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John Sheppard Whump

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    you guys are so sweet, thanks. (hugs)

    I'm having a bit of a rough go in RL right now and it just brings me down. I hate to bring other poeple down with me so I usually retreat if I'm in a funk.

    have to get caught up on your fic, Ali and everyone else. I made a word doc of all your names at so I can catch up. If I ever get the time.

    You guys are some of the sweetest people I've met online. Thanks
    My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


      Originally posted by Alipeeps
      I've given in - this fic is gonna need two chapters after all! First chapter is up now and the title etc for Oxygen has now been changed to reflect to overall series:

      A World of Hurt: Exhaustion
      Great chappy, Ali... left you a review!
      *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


        Originally posted by Josie
        Okay Ali I'm sending you the chapter, it's been a tough one and it's really dialogue heavy which worries me I don't like doing that but under the circumstances it was necessary.

        Please let me know what you think.
        Let you know what I think? I'm crying. Honest to god I;ve just read it and I'm crying.

        Awesomely good fic and just incredibly powerful. I think emotional whump is your forte. I'm gonna get this beta's and backl to you tonight so you can post it.


          That's what I love about this thread everyone is so supportive of one another. I feel very lucky to have found this little sanctuary.

          I hope you feel better soon SGAFan. *hugs*


            Originally posted by SGAFan
            you guys are so sweet, thanks. (hugs)

            I'm having a bit of a rough go in RL right now and it just brings me down. I hate to bring other poeple down with me so I usually retreat if I'm in a funk.

            have to get caught up on your fic, Ali and everyone else. I made a word doc of all your names at so I can catch up. If I ever get the time.

            You guys are some of the sweetest people I've met online. Thanks
            Aww honey. We've all been there and done that. And I know how you feel - when i get a black mood on me I tend not to feel like chatting much. Just know that we are here for you whenever you want to talk - about anything.



              Originally posted by Alipeeps
              Let you know what I think? I'm crying. Honest to god I;ve just read it and I'm crying.

              Awesomely good fic and just incredibly powerful. I think emotional whump is your forte. I'm gonna get this beta's and backl to you tonight so you can post it.
              I cried when I wrote it. There's no real hope for me.

              Thanks Ali


                Originally posted by SGAFan
                you guys are so sweet, thanks. (hugs)

                I'm having a bit of a rough go in RL right now and it just brings me down. I hate to bring other poeple down with me so I usually retreat if I'm in a funk.

                have to get caught up on your fic, Ali and everyone else. I made a word doc of all your names at so I can catch up. If I ever get the time.

                You guys are some of the sweetest people I've met online. Thanks
                Hang in there Sweetie! (((HUGS HUGS))). I can't speak for the rest, but you're not bringing me down. That's what friends are for to offer hugs and shoulders.
                Here's some Shep to help you through....



                  Originally posted by Josie
                  I cried when I wrote it. There's no real hope for me.

                  Thanks Ali

                  Okay Ali and Josie what are you both trying to do to me?????



                    Originally posted by SLC
                    Okay Ali and Josie what are you both trying to do to me?????

                    You feel the same too? This story MUST be posted today!!!! Please!! you're killing me here.


                      Yes but this could be just down to the fact that Ali and I are emotional wrecks.

                      And I've finished the (very) short epilogue too! Yay!


                        SGAFan, hugs to you!
                        Josie, I can't wait to have a good cry, so post soon!
                        Ali, awesome chapter! But two? Arrggghhhh! I need the rest now! Mean linzi whumper!


                          Hey, where'd everybody go?

                          I've made 932 of my 1148 posts in this thread...does that officially make me a whump addict?


                            Ali, just got done reading your latest. When are you posting Pt2? Surely you don't intend to leave us hanging for long. right???


                              Originally posted by Alipeeps
                              I've given in - this fic is gonna need two chapters after all! First chapter is up now and the title etc for Oxygen has now been changed to reflect to overall series:

                              A World of Hurt: Exhaustion
                              So glad to see you doing this, and now I've got to get caught up. I'm behind on reading. I've had so much real life and then fics to beta everything else has just slipped to the side.


                                Originally posted by Linzi
                                SGAFan, hugs to you!
                                Josie, I can't wait to have a good cry, so post soon!
                                Ali, awesome chapter! But two? Arrggghhhh! I need the rest now! Mean linzi whumper!
                                LOL, so maybe I *should* wait till she posts the second part, eh?

