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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Josie View Post
    Don't have the means to watch it right now, might have to wait till that one airs on Sky.
    Oh I thought that you did now.


      Well Josie what else can we talk about - there must be something fun that we can do. We could all build up a Shep whump scene take one of the 101 ways to whump him and expand it to discuss the what, why, how and where


        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
        Well Josie what else can we talk about - there must be something fun that we can do. We could all build up a Shep whump scene take one of the 101 ways to whump him and expand it to discuss the what, why, how and where
        Great idea!!!


          Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
          Well Josie what else can we talk about - there must be something fun that we can do. We could all build up a Shep whump scene take one of the 101 ways to whump him and expand it to discuss the what, why, how and where

          Ok..picking a number at random. cause i haven't seen the list recently.......#34..

          you start.......


            Originally posted by Josie View Post
            101 Ways To Whump John Sheppard
            1. Blindfolded & restrained - SD
            2. Arm in a sling - SD
            3. Oxygen mask & IV - Linzi
            4. Loopy & high on morphine - Linzi
            5. Intubated - SD
            6. Partial paralysis follow a horrific fall - Ruffles
            7. Impaled - SD
            8. A nice, deep, bloody, stabbed shoulder wound - Eli
            9. Blind - SGAFan
            10. Shep weak after being in a coma & having to learn to walk again - SD
            11. Crazy Shep with him being sedated after some big struggle with the doctor - Roo
            12. Shep with high fever, delirious, sweaty...with hallucinations - Roo
            13. How about feverish with infection from a wound that's gone septic in Shep's shoulder? An untreated bullet wound? - Linzi
            14. A broken leg that needs realigning while there are no painkillers around - Linzi
            15. An unknown Pegasus Galaxy disease that causes untold pain - Ruffles
            16. Drowned - Listy
            17. Hypothermia from being in freezing cold water see #16 - Listy
            18. Poisoned/overdosed on drugs by some evil person - Listy
            19. Head wound with memory loss - SD
            20. Stab wound to chest &trouble breathing - Linzi
            21. Anything that leads to being restrained & on a vent but conscious - Listy
            22. Someone using him to experiment on - Listy
            23. Shep in a cell with his arms chained above his head - SD
            24. Whumped by his evil twin - Stricken
            25. See #23 but with no shirt and added blood - Roo
            26. See#23 & #25 but with hypothermia, weird noises, frequent beatings, general torture and probably a nasty head cold. - Roo & SD
            27. Rodney’s piloting skills leaving him pinned between a jumper and the jumper bay wall - Listy
            28. Hypoxia - Listy
            29. Falling/thrown over a drop and being stranded on a ledge - Listy
            30. Puddle jumper crash and he ends up with his leg trapped and later on crutches - SD
            31. Skateboard/surfboard/skiing related whump - Listy
            32. Electrocution - SD
            33. An explosion in McKay’s lab sends Sheppy flying and embeds some shrapnel in his side - Roo
            34. Hair whump - Stricken
            35. Thirsty and lost in a scorchingly hot desert - Eli
            36. Anaphylactic shock - Listy
            37. Leg in a cast - SD
            38. Whilst exploring an alien planet there’s a cave-in - blood, broken limbs, no way out… - Ruffles
            39. Sand in his underwear - Roo
            40. Thrown through a glass window - Listy
            41. Harpooned through the shoulder and dragged along the ground - Listy
            42. Trapped in quicksand/swamp - Listy
            43. Flogging - iheartshep
            44. Infected wounds from #43 - iheartshep
            45. Shot with bullets not stunned - SD
            46. Pneumonia - SD
            47. Über painful mind probe - SD
            48. A disease that only effects Shep sue to his super-ATA gene - Roo
            49. Chapped lips - SD
            50. Bug related whump - Listy
            51. Attacked by alien beastie leaving big bloody claw marks across his chest - Jersey
            52. Rushes getting out of the shower, hurriedly getting dressed, gets legs tangled in trousers, stubs toe on bed, jumps back, slips on puddle from shower, falls, hits his head on night stand and knocks himself out, left laying half dressed on the floor bleeding till someone finds him - Listy
