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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Listy View Post
    Not sure but think someone on here mentioned that issue #3 comes out in March or around then??? but can't say for definite might ahve imagined it
    cool hehehe man they take their time in between issues don't they?

    "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
    ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
    Card designed by Falcon Horus


      HHHEEEEELLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOO Whumpers!!!! *whew!* finally got done with work today. I am being let loose tomorrow and doing my first show. OMG!!! I'm just wondering what i'm gonna be screwing up.

      Where's all the whumpy pictures?? I really could use some right now. *hint hint* Is SGAFan here? How bout some life-size whump????


        Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
        ETA: Thanks RUFFLES!! i do rock hehe of course i onyl like bowling when im winning hehe im a sore loser!!
        OMG!!! i read that and laughed. I am the same way. In fact, my team members threatened to kick me off the team. Sorry, but I just can't see anything happy about being in last place. "Play to win, or don't play at all" was how I was raised .
        so glad to know there is someone else like me out there. Thanks Roo!!!


          ...*stands up at the back of the room*...'my name is bebop, and I'm a whumpaholic'...

          Watched Vengeance
          all the action happens so fast and is so dark that there wasn't a lot of detail, but what I did see I loved!!!..I read in the spoilery bit in the episode listing that apparently the walls of the tunnels were painted with a red stuff that made Joe sick, that may have been why he was wheezing?

          my fan fiction place


            Originally posted by Tristen View Post
            Ah! Thanks, Astraldust! I really must watch the commentary for TDO! Hm...maybe I'll do just that right now... *grins!*

            X Tristen
            I've just rewatched a bit of it as it's been a long time since I did and it wasn't Martin Wood but Peter Deluise that did the commentary. He did mention something about how we love Shep all dirty. You wanna bet.

            Like this!!



              Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
              im almost there with you, the only thing keeping me watching at the moment is shep/joe but its just not going to be the same. any episode that sounds sam heavy, or little miss super genius child doctor heavy, im pretty sure ill be skipping. i just dont feel the same about this show at the moment, im glad its ending next week so i can have a break and regroup. the spoilers for season four could easily make me turn away.
              (((hugs)))) thanks i don't feel so alone now

              "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
              ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
              Card designed by Falcon Horus


                Originally posted by Salty View Post

                I too am a whumpaholic and proud of it! There is something so delicious about whumping a guy as hot as Shep! Those tummy tumbles, the cold sweat, the thrill of the blood! I wish every ep had Shep whump in it, but I'm still happy watching Shep even without a little bit of whump. It pisses me off to see the other characters whumped and not Shep because if they can be whumped, why not Shep? (I'm starting to think Joe has a clause in his contract that his character can't be hurt!)

                Actually, what annoys me more is if Shep get whumped but rebounds so quickly as if it didn't happen - like those TV shows from the 80s! If he's gonna be whumped, make is last! Forget about the "high tolerance for pain"! In the Dresden Files the other night,
                Dresden's bracelet stops the bullets from hitting him and he spends the rest of the ep wearing a bandage on his wrist and not being able to use his hand - that's what I want!
                oh hell yeah!! I am with you 100% I love my whump!!!

                I am squeeing right now just watch Tao of Rodney and I Know you have all seen it but I am squeeing so you will have to put up with me for like two minutes will put it in spoilers so you don't have to look at it and also don't know who has or hasn't seen it and don't want to spoil it for anyone else

                I really liked this episode, i know it was distinctly lacking in the physical Shep Whump however we got a bit of angst when Rodney collapsed and Sheppy looked concerned awwwww!!

                I loved where Sheppard was trying to teach Rodney to meditate but was sat on the bed reading a golf magazine I was LMAO especially when he said he didn't pay attention and thought of ferris wheels cos he likes them

                But the whole thing was so warm and fuzzy had a lump in my throat when Rodney was apologising to Zelenka and when he was doing the tea ceremony with Teyla it was nice!! Didn't really get the whole write a book about elizabeth bit but guess it was supposed to be some sentimental effort and there wasn't really much to go on. I nearlly choked on my drink when Elizabeth said they loved him and Shepp said in a friend kind of way (can't remember quote as only seen it once and in squee overload) Oh and the end where Ronan hugs him i loved it..So all in all lack of Shep whump aside IMHO it was a really good episode. Although i would have loved it to have been sheppard - being a solid whumper and all - it was definately a McKay episode

                Ok I am done..... is anyone feeling any happier i feel guilty for being happy when everyone else is so depressed?


                  Originally posted by Salty View Post
                  Actually, what annoys me more is if Shep get whumped but rebounds so quickly as if it didn't happen - like those TV shows from the 80s! If he's gonna be whumped, make is last! Forget about the "high tolerance for pain"! In the Dresden Files the other night,
                  Dresden's bracelet stops the bullets from hitting him and he spends the rest of the ep wearing a bandage on his wrist and not being able to use his hand - that's what I want!
                  i totally borg that! the supernatural boys get healed to quick to... not far darnit i want crutches for weeks not a mild limp for 5 minutes

                  "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                  ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                  Card designed by Falcon Horus


                    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                    aww ((HUGS)) back!

                    i dont why they changed it, but it was a stupid move! i wish theyd have kept it in.
                    They probably cut it for time or something; that would be so like them. It was indeed a stupid move! *glares at TPTB* Well, here's hoping they'll learn from their mistakes...

                    And thanks again!

                    X Tristen

                    Thanks to the lovely Pegasus SGA for the awesome sig!


                      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                      HHHEEEEELLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOO Whumpers!!!! *whew!* finally got done with work today. I am being let loose tomorrow and doing my first show. OMG!!! I'm just wondering what i'm gonna be screwing up.
                      what show? details?

                      "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                      ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                      Card designed by Falcon Horus


                        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                        HHHEEEEELLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOO Whumpers!!!! *whew!* finally got done with work today. I am being let loose tomorrow and doing my first show. OMG!!! I'm just wondering what i'm gonna be screwing up.

                        Where's all the whumpy pictures?? I really could use some right now. *hint hint* Is SGAFan here? How bout some life-size whump????
                        I didn't know you had already started your new job! Good luck for your show tomorrow (what kind of show?)...
                        *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                          Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                          what show? details?
                          Woah... Get out of my brain!
                          *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                            Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                            OMG!!! i read that and laughed. I am the same way. In fact, my team members threatened to kick me off the team. Sorry, but I just can't see anything happy about being in last place. "Play to win, or don't play at all" was how I was raised .
                            so glad to know there is someone else like me out there. Thanks Roo!!!
                            hehe glad i could make ya laugh GG!

                            yeh well all this "its not the winning that matters only the taking part" is a load of rubbish hehe. only the winners normally say that!!
                            im sorry but if i dont win i get pissed off LOL...
                            my whole family is the same, god my dad and my brother nick (not richard whos having the op) play golf (sheppys game!) and whoever wins is always so smug!!haha theyre so competive, my brother stormed off last time because he was losing so badly to my dad hehe!! and when richard comes down my god hes even more competative!!LOL!!

                            im going to watch vengeance in a mo, but im posting in the season 3 thread.another sg1 guest.....some people are so rude in there tho! but its a good place to rant heh



                              I'm not depressed!!!! I am soooo easily pleased, just give me a large helping of Sheppy, with an occasional side order of whump (well done of course), some well dressed angst, a smattering of sorrow all washed down with a massive wave of sea water...perfection

                              my fan fiction place


                                Bebop......I love your siggy!

                                BTW......thanks to all who posted "Vengeance" 'caps. More please!

                                Last edited by iheartshep; 31 January 2007, 12:28 PM. Reason: Eh....felt like it!

