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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Lorr View Post
    Here at last! I stopped over at JM's blog first.

    SOOOOO unfair! Mind you, I start 16 days vacation in 12 days. Just don't whump yourself while bouncing off the walls.

    I'm glad you're hubby got his car. Will she be calm if he goes back?

    Love the t-shirt! Are you going to show us a pic?

    I was thinking the same, but pegged the age at 14 since
    he said his father had his future planned since he was 14.

    Guess Field Ops Shep AF turned up today! WooHoo! He's sitting next to my computer, happy to be out of the box. I wasnt to get all the pieces for a Stargate, so it looks like I'll be ordering the rest of the set when I get home.
    Originally posted by Lorr View Post
    I must admit that once they started showing the ceremony, it hasn't been too bad.

    Hey! My ShepAF appears to be making a move for my glass of wine. I think I should rescue the wine and ShepAF from a vicious hangover. After all, even a small glass of wine is a big thing for a little AF!

    After that, I shall go whump Shep a little more in my fic.
    Oh, congrats on your AF Shep! Cute, isn´t he?! I got only the normal version... hm, but with a girlfriend!!
    He wasn´t too happy when she turned out to be a Wraith Queen though... and still tries to figure out why she throws herself in a corner, sobbing manically after trying to crash her hand into his chest, with no results...

    Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
    You might check out sheps_atlantis if you haven't already. Been having a ficathon there and several include some lovely Shep whump.
    Oh thank you!!!!! *huggles*

    I always thought of him as much younger - somewhere between 4 and 7 based on his awkwardness with hugging. I imagined Mom dying early in his life and his dad being too "manly" to hug.
    Good point!

    Originally posted by bebop View Post
    *giggle snort*....

    *sigh*...roll on next Friday PREEEEZ!!!!!!!....I do really needs my Sheppy fix.
    If you´re interested, Shep & the nutty whumpers "sweet escape" pic fic has just been joined by a Part 2 & 3 ) Yep, I was bored, and the weather is crappy

    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
    Hey everyone!

    Hope you don't mind but I'm doing a bit of shamless self advertising! I've just started a Shex whump thread if anyone's interested

    Back later with some lovely whump for you all!
    *runs off to check it out*

    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

    I'm feeling restless, out of sorts, grumpy and throwing myself a pity party these days. I'm getting so ticked off i'm starting to annoy myself.

    Thanks everyone for all the well wishes and for doing the Sheppy whumped in the infirmary, you've given me a good laugh.

    *hugs for Ali and her car troubles*

    *hugs for Squonk who whumped herself with keys*

    Are we not getting enough Shep whump, so we're resorting to whumping ourselves?

    Thanks for the pics, here's one of gymnastic shep.]

    Shep on the high bar.
    Shep limbering up for his gymnastics by attempting the crab.
    Shep attempting the backflip....

    And failing miserably.
    That was hilarious!!! *hugs* hope you feel a little better now!
    Last edited by SheppAddictedFangirl; 09 August 2008, 09:16 AM.

    Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
    picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


      Hey there Whumpers! *waves* I am going stir crazy in the house. Yesterday I went out for a bit but not too long. Decided to watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics......ZZzzzzzz. That parade of nations went on FOREVER.

      GAH......I missed SGA last night, and I don't even have SciFi! It's fun to come in here on Saturday and read what everyone thought.

      I enjoyed the Mission Directive on "Doppleganger" too! Anything with JF is cool with me.

      I am off to catch up.



        Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
        Hey there Whumpers! *waves* I am going stir crazy in the house. Yesterday I went out for a bit but not too long. Decided to watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics......ZZzzzzzz. That parade of nations went on FOREVER.

        GAH......I missed SGA last night, and I don't even have SciFi! It's fun to come in here on Saturday and read what everyone thought.

        I enjoyed the Mission Directive on "Doppleganger" too! Anything with JF is cool with me.

        I am off to catch up.


        Not really a fan of the Olympics myself! I want SGA eps!!

        Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
        picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


          *waves back*

          I love your siggy! I wonder who would win in a coffee drinking contest......JF or my hubby.

          Poor new SGA for a week, and the whumpers Whump him anyway! That is some list.



            Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
            *waves back*

            I love your siggy! I wonder who would win in a coffee drinking contest......JF or my hubby.

