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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
    ITA totally freaking agree. SGA WAS thrown under the bus for SGU. Its stupid and you're right. They completely jumped the gun cancelling after 5. Did the actors have 6 year contracts? I couldn't remember.

    The reason why it shocked me so much as I assumed SGA would be around for at least one season of SGU as a lead in show like they did with SG1 and season 1 of Atlantis.

    So let me see if I have this straight. Kill the successful show to start a new one, then run that new, unproven show with no lead in to help it get a running start.... yeah. I see that logic.

    Maybe they think Sanctuary will be the lead in , in which case they're smoking crack. (sorry to be blunt but I"m beyond being nice). I'm going to give Sanctury a try too, mostly out of curiosity, but it also, at this point is totally new and unproven and, frankly, I'm not overly optomistic about it. *sigh*

    This is a great plan if you want to mess up the franchise. In which case (at the risk of sounding like Rodney) fabulous job, you're right on track.
    Maybe they are planning to lead in with Caprica.


      Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
      I wish this was all a bad dream, hon. I've been in shock all evening. I imagine no one's too cheerful up in Vancouver right now - I can't imagine having less than a month to film and knowing you need to find new jobs then.
      I hope Joe gets a series soon. If he does I'm betting it'll be one of the major networks in a new show. *crossing fingers*

      I think for him this will be somewhat of a relief. From interviews, the distance from his family was wearing him down. I'd love to see him do something similar to Thoughtcrimes.


        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
        I think the main reason for the cancellation is financial. The series does become more and more expensive each year. SGA has a very large cast, regular, recurring and extras. A ship based show could have a much smaller regular and recurring cast, which would be cheaper. Finding new, unknown actors would also lower the payroll.

        Sad as it is, TV is about making a profit. Knowing that fact doesn't lessen my disappointment, but it is a fact.

        BTW, someone did ask on JM's blog if the main cast would be on board for the movie. Even though it is very early days, and it is unlikely they are beyond just discussion, I hope he can give us some solid answers.
        True. I'm sure there are financial reasons, but they supported the cast of SG1 for 10 sesons.. *yeah, production was cheaper in that day...* But I Thought the actors had 6 year contracts. that means they had another season before contract negotiations...?

        For me the main cast (the Fab four team) HAVE to be on board for the movies or it just won't be Atlantis.

        Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
        Yes, it has been. And if you read behind the lines with even a sliver of intelligence, you will see it was MGM that canceled it.

        *waves at Linzi* It's just depressing because of how it is being handled. The show (and the people involved) performed and did its job. TPTB just don't give a damn. Brad Wright and Co. wanted SGU so they are getting SGU. Fan-freaking-tastic. Ugh.
        That's what I don't get. WHy MGM? What do they have to gain? Isn't it Scifi that pays for the production costs of the show? *scratches head*

        but you're right. They wanted SGU and, I guess, got it. Great. Have fun with that, boys.
        My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


          Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
          I hope Joe gets a series soon. If he does I'm betting it'll be one of the major networks in a new show. *crossing fingers*

          I think for him this will be somewhat of a relief. From interviews, the distance from his family was wearing him down. I'd love to see him do something similar to Thoughtcrimes.
          For sure. It really does look like the commute back and forth from Vancouver has been REALLY hard on him (and I can see why!) I hope he gets picked up soon too as well as the other actors for the show.

          My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


            Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
            Maybe they are planning to lead in with Caprica.
            *SNORT* Oh yeah.... oui.

            My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


              Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
              Yes, it has been. And if you read behind the lines with even a sliver of intelligence, you will see it was MGM that canceled it.

              *waves at Linzi* It's just depressing because of how it is being handled. The show (and the people involved) performed and did its job. TPTB just don't give a damn. Brad Wright and Co. wanted SGU so they are getting SGU. Fan-freaking-tastic. Ugh.
              Hello sweetie! Yep. MGM wants SGU, cue sacrifice SGA. No surprises there!


                Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                True. I'm sure there are financial reasons, but they supported the cast of SG1 for 10 sesons.. *yeah, production was cheaper in that day...* But I Thought the actors had 6 year contracts. that means they had another season before contract negotiations...?

                For me the main cast (the Fab four team) HAVE to be on board for the movies or it just won't be Atlantis.

                That's what I don't get. WHy MGM? What do they have to gain? Isn't it Scifi that pays for the production costs of the show? *scratches head*

                but you're right. They wanted SGU and, I guess, got it. Great. Have fun with that, boys.
                I think MGM and Sci-Fi split costs. MGM would pay xx amount of production costs and skiffy would pick up the rest.