            53. Held captive in a cell for so long when he is rescued he too traumatised to talk and can’t deal with light and sound and is weak from hunger and muscle atrophy and his hair has grown so long it’s now officially acknowledged as a sentient being - SD
            54. Sensory deprivation leading to hallucinations - Ruffles
            55. Run over by some kind of vehicle - Listy
            56. Trapped beneath a fallen tree - Listy
            57. Hit on the head by a laptop thrown by a scientist during a tantrum - Listy
            58. Has to be scrubbed raw by a decontamination team and then put into isolation - SD
            59. Gets trapped overnight in his office after the filing cabinet falls on him - Ruffles
            60. Pushed down flight of stairs leading to much blood and broken bones - Roo
            61. Whilst building a model aircraft, superglues his hands together, can't open the door to get out of his quarters or touch his radio to get help, stuck in his room for hours till people realise he is missing, ends up dehydrated - Listy
            62. Attacked by seamonster while surfing, fights it off only to be overcome by the waves - caty
            63. Seriously burned in a fire - iheartshep
            64. Captured by the trust whilst on earth & experimented on - Roo
            65. Choking...possibly on a crème egg, or a custard filled long john or an orange flavoured Revel - SD
            66. Appendicitis - SD
            67. Torture by sleep deprivation - SD
            68. Brainwashed - Me
            69. Alien tech that forces him to relive painful memories - Roo
            70. A machine that taps into his mind to gain information the more he tries to resist the more painful it becomes - Roo
            71. Alien witch doctor type uses mind control so Shep inflicts pain upon himself - Listy
            72. Doesn’t look where he’s going while jogging and runs into a wall - Listy
            73. Whumped by an invisible entity - Listy
            74. Shot in the stomach and left to die - wraithkeeper
            75. Drilling his teeth - SD
            76. Whilst scuba diving his air supply is cut off during an altercation with a pesky seamonster and he has to surface quickly and ends up with decompression sickness - wraithkeeper
            77. Teyla, Ronon or someone else kickass that he cares about beats seven shades out of him while possessed by an alien entity - Roo
            78. Captured and forced to work as a slave in a mine, he’s beaten, bloodied and gets to show off his biceps - Ruffles
            79. He is sentenced to hang on an alien planet, his team cut him down but not before he’s left bruised and gasping for air with a rope burn around his neck - wraithkeeper
            80. Put into stasis and no one knows how to revive him - SD
            81. Sheppard is tortured in order to get info from his team mates who are forced to watch - Roo
            82. He’s tied up and injected with a truth serum - Roo
            83. Steps into a bear-trap…an alien bear-trap - wraithkeeper
            84. Mauled by bear…an alien bear - wraithkeeper
            85. Entangled in a barbwire fence - wraithkeeper
            86. Put in a straightjacket, everyone thinks he’s insane but he’s not - Linzi
            87. He breaks his jaw and has it wired shut meaning he has to endure Rodney’s remarks without being able to answer back - Me
            88. Rodney has to perform emergency tracheotomy in the field - bebop
            89. Dislocates shoulder and Ronon has to reset it for him - bebop
            90. Contracts disease from animal bite - bebop
            91. Off-world kidney stone attack - iheartshep
            92. Caught in an avalanche while snow skiing - wraithkeeper
            93. Falls down an abandoned mineshaft with no Lassie in sight - wraithkeeper
            94. Swallows flesh eating bacteria while swimming. Eeeew! - GG
            95. Whumps self with ladder - GG
            96. Hit on the head by falling rock - GG
            97. An itchy, scratchy rash that means he has to be restrained and stripped naked…no honestly Colonel this is perfectly normal medical practise - SD
            98. Whilst trying to teach Rodney golf the scientist whack him over the head with a golf club - Roo
            99. Tortured by having his bare chest cut slowly and deliberately letting rivulets of blood run down to form puddles on the floor - bebop
            100. Teyla breaks his nose whilst stick fighting - SD
            101. The Stargate malfunctions and he's caught in the explosion and a massive head wound puts him into a coma - Roo
            Okay here is the list and no 1 is blindfolded and restrained...

