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John Sheppard Whump

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    Aaargh! Office machinery whump! Magenta toner explosion! Pink everywhere - in hair, on arms, on feet... Mostly washed off now, but - ugh! - slightly pink keyboard. Pink stains on carpet. Oh! And there's an idea...

    "Oh my God, colonel! What happened to you? There's blood everywhere!"

    "No. I... *cough*... tried to... *cough*... change the printer cartridge in the... *cough*... colour printer...."

    "In your typical shoot-first-ask-questions later fashion, no doubt, just slamming it in without reading the manual.

    "You don't read..."

    "I don't need to. Brains, remember?"

    (McKay goes off, muttering about brainless colonels who break expensive office equipment. Sheppard collapses due to toner in the lungs and hovers at death's door for two weeks. McKay feels bad. The cleaning staff go on strike, complaining about never-ending red stains on the carpet. Until the next supply run, all Atlantis mission reports are strangely coloured, lacking in red. Then Ronon shoots the printer out of revenge for what it did to Sheppard, and there are no reports at all. Everyone gets told off. Atlantis declares independence. There is angst. Then, three months later, Sheppard tries to change the yellow toner...)


      Originally posted by rhymer View Post
      Aaargh! Office machinery whump! Magenta toner explosion! Pink everywhere - in hair, on arms, on feet... Mostly washed off now, but - ugh! - slightly pink keyboard. Pink stains on carpet. Oh! And there's an idea...

      "Oh my God, colonel! What happened to you? There's blood everywhere!"

      "No. I... *cough*... tried to... *cough*... change the printer cartridge in the... *cough*... colour printer...."

      "In your typical shoot-first-ask-questions later fashion, no doubt, just slamming it in without reading the manual.

      "You don't read..."

      "I don't need to. Brains, remember?"

      (McKay goes off, muttering about brainless colonels who break expensive office equipment. Sheppard collapses due to toner in the lungs and hovers at death's door for two weeks. McKay feels bad. The cleaning staff go on strike, complaining about never-ending red stains on the carpet. Until the next supply run, all Atlantis mission reports are strangely coloured, lacking in red. Then Ronon shoots the printer out of revenge for what it did to Sheppard, and there are no reports at all. Everyone gets told off. Atlantis declares independence. There is angst. Then, three months later, Sheppard tries to change the yellow toner...)
      Toner whump? Bwahahahahaha!! You just made the start of my day so much better. I refuse to change the toner cartridge at work.


        @ rhymer!!
        The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

        l My LJ l


          Originally posted by rhymer View Post
          Then, three months later, Sheppard tries to change the yellow toner...)
          And McKay assumes he's wet himself?


            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
            Toner whump? Bwahahahahaha!! You just made the start of my day so much better. I refuse to change the toner cartridge at work.
            I did it completely perfectly. Then I went to pick up the old, empty cartridge that I'd put safely down somewhere, and went to put it in the box to send it away to... wherever old cartridges go after they die. That was when I dropped it. And that, too, was when I discovered that "empty" in printer language doesn't mean the same as "empty" in normal English. Well, it is empty now...

            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            And McKay assumes he's wet himself?
            I (rather unwisely )hadn't actually thought through the consequences of the yellow one. Maybe jaundice. Some hideous, infectious space jaundice... Or citrus! McKay has a huge panic attack because he thinks Sheppard's approaching him covered with lemon, and thumps Sheppard over the head with a... a... desktop fan ("Keep it away from me! Are you trying to kill me"!) and causes serious concussion.

            And the blue toner would presumably make McKay think Shep was oxygen deprived so he'd leap on him and do unnecessary CPR, thus breaking him for real.


              Splodge of black toner cause Mckay to assume bubonic plague and he panics and initiates an emergency quarantine, trapping Sheppard in his office for hours with no way out and Woolsey advises him that he should make use of the time to clear his backlog of paperwork. After 4 long years of danger, stress and torture, this is the final straw and Sheppard finally flips his lid and wigs out, ending up restrained to an infirmary bed and pumped full of sedatives.


                Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                I think
                The dogtags have really only featured in 38 mins. I'm guessing they might get a little distracting at times, like during action sequences. I didn't notice the necklace, but hey, any excuse to watch BT again is good!

                Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                Hi everyone!