            Poor new SGA for a week, and the whumpers Whump him anyway! That is some list.

            I think we need to whump Shep because there was no SGA this week.

            In RL, I've got emo whump - submitted my grades for lab I taught and I now have students begging for a point here or there, so they get an A or pass....


              Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
              *waves back*

              I love your siggy! I wonder who would win in a coffee drinking contest......JF or my hubby.

              Poor new SGA for a week, and the whumpers Whump him anyway! That is some list.

              Yep, Shep and coffee .... yummy!

              Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
              I think we need to whump Shep because there was no SGA this week.

              In RL, I've got emo whump - submitted my grades for lab I taught and I now have students begging for a point here or there, so they get an A or pass....
              Oh, poor you! that must be unsettling...
              Reminds me of Indy (Last Crusade) .. escaping through the window

              Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
              picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                I haven't much time to post today but here's a small reminder of a whump from the past.

                For size.

                He looks a little sweaty and in pain.

                Thanks for the link to Joe's interview Elinor.


                  Eli thanks for the link to the JF interview. It's nice to get another one, when we get so few.

                  I've had a bad headache, so I've been in bed a lot! After reading spoilers for Identity my headache got even worse!

                  But, since then I've been watching Outcast, and that made me feel better! I do enjoy some emo whump from time to time!


                    Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                    Yippee! A new vid interview with Joe!


                    Thanks, Eli! he is such a goof. I thought the RP and JS bits were quite good, too. They sound like nice, down to earth people, and it seems JS is quite aware of the whimpiness of Keller. It must be very difficult To do interview after interview.

                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    Eli thanks for the link to the JF interview. It's nice to get another one, when we get so few.

                    I've had a bad headache, so I've been in bed a lot! After reading spoilers for Identity my headache got even worse!

                    But, since then I've been watching Outcast, and that made me feel better! I do enjoy some emo whump from time to time!
                    Feel better, sweetie! I didn't read the GW thing about Identity. I am going to try to stay away from those things. They tend to give only a snapshot of the whole. Also, if it turns out to be a real picture of the ep, I don't want to be down about it for weeks and weeks.

                    Off to the chiropractor! See you later.


                      The episode details for "Identity" are up on the GW home page and I'm feeling rather annoyed:

                      Identity (rant)
                      Another "Keller in trouble, Beckett to the rescue." I mean, I liked what they did with The Seed for the most part, but I don't know, this just doesn't sound too appealing to me.

                      I didn't like Keller for a long time, but she started to grow on me, but the more the writers continue to force her down our throats, the more sick of her I become. I'm sure I'm wrong, but I just feel like Keller has had more meaty stuff than Beckett ever really got. (Well, they had Beckett screw up a lot.) Not to mention the fact that she's an important part of many of the episodes this season. Like, it's her trapped with a member(s) of the team, and that's it.

                      Ugh, I'm being a negative Nancy... I apologize. Maybe it will end up being a lot like The Seed...

                      That's about it, I guess. I watched the Olympics Volley ball which wasn't a good idea because I get so competitive and worked up. So, I stopped that and played the Wii instead.


                        Originally posted by causeAscene View Post
                        The episode details for "Identity" are up on the GW home page and I'm feeling rather annoyed:

                        Identity (rant)
                        Another "Keller in trouble, Beckett to the rescue." I mean, I liked what they did with The Seed for the most part, but I don't know, this just doesn't sound too appealing to me.

                        I didn't like Keller for a long time, but she started to grow on me, but the more the writers continue to force her down our throats, the more sick of her I become. I'm sure I'm wrong, but I just feel like Keller has had more meaty stuff than Beckett ever really got. (Well, they had Beckett screw up a lot.) Not to mention the fact that she's an important part of many of the episodes this season. Like, it's her trapped with a member(s) of the team, and that's it.

                        Ugh, I'm being a negative Nancy... I apologize. Maybe it will end up being a lot like The Seed...

                        That's about it, I guess. I watched the Olympics Volley ball which wasn't a good idea because I get so competitive and worked up. So, I stopped that and played the Wii instead.
                        Well I feel the same way really, so I'm not going to criticise you for feeling like that.


