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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
    Morning all!

    I had to take a stare at the pic last night before going to bed and I think I figured it out! Spoiler speculation for the picture only! (S&R)

    Shep's not impaled. The rebar is attached to the piece of concrete on his chest and is just bent and angled in a way that it looked separately until you really take a close look at it. He's still in a bad way, no doubt, but I don't think it's going to be anything too gory now lol!
    But is it okay if I still want him to be???

    I wonder if the July start date is just for the US... currently Canada's TMN are only three days behind the US release date.
    OMG, what if we have to wait longer than that?

    (BTW, I know I'll get mercilessly heckled but I watched Ark of Truth last night, and
    yes, there is some nice cam whump, but I found the movie itself a huge disappointment... sorry!)

    The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


      Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
      Morning all!

      I had to take a stare at the pic last night before going to bed and I think I figured it out! Spoiler speculation for the picture only! (S&R)

      Shep's not impaled. The rebar is attached to the piece of concrete on his chest and is just bent and angled in a way that it looked separately until you really take a close look at it. He's still in a bad way, no doubt, but I don't think it's going to be anything too gory now lol!
      I agree. I never thought he was
      impaled on the rebar - it's coming out of the big chunk of concrete above his chest and is part of a whole twisted piece of rebar and concrete bent and twisted across over the top of the girder that's across him.

      My god just thinking about this stuff makes me squeeeeeeeeee!


        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
        I know!! it's so unfair!!
        Ark of Truth:
        what gets me. is that they can whump Cam damned good, (he even says OW) and still maintains the hero image just fine. Doesn't make him look weak, unfit as a leader, blah blah blah...GRR!! PLUS we got and infirmary scene!!!

        Why the hell are they so afraid to do this with Shep? *bangs head on wall in frustration*
        Arhh, don't whump self, save it for Shep!

        I think TPTB are self consious when it comes to Shep, they know people (who?... what?... me?... no...) look for, wait for, dream of, squee for and scrutinise any Shep whump. With other characters they don't think about it they just do what comes out of the script whereas with Shep its like, 'oh that ep needs some shep whump' and 'that ep can't have shep whump cos he got a paper cut in the ep before, we can't give them too much'.

        Originally posted by rhymer View Post
        Wouldn't that be a dream job for any whumper? (No spoilers, really, but grew out of comments about that picture, so behind a cut just to be safe.)
        Scene at a dinner party:

        Guest: So what do you all do?"

        (various guests say they're accountants, lawyers, teachers etc. There is a buzz of polite conversation)

        Whumper: Me? I'm the official Slapper-On of Fake Blood on Sheppard in Stargate Atlantis. (They call me The Slapper for short.)"

        Guest: Er... Okay. I suppose someone's got to do it. It's like fire fighting or sewer emptying. The world needs this service. Thank goodness there are people like you prepared to do it.

        Whumper: Yes. Yes. It's a real chore.

        Whumper's eyes go distant. The screen goes all wibbly-wibbly with impending flashback. We see glimpses of happy moments from her job:

        Whumper: Oh no! Look over there! Whatever can it be?
        (JF looks round. Whumper darts in and dabs fake blood on his cheek.
        Cut to whumper looking gleeful and filming carries on and no-one notices it.)

        Whumper stands on edge of set with a paintbrush filled with red paint. Whumper flicks paint and it lands on JF's chest.
        Cut to director: "We're on a tight schedule here. There's no time to get those clothes washed. We'll just have to go with the "wounded" angle here. Let's do that scene again, but add some pained whimpers.

        Whumper: I'm really sorry. My hand slipped. The... er... the stress of... er... a difficult upbringing, and... er... troubles at home. My hamster, it's... No, I can't talk about it. So my hand shook with angst and I... er... accidentally tipped the entire tin over him instead of the one little drop you asked for, and then my hand slipped and I... er... accidentally opened three more tins and tipped them on. Please don't tell me off! *weeps*
        Director: It's okay. No, please, don't cry. No, please, don't. (director has that caught in the headlights look of a man facing a crying woman.) We'll make the best of it. We'll cope. No harm done.
        Whumper: But... but... I know the script only called for Sheppard to have a paper-cut
        Director (after quick consultation with writers, who hastily scribble a new draft.) Paper-cut? No, it's a sword-thrust. Two sword-thrusts. (studies amount of fake blood.) Three. Now, please stop crying. Please.
        and more

        What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


          11 pages!! And all it took was one simple picture.

          SGAFan - great caps as per usual!!

