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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post

    Seriously! To my fellow US buddies going to the Con in Bedford. Please! I need help! We are having issues. Please help!
    What's wrong Elf?? I'm not going, but I'd like to help if possible.

    Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
    *peeks in*

    I'm going to Bedford!!!

    *squees and runs in wild circles*

    I'm so excited! I've purchased my silver ticket (all out of gold), and my days off from work have been approved.

    *happy dances*

    Thanks hon!
    Iz jealous, but good for you. I'm sure you are going to have a blast. *pouts* Wish I was rich.

    Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
    AVI by *ERIKA*


      Originally posted by pisces27 View Post
      Congrats on 4,000 posts Ruffles!
      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
      Congrats, Ruffles!

      From JM's blog:

      If you have questions for Brad Wright, the creator and executive producer of Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, and the forthcoming Stargate: Universe, let’s see ‘em.

      Anybody here got anything they'd like to ask BW?
      Sig by Luciana
      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post

        Anybody here got anything they'd like to ask BW?
        Beside the obvious, which I think he will ignore?


          I did a hugh post on his blog at least for me.

          I think I was not so nasty to prevent approval. Will he answer it who knows.

          Here it is
          on October 6, 2008 at 7:58 pm45 knightie
          Your comment is awaiting moderation.

          Question for Mr Wright

          I have been a fan of SG1 since the beginning and have become a much bigger fan of SGA. Since my original question was already asked (why couldn’t the series run together) I have questions concerning the movie.

          You got a committment for Sg1 of 2 movies and yet we have only 1 for SGA. How are you factoring the success of the movie considering that it will be shown free on Scifi and that may adversely effect DVD Sales.

          How many movies do you anticipate a year if the first is sucessful?

          I have to be honest as it stands I will give SGU a shot but it had better blew me away to get the bitter taste out of my mouth. Your interviews showed a distinct lack of knowledge of the SGA fan base. I watched SGA because of SG1 but as I said before I am a much bigger fan of SGA and I just turned the big 50. I am the one buying the books, dvd going to conventions etc. Heck, I even took myself to a set visit (charity made out like a bandit) . I was hurt by your interview and throwing us a bone with the movies is not the same as letting SGA go with a final 6th season. Yes you might think that your internet fan base is not a true representation of the full base but I believe you made have made a major miscalculation. Have you looked at the MGM polls. Our fan base on the net cannot be so far off than those who just watch and enjoy the show on TV. I have watched the 2 series for over 12 years now and you really ticked off a true and loyal fan.

          I do want to say thank you for those 12 years and some of the best written stories but see above.

          It felt good to get that off my chest. Yup some misspellings but hopefully got the point across.


            Originally posted by knightie View Post
            I did a hugh post on his blog at least for me.

            I think I was not so nasty to prevent approval. Will he answer it who knows.

            Here it is
            on October 6, 2008 at 7:58 pm45 knightie
            Your comment is awaiting moderation.

            Question for Mr Wright

            I have been a fan of SG1 since the beginning and have become a much bigger fan of SGA. Since my original question was already asked (why couldn’t the series run together) I have questions concerning the movie.

            You got a committment for Sg1 of 2 movies and yet we have only 1 for SGA. How are you factoring the success of the movie considering that it will be shown free on Scifi and that may adversely effect DVD Sales.

            How many movies do you anticipate a year if the first is sucessful?

            I have to be honest as it stands I will give SGU a shot but it had better blew me away to get the bitter taste out of my mouth. Your interviews showed a distinct lack of knowledge of the SGA fan base. I watched SGA because of SG1 but as I said before I am a much bigger fan of SGA and I just turned the big 50. I am the one buying the books, dvd going to conventions etc. Heck, I even took myself to a set visit (charity made out like a bandit) . I was hurt by your interview and throwing us a bone with the movies is not the same as letting SGA go with a final 6th season. Yes you might think that your internet fan base is not a true representation of the full base but I believe you made have made a major miscalculation. Have you looked at the MGM polls. Our fan base on the net cannot be so far off than those who just watch and enjoy the show on TV. I have watched the 2 series for over 12 years now and you really ticked off a true and loyal fan.

            I do want to say thank you for those 12 years and some of the best written stories but see above.

