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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by rhymer View Post
    Okay! Your wish is my command. I present a very silly and Shep-whump-filled Trio tag, exclusive to this thread (because no-one else would want to touch it with a barge-pole.) Description and link behind spoiler tag, because it has mild Trio spoilers.

    This is my contribution to the noble genre of Lollipop whump, which is surely destined to become one of the biggest genres in this fandom. It is the Sheppard-centric B-plot of Trio, deleted for time reasons, but doubtless going to show up on the DVD extras...

    The Lollipop of Doom
    So, so funny,

    "Landed on your lollipop", I was LMAO from there on in. "We came in through the plot hole" - genius!

    Whump thread exclusive, I feel so privileged, thank you

    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    Am all excited about my Valentines present from hubby - he's bought me an excellent portable video player thing with WiFi internet. It's got 160GB memory and I can put all sorts of video files etc on it so I can have Shep whump with me ALL THE TIME!! Yaaaaaaayyyy!
    Best present ever!!!!!!

    I was worried about Jason without his dreads but he looks great!

    What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      Once upon a time, there was a prince called John. He was tall and handsome and just. He loved all God's creatures. He skipped alongside the spring lambs, and frolicked with the happy bunnies. One day, the big nasty monster escaped his prison. He wanted to suck out Prince John's lifeforce! Prince John saw the big mean monster approaching and went to run away, but tripped over a cute little bunny, and banged his head on a big nasty rock...

      Ok, I REALLY need to get out more!!!!
      rhymer - see what you did?!

      i love it!!
      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

      l My LJ l


        I'm glad you enjoyed the Midway caps. I saw some scenes that looked like you might enjoy some caps of so I made some. Need some more time to cap the rest of the episode. Thanks for the green!

        Wishing everyone a lot of Shep whump for Valentine's Day!


          Originally posted by rhymer View Post
          Okay! Your wish is my command. I present a very silly and Shep-whump-filled Trio tag, exclusive to this thread (because no-one else would want to touch it with a barge-pole.) Description and link behind spoiler tag, because it has mild Trio spoilers.

          This is my contribution to the noble genre of Lollipop whump, which is surely destined to become one of the biggest genres in this fandom. It is the Sheppard-centric B-plot of Trio, deleted for time reasons, but doubtless going to show up on the DVD extras...

          The Lollipop of Doom

          Thanks! I think I've got it now.

          Agh. I resisted for three and a half minutes. I was very steadfast and strong. Then my finger betrayed me and clicked on the link, even though I told it not to. My finger's justification was that I'm away this weekend and won't see Midway until Sunday night. Thanks for posting, though. It was a good test of moral fibre and willpower (which, apparently, I failed utterly.)

          I see that some people round here have whump dreams. I had one last night. I woke up in true Hollywood nightmare fashion - sitting bolt upright, screaming etc. It was a claustrophobia/suffocation thing, and I was clawing the air in utter terror, trying to get free. Details are vague, but I do know that someone was trying to kill me, and kept on calling me "Colonel Sheppard."

          Yup, I experienced a whump dream from Sheppard's POV... and it was horrible! All these months I've been hurting him, telling myself that he's only a fictional character so it doesn't matter; that he's been trained for this and can take it; that he doesn't feel pain; that he's not like you or me, and actually enjoys this sort of treatment. Now I've experienced the terror he feels, I have seen the light. From now on, I'm writing fics in which Sheppard goes skipping in sunlit meadows, and meets pretty baa-lambs who maul him horribly go on a picnic with him, where they frolic with bunny rabbits with sharp pointy teeth and learn wholesome moral lessons about sharing and saying please, and all live happily ever after.

          Who's with me? Er... anyone? No-one?

          On second thoughts...
          That was hilarious! I had to laugh out aloud a number of times!
          *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


            I will read you fic tonight, Rhymer! I will probably need a good laugh by then.

            Happy Valentine's Day!!!


              Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
              As it turns out posting a link should be ok, so here it is:

              Shep Whump caps from Midway (beware of minor spoilers)

              Midway Shep Whump

              (dedicated to Elf )
              *must resist*

              I can hold out for another 36 hours. Right?

              Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
              Go check out Jeni's post today. (The MGM web guru) There's a great pic of Sheppard from "Reunion" beware though there is a promo picture fomr "Midway" on the same page, but the whumpers shoudl enjoy the first pic a lot!

              My heart fairly skipped a beat when I saw that.


              Originally posted by sherryw View Post
              The job is going great. I just found out that they laid off a bunch of people from my old department today. I probably would have been one of them if I had stayed. It would have been horrible getting laid off on your b-day.
              Whew! Glad you dodged that bullet. Good to hear you are enjoying the new job.

