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John Sheppard Whump

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    Oooh Buck Rogers was a staple of my childhood (as was pretty much every sci-fi show of the seventies and eighties) did you know they are planning on making a film?


      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      I used to do Tweakie impressions when I was little.

      Oh and another similarity... they both have to explain sayings and cultural references to a beautiful woman from a different culture.
      Me too.... "Beadie-beadie-beadie... hiya, Buck!"

      Their wardrobe choices differ a little... unless Shep has a white jump-suit with a wing collar in his locker.... Yikes!

      The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


        ^Fashion whump is as step too far!


          Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
          Oooh Buck Rogers was a staple of my childhood (as was pretty much every sci-fi show of the seventies and eighties) did you know they are planning on making a film?
          A movie? *is excited***!

          Of course JF must play the lead... but who plays the other parts?* taps chin thoughtfully...*

          The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


            Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
            Congrats, Cazz!!!!
            Thanx SAF!

            Sorry but Buck Rodgers is lost on me

            What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
              Sorry hon, I make bread the old fashioned way...measuring and combining ingrediaents and beating the hell out of it and letting it rise and beating the hell out of it again and then putting it in the oven.
              so you also whump bread?

              Congrats Cazz!

              I'm still having problems posting on GW. It's taking forever.

              Happy Friday Whumpers! I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing 3 day weekend of wine and Shep whump. We finally are getting a little rain.

              Welcome back Ali!
              Chicago Con Attendee 2011
              Chicago Con Attendee 2010
              GateCon Attendee 2008
              Vancouver Con Attendee 2007


                Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                A movie? *is excited***!

                Of course JF must play the lead... but who plays the other parts?* taps chin thoughtfully...*
                ooh! JF would make a GREAT Buck Rogers!

                *thinks of JF running around in skin tight white polyester...* ((THUNK!!!)

                hi all. Enjoying a couple glasses of wine for the long US holiday weekend. trying to push the stress of RL out of my mind, at least for the night....
                My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                  Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                  Me too.... "Beadie-beadie-beadie... hiya, Buck!"

                  Their wardrobe choices differ a little... unless Shep has a white jump-suit with a wing collar in his locker.... Yikes!
                  **snerk** that is a noise I can't forget!

                  My long weekend has started!! Woohoo!! Time for a Flavor Festival, lots of relaxing, whumping and thunking (if GW allows) and working on our end of year slideshow for the kids.


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    Hiya folks. How's everyone doing today?
                    Hey, Ali! It's very good to see you here again! {{{HUGS}}}

                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Oh Before I forget. I'm hoping she pops in soon to give you all an update, but Elf is doing awesome!!!
                    Thanks for the update!

                    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                    Woohoo! Just finished my second year of uni!!!

                    Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                    Spoilers for season four - very minor for season five:
                    You see I have never got that comparison at all, I've seen a lot of people compare Nancy and Larrin but I don't see any resemblance between the two characters at all, either personality or looks wise, beyond them both being beautiful women. *shrugs*

                    I actually really liked Nancy because through her we get to see a different side of Shep than the normal action hero routine and in the short screen time she had I really warmed to her. So I for one would be happy to see her back for an episode in season five.
                    ITA. I like the character, well written and acted.

                    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                    Sorry hon, I make bread the old fashioned way...measuring and combining ingrediaents and beating the hell out of it and letting it rise and beating the hell out of it again and then putting it in the oven.
                    Me, too. I love making bread by hand. It is an extremely satisfying thing to do, as the lovely smell and final product and getting to pound the heck out of something! LOL

                    I'm going to see Iron Man tomorrow if I can. Indy will wait a couple of weeks.


                      Ok...why are the advertisements all for bread machines????

                      *sigh* hubby and I are childless tonight - free to go out on the town and here I sit at 8:30 PM knackered as all hell and just thinking of going to bed. When the hell did I get so old???

                      Maybe I can convince hubby to let me watch some whump or something. I never did get my viewing of TR today.


