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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
    Wanted to tackle Linzi again for making me a happy camper!! HUGS

    No matter how things are handled in "Broken Ties" it will give people like me and others a wealthspring to write about for a long time to come!!

    *tries to resist clicking on spoilers about BT*

    I can last another 52 days. Right?

    Sig by Luciana
    My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post

      *tries to resist clicking on spoilers about BT*

      I can last another 52 days. Right?

      NO YOU CAN"T!!! Come to the dark side!!!!


        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
        NO YOU CAN"T!!! Come to the dark side!!!!
        We have cookies....

        Yeah, finally home from work. Actually went out to dinner with my boss. Hubby is working late and boss was hanging around waiting to go pick her kids up from their Dad's. We had a nice, relaxing girl dinner where we could pick on the men in our lives, all in good fun though because we both do have great guys with us now!

        Any more whumping on the agenda? I have a few hours to play.


          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post

          *tries to resist clicking on spoilers about BT*

          I can last another 52 days. Right?

          Stay strong. You can do it! The rewards will make the struggle worthwhile...


            Evening Whumpers,

            SAF you crazy thing! I'm lovin these picfics you know.

            Peggy, great commentary. Inspired me to slip in the DVD and watch CG tonite.

            Originally posted by Listy View Post
            That thought never crossed my mind, nope, not once, never, not in the slightest......ok maybe just a lotlittle *looks for halo* ok who stole my halo???
            *whispers* psst...check your ankle...mine slips too sometimes .

            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
            We have cookies....

            Yeah, finally home from work. Actually went out to dinner with my boss. Hubby is working late and boss was hanging around waiting to go pick her kids up from their Dad's. We had a nice, relaxing girl dinner where we could pick on the men in our lives, all in good fun though because we both do have great guys with us now!

            Any more whumping on the agenda? I have a few hours to play.
            Pocus! My mouth actually watered when I scrolled past these! Cookies, I'm hungry!
            Hmmm CG, whumped Shep and cookies sounds like a great combination.


              Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
              Evening Whumpers,

              SAF you crazy thing! I'm lovin these picfics you know.

              Peggy, great commentary. Inspired me to slip in the DVD and watch CG tonite.

              *whispers* psst...check your ankle...mine slips too sometimes .

              Pocus! My mouth actually watered when I scrolled past these! Cookies, I'm hungry!
              Hmmm CG, whumped Shep and cookies sounds like a great combination.
              The only thing better is Shep and chocolate....mmmmm!


                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                The only thing better is Shep and chocolate....mmmmm!
                Oh honey, I got that too. Dark chocolates with caramel.


                  This is a flyby. I got home in time to see 38 Minutes on SciFi, and spent about 45 minutes wading through all the squee! If we get half of what has been leaked, I will be happy.

                  Hugs to all with job woes. My iffy situation at work has suddenly become more perilous. It's a wait and see for now. That's life.

                  Must run out to a meeting.

                  See y'all later.


                    Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                    I will read once it is complete. I just cannot read WIPs. Sorry
                    Oh, no worries! I was just feeling accomplished and decided to share. On to a tough scene tonight. Adrenaline, fighting... whump? *G* stay tuned... heheh

                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    OMG SQUEEEEE!!!!!!

                    READ THIS! Thanks to Morjana, with spoilers for Broken Ties!


                    Excerpt, BT.

                    Also look for the return of the Wraith-worshipping Satedan Tyre (Mark Dacascos) in an episode in which he captures Ronon (Jason Momoa) and attempts to sacrifice him to the Wraith. Ronon is given so much Wraith enzyme in the episode that he gives in completely to his dark side and apparently does some serious damage to Sheppard (Joe Flanigan).

                    angst! Pain! Whump! Betryaed friendship!! *dies*

                    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post


                    My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                      Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
                      Oh honey, I got that too. Dark chocolates with caramel.

                      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                      This is a flyby. I got home in time to see 38 Minutes on SciFi, and spent about 45 minutes wading through all the squee! If we get half of what has been leaked, I will be happy.

                      Hugs to all with job woes. My iffy situation at work has suddenly become more perilous. It's a wait and see for now. That's life.

                      Must run out to a meeting.

                      See y'all later.
                      (((hugs))) good luck with the job! My Hubby just got a new one. After 10 1/2 years at the other place we were worried they would just up and let him go or close his office without notice. I guess I should be glad I am a teacher. I can usually find a job and keep it.

                      Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                      Oh, no worries! I was just feeling accomplished and decided to share. On to a tough scene tonight. Adrenaline, fighting... whump? *G* stay tuned... heheh

                      OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

                      angst! Pain! Whump! Betryaed friendship!! *dies*

                      A bit excited there SGAFan!!! I have no idea why?
                      Not a spoiler


                        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                        NO YOU CAN"T!!! Come to the dark side!!!!
                        If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you, it will....

