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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by maggs View Post
    RL definitely comes first but you must remember us whumpers and our need for more creative ways to whump our poor Sheppy.

    On a related note another fic I've been reading is The One That Got Away

    Talking Cold Silence made me remember this cause there's quite a bit of cold wintery whump in it. Warning it is a WIP as well. I'm just too good about reading and now have nothing to do but read them and hope that they get finished. Poor me.

    Am so excited to conclude Born in the Barrens tomorrow!!!!! That wraith battle is so exciting such great team moments. I could really picture it.
    Tell me about it! I keep waking up at 3 a.m. Eastern, and usually I write for a few. Beats pacing up and down and smacking the walls. Right now, I'm reading instead, as Rhymer has posted by then, what with Blighty being 5 hours ahead of hereabouts. This is my favouritest ever fanfic. Rhymer is brilliant beyond belief. After tomorrow - eep... last chapter... doesn't bear thinking about...


      Good night all!


        Originally posted by maggs View Post
        RL definitely comes first but you must remember us whumpers and our need for more creative ways to whump our poor Sheppy.
        I know... sorry....

        Originally posted by maggs View Post
        Talking Cold Silence made me remember this cause there's quite a bit of cold wintery whump in it. Warning it is a WIP as well. I'm just too good about reading and now have nothing to do but read them and hope that they get finished. Poor me.
        I will finish it. That is for certain. I started it when we were being whumped big time by cold and snow here...
        My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


          Well, I think I wrote about 20 words. Good grief. I think I am going to go get some chocolate and ponder the other fic for a while.

          Hopefully, we're one week closer to good news about the movie and the movie itself! At least we're one week closer to the S5 DVD set!



            Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
            My My Own Website


              Shameless self-promotion:

              To those who've been holding off reading Born in the Barrens, my slave!Shep story, while it's incomplete: it's now finished. You can read it in 11 parts on or on LJ, or in a single file on my website.

              And now it's done, I won't know what to do with myself. But I should, at least, be able to hang around here rather more, now that my time isn't being eaten by editing.


                Originally posted by Strey View Post
                I take it those are episodes of Serenity? Hm. Sounds worth checking out!
                Absolutely 100% worth checking out.

                Trouble is, by the time you get to the end of Firefly, you'll be so depressed they didn't make more.

                Originally posted by maggs View Post
                Another one that I wouldn't mind to have been an SGA epi is this one



                don't know the name but I think you'll agree would have been ahhhh interesting. Apologies for the thunkiness of that clip and the presence of Jewel Staite but still worth a peek

                Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                OT for RL
                looks like I am going with hubby now. He got the point....and made reservations for me as well.
                Yay - good for you!

                Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
                Have a nice evening, I have to run away, the only one good thing about running away from the thread
                Med school is getting interesting, I'm learning anatomy, and whenever there is whump anatomy related, guess what I'm thinking in the middle of the class?
                yeah....whumping our far I've seen really whumpable stuff like a colapsed lung, and cianosis thing (getting blue because of lack of air) all of them very good ideas for whumping shep
                Glad med school is going well. And that you can find entertainment as you learn! lol

                Originally posted by Graceful Spirit View Post
                Hi y'all *waves*
                *waves back* hiya!
                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                l My LJ l


                  I opened up a social group a few days ago, just to talk about the episodes in terms of both thunk and whump, we're up to 38mins at the mo

                  What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                    Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                    Shameless self-promotion:

                    To those who've been holding off reading Born in the Barrens, my slave!Shep story, while it's incomplete: it's now finished. You can read it in 11 parts on or on LJ, or in a single file on my website.

                    And now it's done, I won't know what to do with myself. But I should, at least, be able to hang around here rather more, now that my time isn't being eaten by editing.
                    WooHoo! I will savor the whump!


                      Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                      oh hun ((( huggles))) but it was a BUG the bug that fed on Sheppy
                      does that help? LOL
                      *bows head in shame* That is seriously shameful But no, doesn't help.. I like Buggy Shep, not buggy bug

                      Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                      Afternoon Whumpers!

                      It's nice and sunny and warm here today for a change. Just came in from the yard.

                      OT for RL
                      looks like I am going with hubby now. He got the point....and made reservations for me as well.

                      Ooooo......another Slave!!!! Shep story? Sounds fun! What's this one again?

                      I'll check when I catch up.

                      That's great of hubby!! Glad he got it eventually

                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      It was a bit of a thing that started prior to P2 when we had the idea to all wear black wristbands and I ordered some off a website! I still have some spares if you want one? I'll bring them to Bedford...
                      *raises hand* One for me please
                      Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                      Save Our Seeker!
                      LotS on LJ.


                        Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                        Shameless self-promotion:

                        To those who've been holding off reading Born in the Barrens, my slave!Shep story, while it's incomplete: it's now finished. You can read it in 11 parts on or on LJ, or in a single file on my website.

                        And now it's done, I won't know what to do with myself. But I should, at least, be able to hang around here rather more, now that my time isn't being eaten by editing.
                        May I make a suggestion? Seeeeeeeeequel, seeeeeeeeeeeeeequel It's just a word that flies around in my hand when I think of BitB
                        *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                          Originally posted by caty View Post
                          May I make a suggestion? Seeeeeeeeequel, seeeeeeeeeeeeeequel It's just a word that flies around in my hand when I think of BitB
                          I wholeheartedly second that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Edit: Just read the "Barrens" finale! ok, I *may* have read it twice
                          wow! Even if the sequel never happens.... it´s still worth a cry: "Where´s the fricking movie????""
                          Last edited by SheppAddictedFangirl; 13 February 2009, 09:12 AM.

                          Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                          picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                            Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                            I wholeheartedly second that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                              HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SHERRYW!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              And Creation is giving you a wonderful gift!!! Joe's been added as a guest to the Chicago con!!!

                              Psst.....Strey.....didn't you say you could go to a con?
                              Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                                Originally posted by Strey View Post
                                One more teensy comment. I know a bunch of you are off to Bedford, but - please send some positive vibes across the Pond for me. I'm getting stacks of help from a thunker who is talking me through snagging a gold ticket for the sold-out con in Vancouver. My first con. If I get there, she'll also have to talk me through not jumping a certain somebody in public, but that's another story...

                                Well, there's always Chicago now!!! Darn, wish I could go but hubby would blow a stack if I said I was spending the money plus it's the weekend before school starts and my daughter is starting 1st grade. Darn kids!
                                Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007