          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          On the outskirts of North London! HEEEE!
          Yay - i'm in SE London - not that far then!

          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          Me too! I'm so ridiculously excited! I can't go on till July like this!

          Gonna record TLM on Sky tonight as the SciFi version had a silly great big banner appear at the bottom of the screen just after
          Sheppard collapsed manfully to the floor!!
          They gotta stop doing that - they did the same damn thing in Outcast!
          Geez aren't they annoying!! The first time it was that Ghost Hunter thing with the bloke walking across the screen - it scared the life out of me!!

          And obviously they cover up too much cos i didn't notice...
          Shep had gone down!!

          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          Gah. I'm getting oddly down in the dumps and paranoid now... I think it's come down from the squeee!

          Am starting to worry that it'll turn out the pic isn't an episode concept drawing at all but just one of the art department's imagining of the aftermath of TLM... just a bit of fun that JM decided to post in his blog cos it looked cool.

          Gah. Someone slap me and tell me to stop being paranoid!
          Huh - i'd slap you but i'd need you to slap me back!

          I'm still confident the picture will make it into the ep...
          DEBRIS HOLE!!!

          ...i was all gloomy last night, to the point that...
          OT, embarrassing moment
          i cuddled up to boyfy on the sofa..... and burst into tears!! He was horrified and kept asking what was wrong and who'd upset me. But the ridiculous thing was, nothing was wrong and no-one had upset me!! I never cry without good reason - I'm blaming hormones.

          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          Most of my lovely friends on this thread know about my sister's illness and the recent stresses we've had and the less than good outlook. I've decided today to do the Race for Life in May in honour of my sister and I want to try and raise as much money as possible for cancer research. So if anyone would like to help me out by sponsoring me, you can do so online at my Race For Life Sponsorship page. Every donation gratefully accepted, no matter how small - it all counts. *hugs*
          Best of luck with that *hugs*

          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
          Also good at bait and switch. I have squee, but in moderation. I do not want to crash and burn (Just ask Roo aboujt a certain episode.)
          do i have to?!

          I'm keeping my squee down, cos you never know with JM. But that said, i feel fairly confident about this one. He said he'd put pics up for S&R after TLM, the fact it's been filmed (would he put up a pic of something he knew wasn't in there anymore? ) and the description Josie enhanced....... I'm happy to let myself believe it.

          Originally posted by rhymer View Post
          Wouldn't that be a dream job for any whumper? (No spoilers, really, but grew out of comments about that picture, so behind a cut just to be safe.)
          Scene at a dinner party:

          Guest: So what do you all do?"

          (various guests say they're accountants, lawyers, teachers etc. There is a buzz of polite conversation)

          Whumper: Me? I'm the official Slapper-On of Fake Blood on Sheppard in Stargate Atlantis. (They call me The Slapper for short.)"

          Guest: Er... Okay. I suppose someone's got to do it. It's like fire fighting or sewer emptying. The world needs this service. Thank goodness there are people like you prepared to do it.

          Whumper: Yes. Yes. It's a real chore.

          Whumper's eyes go distant. The screen goes all wibbly-wibbly with impending flashback. We see glimpses of happy moments from her job:

          Whumper: Oh no! Look over there! Whatever can it be?
          (JF looks round. Whumper darts in and dabs fake blood on his cheek.
          Cut to whumper looking gleeful and filming carries on and no-one notices it.)

          Whumper stands on edge of set with a paintbrush filled with red paint. Whumper flicks paint and it lands on JF's chest.
          Cut to director: "We're on a tight schedule here. There's no time to get those clothes washed. We'll just have to go with the "wounded" angle here. Let's do that scene again, but add some pained whimpers.

          Whumper: I'm really sorry. My hand slipped. The... er... the stress of... er... a difficult upbringing, and... er... troubles at home. My hamster, it's... No, I can't talk about it. So my hand shook with angst and I... er... accidentally tipped the entire tin over him instead of the one little drop you asked for, and then my hand slipped and I... er... accidentally opened three more tins and tipped them on. Please don't tell me off! *weeps*
          Director: It's okay. No, please, don't cry. No, please, don't. (director has that caught in the headlights look of a man facing a crying woman.) We'll make the best of it. We'll cope. No harm done.
          Whumper: But... but... I know the script only called for Sheppard to have a paper-cut
          Director (after quick consultation with writers, who hastily scribble a new draft.) Paper-cut? No, it's a sword-thrust. Two sword-thrusts. (studies amount of fake blood.) Three. Now, please stop crying. Please.
          You nutcase!

