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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Listy View Post
    did someone pinch yours too???!!??? Its like a crimewave, watch out poor innocent whumpers, someone is stealing our shiny halo's and fencing them!!!!
    I'm not certain I ever had one. Does that make me a fallen angel! Sorry, Peg and Ali will get that attempt at humour!

    Originally posted by Listy View Post

    I want someone just as messed up and flawed as me but in the end they do good and make a difference, maybe its a subconscious thing I want to know there is hope for me although I really can't see myself running around a different galaxy carrying a P90 and battling life sucking mosnters
    Sweetie, you're not flawed, you're perfect! Imagines Listy with a P90 battling the wraith!

    Originally posted by Listy View Post

    ha ha ha ha ha!!! seriously I love it, you made my day with that comment Its true on soooo many different levels *run Sheppy RRRUUUUNNNNNN!!!!*
    Oh no. Now you've done it. *Imagines Sheppy as Forest Gump* I'm scarred for life!


      Originally posted by miniglik View Post
      I'm glad I'm not the only one that didn't feel it 'til Conversion. (But, Conversion to Miller's Crossing only took about 2 weeks, with how I just started this show May.) I still don't like 38 Minutes as much. No emo whump, and he's unconscious so much of it. It's no fun if he's unconscious.
      Ooooh sorry, can't agree with you there - I looooove 38 Minutes. Still one of my all time top Shep whump eps.

      I don't know why it took me so long to get hooked on SGA but I do find that happens sometimes... I had the same thing with House.... I watched every ep but didn't get really hooked until about ep 8 or so (before SGA came over and took over my life and fandom, I was HUGE into House!) and when I do fall, I fall HARD!

      Still it is kinda nice falling for a show that's a coupla seasons in and having a whole back catalogue to go through and enjoy.


        Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
        I think the recurring theme with all of those characters is that they have in some way sacrificed their own happiness/wants/needs for the greater good.
        Or maybe not the greater good, but for the person/people they love the most. Still self-sacrifice is really interesting when it also kind of breaks a person.
        My Livejournal
        I watched all of the first four seasons of SGA last May. Here are my newbie impressions.


          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          I became hooked on Sheppard when watching 38 Minutes. I don't think I need to explain why!
          Well, since I started with the DVDs, I watched from "Rising" til "The defiant One" in one setting that was a loooong night!!
          But when I saw him in the helicopter, I thought :wow, what a hot guy! then came the "Did I do that?" confuzzled look and I was hooked, Hide & Seek had me giggle with the "I shot him!" bit (I love it when guys stay a kid at heart) - that grin being a killer notwithstanding
          And THEN came 38 minutes!! Whoa, hotness!!!

          Too bad we never got THAT good a look at his bod since then *cries*
          Conversion was cool but I was hooked WAAAAAY before that!!!

          On another note: I updated the Shep Whump RR

          This baby is a slow progress

          Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
          picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            I'm not certain I ever had one. Does that make me a fallen angel! Sorry, Peg and Ali will get that attempt at humour!
            I am intrigued..... care to elaborate?

            Sweetie, you're not flawed, you're perfect! Imagines Listy with a P90 battling the wraith!
            I hide my flaws well . and that would be easy to imagine all you would see would be the back of me as I run away screaming....well actually I wasn't bad the few times I have been paintballing, at least I know I could hit the bad guys as I run away screaming for my life

            Oh no. Now you've done it. *Imagines Sheppy as Forest Gump* I'm scarred for life!
            NNNOOOOOoooooooooooooo!!!!!! so not the thing I was imagining but now it is life is like a box of chocolates........... yum!!


              ^When I got the DVDs I was really skint and didn't want hubby to know I'd spent £40 in DVDs so for a whole week or more I would wait till he'd gone to bed and stay up and watch a couple of episodes a night with the sound turned down really low on the TV!


                Ha... I actually found Atlantis flipping through the channels one last summer night and I happened to come across Shep with his avi sunglasses in the Tower. I had no idea what the show was, or what in the world was going on, but I did know that one man with the sunglasses was... *ehem* good-looking. And being a long-time whumper, I was hoping for some Shep whump, but alas, there was none in the episode. From there, I looked up the show, youtubed the hell out of it, and was quickly addicted.

                The good thing was, while I started watching it for JF/Shep, I actually found it to be a great show with well-written (for the most part) scripts and phenomenal acting. And that's always a good thing.

                So, because Remnants is not a shepisode... (no specific spoilers)
                I'm a wee bit worried. Not drastically so, but it seems as though JM is wanting some pretty major stuff to happen to Shep and I find (in most cases) that things like that need a good portion of the episode for it to be handled correctly. You know?

                Oh well, still on a wait-and-see basis with this one.


                  Hey Whumpers!

