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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
    And young!! He's like fine wine though, gets even more handsome as the years gone on, but he still whumps good even after all this time!

    Oooh lookey I managed to stay on topic

    *waves* oooh lots of new pics hon, go squee yourself to oblivion, then when you've recovered come back and play

    You know i'm really quite shy in real life, you hardly know i'm there. It must be the call of the whump! Sends me into a frenzy

    Oh yes, absolutely, for me that was such a highlight and i've missed that when it hasn't happened, or we don't get to see it on screen. Oh we so need to hear that scream again, it's been toooooooo long. Maybe in s5 we'll have something like that again.

    Well with that and the nekkid under the infirmary blanket whilst intubated, we're going to be whumping ourselves!!

    oooooh really?? well that's interesting. Who knows we might have...

    BT Spoiler
    Shep getting fed on? I saw Bambam in one of the pics, which does make me wonder if there's going to be a fight scene between Ronon and Shep. I really feel as if we're going to see something like that. And hopefully, lots of angst to go with it. I'd love to see Shep pleading with Ronon and telling him he'll regret it if he kills him. And is it me or does Ronon scare the crap out of anyone else with those piercing eyes? I may need a pillow. Oh I really hope those two have to fight it out. I feel as if there's definately something going on with Shep, more than just a stunner thing, and being tied up, maybe he's been tortured before hand?

    I thought it was maybe...

    BT spoiler pic
    A bantos rod, sometimes they use that if they're torturing them, because it's a stress position. It's quite common.

    BT SPOILER Season 5

    I think the fight scene is between Tyre and is certainly intriguing why Shep is there. You have to wonder if it's some kind of truth test and Shep is used to show that Ronon has really been converted to a wraith worshipper. Something along the lines of, if you really are a worshipper you'll allow your friend to be fed on. At the last minute i'd suspect he wouldnt let it happen but there are so many emo whump opportunities. For instance, what if Ronon has to lure Shep intoa trap so he can be captured??? and just think, Ronon has SEEN shep get fed on by a wraith and he knows what that means for his friend so......i don't know. I'm intrigued!!! I would love to see shep and Ronon go head to head again.


      Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
      Hmmm......I missed a whole bunch of interesting stuff!

      I haven't watched "Rising" in the longest time!! I even watched while listening to the audio commentary, which Joe did I think with Martin Wood, and I remember as I listened to Joe I thought "He seems like someone I could really like!" And look at me now. I was thinking of sitting down with hubby and starting over watching all the seasons of SGA while the show is on hiatus so hubby will have some vague idea of what's what.

      Be still my heart......"38 Minutes" pics abound! Who else would look that good being defibrillated? Or laid up in the Infirmary for that matter. Or hell.....laid up in Teer's bed in "Epiphany" (wishes I was Teer). *sigh*'s a really tough question. Which color scrubs are your favorite?

      SCRUBS?????!!!! In the infirmary?? Are you nuts hon? *banishes that terrible evil thought of scrubs from her mind*

      Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
      White....i think they look i did like the red in 38 mins too...........actually i dont care what colour they are as long as hes wearing them!
      I liked the red and the cream, but i'd love to see Shep in blue scrubs.... mmmm or aquamarine, it would bring out the green in his eyes!

      What am I saying?! NO SCRUBS!!!

      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      Oh don't talk to me about the Ark missing infirmary scene! GRRRRR! That annoys me far more than the missing Phantoms whump!

      Wonderful piccies, thanks! I think for me, infirmary means lying down, and it doesn't matter what state of dress Shep is in!

      I love Hide and Seek, and Shep certainly looks angsty! Popcorn can cause awful tooth whump! We need our resident dentist here now!

      Don't mention the Ark! I love the episode though, even if it was a silly end!

      Hi O1! I don't know what it is! I've studied it and still have no idea!
      Oh poor Linz, is that your traumered eppy?

      Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
      well there was never any whump written into phantoms that we know of...but the fact that ken actually wrote shep in the infirmary all beat up from the makes me weep at the lost whump!!

      exactly!! he could be naked for all i care

      i still enjoyed that ep too...........even if it makes me weep lol

      i try not to over analyse pics these days because we are generally wrong lol
      i think it looks like a BTPIC
      bantos stick but why would he have that there?

      great analogy there!

      im more shy...well reserved in RL......but on here......i go crazy LOL

      i can think of a certain episode in S5 where a scream would be well placed

      i doubt he'll get fed we dont want no more ugly whump lol........i would love a hand to hand fight with shep and ronon....but i wont get too excited at that thought because i doubt itll happen cos i want it too!
      I just can't imagine you shy.