            It felt good to get that off my chest. Yup some misspellings but hopefully got the point across.
            Very nice - I think a few people have posted (and had approved) similar comments. Maybe BW will be forced to address them (or we can see how much further he can put his foot in his mouth).


              Very well said, knightie! I saw that on JM's post and decided to walk away for tonight. Mods, I apologize for this being off topic. It's just TPTB are going to deprive me of Shep whump and Shep and SGA in general.
              I haven't always been a fan of SG-1, but the first few years it was on a channel I didn't get. Once it moved to SciFi, I was onboard and watched every episode many times. I was a fan of SGA from the first. I, like you, have bought the books, DVDs and gone to one convention. Set visits are sadly out of my reach.

              The reason I haven't posted a question, yet, is my desire to speak my mind, uncensored. I swear like a sailor and can be very graphic. I want to think about it for a while, but may post something tomorrow. I will have to be VERY judicious in my choice of words.

              I want to keep in mind my previous speculation that we probably do not know the whole story and may never know it. It may just be a case where Mr. Wright was not as judicious in his choice of words as I want to be. Some people are missing the gene for tact and sensitivity. He may be one of them.

              Anyway, I think I'm headed out. I have the day off tomorrow so I'll be hanging around. Goodnight!


                Originally posted by knightie View Post
                I did a hugh post on his blog at least for me.

                I think I was not so nasty to prevent approval. Will he answer it who knows.

                Here it is
                on October 6, 2008 at 7:58 pm45 knightie
                Your comment is awaiting moderation.

                Question for Mr Wright

                I have been a fan of SG1 since the beginning and have become a much bigger fan of SGA. Since my original question was already asked (why couldn’t the series run together) I have questions concerning the movie.

                You got a committment for Sg1 of 2 movies and yet we have only 1 for SGA. How are you factoring the success of the movie considering that it will be shown free on Scifi and that may adversely effect DVD Sales.

                How many movies do you anticipate a year if the first is sucessful?

                I have to be honest as it stands I will give SGU a shot but it had better blew me away to get the bitter taste out of my mouth. Your interviews showed a distinct lack of knowledge of the SGA fan base. I watched SGA because of SG1 but as I said before I am a much bigger fan of SGA and I just turned the big 50. I am the one buying the books, dvd going to conventions etc. Heck, I even took myself to a set visit (charity made out like a bandit) . I was hurt by your interview and throwing us a bone with the movies is not the same as letting SGA go with a final 6th season. Yes you might think that your internet fan base is not a true representation of the full base but I believe you made have made a major miscalculation. Have you looked at the MGM polls. Our fan base on the net cannot be so far off than those who just watch and enjoy the show on TV. I have watched the 2 series for over 12 years now and you really ticked off a true and loyal fan.

                I do want to say thank you for those 12 years and some of the best written stories but see above.

                It felt good to get that off my chest. Yup some misspellings but hopefully got the point across.
                That was a good letter. I plan in wrting my own though I will reamain polite. I'm going to hammer some of my issues even more.

                It is tough to be upset at the guy who created our passions, but I can't get past the fact he sat there silently at Comi Con next to Joe Flanigan while he said nothing.

                It will be a tough post to write...staying professional yet, showing my anger.

                On a postive note. I posted my DVD Commetary to "Sudden Jolt" below if anyone is interested.


                I have to move on my birthday Shall be a fun day!! But we're getting a place almsot three times bigger than our current apartment!
                Last edited by Kristen999; 06 October 2008, 10:48 PM.
                My fanfic-


                  Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                  *peeks in*

                  I'm going to Bedford!!!

                  *squees and runs in wild circles*

                  I'm so excited! I've purchased my silver ticket (all out of gold), and my days off from work have been approved.

                  *happy dances*

                  Thanks hon!
                  Woo hoo! Well done! Congrats on your milestone too!
                  Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                  Oh, I nearly forgot. JM posted and apparently there are BTS pics and video of Vegas. We may get lucky and see some yummy's some day! Maybe.
                  Sounds interesting! Thanks for the info!
                  Originally posted by Ruffles View Post

                  From JM's blog:

                  Anybody here got anything they'd like to ask BW?
                  I actually don't. I can't think of anything I want to ask him. I mean, SGA has been cancelled, and he wants SGU to be made. So what can I ask that won't be sarcastic and I don't enjoy being like that, or elicit the standard reply from him: 'I'm very attached to SGA. Don't forget I co-created it. These things happen. I'm as sorry to see it go as you are, but times change and it's the way things are, the franchise has to move forward, and hey, you're getting a movie...' Or worse.

