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John Sheppard Whump

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    Sorry! Should have done the multiquote thing...

    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    It would be. I think that sometimes is a little disappointing - I suppose it's the nature of the stand alone storylines they do
    I'm cautiously hopeful about season five in that respect. (season four spoilers ahead)
    They've done character continuity more this season than in previous seasons. The Teyla storyline has been followed through in most episodes, even ones where it's not in any way the main focus. People have talked - admittedly only a bit - about their feelings about Elizabeth's departure, whereas with Carson he was just never mentioned again. It's not been great, but it's been better than it was, so I'm hopeful they'll do it even more next season - preferably involving Shep. And whump.

    Lack of character continuity is my major irritation is so many TV series. In terms of plot, still want mostly standalone episodes, and don't want every episode to be just a segment in one long and complex story, but I want to characters to evolve from episode to episode. Joss Whedon always seems to get the balance particularly well, in my opinion.

    Still, if they did get the character continuity right, then what would be the point of fanfic...?


      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      Did you? Sounds like it was his own fault though!

      I think 38 Minutes might never be surpassed as a whumpy episode. I keep hoping TPTB will write an eppie where a seriously injured Sheppy, losing copious amounts of blood, is kept safe by a slightly whumped, yet brave Rodney, who has to become soldier Rodney in order to save himself and his friend. But something tells me I'll only get that in fanfic! I'll eat my hat if we do get that

      It would be. I think that sometimes is a little disappointing - I suppose it's the nature of the stand alone storylines they do
      Absolutely his fault!! And he had the gall to glare at me too!!

      I'm liking the scenario there - Sheppy all incapacitated and Rodney all to the rescue. Liking it a lot.

      Is your hat tasty? Just in case, y'know.......

      Damn stand alone stories! They can do a stand alone and still have an arc going in the background! It's do-able!!

      [mod snip]
      Last edited by Shipperahoy; 20 February 2008, 01:22 PM. Reason: original post was deleted
      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

      l My LJ l


        Originally posted by Salty View Post
        So after almost 4 seasons, what has been your favorite whump in an ep? I think I have yet to see really satisfying whump - the bloody kind where Shep really suffers and has to endure pain and suffering. I mean, CG
        should really have had some beatdowns from Kolya, and whereas we got good beatdown in Doppelganger, Shep never really got bloody, did he?

        Ok, maybe
        Travellers come the closest - repetitive hits causing blood to spill.
        Ok, I'll go with that one
        For me, it's still 38 Minutes (episode 1x04! *le sigh*). The sheer amount of whump - whumped from start to finish! - the pain and increasing weakness, the way he struggled bravely through it, still taking charge and thinking and calming the others etc. The scream!! The death!! The resuscitation! And an infirmary scene! Doesn't get much better... though after a further 3 seasons, it damn well should have done!

        I loved the nature of the whump in CG - that first feeding was incredibly intense and made me squeee like mad. But... call me shallow but I like my whumpees young and pretty. My interest in the whump waned as Sheppard got progressively wrinklier!

        Season 4 - DG and Travelers:
        I liked the whump in DG but the fact it wasn't real and the lack of consequences was an issue for me and, in fact, I found the emo whump of him thinking Rodney was dead to be more satisfying than the fight scene whump. I loved the beating whump in Travelers but it was so short and again there seemed to be pretty much no consequences.

        Originally posted by Lt.Col.Errandboy View Post
        They're gonna have to stop wearing tac vests...
        they make far too convenient a handle for the Wraith!

        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
        I think 38 Minutes might never be surpassed as a whumpy episode. I keep hoping TPTB will write an eppie where a seriously injured Sheppy, losing copious amounts of blood, is kept safe by a slightly whumped, yet brave Rodney, who has to become soldier Rodney in order to save himself and his friend. But something tells me I'll only get that in fanfic! I'll eat my hat if we do get that

        It would be. I think that sometimes is a little disappointing - I suppose it's the nature of the stand alone storylines they do
        Oh gosh, I would so love an episode like that too! I keep saying it - we need an SGA version of Solitudes!!


          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          For me, it's still 38 Minutes (episode 1x04! *le sigh*). The sheer amount of whump - whumped from start to finish! - the pain and increasing weakness, the way he struggled bravely through it, still taking charge and thinking and calming the others etc. The scream!! The death!! The resuscitation! And an infirmary scene! Doesn't get much better... though after a further 3 seasons, it damn well should have done!

          I loved the nature of the whump in CG - that first feeding was incredibly intense and made me squeee like mad. But... call me shallow but I like my whumpees young and pretty. My interest in the whump waned as Sheppard got progressively wrinklier!