                        Why Keller? Why does anyone need to be taken over again? You know what occurs to me? The writers struggled to fill the last spots, and it's showing. I don't dislike Keller. But she's not a great CMO so far, IMO. Too young, too unsure, too inexperienced to be credible. If she were a new doctor, I think she'd be much better suited to that. I don't like having a not confident medic in charge of the medical facility. It doesn't make sense and is ridiculous. I also don't like that Keller and the romance thing is being shoved in my face everywhere I turn. I hope it isn't a big part of the season arc, and not this story either. But, I can't disagree that Keller is being shoved in my face when I see her as a background character and not a thrilling one at this point.

                        I did like her in FS. Thought she was ok until Missing. Liked her in Quarantine and thought she was ok in TLM. I could understand the romance there, though I didn't want it. But I just feel Keller is being paraded around as the new favourite with McKay still in the number one spot. Now, I like McKay, he's a great character, but I just feel Sheppard has fallen by the wayside again. Who's the lead again?

                        Rant over...goes to her happy place to watch Sheppy whump..


                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          Well I feel the same way really, so I'm not going to criticise you for feeling like that.


                          Why Keller? Why does anyone need to be taken over again? You know what occurs to me? The writers struggled to fill the last spots, and it's showing. I don't dislike Keller. But she's not a great CMO so far, IMO. Too young, too unsure, too inexperienced to be credible. If she were a new doctor, I think she'd be much better suited to that. I don't like having a not confident medic in charge of the medical facility. It doesn't make sense and is ridiculous. I also don't like that Keller and the romance thing is being shoved in my face everywhere I turn. I hope it isn't a big part of the season arc, and not this story either. But, I can't disagree that Keller is being shoved in my face when I see her as a background character and not a thrilling one at this point.

                          I did like her in FS. Thought she was ok until Missing. Liked her in Quarantine and thought she was ok in TLM. I could understand the romance there, though I didn't want it. But I just feel Keller is being paraded around as the new favourite with McKay still in the number one spot. Now, I like McKay, he's a great character, but I just feel Sheppard has fallen by the wayside again. Who's the lead again?

                          Rant over...goes to her happy place to watch Sheppy whump..
                          My little rant...

                          I'm not a huge McKay fan but enjoy him in team eps but not really on his own. Rodney centric eps just don't appeal to me at all but I can understand his appeal to other fans and I guess I can see why the writers love to write for him.. but I just don't get the appeal of Keller at all. I found her fairly ok in season 4 because she was used when needed, even though she will never convince me she is a CMO.. but I don't understand why she had to be made a main character and the amount of focus on her. It's just getting totally rediculous. She has 4 episodes in a row focused on her and all of most of them with her being either kidnapped or taken over by aliens or both, and what do we have for Shep for the back half of season 5, Remnants and that's it.. and this is the leading man. Sheppard got sidelined for Mckay enough in previous seasons because the tpb love to showcase Rodney, but I can't believe that it's happening again for a character who has just come onto to the show...

                          If she was a fantastic dynamic character I could understand maybe a little better but she is totally uninteresting and just seems to be shoved into eps now for no real reason.. and yet still we get no development or effort put into Sheppard. Was Hexed axed for one of these repetitive Keller eps...


                            Originally posted by causeAscene View Post
                            The episode details for "Identity" are up on the GW home page and I'm feeling rather annoyed:

                            Identity (rant)
                            Another "Keller in trouble, Beckett to the rescue." I mean, I liked what they did with The Seed for the most part, but I don't know, this just doesn't sound too appealing to me.

                            I didn't like Keller for a long time, but she started to grow on me, but the more the writers continue to force her down our throats, the more sick of her I become. I'm sure I'm wrong, but I just feel like Keller has had more meaty stuff than Beckett ever really got. (Well, they had Beckett screw up a lot.) Not to mention the fact that she's an important part of many of the episodes this season. Like, it's her trapped with a member(s) of the team, and that's it.

                            Ugh, I'm being a negative Nancy... I apologize. Maybe it will end up being a lot like The Seed...

                            That's about it, I guess. I watched the Olympics Volley ball which wasn't a good idea because I get so competitive and worked up. So, I stopped that and played the Wii instead.
                            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                            Well I feel the same way really, so I'm not going to criticise you for feeling like that.


