Also are we Chuckless because of her?


      The Seed
      It was different than I thought, but I really liked it. Has someone been sending JM chocs? *blows kisses at JM* Thanks for another week of whump! The frustration of quarantine! The restraints! The convulsions! Flatlining! Near intubation! Chest compressions! Flying a jumper through a wall resulting in wooziness and some heroic staggering! Impaled again!


      And I have to be honest - I liked Woolsey here. No nonsense, in charge, listens to his people, doesn't take crap, ignores the eye rolls and insolence. And... *deep breath* IloveRodneyandJennifertogether. *ducks tomatoes*

      Plus some explanations from last week - Kanaan, Michael, the baby. Continuity. References to the past.

      *flails again*

      Can't wait until next week.

      Originally posted by Salty View Post
      OMG!!! The Seed...

      I have two things to say.....

      Prepare to INTUBATE!!!!!
      And my first thought?

      Wait until SheppyD hears that!

      Originally posted by knightie View Post
      Hi All

      The seed:
      I watched the impalement in slow motion. Very cool.

      I think there was a bit of a boo boo in the episode. They had the Dusty solder ( I think that was her name) up in the control room when she should have also been quarintined since she was on the planet. She was the one that shot the dart down. Also are we Chuckless because of her?
      The Seed
      Not the same girl that shot down the dart. This one has been in a couple of eps as a gate technician.
      Sig by Luciana
      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


        Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
        Salty, LOL, I swear I was sitting there thinking (big seed spoilers) '
        holy crap, we've pulled the writers over to the dark side'! The convulsion scene, when it cut away that first break I thought 'wow okay, not as much as I'd hoped and came back and poor Rodney, 'how much longer, Carson' and Ronon holding him down and then flatline. And that impaling injury at the end just made my eyes pop out cause omg, two episodes in a row! I almost have guilt for Sheppy being put through the wringer! It was a good, solid episode, moved a little slow at first but they had stuff to deal with and that's what happens. But the last 20 mins or so, pure gold! And the promo for next week -- I laughed at the ending shot there!
        ITA, except for the guilt.

        Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
        And I just have to add, cause I forgot in my squeeee (seed spoilers)
        Sheppard was freaking adorable in the whole restrained to the bed, just give me the shot, relax, right spheel. That was so adorable, the whole bit!

        Originally posted by Salty View Post

        I loved loved loved that
        impaling scene! And the convulsion scene was too good to be true so I'm glad we got more. Hence the whole "not wanting to know the whump" - the impaling was better than the convulsing - total SQUEEEEEE! Definitely a slower ep, and we didn't get as much Shep as I wanted, but omg, the impale was worth it!
        OMG - ITA!!

        Originally posted by Salty View Post
        Some great lines tonight....

        from The Seed...
        when Woolsey said Ronon has a bruised larynx and wouldn't be talking much and Sheppard said he wondered if anyone would notice
        I was thinking that before it was said. LOL

        Well, my cable didn't completely behave, but it could have been worse. I'm hoping the second airing goes better, though.

        The Seed
        It was a bit slow at the beginning, but I think that was necessary to the story. It had to bring Carson back in some way that wouldn't have him "dying" throughout the ep.

        I loved that Woolsey kept looking at Shep to volunteer (at least, that is what it looked like to me). I think he know Ronon might be a loose canon - how true. And Rodney would be, well, Rodney - also how true. I love how Shep knew that Ronon would be in trouble. How well he knows the big guy!

        The convulsions, and the implication that they took quite a while, were very good for my whumper's heart. Then, the impaling! I did not see that one coming. If it were anyone but Shep, I might call it gratuitous. Sigh. Very happy whumper here.

        I think, from the BT promo, that Ronon has been taking lessons from Larrin! LOL And, I appreciate the explanation for the growth of the Wraith ships if that is what it was. It seems they need a live person as The Seed. (Oh, how clever is that?)

        Anyway, I may just stay up and watch the second showing even though I have to be up early. Good night!


          OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!....*WAILS*.....I don't get to watch till later tonight 'cause I've got to go to work now..*cries uncontrollably*....but I clicked on 1 spoiler and saw (seed spoilers)
          ....and now my hands are shaking and I can't quite breath properly!!!!!!!.....I'll come back later ...after a viewing...*staggers off to work knowing that all her powers of concentration have been blown out of the window for the day*.......

          my fan fiction place


            Bebop, it's worth the wait!