          Season 4 - DG and Travelers:
          I liked the whump in DG but the fact it wasn't real and the lack of consequences was an issue for me and, in fact, I found the emo whump of him thinking Rodney was dead to be more satisfying than the fight scene whump. I loved the beating whump in Travelers but it was so short and again there seemed to be pretty much no consequences.

          They're gonna have to stop wearing tac vests...
          they make far too convenient a handle for the Wraith!

          Oh gosh, I would so love an episode like that too! I keep saying it - we need an SGA version of Solitudes!!
          You have no idea how much I'd love to see an Atlantis version of Solitudes! With Shep, of course, as the injured party! That'd be great! Sigh....

          I felt the same way as you about the DG and Travelers whump


            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            Oh gosh, I would so love an episode like that too! I keep saying it - we need an SGA version of Solitudes!!
            Oh how good would that be?!

            It can't be too hard to do - gate to an ice planet, fall into chasm, others can't get to them safely and have to go back for help and it takes ages and rodney realises they dont have the time and has to try and get them out but cant (but boy does he try!) and the rescue arrives in the nick of time but Shep has to spend the next ep in the infirmary recovering from hypothermia and a touch of frost bite and a broken leg while his team-mates all look on with really concerned faces.
            (He could even be involved in the ep, giving orders from his bed to save some off-world team or the city or something - or just lie there suffering, either works!)

            The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

            l My LJ l


              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
              Damn stand alone stories! They can do a stand alone and still have an arc going in the background! It's do-able!!
              Couldn't agree more!

              On CG:

              My favourite part of all SGA eps is seeing Shep tied to the chair then with the gag and the Wraith entering. My temperature goes up about 10degrees everytime

              But I Alipeeps' is right

              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              But... call me shallow but I like my whumpees young and pretty. My interest in the whump waned as Sheppard got progressively wrinklier!

              Season 4 - DG and Travelers:
              I liked the whump in DG but the fact it wasn't real and the lack of consequences was an issue for me and, in fact, I found the emo whump of him thinking Rodney was dead to be more satisfying than the fight scene whump. I loved the beating whump in Travelers but it was so short and again there seemed to be pretty much no consequences.
              Again agreeing, I don't understand why the whump in DG couldn't have shown through afterall

              they die in the dream, they die in real life, so if they get hurt in the dream why not hurt in RL (atlantis RL anyway!)

              And I think the problem with Travellers was that even though the whump is great we knew each detail beforehand and were probably expecting to see more in the actual ep, so when there wasn't it was a bit deflating. Damn you spoilers!!!!!!!!!! (can't resist them though )

              I just adore Conversion, for the whump and for the whole concept. Plus it keeps getting mentioned, good continuity.

              What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                Thanks for that my opinion spoilers include whump moments if posted in the whump thread especially when we know that a few regular posters are days away from seeing the epsiode and are trying to stay spoiler free.
                I guess that make sense. I didn't think of that. Thanks Sheppy D.

                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                Indeed - she says in her best Teal'c voice. I think any specific whump piccies which give away the type of whump might well make whumpers say 'oh my! I've not seen that, where the heck is that from? Have I just been spoiled?'

                I also think we should label spoiler piccies more carefully, saying which episode from season 4 they're from - and I think we are generally very careful to do that . It's a shame if some are spoiled just because they don't have access to episodes at the same time as the US, or those who acquire eppies by other means.
                Awe man. Does mean I have to tell Salty she can't use her Birthday sig again?

                Originally posted by LtCdrFlygirl View Post
                LOL...I love this board! You guys are fun! Poor Shep...
                I love it in here too.


                  Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                  I agree that nothing has surpassed 38 minutes.. sigh

                  I want whump with consequenses.. not immediate recovery with no trace of injury.. a little bit of blood and the odd dizzy spell after whumping would be nice. Doppelganger was a disappointment in that respect. Shep got thrown around a lot but then it was all over and no reprecussions... hopefully season 5 will break the mould... maybe after eating an entire box of chocolates with "whump Shep" on them, it may finally sink into JM's mind the real meaning of whump...
                  38 mins is still my fav ever whump ep, because it has everything! but i would love an ep to beat it....but unless we get pretty much a shep whumpy episode through and through i dont think anything ever will...such a shame!!!
                  38 mins is top but i love TR, CG, TDO and conversion terms of physical whump with blood......i do love travelers too but
                  the whump is over so quickly and leaves no marks on him that it just seemed like when PM wrote it he thought "yeh ill put in some shep whump for those guys" but it was just there for the sake of it..............DG is good too but looses out because its not REAL!

                  i love how in TR, CG and conversion
                  we see shep gradually getting worse and whumped! theyre closeish to 38 mins in terms of the whump mostly being through the whole ep, and with tr and conversion we get infirmary time! but with cg and conversion - old and blue shep!

                  and i love TDO for all the whump....but no infirmary time or shep acting like hes in any pain from being thrown around by a wraith and shot!!!

                  emotional whumps, outcast for me ...but also dg, adrift and sunday.

