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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Lorr View Post
    Groan - Olympics, or lack thereof OT
    I was right. I wanted to watch the opening ceremony, which was advertised to start 15 minutes ago. There has been a 7 minute "Olympic" ad (that was after the 30 minute ad for Hong Kong) and now the talking heads are giving a history of China's road to the Olympics.

    I seriously doubt there will be more than about 45 minutes of the more than 3 hours of ceremony actually shown. Typical NBC. It's unlikely I'll be able to stomach more than a couple of hours over the next 17 days.

    Oooo, we're going out to even more talking heads after the multitude of commercials! Isn't that special?
    Thank goodness for the internet!


      I must admit that once they started showing the ceremony, it hasn't been too bad.

      Hey! My ShepAF appears to be making a move for my glass of wine. I think I should rescue the wine and ShepAF from a vicious hangover. After all, even a small glass of wine is a big thing for a little AF!

      After that, I shall go whump Shep a little more in my fic.


        no it hasnt been... but still i wont be stayin up to watch all of the parade of nations, getting tired, work morn shift this wkend so its nearin on sleepy time for me


          Originally posted by CKO View Post
          no it hasnt been... but still i wont be stayin up to watch all of the parade of nations, getting tired, work morn shift this wkend so its nearin on sleepy time for me
          Yikes on working morning shift, especially on the weekend. When I worked part-time, I had a love/hate relationship with working weekends - I liked the extra $$$, but clients were very demanding as they wanted labwork done immediately (although they were paying double rates, but I didn't get paid double).


            I have the parade on while I'm trying to write. I have a hard deadline for a story. I could finish the one I've been working on for months, but it is too long. So, I've started another one. At least a vague idea has presented itself and I can get into it. A lot of my fics start with a single scene (as in image), and one was just a line of dialogue I wanted to use, so I am hopeful.
            Last edited by Lorr; 08 August 2008, 09:33 PM.


              Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
              Anybody know a good fanfic?! I´ve read all the links I collected and could use some new ones
              You might check out sheps_atlantis if you haven't already. Been having a ficathon there and several include some lovely Shep whump.

              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
              Well it's nice to know that the writer was thinking along the same lines as most of us.

              I have the feeling that Shep and his mom were quite close and his mom was the 'peacemaker' between him and his father. Once she was gone, there was no one to keep things "glued" together as it were between the two. Hm, wonder what age Shep was when mom died. I'm still thinking early double digits - 10 -12 years.

              *sniff* I wanna give Shep a hug now.
              I always thought of him as much younger - somewhere between 4 and 7 based on his awkwardness with hugging. I imagined Mom dying early in his life and his dad being too "manly" to hug.
              Sig by Luciana
              My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                Tis late, time for bed. I'm still sad there was no SGA tonight. I think I'll need to watch some tomorrow. Goodnight!


                  Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                  **jumps in**

                  Shep tries and fails to do a cartwheel

                  **jumps back out to head to bed**
                  *giggle snort*....

                  *sigh*...roll on next Friday PREEEEZ!!!!!!!....I do really needs my Sheppy fix.

                  my fan fiction place


                    poor shep.


                      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                      Well it's nice to know that the writer was thinking along the same lines as most of us.

                      I have the feeling that Shep and his mom were quite close and his mom was the 'peacemaker' between him and his father. Once she was gone, there was no one to keep things "glued" together as it were between the two. Hm, wonder what age Shep was when mom died. I'm still thinking early double digits - 10 -12 years.

                      *sniff* I wanna give Shep a hug now.

                      Well, I watched the Mission Directive on Doppelganger yesterday.
                      I got surprisingly fangirlie when I saw Joe practising the fight moves whilst eating a chocolate/candy bar!!


                        Yippee! A new vid interview with Joe!