            Silly me suddenly thought I hadn't put spoilers under tags, so I jsut had to log back on and check it.

            Now, it's back to the show!


              Ok, so seen the Seed: Spoilers ahead.

              I'm speechless. I just can't believe we got that! Impaled AGAIN? Chest compressions, mention of the 'I' word...convulsions...

              "It only hurts when I breathe"

              One word:
              G U H !

              What are TPTB trying to do to me. To make matters worse, I was watching while hubby was looking over my shoulder....blimey, I had to restrain myself! It was torture!


                OMG!!!! The Seed
                RESTRAINED...INFIRMARY SHEET... AND mention of INTUBATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*


                  Well I've seen The Seed and
                  SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Poor Sheppy! Things have certainly got it in for his abdomen at the moment. First a rebar and now a nasty tentacle. Yuck. I do hope he doesn't get any nasty infection from that. And yes, I do see the opportunty for some nice tags here.

                  Here's a few early pics. Big spoiler for The Seed.


                  Overall an enjoyable episode and not too B movie-ish.


                    Originally posted by bebop View Post
                    OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!....*WAILS*.....I don't get to watch till later tonight 'cause I've got to go to work now..*cries uncontrollably*....but I clicked on 1 spoiler and saw (seed spoilers)
                    ....and now my hands are shaking and I can't quite breath properly!!!!!!!.....I'll come back later ...after a viewing...*staggers off to work knowing that all her powers of concentration have been blown out of the window for the day*.......
                    Poor Bebop! Stupid work!


                      The Seed... and mention of S&R scene..

                      Overall disappointing after last weeks fast paced episode. John and the whumpy scenes definitely saved this ep for me. John rocked and was it just me or did he look extra hot throughout the ep...

                      I can see myself watching certain scenes over and over but the rest I wasn't really impressed... Keller gets worse in every ep...I thought she was dreadful in Search and Rescue when she was telling John of his injuries and it was Shep's awesome performance that made this scene so good.... The more I see Carson the more I wonder why they replaced him with Keller.

                      Maybe the episode will improve on a second viewing but I've a feeling I will still be fast forwarding a lot of it..



                        OMG! What a lovely morning... hubby hadn't seen S&R yet so we've just sat here on the sofa and watched both eps in one go - S&R followed by The Seed.

                        And wow.

                        The Seed:
                        Even aside from the whump, this was an enjoyable episode. There was something for all the characters to do, I liked the way Woolsey was introduced and we got some follow-up/resolution on the issues left over from last season - Michael and Kanaan.

                        And then there's the whump. Oh my. The whump!!

                        Love love love Sheppard volunteering to have the serum tested on him (I saw that coming once Carson started talking about having a possible cure but that it's not been tested). So like Sheppard to volunteer to be the one. And oh my, Sheppy being strapped to a bed! *dies* Just such an awesome visual and his reaction was wonderful too! (I especially loved the thick black strap holding his ankles in place. Does that make me a bad person? )

                        His conversation was Carson was wonderful. Sheppard is not exactly thrilled with the idea of what could happen but he's gonna go through with it anyway. And his sarcasm remains intact.. "Sure, I'll just.. relax.."

                        Oh and the way the effects kick in suddenly and he starts squirming - and Ronon's lovely panic as he calls for Carson. I was a little teeeny bit disappointed when we cut away from the convulsions so soon but in this case having seen the promo was cause for comfort as I knew we'd not yet seen one of the scenes in the promo. Oh and when we did cut back to Sheppard it was lovely! Still convulsing and Rodney asking in a sick voice how much longer it's going to go on (assuming real time-ish events he's been convulsing for a couple of minutes at least!). And then flatline! And Carson starting compressions and calling for intubation!! (SheppyD, I thought of you there. I even wondered for a moment if we actually *were* going to get intubation!! ) I just wish the patently unrealistic chest compressions (even worse than in DG) weren't so distracting.

                        I SO need to rewatch this ep!