                  I am angry at him for being disrespectful to SGA fans, whether it was just poor PR or a slip of the tongue or complete ignorance on his part.

                  Well done to those who have asked questions though.
                  Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
                  That was a good letter. I plan in wrting my own though I will reamain polite. I'm going to hammer some of my issues even more.

                  It is tough to be upset at the guy who created our passions, but I can't get past the fact he sat there silently at Comi Con next to Joe Flanigan while he said nothing.

                  It will be a tough post to write...staying professional yet, showing my anger.

                  On a postive note. I posted my DVD Commetary to "Sudden Jolt" below if anyone is interested.


                  I have to move on my birthday Shall be a fun day!! But we're getting a place almsot three times bigger than our current apartment!
                  I enjoyed your commentary. I love that whumpy fic and it's so dramatic and powerful, even though it's relatively short. You know me, whump is rarely drawn out enough to quench my thirst, and even when it is I'm still left wanting more!
                  Last edited by Linzi; 07 October 2008, 02:20 AM. Reason: can't spell!


                    Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                    Glad to hear Maggie is recovering well bebop!!!

                    Whumpy picfic


                    Shep: The whumpers want to whump ME?!? You’re sure?
                    Whumper: Well I am one of them. So yeah, I’m pretty sure.
                    Shep: This arm isn’t bad enough for ya?

                    Shep: Hello? Anyone hear me? Rodney? Teyla? Ronon? Please respond! There’s a whumper on the loose in the city!

                    Shep: This would really be a last resort. I don’t like shooting my own fans, but hey, they want me injured, maybe they like being injured themselves as well.

                    Shep: Crap, she locked me in.

                    Whumper: You didn’t actually think I’d like to be shot do you?
                    Shep: Well, you like me being shot. Why not yourself?

                    Shep: Now, untie me. Maybe I won’t shoot you.
                    Whumper *evil laughter* I like you too much this way.

                    Shep: You didn’t bring more did you?
                    Whumper: I called a few friends.

                    Shep: I’m begging you, please! Let me go!
                    Whumper *sighs*: I guess you’ve been tied up long enough. Come on. Let’s get you to the infirmary under sheets and in scrubs.

                    Shep: Maybe if I sign into their thread as well, I can convince them whumping isn’t such a good idea. Yes yes, let's do that..
                    Love this sangate!!

                    congrats on your milestone ruffles loved you celebration picspam
                    Sig by me my LJ - the place to find some of my artwork and fics - My Stargate vids


                      Originally posted by Strey View Post
                      BTW, do any of you make sigs for other whumpers out of the goodness of your heart?
                      *does puppy dog eyes*
                      Yup What do you want?

                      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                      From JM's blog:

                      Anybody here got anything they'd like to ask BW?
                      Yay! For coming to Bedford

                      I don't have anything to ask BW but I do have a lot to say to him Doubt it would get approved though I'll see if I can dial it down

                      Great post Knightie

                      What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                        Morning whumpers!

                        Originally posted by pip2 View Post
                        hahahaha love the picfic san!!!

                        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post

                        In celebration...
                        Congrats on 4,000 Ruffles!!!
                        And I love the way you celebrate

                        Originally posted by Listy View Post
                        SanGate loved the Whumpy picfic

                        Squeee!!!!!!!!! so many yummy whumpy pics, its put me in the mmod to have a whump what to watch first........ ooo Buggy Shep
                        It never gets old that one

                        Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                        San - No escape, Sheppy
                        Nope, nowhere to go for the poor guy *evil grin*

                        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                        *peeks in*

                        I'm going to Bedford!!!

                        *squees and runs in wild circles*

                        I'm so excited! I've purchased my silver ticket (all out of gold), and my days off from work have been approved.

                        *happy dances*

                        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                        Thanks for the pics & picfic, San!
                        You're very welcome Lorr

                        Originally posted by Kristen999
                        I have to move on my birthday Shall be a fun day!! But we're getting a place almsot three times bigger than our current apartment!
                        You could see that as a big gift on your birthday Even though it won't feel like that when you're dragging your heavy couch up the stairs

                        Very well put Knightie ,Lorr and Linzi regarding BW!!! I feel the same Kristen and Cazz, I have a lot to say to that man, but nothing to ask.. Yeah: What were you thinking?