                        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                        Ok...why are the advertisements all for bread machines????

                        *sigh* hubby and I are childless tonight - free to go out on the town and here I sit at 8:30 PM knackered as all hell and just thinking of going to bed. When the hell did I get so old???

                        Maybe I can convince hubby to let me watch some whump or something. I never did get my viewing of TR today.
                        I hate it when that happens; too tired to take advantage of your freedom!

                        As for the bread machines... well.... *hangs head in shame*

                        The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


                          Evening whumpers,
                          Getting really tired of these problems with GW , you never know if it will work or not. At least my typing speed has improved, LOL, have to get it all on here before GW takes a dive again.

                          Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                          This is very off-topic, but...

                          anyone on the thread today got any good bread machine recipes? I had a hankering for that lovely bread baking smell, so I just put in a rapid bake white loaf, but I want to make some more - something a little different maybe.

                          Can I interest any of you in a slice?
                          I really do miss my bread machine. Just the aroma alone is well worth it. You can get very creative with the recipes. I favored the sweet ones, a little cinnamon, raisins or dates added. I just threw in handfuls of each , seemed to turn out OK...

                          Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                          Here she is... spoilered because she could burn out your eyes:-


                          Always trying to get Buck into her bedroom...


                          If Larrin had a costume like that, she'd definitely rule the galaxy!


                          Other cast members just didn't know where to look....

                          Apologies for off-topicness... I couldn't resist!
                          And now my loaf is ready.....

                          I admit, I loved Buck Rogers. The costumes were pretty hilarious, even then.

                          Ruffles, LOL at your sig that says "If found return to Ruffles" with the guys pics on it. Can't fault a girl for trying. Let me know if it works and I'll add it below my sig....

                          I was watching Common Ground the other day, thanks Peggy for the inspiration , and was wondering if the show ever revisited what happened in the ep? Surely being fed upon by a wraith to the point of death must have had some consequences for John. I've finished season 3 and I don't remember any mention made of it in that season. How about season 4? In my opinion, this would make such a great emo-whump ep for John to have to deal with this in some form again.


                            Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
                            Evening whumpers,
                            Getting really tired of these problems with GW , you never know if it will work or not. At least my typing speed has improved, LOL, have to get it all on here before GW takes a dive again.

                            I really do miss my bread machine. Just the aroma alone is well worth it. You can get very creative with the recipes. I favored the sweet ones, a little cinnamon, raisins or dates added. I just threw in handfuls of each , seemed to turn out OK...

                            I admit, I loved Buck Rogers. The costumes were pretty hilarious, even then.

                            Ruffles, LOL at your sig that says "If found return to Ruffles" with the guys pics on it. Can't fault a girl for trying. Let me know if it works and I'll add it below my sig....

                            I was watching Common Ground the other day, thanks Peggy for the inspiration , and was wondering if the show ever revisited what happened in the ep? Surely being fed upon by a wraith to the point of death must have had some consequences for John. I've finished season 3 and I don't remember any mention made of it in that season. How about season 4? In my opinion, this would make such a great emo-whump ep for John to have to deal with this in some form again.
                            I think it was very briefly mentioned....
                            in Travellers. When you see it you'll know why.

                            Goodnight CC.


                              Another quiet evening. Just think in a mere 7 weeks, there will be squee!

                              Gah! It's officially rerun (repeat) season. New horrendous reality shows will abound as well. Thank goodness I have three seasons of SGA on DVD and a fourth on DVR!

                              Goodnight, whumpers!


                                Loving all the talk about Buck Rogers. I love watching all the old scifi shows. It's funny...when we watched them the first time around we thought they were all the best thing since sliced they almost seem a bit corny...still fun though! Horror of horrors! I've been rewatching ST:TNG and even that seems a little bit corny now. I LOVED ST:TNG. I read in the paper the other day that SKY are talking about remaking 'Blakes 7'. That should be fun!

                                Anyway, back to SGA, I hope we get Nancy back...I really liked her.