          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
          Safe tor EVERYONE to click....

          That's hilarious!!

          Hmmm seems i haven't quite explained being a whumper to boyfy. He knows i come on this thread and he knows roughly what whumping is, but it seems he doesn't quite realise just how excited we get about it. I was gabbling about the pic last night and he was looking at me with a "riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!" look on his face. And then............. he crossed the line............
          he said "Tell you what, why don't i just go and punch the guy and then i'll put the pictures up - reall whumped Joe."
          Well, i was horrified and tried to explain that whumping Joe is not and never will be the agenda, it's just.... wrong!! We only whump Shep!! He didn't get it, couldn't see the difference.

          Nope -men really don't understand whumping
          Last edited by Squonk; 12 March 2008, 05:14 AM.
          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

          l My LJ l


            Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
            Hey!! I didn't amke up the term!! But I just seems to have a negative connotation. I mean....Shep is certainly not

            S&R pix.....

            Pix spec...

            Hm...Am I the only one who never thought he was imapled in any manner? I just assume whumped good, maybe a broken bone, unconscious and concussed even, definately suffering cuts and scratches..just not impaled.
            No you're not the only one I didn't think so either.

            Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
            Arhh, don't whump self, save it for Shep!

            I think TPTB are self consious when it comes to Shep, they know people (who?... what?... me?... no...) look for, wait for, dream of, squee for and scrutinise any Shep whump. With other characters they don't think about it they just do what comes out of the script whereas with Shep its like, 'oh that ep needs some shep whump' and 'that ep can't have shep whump cos he got a paper cut in the ep before, we can't give them too much'.
            I think its just the case that Shep's the hero so he has to be the one who gets to rescue everyone else rather than the other way around and even if he does get hurt he just stoically gets up and carries on and by the next scene all is forgotten.


              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
              11 pages!! And all it took was one simple picture.

              SGAFan - great caps as per usual!!

              Yay - i'm in SE London - not that far then! I

              Geez aren't they annoying!! The first time it was that Ghost Hunter thing with the bloke walking across the screen - it scared the life out of me!!

              And obviously they cover up too much cos i didn't notice...
              Shep had gone down!!

              Huh - i'd slap you but i'd need you to slap me back!

              I'm still confident the picture will make it into the ep...
              DEBRIS HOLE!!!

              ...i was all gloomy last night, to the point that...
              OT, embarrassing moment
              i cuddled up to boyfy on the sofa..... and burst into tears!! He was horrified and kept asking what was wrong and who'd upset me. But the ridiculous thing was, nothing was wrong and no-one had upset me!! I never cry without good reason - I'm blaming hormones.

              Best of luck with that *hugs*

              do i have to?!

              I'm keeping my squee down, cos you never know with JM. But that said, i feel fairly confident about this one. He said he'd put pics up for S&R after TLM, the fact it's been filmed (would he put up a pic of something he knew wasn't in there anymore? ) and the description Josie enhanced....... I'm happy to let myself believe it.

              You nutcase!

              That's hilarious!!

              Hmmm seems i haven't quite explained being a whumper to boyfy. He knows i come on this thread and he knows roughly what whumping is, but it seems he doesn't quite realise just how excited we get about it. I was gabbling about the pic last night and he was looking at me with a "riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!" look on his face. And then............. he crossed the line............
              he said "Tell you what, why don't i just go and punch the guy and then i'll put the pictures up - reall whumped Joe."
              Well, i was horrified and tried to explain that whumping Joe is not and never will be the agenda, it's just.... wrong!! We only whump Shep!! He didn't get it, couldn't see the difference.

              Nope -men really don't understand whumping
              Well, I'm glad you set the bf straight on what is acceptable whump and what isn't. Even if he doesn't understand.

              Men are all alike....I try not to even get into with hubby. He just thinks I'm a nutter.


                Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                Yay - i'm in SE London - not that far then! I
                Are you? Whereabouts? That's where hubby is these days, during the week, and where I stay when I come down to London. He's in the Crystal Palace area...


                  Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                  Well, I'm glad you set the bf straight on what is acceptable whump and what isn't. Even if he doesn't understand.

                  Men are all alike....I try not to even get into with hubby. He just thinks I'm a nutter.
                  Bofy thinks i'm even more of a nutter now!

                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  Are you? Whereabouts? That's where hubby is these days, during the week, and where I stay when I come down to London. He's in the Crystal Palace area...
                  Kennington (in Lambeth), 5 minutes from Elephant and Castle.
                  The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                  l My LJ l


                    Wow, it took FOREVER to catch up!!!