                        Originally posted by bandcat View Post
                        Love this sangate!!
                        Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                        Save Our Seeker!
                        LotS on LJ.


                          Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
                          HEY ASTRALDUST,
                          i just read one of your shep whump stories and must say it was just exactly what i really expect it for S&R.
                          Why they could not make something a little closer to what you wrote?????

                          anyways...thanks for writting it. I am a big fan of you now.....
                          Thanks for that SA.

                          Search and Rescue
                          It would have been nice if the episode had been a little more like my story but let's face it that wouldn't have been possible. After all the episode couldn't have been entirely devoted to Shep and his unfortunate impalement and burial under all that rubble. More the pity. But at least we did get a little impalement angst and a defiant injured Sheppy as he doggedly went to rescue Teyla.

                          Originally posted by knightie View Post
                          I did a hugh post on his blog at least for me.

                          I think I was not so nasty to prevent approval. Will he answer it who knows.

                          Here it is
                          on October 6, 2008 at 7:58 pm45 knightie
                          Your comment is awaiting moderation.

                          Question for Mr Wright

                          I have been a fan of SG1 since the beginning and have become a much bigger fan of SGA. Since my original question was already asked (why couldn’t the series run together) I have questions concerning the movie.

                          You got a committment for Sg1 of 2 movies and yet we have only 1 for SGA. How are you factoring the success of the movie considering that it will be shown free on Scifi and that may adversely effect DVD Sales.

                          How many movies do you anticipate a year if the first is sucessful?

                          I have to be honest as it stands I will give SGU a shot but it had better blew me away to get the bitter taste out of my mouth. Your interviews showed a distinct lack of knowledge of the SGA fan base. I watched SGA because of SG1 but as I said before I am a much bigger fan of SGA and I just turned the big 50. I am the one buying the books, dvd going to conventions etc. Heck, I even took myself to a set visit (charity made out like a bandit) . I was hurt by your interview and throwing us a bone with the movies is not the same as letting SGA go with a final 6th season. Yes you might think that your internet fan base is not a true representation of the full base but I believe you made have made a major miscalculation. Have you looked at the MGM polls. Our fan base on the net cannot be so far off than those who just watch and enjoy the show on TV. I have watched the 2 series for over 12 years now and you really ticked off a true and loyal fan.

                          I do want to say thank you for those 12 years and some of the best written stories but see above.

                          It felt good to get that off my chest. Yup some misspellings but hopefully got the point across.
                          Very well said knightie. I don't see any reason why they should withhold your comment. Having just read some of the other questions being asked many are along the same lines. As for me, I'm sure anything I could ask wouldn't be half as polite as your question. I'm still so angry and resentful over his involvement in the back stabbing of SGA. It will be interesting to see if he has the nerve to answer anything regarding the killing.


                            OMG, OMG, OMG, CazzBlade! Really? You'll make me a sig?
                            *squishes CazzBlade*
                            *CazzBlade throws bucket of cold water over Strey*
                            So, how do I go about this?
                            Come up with a suggestion for pics and a quote?
                            Ooh, I'm all of a flutter.
                            Last edited by Strey; 08 October 2008, 07:26 AM. Reason: I'm a dizzy cow. 'Nuff said.


                              Morning Whumpers!

                              GW is sloooow for me this morning, so I'll be here for just a minute.

                              I just wanted to say Hello and now I'm off to catch up.



                                Sorry for the double post!

                                I just wanted to say.......the Whump pics are fantabulous!!!!! Now I can face my boring day with a smile on my face. It's amazing what a little Shep Whump can do to make me happy.

                                Who has a problem with the Bedford Con? I am not going but would like to help if I can. I'd also like to ask a HUUUUGE favor from anyone who IS going. *evil grin* PM me if you wish to be a partner in crime! mwahahahaha

                                OT for personal issues
                                we are still having a bit of trouble with Connor Joe. It may just be his puppydom, but......he's just too rough......

                                I am off for a while. Have a Whumpalicious Day peeps!

                                Last edited by iheartshep; 07 October 2008, 05:44 AM. Reason: I messed up the Spoiler! Jeez.....