              Originally posted by prion View Post
              Heh, I did a bad thing with the one shot


              ROFL!! That's great!

              Originally posted by sherryw View Post
              I read that one. It's really good. I always love Steathdragon's stories.

              Caty I'm glad to hear that there was no one hurt. Tornados are very scary.

              So what's everyone's favorite episode this year and favorite whump?

              For myself I would say that DG, T, TR & Outcast are my favs for obvious reasons.
              So far:
              For emo whump - Outcast
              For bloody whump - Travelers
              For unexpected whump - TR
              Sig by Luciana
              My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                Er, DITTO! My faves are your faves and my least faves are yours too. I hope Midway will be nipping away at Travelers heels!

                Once upon a time, there was a prince called John. He was tall and handsome and just. He loved all God's creatures. He skipped alongside the spring lambs, and frolicked with the happy bunnies. One day, the big nasty monster escaped his prison. He wanted to suck out Prince John's lifeforce! Prince John saw the big mean monster approaching and went to run away, but tripped over a cute little bunny, and banged his head on a big nasty rock...

                Wheee! Linzi's writing again. The musae are back.

                Rhymer, loved the metaphorical whump and your villain has replaced Koyla in my affections as Best Enemy Ever.


                  A bit of shep whump
                  I'm a 60%er | Sigs are made by me and othersThe Lorne Identity - A Lorne fanfiction collection community.


                    Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                    Okay! Your wish is my command. I present a very silly and Shep-whump-filled Trio tag, exclusive to this thread (because no-one else would want to touch it with a barge-pole.) Description and link behind spoiler tag, because it has mild Trio spoilers.

                    This is my contribution to the noble genre of Lollipop whump, which is surely destined to become one of the biggest genres in this fandom. It is the Sheppard-centric B-plot of Trio, deleted for time reasons, but doubtless going to show up on the DVD extras...

                    The Lollipop of Doom
                    *gasps for breath*

                    Bwhahahahaha!! That was wonderful. You are completely insane (and therefore, obviously in the right place here in the whump thread).
                    Sig by Luciana
                    My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      I really like the sound of your new story idea. That could work VERY well for me! I don't know, I can see Sheppy whump working well in stories to young library users...

                      Once upon a time, there was a prince called John. He was tall and handsome and just. He loved all God's creatures. He skipped alongside the spring lambs, and frolicked with the happy bunnies. One day, the big nasty monster escaped his prison. He wanted to suck out Prince John's lifeforce! Prince John saw the big mean monster approaching and went to run away, but tripped over a cute little bunny, and banged his head on a big nasty rock..
                      I like it! The children will love roaring like the big scary monster as they pretend to maul Prince John. Under fives are actually an ideal audience for Shep whump. They're EVIL. "Ooh, did he hurt himself?" they ask gleefully, when they see a picture of someone falling over. "Is he bleeding? Is there lots of blood?" No Shep-whumper could cackle half so evilly as a bunch of 4 years olds cackling over a little bunny rabbit bumping its head. I think all children are born whumpers, but most of them grow up and get better...

                      (*start shameless self-promotion*) Which is why I wrote See John Run, my Shep-whump story for 4 year olds. *end shameless self-promotion.*)

                      Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                      rhymer - see what you did?!
                      Yup, I see. And, you know, I'm not remotely repentant. Ahem. I mean, I'm very very sorry.

                      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                      *gasps for breath*

                      Bwhahahahaha!! That was wonderful. You are completely insane (and therefore, obviously in the right place here in the whump thread).
                      Oh, good! I'm used to people at work giving me very odd looks over my sense of humour, so being in a place of crazy people is just what I need.

                      Thanks to everyone else who's said kind things about my silly story. I'm now off to finish my current WIP and am not allowed online until I've reach the end, so if I post anything else here in the next few hours, I need to be sternly told off.


                        Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                        I like it! The children will love roaring like the big scary monster as they pretend to maul Prince John. Under fives are actually an ideal audience for Shep whump. They're EVIL. "Ooh, did he hurt himself?" they ask gleefully, when they see a picture of someone falling over. "Is he bleeding? Is there lots of blood?" No Shep-whumper could cackle half so evilly as a bunch of 4 years olds cackling over a little bunny rabbit bumping its head. I think all children are born whumpers, but most of them grow up and get better...

                        (*start shameless self-promotion*) Which is why I wrote See John Run, my Shep-whump story for 4 year olds. *end shameless self-promotion.*)

                        Yup, I see. And, you know, I'm not remotely repentant. Ahem. I mean, I'm very very sorry.

                        Oh, good! I'm used to people at work giving me very odd looks over my sense of humour, so being in a place of crazy people is just what I need.