                    I wonder what got all the whumpers excited?

                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    Oooh that's part of what I love about it...

                    Spoilers for S&R pic only:
                    I love the way he is lying there, sort of limp and crumpled, and having his arms at an obviously unnatural angle just reinforces that feeling of him being limp and unconscious and unaware of his surroundings - that he didn't put himself in that position, that he landed in that position and hasn't been awake (or able!) to move... *dies*

                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    Me too! I'm so ridiculously excited! I can't go on till July like this!

                    Gonna record TLM on Sky tonight as the SciFi version had a silly great big banner appear at the bottom of the screen just after
                    Sheppard collapsed manfully to the floor!!
                    They gotta stop doing that - they did the same damn thing in Outcast!
                    I HATE those ads. I can't use those scenes for vidding. That means

                    Spoilers for TLM
                    I don't get to make a vid with Shep mainly colapsing to the floor!!!

                    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                    oh.....time machine....................yeh.......that never happened did it..........right now i really wish i could make one!

                    i dont think im going to make it until july you know!!
                    I was reading about quantum physics, time travels and wormholes at work yesterday (I'm such a geek ) and it seems time passes faster if you're not moving, so I guess we should all stop moving until July.

                    Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                    *feels the need to post a little TLM whump...*

                    spoiler for TLM and size...

                    Repost, because the shallow in me just LOVES that angle. I may have stared for a completely healthy amount of time. *nods* Yes, not obssessive or anything.

                    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                    Hey there whumpers!! Just got done watching Ark of Truth. Pretty darned good if I say so myself.

                    Don't you know the answer to everything has already been established as 42!!!!!!! Sorry, but I just had to say it.

                    Although, I do like the idea of searching those tears for the answers though!
                    Maybe there are

                    Pic spoilers
                    42 gaps and holes in his uniform. I'll be happy to count!

                    Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                    Great vid Erika. Loved it!

                    *g* It seems I hardly have any time left to play around after catching up... it takes too long RL sucks... Thankfully there's a holiday next week. I just hope I don't have to work.
                    My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                    Sig and avi by me


                      Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                      Kennington (in Lambeth), 5 minutes from Elephant and Castle.
                      Ah. My geography of London is abysmal. How does that relate to Crystal Palace?


                        Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                        Yep it was the first one up. Search & Rescue has been filmed as has episode 2 The Seed. They are filming episode 3 Broken Ties currently. It looks like they are filming pretty much in sequence for the first few episodes at least, which gives me more hope that the July start date for airing is indeed correct.
                        Goodness they are not wasting any time are they.

                        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                        Good morning!! No whumpy dreams last night. Gotta go to work today and then off to an astronomy club meeting. So thee won't be too much time to Squee and Play. I'll have to bring my toy with me I guess...

                        Safe tor EVERYONE to click....

                        Seems we need to add.... S&R pix...
                        debris hole!!!

                        Can I just say I'm jealous??? I really do love storms. The more intense, all the better. *This from a nut who happily stood out in a thunderstorm measuring the wind speed. (It reached 60 MPH)

                        Off to wake up Geeklet and get him ready for school. Be back in a bit.
                        Thats so cute, wonders if they shall be out for christmas

                        About storms part of me loves storms and the power behind them its amazing, especially if you just happen to be walking along the seafront during high winds and rain (not many people do that funnily enough). But in the middle of the night then they can scare me.


                          Originally posted by charlie24 View Post
                          Goodness they are not wasting any time are they.
                          Well they started filming again on, I think, 19 February and it takes roughly one week to film an episode...


                            ^Yep, roughly a week per ep, though they may do odd pick-up etc at a later date. Last year a lot of the episodes were filmed out of order and there was a lot of overlap - Outcast and Trio were filmedpretty much at the same time for instance and they were two of the last episodes to film, overlapping with The Last Man despite airing earlier in the line up.

                            This year it seems that they are filming in order.


                              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                              Are you? Whereabouts? That's where hubby is these days, during the week, and where I stay when I come down to London. He's in the Crystal Palace area...
                              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                              Ah. My geography of London is abysmal. How does that relate to Crystal Palace?
                              Goodness Crystal Palace is just up the road from me I thought that when you were here I could wave to you- but I think it is not at all far from Squonk!


                                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                                Goodness Crystal Palace is just up the road from me I thought that when you were here I could wave to you- but I think it is not at all far from Squonk!
                                Really? Cool!

                                Hubby's living in Penge, to be specific...