                  Well, tomorrow's the big night! Just so you know....the S&R War is still going on in my house. Hubby is still insisting it won't happen for me and I'll just have to wait to see it. He even said I may be able to see the second episode just not the first one. What's the point?

                  He tried to play nice with me last night and asked if we could watch some of S-4 together. I selected "Travellers" and "DG" for our viewing pleasure (well, okay, MY viewing pleasure). He enjoyed "Travellers" well enough....he even insisted that he'd seen JF and the Larrin actress together on SGA before! Maybe in his dreams.....

                  Get this....he didn't like DG!!! He fell asleep in the middle of it so didn't even get to see the end....but he said it was too "talky", whatever the hell that means. I was watching the director's thing where they showed JF harnessed up and he woke up and wanted to know if I was watching another episode. Nooooo.......never mind.

                  I probably should have shown him TLM and waited for the end.....and then said, "This episode tomorrow night picks up where this left off!!!!" I wanna see it!!!!!!

                  Off to catch up.



                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    ^When I got the DVDs I was really skint and didn't want hubby to know I'd spent £40 in DVDs so for a whole week or more I would wait till he'd gone to bed and stay up and watch a couple of episodes a night with the sound turned down really low on the TV!
                    I bought the first season on itunes to try it out. Still wasn't convinced, but I had birthday money, so I tried the second season on DVD. Once I had that, my husband was pretty understanding of me buying the rest, because he has a compulsive need to have complete sets of all tv shows. We only had the first four seasons on Angel on DVD for awhile and it drove him nuts, even though he isn't a big fan of the show. Good times for me though -- I get to buy all my shows.
                    My Livejournal
                    I watched all of the first four seasons of SGA last May. Here are my newbie impressions.


                      Originally posted by Listy View Post
                      I am intrigued..... care to elaborate?
                      Um, no! I sent you an email!

                      Originally posted by Listy View Post

                      I hide my flaws well . and that would be easy to imagine all you would see would be the back of me as I run away screaming....well actually I wasn't bad the few times I have been paintballing, at least I know I could hit the bad guys as I run away screaming for my life
                      You so do not have any flaws, so there! Hey, I'd run away screaming too. Actually I probably wouldn't. I have been known to step in when I see someone in trouble with no thought about my own safety...maybe I'm more like Shep and less like McKay than I originally thought... then again...maybe not!

                      Originally posted by Listy View Post

                      NNNOOOOOoooooooooooooo!!!!!! so not the thing I was imagining but now it is life is like a box of chocolates........... yum!!
                      sorry. Whenever I hear that, I think of poor old Forest!


                        Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                        Hey Whumpers!

                        Well, tomorrow's the big night! Just so you know....the S&R War is still going on in my house. Hubby is still insisting it won't happen for me and I'll just have to wait to see it. He even said I may be able to see the second episode just not the first one. What's the point?

                        He tried to play nice with me last night and asked if we could watch some of S-4 together. I selected "Travellers" and "DG" for our viewing pleasure (well, okay, MY viewing pleasure). He enjoyed "Travellers" well enough....he even insisted that he'd seen JF and the Larrin actress together on SGA before! Maybe in his dreams.....

                        Get this....he didn't like DG!!! He fell asleep in the middle of it so didn't even get to see the end....but he said it was too "talky", whatever the hell that means. I was watching the director's thing where they showed JF harnessed up and he woke up and wanted to know if I was watching another episode. Nooooo.......never mind.

                        I probably should have shown him TLM and waited for the end.....and then said, "This episode tomorrow night picks up where this left off!!!!" I wanna see it!!!!!!

                        Off to catch up.

                        I'm not sure Doppelganger is a good "get hooked" episode. It was my very first, and without caring about the characters already it's not as interesting. The next time through it was much better, in context.

                        Good luck with the husband!
                        My Livejournal
                        I watched all of the first four seasons of SGA last May. Here are my newbie impressions.


                          Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                          I wouldn't worry they're overrated, mine keeps falling off.
                          Well as i'm a horny lil devil I don't have to worry about that sort of thing.

                          Originally posted by Listy View Post
                          It is though isn't it? we have waited years for something like this and it is just so amazing, I really couldn't be happier. I feel the need to see the ep again.
                          I agree hon, 100 times is just not enough to quench the whumpers thirst... and other things for that matter (apparantly) Sorry. I couldn't help myself. Inside joke.

                          I agree I do hope that it being leaked doesn't affect the ratings and I do king of wish it hadn't been leaked, but once its out there and there is the risk of being spoiled, then its so difficult to not see it, and yeah I feel the same, if I had read that synopsis before seeing the ep, my brain would have just gone crazy and I would have been thining all kinds of things, and my imagination woul dhave gone much further so yeah I think I might have been a little disappointed but not with what I got but what I imagined could have been
                          Ditto, but i'll still watch and i'll still buy just like all the times before. I think if we'd have seen that we'd have been going nuts. I love that this thread is buzzing today, it makes me lovely and squeeish.