                            Why Keller? Why does anyone need to be taken over again? You know what occurs to me? The writers struggled to fill the last spots, and it's showing. I don't dislike Keller. But she's not a great CMO so far, IMO. Too young, too unsure, too inexperienced to be credible. If she were a new doctor, I think she'd be much better suited to that. I don't like having a not confident medic in charge of the medical facility. It doesn't make sense and is ridiculous. I also don't like that Keller and the romance thing is being shoved in my face everywhere I turn. I hope it isn't a big part of the season arc, and not this story either. But, I can't disagree that Keller is being shoved in my face when I see her as a background character and not a thrilling one at this point.

                            I did like her in FS. Thought she was ok until Missing. Liked her in Quarantine and thought she was ok in TLM. I could understand the romance there, though I didn't want it. But I just feel Keller is being paraded around as the new favourite with McKay still in the number one spot. Now, I like McKay, he's a great character, but I just feel Sheppard has fallen by the wayside again. Who's the lead again?

                            Rant over...goes to her happy place to watch Sheppy whump..
                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            My little rant...

                            I'm not a huge McKay fan but enjoy him in team eps but not really on his own. Rodney centric eps just don't appeal to me at all but I can understand his appeal to other fans and I guess I can see why the writers love to write for him.. but I just don't get the appeal of Keller at all. I found her fairly ok in season 4 because she was used when needed, even though she will never convince me she is a CMO.. but I don't understand why she had to be made a main character and the amount of focus on her. It's just getting totally rediculous. She has 4 episodes in a row focused on her and all of most of them with her being either kidnapped or taken over by aliens or both, and what do we have for Shep for the back half of season 5, Remnants and that's it.. and this is the leading man. Sheppard got sidelined for Mckay enough in previous seasons because the tpb love to showcase Rodney, but I can't believe that it's happening again for a character who has just come onto to the show...

                            If she was a fantastic dynamic character I could understand maybe a little better but she is totally uninteresting and just seems to be shoved into eps now for no real reason.. and yet still we get no development or effort put into Sheppard. Was Hexed axed for one of these repetitive Keller eps...
                            I agree with all three of you! I wasn´t a big Keller fan to begin with, but I was actually starting to be less annoyed UNTIL this news. Yep, my spoiler freeness didn´t last long, I blame it on the SGA free weekend!

                            Adding a little rant.

                            It irks me to no end that she is brought so much into focus. It was already too much in season 4. How come Lorne doesn´t get to be a main character but Keller is?! He´s around longer (and much more likable)

                            She´s supposed to be the doc, and ever since Beckett was killed off (in her favor), she´s not only taking his place as CMO (big question mark as to the why we never even heard about her before, IF Beckett was so impressed with her and all ...) but also his place amongst his friends. We now know more about Keller (as a baby, as a teenager, etc.) than we EVER (will) know about Sheppard.

                            To be honest, I felt that "Outcast" was a bit of a disappointment for me, because it had great potential to be a character developer for Shep, but the whole story switched to the Replicator storyline pretty fast, and other than pieces of a puzzle that left me even more puzzled than before about where he came from, and what the heck happened to put that wedge between him and his family, we got nothing but subtle hints. I noticed that it was just based on an episode concept by JF, not really written by him and I have a feeling that they butchered the idea just like they did with "Epiphany".

                            I´m sure, if given the chance, he would have focused more on the background story here. Could have been more like "Lazarus" was for O´Neill.

                            *big sigh* Maybe season 6 wil give some answers... if they get a season 6. But they are not doing the show any favors by focusing so much on Keller centric episodes. I just hope we won´t get another "Trio".

                            Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                            picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                              *runs in to drop some (spoilered for size) Sateda caps off*


                              ^^ Emo whump. Bless him, now he misses his Chewwie!

                              *runs out*



                                With no new SGA last night I watched the commentary for Travelers. I liked the remark about it's always good to whump Shep. Indeed it is!

                                Tonight it's the comm for TR.

                                I've been trying to pack some stuff for vacation next week, it's not going so well. It's hard to pack for 10 days. Arghhhhhhhhhh.
                                Chicago Con Attendee 2011
                                Chicago Con Attendee 2010
                                GateCon Attendee 2008
                                Vancouver Con Attendee 2007