                          Shep Whumps in the infirmary

                          1. Intubate him (commonly known as Ginger cake) -Sheppy D
                          2. Keller accidentally tears a vein whilst taking blood. Ouch! -Queen H
                          3. Strapped to an infirmary bed and having convulsions -Ali
                          4. Start an IV- SheppyD
                          5. Having a bloody injury checked out by Carson while insisting "It's just a scratch..." -Vecturist
                          6. Concussion after tripping on his own laces - Queen H
                          7. Choking on too cold coffee (possibly poisoned) or burning mouth and tongue on too-hot coffee - Vecturist
                          8.havin an allergic reaction to something, but causes an adverse reaction, causing him to lose his clothes and change his appearence. - CKO
                          9.accidentally put deadly poison in his IV -Rymer (due to a horrible mix-up involving a lost glasses and illegible handwriting.)
                          10.accidental OD due to drug concentration mix-up - Vecturist
                          11.Being placed into a drug induced coma -Sheppy D
                          12 Insists on walking to the bathroom unaided, and faints passes out en route, tearing his stitches - Rymer
                          13 Being drugged up and loopy- CKO
                          14 Being given a lumbar puncture - SheppyD
                          15 Rodney drops his computer on him, having fallen asleep while on "anxious team-mate" duty - Rymer
                          16 hallucinates due to high fever, stumbles and falls into medicine supply cabinet, breaking the glass and lacerating an artery- Ruffles
                          17 the lead in the heart monitor has a short in it and shocks him - Ruffles
                          18 veins collapse from constant needle sticks - Ruffles
                          19 Wrist hyperextended to keep veins open for IV. Vecturist
                          20 Struggling to reach the glass of water on the bedside cabinet, he knocks it over and it short-circuits vital equipment - Rymer's husband
                          21City-wide power cut results his life support system failing- Rymer's husband
                          22 Oxygen cylinder explodes - Rymer's Husband
                          23 When it's discovered that he's going to live, after all, everyone claps him on the back, thus causing the hitherto-undetected minor fracture to get much worse, piercing important internal organs and sending him back to death's door - Rymer's Husband
                          24 McKay brings him some grapes, but ends up eating them instead. One falls on the floor. Shep slips on it while struggling out of bed. The green squishy thing stuck to his leg causes a short-sighted nurse to panic that his wound is infected, and they chop his leg off Rymer's Husband!!
                          gets tangled in sheets trying to get out of bed and breaks leg in fall
                          25 chokes on ice chip - Ruffles
                          26 food poisoning from broth made from sickly livestock traded from ally- Ruffles
                          27 IV pole falls on him when Ronon trips over it- Ruffles
                          28 Colonoscopy - SheppyD
                          29 bad reaction to anaesthetic making him shivery and feeling awful (been there.. done that...) - Ali
                          30 Inner ear infection making him all dizzy and off-balance - Ali
                          31 Mystery disease causing his immune system to shut-down, necessitating him being moved to a sterile clean room cos the slightest infection could kill him... - Ali
                          32 Allergic reaction to painkiller - Vecturist
                          33 Allergic reaction to antibiotic - Vecturist
                          34 Allergic reaction to vaccine (I've got allergies in all three) - Vecturist
                          35 Trips over laundry on floor, cracks skull, medical team must shave teh hair for surgery to relieve pressure ( HAIR WHUMP!)- Vecturist
                          36 Painfull Physiotherapy - SheppyD
                          37 Shep is in the infirmary with a nasty fever, the environmental controls go wrong, and blast heat everywhere and Sheppy's fever gets even worse, resulting in him needing to be stripped and sponged down! Hey, a girl can live in hope, and something tells me Shep wouldn't enjoy that very much! - Linzi
                          38. Ronon comes in & laughs at Sheps robe being on back to front! Queen H
                          39 his blood refuses to clot due to a mislabeled drug- Ruffles
                          40 the scent of incense that lingers on Teyla gives him a migraine- Ruffles
                          41 the cotton he sticks in his ears to drown out McKay causes an ear infection- Ruffles
                          42 has a cast on for a broken ankle and drops something inside it- Pocus
                          43 Infirmary bed collapses - Pocus
                          44 nurse trips and jabs him with a needle in his thigh- Pocus
                          45 Catheter causes UTI.- GG
                          46 cast on leg causes severe itching - grabs a long thin pointy thing to scratch the itch and cuts himself leading to infection? GG
                          47 Medical equipment is dropped on the floor - picked up and placed on the counter/table only to be used later causing infection? GG
                          48 ekg leads get tangled around his neck and almost chokes him - Lythisrose
                          49 foley catheter gets pulled out with the balloon still inflated (OUCH!)- Lythisrose
                          50 IV bottle falls off pole and whacks him on the head - lythisrose
                          51 After trauma Doc mistakenly puts the chest tube in the wrong side and then has to put another one in the other side.- Lythisrose
                          52Intubation tube goes into the stomach, not the lungs, he doesn't get any o2, he turns blue and they have to pull it out and do the whole procedure again (happens alot actually). -Lythisrose
                          53 Unknown allergen triggers anaphylactic shock...epipen fails, needs immediate tracheotomy - LCEB
                          54 they need to whack a dirty great big needle bang through his chest to restart his heart LCEB
                          55 His heart stops and during CPR, they manage to break his ribs, which in turn puncture his lung- Bebop
                          56 Gets an over enthusiastic bed bath from ugly nurse - Pilgrim Soul
                          57 while nurse is trying to remove glass from his eye, she accidently slips and stabs him in the eye with really sharp tweezers. (done it - it HURTS! lol) - Squonk
                          58 goes in with toothache and they drill the wrong tooth (oh and the anaesthetic hadn't kicked in)- Squonk
                          59 gets deep vein thrombosis from lying in bed too long, the clot throws and he ends up with a pulmonary embolism - Squonk
                          60 A common childhood illness leaves him with an itchy rash that covers every centimetre of his body. To prevent him scratching, Keller uses a new lotion. It stops the itching but causes much pain and turns him a lovely shade of bright pink - Astraldust
                          61 The blood pressure cuff refuses to deflate making Shep’s arm to go numb. Ronon quickly grabs his knife to deflate it but slips and stabs too hard causing a deep and bloody puncture wound that wouldn't stop bleeding - Astraldust
                          62 Well, Shep could be swinging his golf club in the infirmary, visiting Rodney there, who has a very bad splinter somewhere nasty, (had to get in some Rodney whump for Mx! ), and Shep slips on a wet patch on the infirmary floor, breaking his ribs and has him nearly drowning in his own blood from where a rib punctures his lung! Astraldust/Linzi!!!
                          63 The doc is possessed by an alien that ends up doing all sorts of evil things to him while strapping him to an infirmary bed -Erika
                          64 They can't find his clothes after he is released and he needs to go back to his quarters with his bum showing. Erika
                          65 Nurse trips and falls on top of his injuries, causing major pain, opening stitches and causing them to bleed again.- Erika
                          66 Strange bacteria contaminate the infirmary making all the food spoil rapidly. People only realize that after he ate his chicken soup and he ends up with food poisoning- Erika
                          67 whilst being cut to put in a chest drain, Keller slips and slices his left nipple off!!! - Queen Hathor
                          68 While in the infirmary with a tummy bug the city goes into lock-down leaving Sheppy totally isolated with no medication, water or a way to get to the bathroom. - Astraldust
                          69 Violently allergic to flowers Teyla brings to cheer him up - Vecturist
                          70 Has to have second surgery to remove tool or sponge accidentally left in him during previous surgery - Vecturist
                          71 Is not given enough anesthetic and wakes up during surgery - Vecturist
                          72 becomes addicted to painkillers, goes through nasty withdrawl with lots of convulsions - Pisces
                          73 high on painkillers, loses balance, falls and hits head, gets bloody concussion - Pisces