      I agree, just throwing it out there. Ugly whump! ROFLMAO Oh Roo you do say the funniest things hehehehe. Actually Linz has a good idea.

      Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
      BT SPOILER Season 5

      I think the fight scene is between Tyre and is certainly intriguing why Shep is there. You have to wonder if it's some kind of truth test and Shep is used to show that Ronon has really been converted to a wraith worshipper. Something along the lines of, if you really are a worshipper you'll allow your friend to be fed on. At the last minute i'd suspect he wouldnt let it happen but there are so many emo whump opportunities. For instance, what if Ronon has to lure Shep intoa trap so he can be captured??? and just think, Ronon has SEEN shep get fed on by a wraith and he knows what that means for his friend so......i don't know. I'm intrigued!!! I would love to see shep and Ronon go head to head again.
      Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, that's my thoughts to, and I think Linz may even have another suggestion


        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
        I just can't imagine you shy.

        I agree, just throwing it out there. Ugly whump! ROFLMAO Oh Roo you do say the funniest things hehehehe. Actually Linz has a good idea.
        i know hard to imagine LOL....but true....and yes no ugly whump, im shallow what can i say hehehe

        whats linzi's idea?

        ooops ive just thought im not meant to be speculating its bad for me....but its too late i already am



          Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
          i know hard to imagine LOL....but true....and yes no ugly whump, im shallow what can i say hehehe

          whats linzi's idea?

          ooops ive just thought im not meant to be speculating its bad for me....but its too late i already am
          Well, I thought of this earlier, and it's probably totally wrong and silly, but,

          Spoilers for Broken Ties, season 5:

          I wondered if Ronon might pretend to be ok and lure Shep into a trap, don't know how or where, maybe Shep thinks his rescuing him, but it's all a trap? And actually Ronon captures him? And that's how he's got Shep there in the piccies on JM's blogs? That's one scenario I thought of. Probably not accurate, but I'd love to see Shep's face if Ronon betrayed him.


            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            Well, I thought of this earlier, and it's probably totally wrong and silly, but,

            Spoilers for Broken Ties, season 5:

            I wondered if Ronon might pretend to be ok and lure Shep into a trap, don't know how or where, maybe Shep thinks his rescuing him, but it's all a trap? And actually Ronon captures him? And that's how he's got Shep there in the piccies on JM's blogs? That's one scenario I thought of. Probably not accurate, but I'd love to see Shep's face if Ronon betrayed him.
            hmmm BT
            no thats definately possible.........though i read somewhere that
            tyre goes to atlantis to tell them he knows where ronon is but they dont know if its a trap or not, so i would love it if tyre surprised ronon (whos maybe pretending to have turned) and brought out sheppy tied up and you know ideally a bit beaten up LOL and says "prove youre with us" or something!




              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
              Well, I thought of this earlier, and it's probably totally wrong and silly, but,

              Spoilers for Broken Ties, season 5:

              I wondered if Ronon might pretend to be ok and lure Shep into a trap, don't know how or where, maybe Shep thinks his rescuing him, but it's all a trap? And actually Ronon captures him? And that's how he's got Shep there in the piccies on JM's blogs? That's one scenario I thought of. Probably not accurate, but I'd love to see Shep's face if Ronon betrayed him.
              BT Spoilers season 5

              Thats what i think! like he comes back to Atlantis or he gets Shep to come offworld or something and then nabs him! oo great minds! so not silly at all


                Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                hmmm BT
                no thats definately possible.........though i read somewhere that
                tyre goes to atlantis to tell them he knows where ronon is but they dont know if its a trap or not, so i would love it if tyre surprised ronon (whos maybe pretending to have turned) and brought out sheppy tied up and you know ideally a bit beaten up LOL and says "prove youre with us" or something!

                Ah, I hadn't heard that. But I guess that fits
                Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
                BT Spoilers season 5

                Thats what i think! like he comes back to Atlantis or he gets Shep to come offworld or something and then nabs him! oo great minds! so not silly at all
                I'd like for that to have happened. Great minds indeed. Looks like it won't though!


                  Ha, well I just answered the 'hard' trivia question on the GW homepage correctly... I don't know whether to be proud or concerned...

                  Glad to see everyone squeefull about JM's pic. I was quite happy about it as well. I'm a bit to lazy to speculate right now, but I think most of you have already specuated what I'm speculating, so it's no loss really.

                  And I'm finally almost done with my fic, which makes me very happy. I'll be glad to have it done and of my shoulders

                  It's either that, or going to bed early. It's only 7:20 right now, but I'm exhausted...

                  How's everyone else doing?


                    Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
          's a really tough question. Which color scrubs are your favorite?