                        Originally posted by Pocus View Post

                        Help me, Obi-wan. You're my only hope.

                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        Stay strong. You can do it! The rewards will make the struggle worthwhile...
                        Thank you, Obi-wan. Strong shall I stay.
                        Sig by Luciana
                        My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                          I don't know if anyone has seen this, but it's a spoiler for Inquisition. It sounds like a great team ep.

                          S5 spoiler.
                          I'm really excited about what JM said about the whump John is going to get from Ronon. I can't wait, I'm so excited. Less than 52 days to go.


                            Made it back from my meeting. I see the whumpers have squeed themselves into oblivion. LOL I am going to be cautiously optimistic. Until I've seen it with my own eyes, I will have a little doubt. I'm not meaning to dampen anyone's enthusiasm, but we have quite a wait and I would not want the deflation we had after Phantoms (which I love)!

                            Anyway, time to go again. I need to be up early tomorrow. How many days 'til S5???


                              Originally posted by charlie24 View Post
                              I have been catching up on these I love them they are very very good
                              Thanks Glad you enjoy them!

                              It should be a studio directive that there be Shep Whumpers on set at all times just to 'aid direction of a scene' ....
                              Long lost brothers that would make for interesting family reunions
                              how i miss that t-shirt with the zip He could have at least lost the jacket how plausible is it that one of the Genii goons could have at taken a liking to it and taken the jacket away
                              Agreed! And I loved your CG picspam!!

                              Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
                              Evening Whumpers,

                              SAF you crazy thing! I'm lovin these picfics you know.
                              There is a cont. to this, you know. Poor is in for a nasty surprise, the poor thing....
                              but don´t worry, all going back to my usual ways...

                              Peggy, great commentary. Inspired me to slip in the DVD and watch CG tonite.
                              How weird, the same happened to me! I guess, great minds think alike, how troubled are we all, taking glee in the pain of our hunk?!

                              Pocus - the cookies were too yummy looking, you evil thing you! Now I had to open a cookie box

                              Anyway, off to work now
                              Last edited by SheppAddictedFangirl; 20 May 2008, 09:46 PM.

                              Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                              picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                                OMG SQUEEEEE!!!!!!

                                READ THIS! Thanks to Morjana, with spoilers for Broken Ties!


                                Excerpt, BT.

                                Also look for the return of the Wraith-worshipping Satedan Tyre (Mark Dacascos) in an episode in which he captures Ronon (Jason Momoa) and attempts to sacrifice him to the Wraith. Ronon is given so much Wraith enzyme in the episode that he gives in completely to his dark side and apparently does some serious damage to Sheppard (Joe Flanigan).
                                Whenever I see "OMG SQUEEEEE!!!!!!", spoilerfreeness goes straight out the window
                                'Serious damage to Sheppard'
                                ....Ahhh! How much joy that little phrase produces!

                                Originally posted by Listy View Post
                                The hills are alive with the sound of music...... no wait thats not what I wanted to say...... oh I remember

                                The thread is alive with the wonderful fab sound of Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                OMG You have no idea how much I wanted to come home to chat on here and let my squee out. Linz told me the fabby TB news and I was at work so had to be well behaved, however my colleagues did seem to be quite intrigued at the fact I seemed to be working really hard and suddenly let out a "OMG NO WAY!" rather loudly see I restrained myself I held in my squee for a whole day!!!!

                                Spoilers for squee and BT stuff!!!!!!!!!! woohoo!!!
                                OMG this going to hurt in more ways than one for poor Sheppy. I mean the phsyical and emotional potential is unreal!! Not to get totally over excited.....ok I am so who cares, I am so full of squee, but just imagine how good his could be, I mean Ronon is big and strong and tough and will beat Sheppy up I mean look what happened in the past when they where just sparring or playing games. Plus Sheppard is just going to want to defend himself while reasoning with Ronon trying to ask him to stop and realise what he is doing. What happens if it gets to the point where he has no choice but to fight back or be really hurt imagine how bad it will have to get to get to that point and how difficult it would be for Sheppard to fight back, I mean I assume at the end of the day he would fight back in that situation and not just take it all. The potential fall out from this is immense I mean will they be the same afterwards, will Shep just shrug it off and carry on or will their frienship be affected, I am so intrigued by this ep. I mean yeah realistically its never gonna be that full on, but lets face it Ronon's play fighting is rough imagine how rough he is when he really means it.......OMG I hope he really means it!!!!!



                                WHUMPER DOWN!!!!!

                                excited?? me?? nooooooooooo
                                I think I might be a tad excited to!
                                Ronon is really going to squish Sheppy...oh no! Er...I mean....OH YESSSSS!!!

                                I just had a quick scan of the spoilers for Inquisition.
                                Could be some lovely angsty scenes for Shep in this one.