                        Oh and then we have Sheppard (now unrestrained) waking up, with Rodney hovering, and doing his usual hero to the rescue bit - loved him crashing a jumper though the building and looking a bit stunned and shaken after the impact.

                        And oh my! Unexpected whump to finish! At first I wasn't sure what had happened and wondered if the "vine" was choking him but I wondered why it was squeezing him around his waist instead of his neck. And then I realised it had IMPALED him! Two impalements in two weeks!! One in each side! I've died and gone to whumper heaven!

                        Loved him struggling with the pain, all hunched over, and telling the gang they'd better come get them. And then we had a lovely infirmary scene to finish... which in some ways was lovely and in other ways a bit disappointing. Once again, Sheppard looked far too healthy and composed given that Keller implied he had a fair bit of healing yet to do. I'm just going to have to fanwank that Sheppard's high tolerance for pain means he puts on a brave front and seems fine when his condition is not actually that good. I did LOVE his "It only hurts when I breathe" line!

                        There's so much that needs to be added to that scene in a tag fic!

                        In short - I loved this episode!

                        Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
                        And I just have to add, cause I forgot in my squeeee (seed spoilers)
                        Sheppard was freaking adorable in the whole restrained to the bed, just give me the shot, relax, right spheel. That was so adorable, the whole bit!
                        Oh totally! I just loved everything about that scene!

                        Originally posted by Salty View Post

                        I loved loved loved that
                        impaling scene! And the convulsion scene was too good to be true so I'm glad we got more. Hence the whole "not wanting to know the whump" - the impaling was better than the convulsing - total SQUEEEEEE! Definitely a slower ep, and we didn't get as much Shep as I wanted, but omg, the impale was worth it!
                        I really need to rewatch the (The Seed)
                        impalement scene as I kinda missed it at first - it took me a moment to realise what had happened!

                        Originally posted by prion View Post
                        Virtually shakes computer. Come on guys, it's been 26 minutes since the episode ended and no one has penned a nice little mising scene for the end of THE SEED???

                        Poor shep. He's gotta be pretty sore all over from the seizure/convulsion/whatever, have a sore chest from the impromptu chest compressions, and just three (maybe four) weeks from recovering from his impalement at Michael's lab, he's now impaled by the evil seed weed tentatcle. Guy's got no luck.
                        Oh my goodness yes! It did state in the episode that a month had passed since S&R, didn't it? And at the end of S&R (spoilers for S&R and for The Seed)
                        Sheppard was having surgery that would leave him off his feet for a week... so he's only been back on duty for 3 weeks at the most and now he's had convulsions, chest compressions and been impaled *again*.

                        I freaking love Season 5!!

                        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                        The Seed
                        And my first thought?

                        Wait until SheppyD hears that!
                        Exactly what I thought!

                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Ok, so seen the Seed: Spoilers ahead.

                        I'm speechless. I just can't believe we got that! Impaled AGAIN? Chest compressions, mention of the 'I' word...convulsions...

                        "It only hurts when I breathe"

                        One word:
                        G U H !

                        What are TPTB trying to do to me. To make matters worse, I was watching while hubby was looking over my shoulder....blimey, I had to restrain myself! It was torture!
                        I know! Wasn't it awesome! I'm so loving this season! It's a gift to the whumper so far!

                        Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                        Here's a few early pics. Big spoiler for The Seed.
                        Oh wow! Thanks for those - they're fab!


                          very nice


                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            OMG! What a lovely morning... hubby hadn't seen S&R yet so we've just sat here on the sofa and watched both eps in one go - S&R followed by The Seed.

                            And wow.

                            The Seed:
                            Even aside from the whump, this was an enjoyable episode. There was something for all the characters to do, I liked the way Woolsey was introduced and we got some follow-up/resolution on the issues left over from last season - Michael and Kanaan.

                            And then there's the whump. Oh my. The whump!!

                            Love love love Sheppard volunteering to have the serum tested on him (I saw that coming once Carson started talking about having a possible cure but that it's not been tested). So like Sheppard to volunteer to be the one. And oh my, Sheppy being strapped to a bed! *dies* Just such an awesome visual and his reaction was wonderful too! (I especially loved the thick black strap holding his ankles in place. Does that make me a bad person? )

                            His conversation was Carson was wonderful. Sheppard is not exactly thrilled with the idea of what could happen but he's gonna go through with it anyway. And his sarcasm remains intact.. "Sure, I'll just.. relax.."