                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                  Hello sweetie! Yep. MGM wants SGU, cue sacrifice SGA. No surprises there!
                  Nope. I had just hoped (vainly) they were going to wait for the 6th season to go, contracts end, the kind of natural ending spot. Silly us though, right, SGA has always been treated like...errrr...I should probably go to bed. I'm just way to tried and grouchy!


                    Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                    JM confirmed it, too, as a response in his blog. He said he'd talk about it tomorrow.

                    I cannot write the words here that I am thinking. You know that expression "if looks could kill"? Yeah, that about sums it up.

                    The one bright thing is that there is hope for a film, or more (please!). Since JM has been talking in those terms of late, there may have already been much discussion about it with MGM and SciFi. I'm not really very sure what SciFi has to do with it, though. If it is direct to DVD, wouldn't it all be MGM? Anyway, fingers crossed.

                    No spoilers, just me swearing...
                    I just popped on to check the thread and I see this. I am so upset.

                    I do believe its MGM and the producers not Scifi. They want to do SGU and don't want to do both so they think they can give us a crumb with the movies and keep us happy.

                    Lorr they said the movie will air on Scifi and then go to DVD not like the SG1.Also the comment was made in the article that the show will be a network franchise whatever the heck that means. Hopefully JM will clarify a bit tomorrow.

                    I think he knew this a few weeks ago hence his negative blogs. The question is how expensive is it to keep the sets for just 1 movie. Hopefully we get a bunch. Now the question also will be if they get the actors back.

                    Damm I am going on vacation on sat to Aruba and this just about ruins it for me. Got to keep up a good face for hubby but I will be crying in my soup.

                    How is the cast and crew going to feel for the 100th episode party which is also the last show party. I really thought they would wait until filming ended to make an annoucement. This hit me like a knock out punch because i was not prepared.

                    Going to be very very sad.


                      And with TPTB doing what they just did and alienating fans (at least me), they've already handicapped SGU.

                      I know there have been some complaints about plot re-treads, but the one thing that worked, even when the eps were weak was the cast chemistry.

                      I really hope JF gets a major role in a primetime series!


                        Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
                        I think MGM and Sci-Fi split costs. MGM would pay xx amount of production costs and skiffy would pick up the rest.
                        Huh. ok. I thought I read somewhere that Scifi paid the "lions share" but not all apparently. Who knows? I'll definitely be reading JM's blog tomorrow.

                        Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
                        Nope. I had just hoped (vainly) they were going to wait for the 6th season to go, contracts end, the kind of natural ending spot. Silly us though, right, SGA has always been treated like...errrr...I should probably go to bed. I'm just way to tried and grouchy!
                        Oh no, hon, feel free to grouch! SGA has ALWAYS been treated like the poor stepchild of the franchise. By the networks and even by Conventions in my experience. From day freaking one it's been this way. Even when it was consistently beating SG1 in the ratings.

                        The real irony? IMHO Atlantis is better then SG1. Way better. And still had so much potential for stories to be told and for the wonderful SGA universe to be explored.

                        My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                          It's completely up to SciFi if they run the show on TV. MGM produces it. I think JM said in the past that the decision would come from SciFi. I could be wrong, though.


                            Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                            And with TPTB doing what they just did and alienating fans (at least me), they've already handicapped SGU.

                            I know there have been some complaints about plot re-treads, but the one thing that worked, even when the eps were weak was the cast chemistry.

                            I really hope JF gets a major role in a primetime series!
                            Definitely. Cast chemistry is one of teh reasons I became so passionate about SGA.

                            And me to on JF. He really deserves it.
                            My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                              Well, if anyone wants to send lemons to TPTB, I have a tree's worth to volunteer in another month or two (and it looks like it will be a bumper crop).


                                Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                                I wish this was all a bad dream, hon. I've been in shock all evening. I imagine no one's too cheerful up in Vancouver right now - I can't imagine having less than a month to film and knowing you need to find new jobs then.
                                I knew it was going to happen, but still..... *iz very sad*

                                Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
                                Yes, it has been. And if you read behind the lines with even a sliver of intelligence, you will see it was MGM that canceled it.

                                *waves at Linzi* It's just depressing because of how it is being handled. The show (and the people involved) performed and did its job. TPTB just don't give a damn. Brad Wright and Co. wanted SGU so they are getting SGU. Fan-freaking-tastic. Ugh.
                                *waves* I knew they were going to ditch SGA for SGU, especially BW's little speech a few months ago, with them 'correcting' what they did wrong.


