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John Sheppard Whump

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    Just a flyby from me about the fanfic discussions.. yeah you know i'd put my twopence in here somewhere.

    How I see it is, I agree with what everyone says about fics being labelled to make an informed decision. Particularly on sensitive areas relating to whump, death, rape.

    I think for me i'm a sicko. I love when Sheppy gets whumped, whatever way it comes. But i'd find it difficult to read/watch if Shep got raped. Torture and Rape are essentially exactly the same thing. Both are used to illicit fear, pain and a sense of compliance. The two are no different from each other in my eyes. Both methods of torture are very personal, because the perpetrator of those acts, their ultimate goal is to gain control of the victim as both Prion and Ruffles has said. Why I love one thing and not the other? I have no idea to be honest. I do love it when someone gets personal with Sheppy. Be it Michael, or Kolya, and yes a lot of it is to see how he copes with the situation, and will it change him, will he gain comfort from his friends. And yes, I would hope to see in a rape fic, some comfort. I think it's necessary. But I have no idea why I like one thing (Torture) happening to Shep and not rape. I really don't.

    Rape fantasies out there do exist where a person enjoys the fantasy of being raped as part of the whole BDSM thing. Do I agree with it? Nope, but its again down to the individual. Everyone has fantasies, people will not always like the same thing, but who are we to judge? We called the weirdo's of the fandom. People don't get it (rape fics for pleasure), so for me, although I/we may not get it, the writer of those fics does, and they shouldn't be ashamed/dismissed or labeled with unkind names, likewise the people who enjoy reading that stuff. It's just another creative outlet form some people, but yes, they should label it appropriately, just as we would whump.

    Ok the twopence went on a bit.


    *huggles to Nina*


      *waves at Peg* Good to see you!

      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
      Had my first business lunch today. Very exciting and a heck of a lot of fun. I LOVE my job!!!!!
      Did you get a new job and I missed it? Tell! What are you doing now?

      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
      *sigh* I admit, I am. Somewhere along the way, I lost my squee for the show. I don't know if it's the crappy writing, the lack of real meaty stories, or what. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it ending very soon if only so I don't have to sit through another season of no back stories, tired and overused storylines and villians, and crappy characters taking up too much precious screen time. I will miss the good team luffs and the other little gems, but really, they are just too far and few between to make me feel disappointed the series is ending.

      Sorry, but it's just how I feel. *prepares to be beaten and banished from the whump thread*
      No beatings or banishment. I'm just sad your squee has disappeared to the point that you don't enjoy the show. I'm still crushed it's going. No more wonderful team moments or McKay-Sheppard snarkiness or delicious whump. *sob*

      Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
      Afternoon Whumpers!

      Well, it happened.....this morning at about 3 am hubby woke me up, "It's snowing!" Here in the so-called Deep South. Nice big flakes lasted about 2 or 3 hours. Since it hardly ever snows here all the overpasses got iced over and closed for a time this morning. Called the family in the New Orleans area....they got some snow too. Last time it snowed in the Big Easy we were was Christmas 2004. Then came August 2005......and Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Louisiana.....Weather Whump Central.

      I watched "Home" from S-1 last night while freezing. Watched the Mission Directive for "Siege 1" too....that's some funny stuff there. Paul McG and Rainbow and JF's shirt zipper.......

      Off to catch up.

      Woo hoo for the snow! The ice sucks, but the snow is fun while it lasts.
      Sig by Luciana
      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


        *waves back to Ruffles* and with that, i'm exhausted and off to bed.


          NINA .......(((HUGS))) I'm so sorry!

          Not liking what JM put in his blog about the movie. I am hoping that's just to yank certain people's chains again.

          You would never know it snowed last's all gone already. It's still cold but that's about all.

          So.......did we figure out when they are showing the next episode? SInce "Vegas" is on Jan. 2 and the finale Jan. 9, I was wondering what week they'll show the Kellerfest. I mean...the next all-new Stargate Atlantis.




