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John Sheppard Whump

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    Can I pick Phantoms? *runs away and hides*


      Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
      That just made me wanna watch S&R again
      What can I say, everything has been said already

      I picked

      the impalement was totally unexpected and yet so yummy, Ronon wouldn´t leave him, that whole "been a pleasure" getting ready to go down fighting, together, then.. of course.. the white shirt/red ´wine scene GUH! the blurry vision from Shep´s POV, the two! infirmary scenes, the desperate need to get up from the bed but failing at first, the pull of stitches, Ronon getting mad at him for trying to do everything himself when he clearly needs help, Rodney delivering the baby (too fast to be real, but it´s scifi and the rest was aweome, I still love it! The score was fantastic, Caldwell´s "please make that ship go away", then Shep with a baby in his arms *dies from awwww* and the overall movie feel to that single ep just makes it for me right now

      And now I wanna watch Common Ground again!

      Same here

      Thanks. Wouldn´t want anyone to stumble into a huge spoiler by accident
      I think everybody here rocks with the tags!

      Might get difficult!

      Wonderful sig!!

      I like Travellers too! Though I still think that woman should have been played by an older actress But I watched it several times by now
      Still, S&R wins for me, 38 min comes 2nd, then Common Ground (actually, those two are on par as 2nd), 3rd would the TDO/BAMSR ..

      I can´t pick

      *crosses fingers for you*

      Same here !

      It´s hard to choose. SGA is simply awesome in that regard. So many great eps.. *gets mad at MGM again*

      I´m off to bed now, have fun whumpers!

      Congrats to the milestoners Peggy Linzi and Blue !!!!

      Congrats to Peg!
      And any other milestoners!

      Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
      Can I pick Phantoms? *runs away and hides*
      I love Phantoms. Great eppie, IMO I was going to talk about the 'peaches of yum' as GG puts it, but that's far too shallow a thing to discuss here So, instead I'll say how wonderful it was so see Shep so emotionally whumped!


        Phantoms is one of my favourite ever episodes and I think that its one of Joe's finest moments acting wise too.


          Only one !!...

          Hmmmmm... ok...

          Well after much deliberation and pondering, and examining the evidence, I have to go with ...umm......... well maybe... nah...

          OK decsion made.... I'll stick with

          Search and Rescue....

          There are other wonderful whumpy moments but for me Search and Rescue was just chocker block full of whumpy goodness....

          Shep trapped under the rubble, panting and bleeding just surpasses any other whump moment... and then all dirty and bloodied in the infirmary.... breathing shallowy... and looking a bit lost... and staggering and in pain.. and more bleeding... so yup

          Search and Rescue is my all time fav whumpy episode.....


            I think I said some of the reasons why I liked some of the Shep whump episodes yesterday, but I didn't post why I picked "S&R" as my overall favorite.

            I selected S&R because:
            It had a little of everything a whumper could possibly want! The beginning, when Shep is hallucinating Teyla and Ford. The reality of the mess he's in when he wakes up and Ronon is there beside him. The way he wants Ronon to get out, and the way Ronon stays by his side. The impaling, and removal from Shep of same (I mean, I could feel his pain) The Infirmary scene, when he tells Keller he has to get out to rescue Teyla. His conversation with Sam about court martial. The C-4 wince of pain! The rescue! Then....another Infirmary scene with Teyla and son. *sigh* Be still by whumpy heart.

            Like I mentioned, this in no way takes away from my love for "38 Minutes" or "Conversion" or "CG" or "DG". I also expect some more whumpy goodness in the back half of the last season. *sad sigh* It would make my wittle whumpy heart very happy indeed to add more episodes to my list.

            I also am wishing I could meet you at the Con across the pond. That won't happen though, so I won't even entertain that notion. OT
            I just got a hospital bill and I honestly don't even know what this one is for. Insurance didn't even pay one penny on this one either.



              Originally posted by Linzi View Post

              Congrats to Peg!
              And any other milestoners!

              I love Phantoms. Great eppie, IMO I was going to talk about the 'peaches of yum' as GG puts it, but that's far too shallow a thing to discuss here So, instead I'll say how wonderful it was so see Shep so emotionally whumped!
              and physically!!

              Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
              picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                Ah....the Peaches of Yum........*squeals* (imagines JF walking in on a conversation on this particular topic!!!!)

                I just realized.....there goes my dream job of Shep's "knife placement specialist". Dammit...they just HAVE to bring SGA back......



                  Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                  Can I pick Phantoms? *runs away and hides*
                  You pick what you want to pick dear!!! Phantoms had some great bits scenes in it. I do love how at the end his team was whumping him with the comments on how he shot them. And that last bit ...dang...scene at the end when Teyla asked him about his friend. The emo whump just flowed smoothly. **sigh**


                    Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                    Phantoms is one of my favourite ever episodes and I think that its one of Joe's finest moments acting wise too.
                    I love Phantoms. I also love Vengeance. That was before they went way OTT with Michael. Joe did an amazing job showing fear but keeping control of it.

                    Eveyone has listed such great episodes. This is one of the very few shows where I love most of the episodes and would watch almost all of them again and again.


                      Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                      Congrats to the milestoners Peggy Linzi and Blue !!!!
                      What she said. Congrats to the milestoners!!!!

                      Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                      AVI by *ERIKA*


                        I see we're on page two again. All the Whumpers must be off watching whumpy eps. Why aren't I? Housework, that's why. Almost finished with it, though.

                        Congrats to the milestoners!


                          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                          I see we're on page two again. All the Whumpers must be off watching whumpy eps. Why aren't I? Housework, that's why. Almost finished with it, though.

                          Congrats to the milestoners!
                          I'm hanging out, watching football and waiting for laundry to be done. Playing in photoshop too! Any whumpy conversation we can start?


                            Sorry, Pocus, laundry called!

                            I'm also editing a fic that I've been working on for the longest time. There are still a couple of scenes to write, too. It'll be 100 pages (yikes), but I really can't shorten it. I need to finish it up and get it posted.


                              My laundry was yelling too. Now photoshop has my brain.