                            Oh and the way the effects kick in suddenly and he starts squirming - and Ronon's lovely panic as he calls for Carson. I was a little teeeny bit disappointed when we cut away from the convulsions so soon but in this case having seen the promo was cause for comfort as I knew we'd not yet seen one of the scenes in the promo. Oh and when we did cut back to Sheppard it was lovely! Still convulsing and Rodney asking in a sick voice how much longer it's going to go on (assuming real time-ish events he's been convulsing for a couple of minutes at least!). And then flatline! And Carson starting compressions and calling for intubation!! (SheppyD, I thought of you there. I even wondered for a moment if we actually *were* going to get intubation!! ) I just wish the patently unrealistic chest compressions (even worse than in DG) weren't so distracting.

                            I SO need to rewatch this ep!

                            Oh and then we have Sheppard (now unrestrained) waking up, with Rodney hovering, and doing his usual hero to the rescue bit - loved him crashing a jumper though the building and looking a bit stunned and shaken after the impact.

                            And oh my! Unexpected whump to finish! At first I wasn't sure what had happened and wondered if the "vine" was choking him but I wondered why it was squeezing him around his waist instead of his neck. And then I realised it had IMPALED him! Two impalements in two weeks!! One in each side! I've died and gone to whumper heaven!

                            Loved him struggling with the pain, all hunched over, and telling the gang they'd better come get them. And then we had a lovely infirmary scene to finish... which in some ways was lovely and in other ways a bit disappointing. Once again, Sheppard looked far too healthy and composed given that Keller implied he had a fair bit of healing yet to do. I'm just going to have to fanwank that Sheppard's high tolerance for pain means he puts on a brave front and seems fine when his condition is not actually that good. I did LOVE his "It only hurts when I breathe" line!

                            There's so much that needs to be added to that scene in a tag fic!

                            In short - I loved this episode!

                            Oh totally! I just loved everything about that scene!

                            I really need to rewatch the (The Seed)
                            impalement scene as I kinda missed it at first - it took me a moment to realise what had happened!

                            Oh my goodness yes! It did state in the episode that a month had passed since S&R, didn't it? And at the end of S&R (spoilers for S&R and for The Seed)
                            Sheppard was having surgery that would leave him off his feet for a week... so he's only been back on duty for 3 weeks at the most and now he's had convulsions, chest compressions and been impaled *again*.

                            I freaking love Season 5!!

                            Exactly what I thought!

                            I know! Wasn't it awesome! I'm so loving this season! It's a gift to the whumper so far!

                            Oh wow! Thanks for those - they're fab!
                            The Seed:

                            I was wondering how far after Shep's surgery the last scene was? If Keller was out of isolation, surely it'd be the next day? And Shep had had a little time to recover from the anaesthetic etc, and he'd have been on pain meds? SQUEEEE! He did say it only hurt when he breathed. God, I loved that line! Humour AND the admittance of pain! Sigh..... So, I don't see how Keller could have been released without 24 hours observation, maybe? So, I guess it is plausible Shep wasn't at death's door anymore and was recovering in his normal, manly and high pain threshold way He wasn't moving much though, was he? And he had a heart monitor, pulse ox and IV. Hehe! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I have to say, it looked to me like the tentacle pierced his stomach/abdomen in the middle? Which is potentially a very serious injury. Guess it depends where abouts it pierced and how deep it went. But two nasty injuries in the space of a month? Poor Sheppy. *Insert evil grin*

                            Having watched the episode again, there were several things I missed the first time, and I really did enjoy the story here. Very well done, IMO.

                            And, I have to say, right now...

                            I love TPTB

                            I'm loving


                            Season 5!!!!!


                              Ok, before i catch up and read other people's comments on The Seed (5 pages, is that all?! ), i'm gonna get mine down (before i forget them!)

                              The Seed
                              I really enjoyed it - i mean really enjoyed it!
                              What i though was going to be a B-movie type thing and probably therefore probably a bit of a laugh, turned out to be nothing like that and soooo much better!