                          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                          Then colour me happy!

                          Umm. I don't remember Travelers ever being touted as the ultimate Shep whump. JM said it would be a "treat for those of the Shep whump persuasion" I think and then we got all excited over the promo but it turned out in the end the promo whump was pretty much ALL the whump! It was DG that JM referenced more as the whumpy ep with the "Sheppard beat down to beat all Shepppard beat downs" or something like that.

                          Oh. Is that what that thing I keep finding around my waist is? I thought it was a hula hoop!
                          *quivers at the thought of evil Shep* SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

                          Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                          Me too (well hello there Dean Winchester) but there are people out there who seem to want their favourite characters to be perfect... and they call us freaks.
                          They don't know what they're missing.

                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          For me, Sheppard is perfect because he's floored EDIT. I meant flawed! Floored was a freudian slip! I just have to be difficult, don't I?
                          *pats Linnie on the head* of course you meant that. I won't tell them how you jumped over the table during lunch then. Ooops did I say that out loud?

                          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                          *has visions of Linzi tackling Sheppard to the floor*

                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          VBG on my face right now!
                          What this one?


                          Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                          And they wonder why Joe brought David with him for safety.

                          *giggles* it wouldn't surprise me. "Oh Joe, you'll never guess who is coming to the set tomorrow. That weird girl who talks about getting you shirtless and this blonde woman, who will just melt in your arms."

                          Originally posted by miniglik View Post
                          Every fandom I get into I seem to end up debating this. Actually even with my husband. He wants to root for the noble knight character. I want a corrupted good guy, an anti hero, or a rogue character.

                          I didn't even find Sheppard all that hot until Conversion. And I wasn't at all out Shep Fangirl status until Miller's Crossing.

                          But when he started laying the pictures out on the table in front of Wallace? DAAAAaaaaaaaammmmmmnnnn.
                          There's nothing like a great debate

                          Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                          I think the recurring theme with all of those characters is that they have in some way sacrificed their own happiness/wants/needs for the greater good.
                          Oh that's so lovely

                          Linz!!! Fallen Angel!! *giggles* oh you know I miss that for some strange reason.


                            PEG - you are so cheeky! And you just HAD to post that piccie again, didn't you?


                              Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                              Hey Whumpers!

                              Well, tomorrow's the big night! Just so you know....the S&R War is still going on in my house. Hubby is still insisting it won't happen for me and I'll just have to wait to see it. He even said I may be able to see the second episode just not the first one. What's the point?

                              He tried to play nice with me last night and asked if we could watch some of S-4 together. I selected "Travellers" and "DG" for our viewing pleasure (well, okay, MY viewing pleasure). He enjoyed "Travellers" well enough....he even insisted that he'd seen JF and the Larrin actress together on SGA before! Maybe in his dreams.....

                              Get this....he didn't like DG!!! He fell asleep in the middle of it so didn't even get to see the end....but he said it was too "talky", whatever the hell that means. I was watching the director's thing where they showed JF harnessed up and he woke up and wanted to know if I was watching another episode. Nooooo.......never mind.

                              I probably should have shown him TLM and waited for the end.....and then said, "This episode tomorrow night picks up where this left off!!!!" I wanna see it!!!!!!

                              Off to catch up.

                              Oh my, that doesn´t sound good! Whats his problem with the first ep?! It´s the best Atlantis ep so far!!! MEN!!
                              So glad my bf doesn´t get to decide what we watch and what not in here (well, separate appartements does have it´s advantages, LOL)

                              Not that I could watch it tomorrow anyway, wrong country, wrong continent!

                              *have already seen it though*

                              Well I´m off now, good night whumpers!

                              Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                              picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                                Um, no! I sent you an email!

                                You so do not have any flaws, so there! Hey, I'd run away screaming too. Actually I probably wouldn't. I have been known to step in when I see someone in trouble with no thought about my own safety...maybe I'm more like Shep and less like McKay than I originally thought... then again...maybe not!

                                sorry. Whenever I hear that, I think of poor old Forest!
                                Hee hee thanks hun, I get it now .

                                I have been known to stupidly stand up for something with the outlook of getting a good kicking for it and not realised until after and thought **** that could have been bad and then shaking like a leaf and being so scared I guess sometimes I am not very bright. I won't have people upsetting my mum and I just don't like people picking on old vulnerable people or kids, fair enough if you can look after yourself but if its an unbalanced situation its not on. However faced with Wraith you would just see the cartoon dust trail as I speed to safety, even old people and kids wouldn't stand a chance in that situation

                                I am definitely Rodney McKay

                                I love that Sheppy would lay down his life for his atlantis family and they all know it, so much angst and guilt
                                Last edited by Listy; 10 July 2008, 01:20 PM.