            So I will start, I think that there will be blood running down his face- he was obviously hit on his head when he was captured


              Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
              Okay here is the list and no 1 is blindfolded and restrained...

              So I will start, I think that there will be blood running down his face- he was obviously hit on his head when he was captured
              Yes. He's woozy and disoriented and trying hard not to throw up. He has beads of perspiration on his brow.


                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                Yes. He's woozy and disoriented and trying hard not to throw up. He has beads of perspiration on his brow.
                Two trademark Sheppisms: licking his lips in anticipation and his breathing is little harder than normal from the stress of not being able to see what is going on.


                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                  Yes. He's woozy and disoriented and trying hard not to throw up. He has beads of perspiration on his brow.
                  His shirt has been torn and his wrists are bloody because he has been trying to get free.


                    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                    Two trademark Sheppisms: licking his lips in anticipation and his breathing is little harder than normal from the stress of not being able to see what is going on.
                    Oh yes - but his lips are swollen - someone must have punched him!


                      Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                      Two trademark Sheppisms: licking his lips in anticipation and his breathing is little harder than normal from the stress of not being able to see what is going on.
                      Oh I like it! Whump thunk!!!


                        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                        His shirt has been torn and his wrists are bloody because he has been trying to get free.
                        I like it!!!


                          He cant see and he is frightened - but he is trying to stay as alert as possible listening to see who is around - to anticipate the next attack!


                            Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                            Well last I heard Cretin wasn't going to extend an invite cause JF was there last year and they wanted actors that ahve not appeared before. So I guess that leaves us with the 'B' list, rather than the actors the fans really want to see. *shakes head at stupidity*

                            So sorry to hear about your car. That's really got to suck. Did they smash it with another car or did they use some type of blunt object?
                            I would be annoyed to especially if there wasn't at least one main male SGA star attending, you'd think they'd ask who people would want, it's one way to market the audience and sell more tickets. I have ot say I was one of those who griped at some of the 'B' stars going, but they were hilarious and I ate my words, but I think if I found out JF wasn't going and it was planned I think i'd feel the same as you. Sorry you're disappointed hon. *sends hugs*

                            As for the car, someone hit it and took off, left a number thankfully, but they're playing silly beggars now. Apparently it was a milkfloat of all things, but noone saw or heard anything... I said to the police, how on earth can you not hear crunching metal, lol... I should know tomorrow if the car is salvageable, but i'm in a hire car at the moment and it's so not cheap...

                            Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                            Thanks. I just read all my rant, and realized that I didn't mention that those were about the DVD releases. I have to thank that I have paid television to be able to follow the series. S3 of SGA i'll be here on May. I just wish I had taped the eps so I could watch them for more then just once. The ones that I had recorded suffered a small acident... that won't happen again *makes determined face*
                            Oh no, I hate it when that happens. Thank goodness you still get to see it, even if you have to pay for it. We're the same over here, we only get SG1/SGA if we pay for it, but it's worth it... *hopes won't eat her words in S4* lol.

                            Originally posted by Josie View Post
                            I'm feeling really fed up tonight now - someone cheer me up
                            Want some Vengeance caps? They're not the best, my fingers aren't quick enough on the capture bit, lol, but they might tide you over

                            Spoiler pix from vengeance

                            Oh he looks so angsty in these, whoooooosh

                            Okay, mini rant. How is it given how close that claw is to his face, that we didn't even see any bloody or gashes. I mean come on, just a lil bit of blood would have been enough to satisfy me at the moment, lol. Not to writers, WE WANT BLOOD, lol

                            Spoiler pix Submersion


                            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                            I don't know if you have seen it yet, but how about my two favorite pics from Sunday
                            Great pics Pocus, love the peekage

                            Originally posted by Josie View Post
                            Thanks Pocus.

                            I think Vengeance is the only ep I haven't seen now.
                            You'll love it when you get to see it Josie. Joe's got really good tast when it comes to what he does and doesn't like in the SGA eps

                            As for now i'm heading off, I am in desperate need of an early nite. G'Night everyone *waves*


                              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                              I would be annoyed to especially if there wasn't at least one main male SGA star attending, you'd think they'd ask who people would want, it's one way to market the audience and sell more tickets. I have ot say I was one of those who griped at some of the 'B' stars going, but they were hilarious and I ate my words, but I think if I found out JF wasn't going and it was planned I think i'd feel the same as you. Sorry you're disappointed hon. *sends hugs*

                              As for the car, someone hit it and took off, left a number thankfully, but they're playing silly beggars now. Apparently it was a milkfloat of all things, but noone saw or heard anything... I said to the police, how on earth can you not hear crunching metal, lol... I should know tomorrow if the car is salvageable, but i'm in a hire car at the moment and it's so not cheap...

                              Oh no, I hate it when that happens. Thank goodness you still get to see it, even if you have to pay for it. We're the same over here, we only get SG1/SGA if we pay for it, but it's worth it... *hopes won't eat her words in S4* lol.

                              Want some Vengeance caps? They're not the best, my fingers aren't quick enough on the capture bit, lol, but they might tide you over

                              Spoiler pix from vengeance

                              Oh he looks so angsty in these, whoooooosh

                              Okay, mini rant. How is it given how close that claw is to his face, that we didn't even see any bloody or gashes. I mean come on, just a lil bit of blood would have been enough to satisfy me at the moment, lol. Not to writers, WE WANT BLOOD, lol

                              Spoiler pix Submersion


                              Great pics Pocus, love the peekage

                              You'll love it when you get to see it Josie. Joe's got really good tast when it comes to what he does and doesn't like in the SGA eps

                              As for now i'm heading off, I am in desperate need of an early nite. G'Night everyone *waves*


                                Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post

                                All I can say to that is it better be one of your other buds and not me. That is So Not Squee!!!! Definately not a dream to put one someone in a good mindset to start the day.

                                Nope, not you. My bud WWLH - you "met" him on the NJ con thread. Definitely NOT squee! Must be all the con talk going on around here!
                                Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007