                              First off, some general stuff
                              The decision to replace Carter - i get the explaination (she got rid fo the military threat and therefore did herself out of a job) and that they would be eager to get a civilian back in control. Though it is rather blinkered of the IOA (surprise surprise!) to assume that would be the end of the military threats! Still, they'll learn

                              Woolsey - i think i'm gonna like him! Yeah, i wasn't too sure about him when he was announced, but i think he did a good job. Sure some of his decisions didn't sit comfortably with some of them, but i don't think that sat all that comfortably with Woolsey either, but he had to do what he had to do!
                              Michael - he's right, they can't make searching an entire galaxy for one person their primary mission. Sure, ask around on other missions and if they get a lead great! But they can't commit everything to that cause
                              Carson - at first glance, sending him back to Earth seems harsh. But he was genuinely concerned about the man's health ("You should be on a hospital bed!") and the decision probably wasn't even his anyway. And he was right to tell Keller to make the decision about the serum - if she could do no more in the lab then she had to have to guts to take the next step
                              Isolating the infected - Shep and McKay were understandably pissed, but frankly, what else was Woolsey to do!
                              And i liked the fact that though he's a "by the book" kinda guy, he was if not willing then at least prepared to break a few rules when it was necessary. Sure that's going to test him but as Shep put it "Welcome to the Pegasus Galaxy!". I think the others gained a respect for him too in that ep

                              Now the important stuff....... *deep breath*
                              The convulsions! They lasted well longer than i could have hoped and Joe did a great job with the contorted face and clenched fist *dies*
                              And then he stopped breathing!!!! I nearly fell off my chair!!
                              PREPARE TO INTUBATE!!!! I thought immediately of SheppyD and how she must be squeeing like mad!! I also thought of her when they didn't - so close!!
                              And when he came to "How did i do?" All husky and strained *dies again*
                              And then, when you thought that was it - he got stabbed!!!! And that great face!!! And he even had time for a little emo angst when he thought he'd have to kill Keller, and the relief when he didn't.
                              And then he told them they'd have to come and get them - all pain faced and scratchy voice and *dies once more*
                              And he gets the "long" recovery whereas everyone else was fine!!!! *punches air*

                              Oh i think this ep may just have entered my top 10

                              Right - off to find out what the rest of you thought
                              The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                              l My LJ l



                                Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
                                Salty, LOL, I swear I was sitting there thinking (big seed spoilers) '
                                holy crap, we've pulled the writers over to the dark side'! The convulsion scene, when it cut away that first break I thought 'wow okay, not as much as I'd hoped and came back and poor Rodney, 'how much longer, Carson' and Ronon holding him down and then flatline. And that impaling injury at the end just made my eyes pop out cause omg, two episodes in a row! I almost have guilt for Sheppy being put through the wringer! It was a good, solid episode, moved a little slow at first but they had stuff to deal with and that's what happens. But the last 20 mins or so, pure gold!
                                Couldn't agree more!

                                Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                                Holy carp that was a great episode.

                                The Seed

                                I almost fell I out my chair when Carson said prepare to intubate. I thought of Sheppyd and peggy right away, but the thing that really got me was the ending. I can't believe he was impaled again. I just love when he says I've been better and you better come and get us. Loved it!!!!

                                I also loved the first infirmary scene when the were putting on the straps and Carson said it might, "What turn me into a bug, been there done that." "No kill you." or It's a good idea you put these restraints on and he starts to convulse.
                                The Seed
                                I was (< that's literally what I looked like ) when Carson said prepare to intubate! And even though the CPR was lame the bagging was fantastic

                                I loved that line too, added in a little extra SQUEE!

                                Originally posted by bebop View Post
                                OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!....*WAILS*.....I don't get to watch till later tonight 'cause I've got to go to work now..*cries uncontrollably*....but I clicked on 1 spoiler and saw (seed spoilers)
                                ....and now my hands are shaking and I can't quite breath properly!!!!!!!.....I'll come back later ...after a viewing...*staggers off to work knowing that all her powers of concentration have been blown out of the window for the day*.......
                                Oh bebop, I hope you kope!

                                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                                In short - I loved this episode!
                                You did! You to know

                                Thanx for the fabby pics Astraldust

                                What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!