            I just reread this one.
            Brilliant AU/fantasy with Shep whump. Not even totally in-your-face whump, but you know it's coming. It's well wicked, too.
            And Negolith's author's notes are quite delightful.
            Would love to see this one as a movie, but in the meantime it played out perfectly in my head, for the most part due to Negolith's excellent writing skills.
            Treat yourself.
            It's brilliantly written.
            *sighs once more*


              It's sad to see that some people don't mind that the show is ending.(not directed at anyone just some of the gen feeling I've been seeing) I'd be the first to throw a party if we found out about a sixth season. There might be things I'd wish TPTB would have addressed, but in the end, I'd do anything for twenty more episodes. I think spoiler bits and high expectations can ruin one's enjoyment and focusing on the negative taints one's overall enjoyment.

              I'm savoring the last three eppys and look forward to the movie. I think when there's a storm of complaints, people get caught up in it. I really think the movie will be like the multi-part season openers and enders which have always been team, action, and character moments and Sheppard's always had a major part in those as well he should be.

              I'm staying positive and hope at least the fandom will live on and we have a string of movies to re-energize us every year or so.

              It's going to be a sad day when we don't get weekly new bits of Shep and company.
              My fanfic-


                Originally posted by Strey View Post

                I just reread this one.
                Brilliant AU/fantasy with Shep whump. Not even totally in-your-face whump, but you know it's coming. It's well wicked, too.
                And Negolith's author's notes are quite delightful.
                Would love to see this one as a movie, but in the meantime it played out perfectly in my head, for the most part due to Negolith's excellent writing skills.
                Treat yourself.
                It's brilliantly written.
                *sighs once more*
                I read that one in January when she was posting it daily, it really is awesome
                Seriously it was the highlight of my day cos I read it when my mum first got ill and all I was doing was assignments. Don't know what I would have done without that fic

                What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                  Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                  Phew! Super-Sekrit Santa is finished. First draft, anyway. 4500 words over the limit. Oops. This has probably been the slowest and hardest fic I've done. I just didn't want to work. I blame the flashbacks.

                  Now I suppose I ought to start thinking about my LFWS entry. Not even put a thought to that yet.

                  As for feelings about the show ending... I'm not looking forward to it, but I do see a bright side. Once a show ends, I think all the disappointments that people might feel about specific episodes or plot arcs suddenly seem less important. Fandom becomes a happier place. Instead of saying, "oh no! I hate the way the show's going and I fear what it's going to become!" fans are more likely to say, "oh well. I didn't like the last season so much, but I loved the earlier episodes." There is no current episode, so old DVDs and fanfics become that much more important. Fanfic possibilities are opened up, too: to explore "what happens next?" questions, or to delve into the past and write stories set in season one without feeling as if you're running away from the present.

                  Certain aspects of fandom are beginning to erode my enjoyment of the show at the moment. (This is absolutely not a dig at anyone here. I've wandered into places I shouldn't have.) I'm hopeful that once the show's over, short term disappointments will fade away, and the remaining fans will pull together and enjoy all the wonderfulness that we've lost.
                  Let's count on that. I could live years from now just reading good fanfic, and maybe trying some myself, of course, as long as the rest of the writers do not stop.

                  Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                  I think I only put it up on the Yahoo SGAHC list. If you PM with your email address, I'll see if I can dig out the file and send it to you.
                  My hand is up here, if you don't mind to give a copy too, please.

                  Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                  My thoughs.. don't read if anyone doesn't wish to read anything negative about the show...

                  I will miss Sheppard but that's about it, because I havn't really enjoyed the show for quite sometime except for some exceptions. Even if we had gotten a 6th season I still think Shep would remain the same stoic leader who isn't really given much depth or development. JF brings a lot to the character but with what he has been given lately (bar a few exceptions) it's becoming increasingly difficult for him, so I'm tired of tuning in each week and being disappointed.

                  The characters have lost their appeal for me. Teyla has become a caricature of herself and has lost all her warmth and friendliness... Ronon is like the team's pet dog.. taken out now and then to shoot his gun... Shep except for rare occasions has also lost his fire... and that's what I used to love about him... but he's doomy and gloomy and is destined to be some lonely 40 something with massive committment issues.

                  My disapointment won't fade away when the show ends, because that will be my lasting impression of the show.... I enjoyed previous seasons but not enough to rewatch them because of how the charcters turned out.... I used to love Rodney but the ptb have overused him so much that I don't want to even read about him in fanfic either... If I can find some good Shep and team centric fics I'll still read them, but it will be odd trying to deal with the McKeller stuff.

                  I'm hoping fanfic writers will pick up on a lot of the wasted potential of the show, and give Shep some of the depth I hoped the writers would... I'd love to see some expansion on the team's friendships because the writers just totally killed that for me in the last 2 seasons... the characters were what drew me to the show and kept me watching.. not the writing for them.. and lately even the characters are not enough to keep my interest because of the poor writing and the direction the ptb have taken the show... I'm very happy for those that still find a lot of enjoyment in the show and can look back and enjoy previous episodes as well.. but I always wanted the characters to move forward and I quickly lose interest in them if they havn't been developed enough which I feel is the case of most of the SGA cast.

                  I'm looking forward to Vegas the most because I'm just so delighted to see JF finally get showcased, and because he is not our Sheppard I'm hoping he'll get more of an opportunity to step out of the box, and really show us his potential.. I think its a great opportunity for JF to sell himself and hopefully someone out there will pick up on his amazing talent and can offer him something that showcases the talent that has been ignored and undertilised in SGA...
                  Geez!!!!!! good thing you warn us about the negativity.....
                  As always, I'll have to totally agree with you specially on that last paragraph concerning JF's talent.
                  'Cause, i was thinking, at this point, it will be kind of selfish wanting to keep going with the show, the way is heading to, think about JF's actoral career, I mean, a gifted actor as he can't go too far with those simple lines and nothing of real challenges. He can't waste his time like that!!! He is very taleted for that!!!


                    Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                    SGA movie

                    I don't think Keller would be the main story. She isn't recurring. She's main cast. I think of Zelenka and Lorne when I think of recurring.

                    About JM quote for the movie
                    I think its Todd and if so Todd=Sheppard. Lets hope. The Wraith fandom really post a lot on his blog so I am thinking Todd.

                    Sorry for your Loss Nina. My dad passed away on Dec 14th suddenly 2 years ago and I can really understand your pain.


                      Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                      Phew! Super-Sekrit Santa is finished. First draft, anyway. 4500 words over the limit. Oops. This has probably been the slowest and hardest fic I've done. I just didn't want to work. I blame the flashbacks.

                      Now I suppose I ought to start thinking about my LFWS entry. Not even put a thought to that yet.

                      As for feelings about the show ending... I'm not looking forward to it, but I do see a bright side. Once a show ends, I think all the disappointments that people might feel about specific episodes or plot arcs suddenly seem less important. Fandom becomes a happier place. Instead of saying, "oh no! I hate the way the show's going and I fear what it's going to become!" fans are more likely to say, "oh well. I didn't like the last season so much, but I loved the earlier episodes." There is no current episode, so old DVDs and fanfics become that much more important. Fanfic possibilities are opened up, too: to explore "what happens next?" questions, or to delve into the past and write stories set in season one without feeling as if you're running away from the present.

                      Certain aspects of fandom are beginning to erode my enjoyment of the show at the moment. (This is absolutely not a dig at anyone here. I've wandered into places I shouldn't have.) I'm hopeful that once the show's over, short term disappointments will fade away, and the remaining fans will pull together and enjoy all the wonderfulness that we've lost.
                      Looking forward to your Secret Santa!

                      I kind of agree with your take about the show ending. No spoilers, just thoughts...
                      However, I already miss the weekly anticipation and squee-fests when we thought the eps would be whumpy, and the major squee-fests when the eps were great and whumpy. I already miss the general happy chatter. We've already lost a few whumpers to disappointment.

                      I just hope we do find more squee with the movie and the fans are still here to chat and laugh and squee. I have spent so much of my life saying goodbye to friends and family that the thought of losing the friends here, and I consider you all friends, just makes me sad. I will be a fan for a long, long time and want to read stories that fulfill the promise that went unfulfilled by TPTB. I want the whumpers and other fans to be around, too.

                      Maybe, if we're all very lucky, JF will get a new show soon and it will be fabulous and we can add a whole new dimension to our whumperhood!

                      Originally posted by Strey View Post
                      Fair enough!

                      I'll be sticking around, reading fanfic, maybe even writing something halfway decent, and since canon will have fallen by the wayside - I intend to stick Shep in a rather fetching kilt... and he'll play the bodhran as well as that guitar... although not at the same time...

                      Yes, I know. I just divulged a fantasy of mine. LOL!
                      That is just wrong.

                      Originally posted by pilota View Post
                      Hey all

                      Yes the phantom lurker comes out of the shadows with these thoughts.

                      I'm getting a somewhat negative vibe in here just recently and though I agree with much of what everyone is vocalizing about the end of SGA and the potential for the movie I want to put a positive spin... if I can.

                      Let's remember a couple of things here.

                      1) Sheppard is the lead of the show and is hugely popular so he'll be featured heavily in the movies regardless of who writes it.

                      2) Everyone (meaning TPTB) wants it to be hugely successful cause... who doesn't like money right?

                      Combine these two thoughts and I feel pretty strongly that we'll get something worth watching that is going to include the most popular elements of the series i.e. Shep, team, action and excitement. When you have a series, writers can take some liberties indulging in characters and storylines that are a little off center but are near and dear to their pen wielding hearts knowing that they can always come back to the main strengths in the next episode. They don't have that luxury with the movie so I want to believe that they will do a kick ass job and it will be a blast.

                      Who's with me on the positivity? I just got laid off so I need to find it somewhere.

                      BTW - I'm in no way bashing here. Just thought I'd through a bit more optimism into the mix. I love that everyone is so honest here.

                      Higs on the job! I hope you find another soon.


                        Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                        I read that one in January when she was posting it daily, it really is awesome
                        Seriously it was the highlight of my day cos I read it when my mum first got ill and all I was doing was assignments. Don't know what I would have done without that fic

                        Reading the sequel right now. It's a WIP, but that's okay. It's hilarious. McKay-centric, unlike Untamed. At least there's some Shep.

                        It is wonderful to have this form of escapism...
                        OT for personal goings-on - cue the violin -
                        I'm essentially alone in the US with 5 children, no family and a marriage on the rocks. Little wonder I escape my lot via fanfic. Okay, whine over. Don't mind me.
                        Last edited by Strey; 11 December 2008, 06:52 PM.


                          Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
                          My My Own Website


                            Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                            Looking forward to your Secret Santa!

                            I kind of agree with your take about the show ending. No spoilers, just thoughts...
                            However, I already miss the weekly anticipation and squee-fests when we thought the eps would be whumpy, and the major squee-fests when the eps were great and whumpy. I already miss the general happy chatter. We've already lost a few whumpers to disappointment.

                            I just hope we do find more squee with the movie and the fans are still here to chat and laugh and squee. I have spent so much of my life saying goodbye to friends and family that the thought of losing the friends here, and I consider you all friends, just makes me sad. I will be a fan for a long, long time and want to read stories that fulfill the promise that went unfulfilled by TPTB. I want the whumpers and other fans to be around, too.

                            Maybe, if we're all very lucky, JF will get a new show soon and it will be fabulous and we can add a whole new dimension to our whumperhood!

                            That is just wrong.

                            Higs on the job! I hope you find another soon.
                            Hey there Lorr those are the best thougths !!!!!
                            Let's be lucky.


                              *waves at whumpers*


                              *scrounges around for caps to share...*

                              Bracing for the first major storm of the winter here. Expecting 6-12 inches of snow this weekend then sub zero arctic temps coming in for next week. Bah! *brr*

                              have to snuggle up with Shep... heehhehehe
                              My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                                (((HUGS))) Strey. That's awful!

                                Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                                *waves at whumpers*


                                *scrounges around for caps to share...*

                                Bracing for the first major storm of the winter here. Expecting 6-12 inches of snow this weekend then sub zero arctic temps coming in for next week. Bah! *brr*

                                have to snuggle up with Shep... heehhehehe
                                Caps? From SGAFan? WooHoo!

                                sub zero -