                          It has to be something that happens or could happen in the infirmary that is not a nice comfort thing ( so as well as making him worse could it could be a not so nice medical procedure)

                          Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                          Yippee! A new vid interview with Joe!


                          Oh awesome!


                            Well, seeing as GW deemed it appropriate to steal my quotes, herr we go off the top of my head! lol

                            Ali - Glad your hubby got his car back and i hope he finds somewhere else to live soon! She really did shoot herself in the foot, losing two lodgers, and your hubby sounds like the lodger from heaven!
                            You'll have to take a pic of that t-shirt, it sounds fabby!

                            Josie - thanks for sharing that quote, tis very interesting!

                            GG - seems most of us have the same thoughts about his mother's role in his life too! lol. It's what i'd thought as well, though i've been able to pin-point an age in my head.

                            Elinor - thanks for the link to the vid, i'll check that out.

                            OT self whump
                            i've managed to whump myself on my work keys while fixing an interactive in the galleries. Being short, i had to climb up and half-lie across the surface to reach it. I forgot about the huge bunch of keys i carry in my hoodie pocket and when i got down, one of the jabbed me on the abdomen, really hard! It still really hurts - especially when i move...or breath...

                            On the up side, i fixed the interactive. After i dug three pencils, a pen and a tic-tac (green) out of the frame, it worked just fine...
                            The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                            l My LJ l


                              Hey everyone!

                              Hope you don't mind but I'm doing a bit of shamless self advertising! I've just started a Shex whump thread if anyone's interested

                              Back later with some lovely whump for you all!




                                I'm feeling restless, out of sorts, grumpy and throwing myself a pity party these days. I'm getting so ticked off i'm starting to annoy myself.

                                Thanks everyone for all the well wishes and for doing the Sheppy whumped in the infirmary, you've given me a good laugh.

                                *hugs for Ali and her car troubles*

                                *hugs for Squonk who whumped herself with keys*

                                Are we not getting enough Shep whump, so we're resorting to whumping ourselves?

                                Thanks for the pics, here's one of gymnastic shep.

                                Shep on the high bar.

                                Shep limbering up for his gymnastics by attempting the crab.

                                Shep attempting the backflip....

                                And failing miserably.