                        Thanks to everyone else who's said kind things about my silly story. I'm now off to finish my current WIP and am not allowed online until I've reach the end, so if I post anything else here in the next few hours, I need to be sternly told off.
                        I remember that story!!! I read it while at work and was cracking up.

                        I work with preschoolers and I must agree that they are bloodthirsty group. Everything is crashing and blowing up and body parts flying off. Hmm, maybe that is why I like what I do so much. Even though it is supposed to be a part of my job to teach them not to hurt things and show care and concern for people and act safely. Sometimes I feel a bit hypocritical when I play on here and correct my little friends for being too rough.

                        Well, until they can read, they won't know what I am doing. I just have to keep an eye out for the few that can read. They tend to sneak up on me.


                          Guys, we are halfway down page 2
                          *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                            And a pleasant afternoon to the Whumpers! *waves*

                            Is everyone looking forward to "Midway"? I'll have about a three week wait until I see it. By then everyone else will be on to discussing other topics. Ah, well, such is life sometimes.

                            Happy Valentine's Day!

                            I'm off to catch up.



                              Since I have to wait forever to see it (see above post), I clicked on the link for the "Midway" pics. Thanks to whoever posted that!

                              What's JM's blog addy now? I haven't gotten the new one so I missed a lot of stuff. Didn't he have problems with his old addy?

                              It sounds like the town is working on the power lines outside so I hope they don't cut off my power without notice. Grrrr!



                                Good luck Roo

                                Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                                As it turns out posting a link should be ok, so here it is:

                                Shep Whump caps from Midway (beware of minor spoilers)

                                Midway Shep Whump

                                (dedicated to Elf )
                                Thanks for these, so far have resisted the temptation to peak, but not sure how long that will last

                                Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                                Okay! Your wish is my command. I present a very silly and Shep-whump-filled Trio tag, exclusive to this thread (because no-one else would want to touch it with a barge-pole.) Description and link behind spoiler tag, because it has mild Trio spoilers.

                                This is my contribution to the noble genre of Lollipop whump, which is surely destined to become one of the biggest genres in this fandom. It is the Sheppard-centric B-plot of Trio, deleted for time reasons, but doubtless going to show up on the DVD extras...

                                The Lollipop of Doom

                                Thanks! I think I've got it now.

                                Agh. I resisted for three and a half minutes. I was very steadfast and strong. Then my finger betrayed me and clicked on the link, even though I told it not to. My finger's justification was that I'm away this weekend and won't see Midway until Sunday night. Thanks for posting, though. It was a good test of moral fibre and willpower (which, apparently, I failed utterly.)

                                I see that some people round here have whump dreams. I had one last night. I woke up in true Hollywood nightmare fashion - sitting bolt upright, screaming etc. It was a claustrophobia/suffocation thing, and I was clawing the air in utter terror, trying to get free. Details are vague, but I do know that someone was trying to kill me, and kept on calling me "Colonel Sheppard."

                                Yup, I experienced a whump dream from Sheppard's POV... and it was horrible! All these months I've been hurting him, telling myself that he's only a fictional character so it doesn't matter; that he's been trained for this and can take it; that he doesn't feel pain; that he's not like you or me, and actually enjoys this sort of treatment. Now I've experienced the terror he feels, I have seen the light. From now on, I'm writing fics in which Sheppard goes skipping in sunlit meadows, and meets pretty baa-lambs who maul him horribly go on a picnic with him, where they frolic with bunny rabbits with sharp pointy teeth and learn wholesome moral lessons about sharing and saying please, and all live happily ever after.

                                Who's with me? Er... anyone? No-one?

                                On second thoughts...
                                LMAO at the tag, that made my sides hurt thanks for that. As for the Shep POV dream, that could potentially be very scary, especially in some of the whump dreams I have had

                                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                                Only in our dreams!

                                Will play catch up tonight, after yesterdays hysterics on the thread, I look forward to what today brings.

                                2 more sleeps until Midway!


                                Have a good day peeps
                                five more sleeps for me!!

                                Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                                Tell ya what - i'll PM you...............
                                Oh my word, thats just......... have tos ay I think I love toblerone, to much to be put off it though

                                Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                                I like it! The children will love roaring like the big scary monster as they pretend to maul Prince John. Under fives are actually an ideal audience for Shep whump. They're EVIL. "Ooh, did he hurt himself?" they ask gleefully, when they see a picture of someone falling over. "Is he bleeding? Is there lots of blood?" No Shep-whumper could cackle half so evilly as a bunch of 4 years olds cackling over a little bunny rabbit bumping its head. I think all children are born whumpers, but most of them grow up and get better...

                                (*start shameless self-promotion*) Which is why I wrote See John Run, my Shep-whump story for 4 year olds. *end shameless self-promotion.*)
                                Oh I remember that one, I must go back and re-read it, its so so funny