                I watched BT
                I didn't find the story terribly gripping but, you know, if there is lots of good, fun, interesting character interaction, I still enjoy an episode...and this had that. Loved the team love. Woolsey, I think, is going to be really entertaining. Hee hee! The doors closing on him! Wonder if that just happened 'cos he doesn't have the gene or Shep shut them on him!! I kind of like the latter idea!! I think I might have had a fangirlie moment when Shep was firing the two guns in different directions!!

                Thanks to everyone who posted comic con links
                It was lovely seeing Joe laughing. I don't think I've ever seen him laugh so much at a comic con. Robert P. is very funny. I've seen him at a con before and he was hilarious. I love that dead pan humour...Joe's got that to! Loved the bit where a fan shouts out "I love you Joe" and he says "thank you"!! There's not a lot you can say to that!!

                Plus....A NEW SHIRT...and it WAS IRONED!!!


                I thought I noticed that at one point it looked like
                he had a chain around his neck...that could've carried dog tags under his 't'. Only had time to see this episode once, so will have to see if I imagined that or not on the next viewing!

                at the ironed shirt bit. Love his heart, so true.

                Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                We had some thunder and lightning last night, with at least one house on the island struck by lightning, but, yes, it's still hot and humid. Nice and breezy, though.

                Me, too. I hate crowds. I get quite stressed in them - even in crowded supermarkets when everyone's blundering around with their trolleys in different directions. I still sometimes have nightmares about the time I was foolish enough to try to walk past Piccadilly Circus just before theatre-opening time on a Saturday. Jammed in like sardines, edging forward just an inch at a time... *shudder*

                Good! Cos I'm currently two thirds of the way through a long story that is 100 percent outsider viewpoint of Shep whump. (Well, 100 percent outsider viewpoint, anyway. There's other stuff going on, so it's not quite 100 percent Shep whump.) Seriously, I've been quite worried about it, wondering if anyone out there actually wants to read 90,000 words (or whatever it'll end up) of outsider viewpoint (original characters, too) of our Shep and his team, without any scenes at all from their viewpoint. Here's hoping...

                The thing is, I've never been to Huddersfield, so I really don't have anything against it. All I can think of is that I was looking at a map of Yorkshire the other day, working out what places I can visit when I'm on holiday there, and commented on quite how few places in Yorkshire I'd actually been to. Perhaps Huddersfield was mentioned then. (I don't know. Said map perusing was post Friday-night wine.)

                Sudden doubt strikes me, due to Yorkshire-related ignorance: Huddersfield is in Yorkshire, isn't it?
                I'd love to read it.

                Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                Aaargh! Office machinery whump! Magenta toner explosion! Pink everywhere - in hair, on arms, on feet... Mostly washed off now, but - ugh! - slightly pink keyboard. Pink stains on carpet. Oh! And there's an idea...

                "Oh my God, colonel! What happened to you? There's blood everywhere!"

                "No. I... *cough*... tried to... *cough*... change the printer cartridge in the... *cough*... colour printer...."

                "In your typical shoot-first-ask-questions later fashion, no doubt, just slamming it in without reading the manual.

                "You don't read..."

                "I don't need to. Brains, remember?"

                (McKay goes off, muttering about brainless colonels who break expensive office equipment. Sheppard collapses due to toner in the lungs and hovers at death's door for two weeks. McKay feels bad. The cleaning staff go on strike, complaining about never-ending red stains on the carpet. Until the next supply run, all Atlantis mission reports are strangely coloured, lacking in red. Then Ronon shoots the printer out of revenge for what it did to Sheppard, and there are no reports at all. Everyone gets told off. Atlantis declares independence. There is angst. Then, three months later, Sheppard tries to change the yellow toner...)
                My boss had the blue version of your explosion in my office last week. Had to call in the techs to clean out the printer.


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  Splodge of black toner cause Mckay to assume bubonic plague and he panics and initiates an emergency quarantine, trapping Sheppard in his office for hours with no way out and Woolsey advises him that he should make use of the time to clear his backlog of paperwork. After 4 long years of danger, stress and torture, this is the final straw and Sheppard finally flips his lid and wigs out, ending up restrained to an infirmary bed and pumped full of sedatives.