                    Not so tough for me. I am surprised Peg didn't answer for me.

                    White Scrubs and green sheets...



                      I have sneaky suspicion that someone answered a question for earlier and I forgot to say thank you so if you did Thank you.
                      Either that or I am going mad

                      Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                      Hmmm......I missed a whole bunch of interesting stuff!

                      I haven't watched "Rising" in the longest time!! I even watched while listening to the audio commentary, which Joe did I think with Martin Wood, and I remember as I listened to Joe I thought "He seems like someone I could really like!" And look at me now. I was thinking of sitting down with hubby and starting over watching all the seasons of SGA while the show is on hiatus so hubby will have some vague idea of what's what.

                      Be still my heart......"38 Minutes" pics abound! Who else would look that good being defibrillated? Or laid up in the Infirmary for that matter. Or hell.....laid up in Teer's bed in "Epiphany" (wishes I was Teer). *sigh*

            's a really tough question. Which color scrubs are your favorite?

                      Everytime I start watching rising on the TV in eventually end up with the DVD and its commentary.

                      Which color scrubs are your favorite? Hhmm I would say white ~ but shouldn't the answer actually be none as ideally he would be nekkid and intubated under a blanket


                        Originally posted by caty View Post
                        No, there was no doubt. We heard from enough sources
                        that he is going to be in it. The lack of anything concerning Shep in Season 5 has annoyed some though and maybe worried others...

                        BTW: I am completely and utterly confused now about spoiler tagging. I think I'm just not going to talk about anything concerning eps on here, because I am bound to get it wrong and upset people sooner or later..
                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Hi SGA!

                        No, you didn't miss anything sweetie. I don't think it's a spoiler to say Joe is appearing in season 5!

                        Skydiver, thanks for the clarification on the rules for this thread.
                        Thanks Caty and Linzi! I was apalled that I might have missed something!

                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        People will also need to realize....if you're a true to the bone spoilerphobe....the internet isnt' the best place for you.
                        (snippage for space...) ITA Skydiver, thank you! Way back in season 1 when the UK? got the second half of season 1 of SGA before the US did I was spoiled by someone who just openly said Grodin died! without spoiler tags (scifi board!) that was a big honkin spoiler and I was very irritated

                        Thank you so much for coming in and clarifying

                        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                        Yes you are right Roo there are probably more missing infirmary scenes than actual infirmary scenes. One that comes to my mind is The Ark. I mean having an infirmary scene for Teyla was rubbing salt into the wound. I mean she wasnt really whumped - but Shep had crash landed for goodness sake!

                        heheheh... for me it was Phantoms. Everyone but Shep was whumped! Talk about salt in the wound! LOL Raise your hand if you think the writers were messing with the shep whumpers on that! hehhe

                        Originally posted by caty View Post
                        He looks so different in the early episodes...
                        I was just thinking that the other day! LOL

                        Originally posted by iheartshep View Post

              's a really tough question. Which color scrubs are your favorite?

                        White.. oh definitely white. that is such a damn good color on him... (thunk)
                        My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                          spoiler for TR and size...


                          speaking of white scrubs...

                          My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                            Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                            BT - hmmm
                            i doubt he'll get fed we dont want no more ugly whump lol........i would love a hand to hand fight with shep and ronon....but i wont get too excited at that thought because i doubt itll happen cos i want it too!
                            Evening, whumpers! At least those that are still around. I was reading Roo's post and a wild thought popped into my head - BT speculation
                            what if this is the "fight to the death" promised in The Ark??
                            See what happens when I'm super tired?

                            ETA - sorry if anyone saw that, I didn't click the spoiler thingy properly!!


                              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                              Evening, whumpers! At least those that are still around. I was reading Roo's post and a wild thought popped into my head - BT speculation
                              what if this is the "fight to the death" promised in The Ark??
                              See what happens when I'm super tired?

                              ETA - sorry if anyone saw that, I didn't click the spoiler thingy properly!!
                              im still here even though i should be in bed lol and that would be soooo cool.......except for know..the death part LOL

                              JM updated his blog, and ignored all the questions again...GRR...but dont stop asking him for that shepisode title, he'll cave in eventually....erm hopefully!
                              Last edited by Rootortoise; 19 March 2008, 06:35 PM.



                                Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                                Evening, whumpers! At least those that are still around. I was reading Roo's post and a wild thought popped into my head - BT speculation
                                what if this is the "fight to the death" promised in The Ark??
                                See what happens when I'm super tired?

                                ETA - sorry if anyone saw that, I didn't click the spoiler thingy properly!!
                                No, that was actually the first thing that came to my mind after reading about the ep
                                *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*