                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  For me, it's still 38 Minutes (episode 1x04! *le sigh*). The sheer amount of whump - whumped from start to finish! - the pain and increasing weakness, the way he struggled bravely through it, still taking charge and thinking and calming the others etc. The scream!! The death!! The resuscitation! And an infirmary scene! Doesn't get much better... though after a further 3 seasons, it damn well should have done!

                  I loved the nature of the whump in CG - that first feeding was incredibly intense and made me squeee like mad. But... call me shallow but I like my whumpees young and pretty. My interest in the whump waned as Sheppard got progressively wrinklier!

                  Season 4 - DG and Travelers:
                  I liked the whump in DG but the fact it wasn't real and the lack of consequences was an issue for me and, in fact, I found the emo whump of him thinking Rodney was dead to be more satisfying than the fight scene whump. I loved the beating whump in Travelers but it was so short and again there seemed to be pretty much no consequences.

                  Oh gosh, I would so love an episode like that too! I keep saying it - we need an SGA version of Solitudes!!
                  couldnt agree more!!!!! espesh CG - old sheppy does nothing for me, plus no consequences!!! i mean i love the ep a lot, espesh the first feeding! but the ep isnt perfect......shep saved himself yet again!

                  and i would love solitudes, SGA style, with shep all injured and rodney with him trying to get them out...........or SGA version of VOY chute......again shep the injured party LOL.....that one even more so because then it would progress rodney as a character too, protecting shep against the baddies!

                  ahh i could see the naysayers now "WHINE WHINE WHINE but they did this in sg1/voyager WHINE!"



                    Ow!!! I just stabbed myself really hard in the hand with the scissors. Won't stop bleeding

                    What was it again? Whump who? I seem to have forgotten...
                    *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                      Originally posted by caty View Post
                      Ow!!! I just stabbed myself really hard in the hand with the scissors. Won't stop bleeding

                      What was it again? Whump who? I seem to have forgotten...

                      Caty you are supposed to whump Shep not yourself
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                        Again agreeing, I don't understand why the whump in DG couldn't have shown through afterall

                        they die in the dream, they die in real life, so if they get hurt in the dream why not hurt in RL (atlantis RL anyway!)
                        i know exactly
                        rodney's heart stopped, shep just had his heart go a bit fast....and all that glorious whump in his head was just that! BOO! couldnt he at least have had internal bleeding at the end?

                        And I think the problem with Travellers was that even though the whump is great we knew each detail beforehand and were probably expecting to see more in the actual ep, so when there wasn't it was a bit deflating. Damn you spoilers!!!!!!!!!! (can't resist them though )

                        I just adore Conversion, for the whump and for the whole concept. Plus it keeps getting mentioned, good continuity.

                        Even if i hadnt know the details for travelers on the whump front, id still have been a bit disappointed...........well i wasnt disappointed per say, i liked what we got but i wished for a bit more......unfortunately the ep was played for laughs and so any seriousness from the whump was forgotten...he wasnt even all bruised at the end, we couldve at least had him in the infirmary! teyla is always kept in just in case!

                        conversion is a great ep, i love how we get continuity all the time with that, most recently in
                        mortal coil!
                        and conversion is connected to 38 mins too so its even better!



                          Originally posted by caty View Post
                          Ow!!! I just stabbed myself really hard in the hand with the scissors. Won't stop bleeding

                          What was it again? Whump who? I seem to have forgotten...

                          WHUMP SHEP NOT SELF!!
                          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                          l My LJ l


                            morning whumpers
                            Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                              Originally posted by Squonk View Post

                              WHUMP SHEP NOT SELF!!
                              Yes, but if anyone does whump themselves, please can we have notes on how it feels, as research for stories...?

                              I got whumped yesterday evening. Someone smashed me hard over the knuckles with a stout stick. It really hurt! However, since this was a Morris dancing incident, I don't think I'll bother recording how it felt. I think the probability of anyone writing a story in which Shep goes Morris dancing is... well... nil.


                                For Caty, inspired by Squonk:

                                What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!