                  I can see the trailer now:

                  Gravelly voiced trailer man: "He has faced torture... (CG clip) He has faced hideous mutation... (Conversion clip) He has faced implacable enemies... (clips of Wraith, of Kolya). Now John Sheppard is going to face the most terrible enemy of all... Paperwork!" (clip of Sheppard, head in his hands as he contemplates his in-tray. Clip of Sheppard dropping paper with an "Ow!" as blood wells from paper cut. Clip of Sheppard desperately scribbling as he tries to get his pen to work.) "Tune on this Friday to see the all-new episode of Stargate Atlantis: The In-Tray of Doom".
                  Last edited by rhymer; 29 July 2008, 03:47 AM. Reason: I spelled Sheppard's name wrong. "Sheppart." *hangs head in shame* (Is Sheppart the Sheppard form of clipart, I wonder?)


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    Splodge of black toner cause Mckay to assume bubonic plague and he panics and initiates an emergency quarantine, trapping Sheppard in his office for hours with no way out and Woolsey advises him that he should make use of the time to clear his backlog of paperwork. After 4 long years of danger, stress and torture, this is the final straw and Sheppard finally flips his lid and wigs out, ending up restrained to an infirmary bed and pumped full of sedatives.
                    Originally posted by rhymer View Post

                    I can see the trailer now:

                    Gravelly voiced trailer man: "He has faced torture... (CG clip) He has faced hideous mutation... (Conversion clip) He has faced implacable enemies... (clips of Wraith, of Kolya). Now John Sheppard is going to face the most terrible enemy of all... Paperwork!" (clip of Sheppard, head in his hands as he contemplates his in-tray. Clip of Sheppard dropping paper with an "Ow!" as blood wells from paper cut. Clip of Sheppard desperately scribbling as he tries to get his pen to work.) "Tune on this Friday to see the all-new episode of Stargate Atlantis: The In-Tray of Doom".
                    Now that's an ep i want to see! lol
                    The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                    l My LJ l


                      ^I think I've seen some examples of "Sheppart" on LJ. It's disturbing....


                        OMG! Thanks goodness I'm alone! Rhymer you crack me up!
                        My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                        Sig and avi by me


                          I am not alone and I find it very difficult to laugh quietly. I think I've done myself a damage!

                          I think I'd better do some work.


                            WOW it's been busy in here!!



                              Originally posted by Salty View Post
                              Well, we already know we're all sick, right?

                              Us? Never!

                              Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                              **peeks in**

                              drops off...


                              **sneaks out**

                              OMG, the spork! Ha ha!

                              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                              That and the kneeling... *swoons*

                              Shep kneeling is never not good.

                              Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                              <snip>Good! Cos I'm currently two thirds of the way through a long story that is 100 percent outsider viewpoint of Shep whump. (Well, 100 percent outsider viewpoint, anyway. There's other stuff going on, so it's not quite 100 percent Shep whump.) Seriously, I've been quite worried about it, wondering if anyone out there actually wants to read 90,000 words (or whatever it'll end up) of outsider viewpoint (original characters, too) of our Shep and his team, without any scenes at all from their viewpoint. Here's hoping... <snip>
                              I think outsider viewpoint fics can be the best (particularly when the author plays around with context -- like when the outsider POV genuinely has no idea what's going on).

                              How's everyone today? I kind of killed my body this weekend. Finally started running again Satruday (sooooo out of shape -- this time last year I was running 15 miles every Saturday, but this weekend 2 miles was hard). And then Sunday the husband and I randomly decided to make our furnished basement into a big master bedroom and our old bedroom into our weight room. So I carried lots of weights and armoires and various other large pieces of furniture. Everything hurts!

                              And I need coffee.
                              My Livejournal
                              I watched all of the first four seasons of SGA last May. Here are my newbie impressions.


                                Originally posted by miniglik View Post
                                How's everyone today? I kind of killed my body this weekend. Finally started running again Satruday (sooooo out of shape -- this time last year I was running 15 miles every Saturday, but this weekend 2 miles was hard). And then Sunday the husband and I randomly decided to make our furnished basement into a big master bedroom and our old bedroom into our weight room. So I carried lots of weights and armoires and various other large pieces of furniture. Everything hurts!

                                And I need coffee.
                                Yikes! I try and run on a regular basis, but with summer here, it's hard to be motivated to either get up extra early or run late in the evening when the temp is cooler and I don't have to work about heatstroke (my cat still thinks I'm one big salt-lick when I come back though).

                                Coffee does make everything better - I firmly believe in "Just give me coffee and no one gets hurt."

