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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by WannaBeAWhumper
    Hola, Linzi! *waves*

    We've just been discussing the UK conference JF is supposed to attend in October, and whether or not Sheppy
    will be in trouble for disobeying Landry's orders in The Return.

    What've you been up to?

    Oh just booking tickets for the con thing Joe's going to... you know, so I can meet him and all!
    Other than that shopping, housework, picking up the oiks from school and er, squeeing like a 15 year old!
    I like your scenario as to what happens to Shep in The Return II. Sigh....


      Originally posted by Gate Geek
      Ok SGAFan...I now have that look Sheppy gets (and everyone else) when Rodney starts spewing his technobabble......
      oops. I really try to keep the computer technobabble at a minimum...

      [Rodney voice]"It makes perfect sense! Weren't you listening?!"[/Rodney voice]

      *wonders if that's why she likes writing Rodney...*
      My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


        Originally posted by parisindy
        OMG thank YOU (((((((((((((((Hugs ali within an inch of her life)))))))))))))))))))

        please tell me its about

        john getting in trouble for not following orders.....i think the poor schmoo is going to end up in Correctional Custody with the airforce (military jail)

        OMG i have a serious and sudden need to write fic myself gahhh!

        He better dang well save O'Neill's life becuase Jack is the only one that stands a snowball's chance in he** of keeping Shep out of Leavenworth.
        My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


          i think
          that shep has got to have some kind of punishment, not a demotion, but a good dressing down from landry.
          its more than likely that he'll just a slap on the wrist though

          as for this convention in the UK
          I'm not so sure he'd go. His wife is expecting their baby in October and it seems to me that he wouldnt be the kind of guy to just up and leave for a convention. It would be nice if he goes, but i think its unlikely.

          but then, I also remember reading a story about him, when his wife was expecting their first child and he said that at the time she was due in a few days and he went climbing a moutain and his retina froze over eww!!
          I knew his wife was pregnant ages ago....his sister Nancy has a photography site and there are loads of piccies of joe on it with his family....sat at the laptop with his kids on his knees and his wife pregnnant by the pool etc.

          Oh, hes a seriously taken man........

          Oh well.....I have no problem settling for SHEPPARD.....mmmmm...especially if hes bleeding and in an informary

          wow that was a big ramble there...apologies


            okay i'm going to be in and out of here some writing to do.

            If Ali....comes on.....give her a prod for me...I'm dying to know what happens next in her M and MM tag...

            see you later


              Originally posted by obsessed1
              i think
              that shep has got to have some kind of punishment, not a demotion, but a good dressing down from landry.
              its more than likely that he'll just a slap on the wrist though

              as for this convention in the UK
              I'm not so sure he'd go. His wife is expecting their baby in October and it seems to me that he wouldnt be the kind of guy to just up and leave for a convention. It would be nice if he goes, but i think its unlikely.

              but then, I also remember reading a story about him, when his wife was expecting their first child and he said that at the time she was due in a few days and he went climbing a moutain and his retina froze over eww!!
              I knew his wife was pregnant ages ago....his sister Nancy has a photography site and there are loads of piccies of joe on it with his family....sat at the laptop with his kids on his knees and his wife pregnnant by the pool etc.

              Oh, hes a seriously taken man........

              Oh well.....I have no problem settling for SHEPPARD.....mmmmm...especially if hes bleeding and in an informary

              wow that was a big ramble there...apologies
              Do we actually know
              his wife is due to give birth in October? Or is that just the prevailing theory to explain why he had to cancel the NJ con in November? I don't recall seeing definite details anywhere of when she is due...?

              Anyway, as far as we aware he is definitely going - he has only been announced as a guest just this past weekend so it's not like he's been booked for it ages ago and his commitments have changed and he might cancel. I mean, sure, he might still cancel but he's obviously only recently confirmed his attendance (for them to announce it) so with 4 weeks to go it's a good chance he definitely can be there.


                Originally posted by obsessed1
                okay i'm going to be in and out of here some writing to do.

                If Ali....comes on.....give her a prod for me...I'm dying to know what happens next in her M and MM tag...

                see you later
                Hmmm. didn't get anywhere near as much writing done today as I wished.. sadly...


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps
                  Do we actually know
                  his wife is due to give birth in October? Or is that just the prevailing theory to explain why he had to cancel the NJ con in November? I don't recall seeing definite details anywhere of when she is due...?

                  Anyway, as far as we aware he is definitely going - he has only been announced as a guest just this past weekend so it's not like he's been booked for it ages ago and his commitments have changed and he might cancel. I mean, sure, he might still cancel but he's obviously only recently confirmed his attendance (for them to announce it) so with 4 weeks to go it's a good chance he definitely can be there.
                  Kavan Smith's wife is due with their first in October, too, isn't she? Hmmm. Must be something in the water up there...


                  Thanks to blingaway for the shiny new siggie!


                    Good afternoon whumpers!!!

                    Linzi, I'm still jealous LOL!


                      Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                      Good afternoon whumpers!!!

                      Linzi, I'm still jealous LOL!
                      Well don't worry, I'll get you an autographed piccie.
                      I doubt he'll cancel as he's only just been confirmed. He'd be unlikely to agree to go if his wife was due around that time.


                        Originally posted by Linzi
                        Well don't worry, I'll get you an autographed piccie.
                        I doubt he'll cancel as he's only just been confirmed. He'd be unlikely to agree to go if his wife was due around that time.
                        OMG! I still can't really quite believe I am actually going to meet him. *eep*

                        And on top of that it's gonna eb so awesome to actually meet up with other people who actually UNDERSTAND how and why I am so excited about this!


                          (Very) Morning all! *waves madly*

                          Have had a quick read through - am SO JEALOUS!!!!! I would love to meet Joe! Not that I'd actually be able to say anything remotely coherent to him of course. *is depressed*
                          My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                            Yep, I agree too. I think he'll go to it since it's so near, and I'm betting he had to back out of the other one earlier than the creation con fessed up. I don't see him knowing he couldn't go for all that time and then suddenly backing out so near to it. But then again, something could've come up last minute to, change in his wife's health or whatever.

                            Either way, I think the chances of him making this one are good, and yeah for the piccie! )


                              Hey Whumpers!!

                              Finally found time to get on today. I see we have had lots more speculation. SQUEE!!!

                              Ali is way excited to see JF!! SQUEE!!! (We all expect lots of pixs BTW)!!!

                              O1 finally returned to the thread. That explains why it ws so quiet this weekend.

                              How is everyone else? Good I hope....


                                My darling cats are on food restrictions due to getting neutered and spayed. So this morning I greeted the day to a dead bird in the hall and a dead mouse in the kitchen. Eeew. At least they're catching the mice I suppose.
                                My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward

