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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Strey View Post
    BTW - nope, not keen on intubation. I'm more of a drippy blood whumper myself.
    Ooooo, drippy blood - yes, definately a fan of that too
    The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

    l My LJ l


      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      Nope not me!!!

      Originally posted by Strey View Post
      Since we're talking Sheppy and medical stuff and pain threshholds -
      Are you a McKay or a Sheppard?
      Do you have agonising splinters or do you merely 'take some fire'?
      I just got to wondering as I never notice I've been cut until the drippy blood makes its stainy presence known, or I spy a huge bruise and wonder where it came from. Plus just last week the heel of my hand kind of niggled at me for a day or so until I realised why. A large shard of glass was embedded in it when I fell over. Hm. No biggie, right? Except I also never knew when I was in labour... 5 times...
      Oh, and I have slightly pointy ears! Yay! Shep and I are related! We have so much in common! No, wait! That's not good... that means we can't... I mean... pg forum and all that, but... oh, bummer!
      I'm afraid I'm a complete McKay I won't complain about a splinter when my best friend is having a serious wound on his arm though I really can't take real life blood and burns. On telly, no problem whatsoever. It's funny, I watch House with no problems, all the operations, all fine, but the program prior to it is "trauma" and last time.. spoilers for yuck-ness
      there was this girl who had a laceration on her thumb and they pushed the thumb backwards and the whole muscle came out. I still get dizzy thinking about it Yep, complete real life-wuss right here
      Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
      Save Our Seeker!
      LotS on LJ.


        A banner I made

        *runs out*
        I'm a 60%er | Sigs are made by me and othersThe Lorne Identity - A Lorne fanfiction collection community.


          *erika* - re LFWS - thanks again!
          Except - I went to the sign up, and all I could see was 'post a comment'. Hm. Give my email addy away publicly? Surely not!
          *beats Shep with stick until she gets a response... *


            Originally posted by Strey View Post
            *erika* - re LFWS - thanks again!
            Except - I went to the sign up, and all I could see was 'post a comment'. Hm. Give my email addy away publicly? Surely not!
            *beats Shep with stick until she gets a response... *
            The comments are screened, which means no one can see, only the mods and yourself. So don't worry.
            My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
            Sig and avi by me


              Thanks again, *erika*! I should have realised that. Duh. I guess I should have posted a comment anyway. Like, double duh. It was a matter of looking like an idiot newbie on LJ or here, so chose here. Hey, you got back to me waaay too quickly! Now I have to stop beating Shep! And I hardly drew blood...


              Ookaay - I'm in! Oh, boy...
              Last edited by Strey; 10 October 2008, 05:49 AM.


                ^LJ is not quite so full on as Facebook, its simple to set up an account and just use if for commenting on other people's posts if you don't want to post yourself. There really is a host of goodies for SGA fans on LJ and a ton of fic that never finds its way to


                  Originally posted by Strey View Post
                  Thanks again, *erika*! I should have realised that. Duh. I guess I should have posted a comment anyway. Like, double duh. It was a matter of looking like an idiot newbie on LJ or here, so chose here. Hey, you got back to me waaay too quickly! Now I have to stop beating Shep! And I hardly drew blood...


                  Ookaay - I'm in! Oh, boy...
                  You don't need to stop´! Me likes blood! A lot of blood! But not a la Mitchel on AoT. I like teh prettiness intact.

                  Also, do you have an LJ account? You'll need one. You don't have to use it, but you need to be a member of the comm to participate. Just go here and make one:

                  You can PM me with doubts.
                  My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                  Sig and avi by me


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    Ah, I see what you mean - I thought we were talking intubation as in full-on intubation like you see in medical dramas etc, with lots of tubing and ventilator etc to support breathing.

                    To the best of my knowledge they do put a tube in your throat during general anaesthesia but Squonk you can reassure your boyf that it's not intubation as he knows it from the TV and he won't even be aware of it. It's not something patients would even know had been done unless they asked or did online research about general anaesthesia. It's done after you're asleep and it's removed before you wake up. You don't feel anything or know anything about it.
                    When I woke up from surgery it felt like I had plegm wrapped around my vocal chords. When I coughed and asked why, the nurse said it was from the tube that had been in my throat. I didn't know ahead of time it was going to happen, and I wouldn't have known except they told me.

                    And how sad is it that my first that was - I got intubated before Shep?

                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    To keep this on topic, anyone fancy seeing Sheppy being intubated? And when I say intubated, I mean in an emergency situation with all the equipment in full force!
                    *waves hand wildly*

                    Originally posted by Strey View Post
                    Since we're talking Sheppy and medical stuff and pain threshholds -
                    Are you a McKay or a Sheppard?
                    Do you have agonising splinters or do you merely 'take some fire'?
                    I just got to wondering as I never notice I've been cut until the drippy blood makes its stainy presence known, or I spy a huge bruise and wonder where it came from. Plus just last week the heel of my hand kind of niggled at me for a day or so until I realised why. A large shard of glass was embedded in it when I fell over. Hm. No biggie, right? Except I also never knew when I was in labour... 5 times...
                    Oh, and I have slightly pointy ears! Yay! Shep and I are related! We have so much in common! No, wait! That's not good... that means we can't... I mean... pg forum and all that, but... oh, bummer!
                    I'm somewhere in between - closer to Sheppard than McKay but not quite to the full high pain tolerance level.

                    Less than 11 hours until TLT!!!!
                    Sig by Luciana
                    My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                      Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                      The comm is open for non-members to see, only not to post, so you should see it.

                      Go HERE to read all the rules.

                      Go HERE to sign up.

                      Good morning!!!!!!

                      i just create an account at the LiveJournal....but that must be different from signing up for the challenge???? how do they know i am registered???


                        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                        Nope not me!!!
                        *cough liar, liar pants on fire cough*...anyone for ginger cake?..*passes plate around*...

                        my fan fiction place


                          Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
                          Good morning!!!!!!

                          i just create an account at the LiveJournal....but that must be different from signing up for the challenge???? how do they know i am registered???
                          I'll PM you.
                          My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                          Sig and avi by me


                            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                            When I woke up from surgery it felt like I had plegm wrapped around my vocal chords. When I coughed and asked why, the nurse said it was from the tube that had been in my throat. I didn't know ahead of time it was going to happen, and I wouldn't have known except they told me.
                            That's quite common and is very nasty, IMO. I've been lucky for my three generals, well except for my first one where the allergy to Sux was discovered. When they went to extubate me, I couldn't breathe at all and had to be re-intuabted! That was a minor op, removal of impacted wisdom teeth, and they intubated for that routinely, as they did for my kids dental ops. I was a healthy, slim young 21 year old with no health issues as well. In fact I have never heard of anyone having a general without some sort of tubal airway support. My son had a reaction like you from intubation, except he got croup like symptoms, which he used to get a lot. The consultant aneasthetist told me that was common with intubation in kids.

                            *Thinks of Shep waking up and having breathing probelms from intubation* Sigh....

                            Anyway, I only have generals if there's no choice, hence me being awake for the three other ops I've had. Saying that, for my c-section I couldn't have a general. Because the only muscle relaxant they can give is Suxamethonium and that's the one I can't have. I remember the consultant anaesthetist saying to me if the spinal block failed, he'd have to give sux, intubate and then I'd be stuck on a vent until my body finally managed to break it down. I was pretty worried! It didn't fail though.

                            *Doesn't think about Shep having a c-section, because that's just wrong on so many levels! *

                            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                            And how sad is it that my first that was - I got intubated before Shep?
                            VERY, VERY SAD! And now we will never get to see Sheppy on the old vent. DAMN MGM!

                            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post

                            I'm somewhere in between - closer to Sheppard than McKay but not quite to the full high pain tolerance level.
                            I'm pretty much McKay

                            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                            Less than 11 hours until TLT!!!!

                            Woo hoo! Well, 11 hours for you. Some of us have to wait a little longer *cough*


                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              That's quite common and is very nasty, IMO. I've been lucky for my three generals, well except for my first one where the allergy to Sux was discovered. When they went to extubate me, I couldn't breathe at all and had to be re-intuabted! That was a minor op, removal of impacted wisdom teeth, and they intubated for that routinely, as they did for my kids dental ops. I was a healthy, slim young 21 year old with no health issues as well. In fact I have never heard of anyone having a general without some sort of tubal airway support. My son had a reaction like you from intubation, except he got croup like symptoms, which he used to get a lot. The consultant aneasthetist told me that was common with intubation in kids.
                              Yikes on the on the sux allergy - that would make things complicated! I just have the fairly standard problems of tiny veins which are hard to find. The best anesthesiologist I had (used to have to be unconscious for medical treatments I underwent) gave me a couple minutes of nitrous and then started the IV - I was ready to strangle the doc I was assigned on one occassion - took him 5 tries to find a vein!

                              I was never 'out' for getting my wisdom teeth removed - either local or local plus a nice drug combo where I was awake and knew what was going on, but oooh pretty colors (closest I've come to being really stoned).


                                I had been under general anesthesia too, but with no need of intubation....the good thing of course is that you just have to wait still while they're play with your insides, the bad thing is to wake up so confuse (at least in my case), and speaking odd stuff, then not remembering you said it!!!!!! i hate that.

                                And once a big woman fall right over me, over my leg and broke my ankle. I had a surgery and got a nice plate with six screws.
                                A broken bone would be really nice with shep, it is always very, very painfully although difficult to continue with the next story....

