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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
    Hey Astral~

    Do you have a link to your caps from Outcast or Quarantine?
    Hi Elflinn. They are all in my photobucket account. Here's the link.

    If anyone else wants to look you're welcome. It's mainly Shep but that shouldn't come as a surprise.


      Originally posted by sherryw View Post
      *peeks head in* Hi there whumpers. Remember me? Sorry I've been gone for awhile, but life has been hectic and I haven't been spending much time on the computer these days. Plus believe it or not I've really gotten serious about staying spoiler free. I know if I come here I'm going to click on those spoilers tags because I don't have the will power not to, but I still love you all.
      Hi Sherry! It's great to see you back again!

      Oh, I understand about the spoiler thingy. We love you too!

      Originally posted by sherryw View Post

      I hope everyone is well. I've enjoyed all of the episodes so far, but I'm kind of cringing for this upcoming one. I will however, keep an open mind.

      So far it's looking like there isn't a lot of Sheppard in it. So right there I have issues, but then again don't we all.
      Hmmmm, well you know me.

      Spoilers for Trio:
      I really want to like this, but invariably anything with virtually no Shep isn't going to be a favourite of mine. I do like Carter, and am glad she's getting a little more focus - she deserves it, IMO, but I'm sorry it's just with McKay and Keller only in the eppie with her? I don't like Carter and McKay together for long. I don't think they have great chemistry. Never have. They're fine, but don't do things for me. But, hey, Martin Gero wrote it, so why should I expect anything else? He wrote GUP and obviously adores and hero worships McKay, so you know, no surprises he skipped Outcast to write this and Harmony. Saying that, I'm glad AM wrote Outcast. I think he's better at some things than the Wunderkind. But, yep, I don't expect to enjoy this that much - I'm hoping I'm proven wrong and that McKay doesn't become 'I'm desperate to get in Carter's underwear man' again ...shudder! Rodney deserves more than that. Keller....hmmmm, here's hoping this episode makes her grow on me some more...

      Originally posted by sherryw View Post
      I'm not going to even ask what's been going on, there's probably too much, but if there's one or two things that have happened in my absense I would love to hear about them.

      S5 - Cast
      I was just reading about the cast changes on the main page. Season 5 should be interesting. I'm a little concerned though with Woolsey. I hope his character becomes a tad bit stronger. Don't get me wrong I do like the Woolsey character, but to see him run Atlantis that will definitely be a change.

      I've really enjoyed having Carter on SGA. It's too bad that she's not returning as the commander again. I don't blame AT at all for wanting to do something else. I'm also excited about MS making some guest appearances and I look forward to those storylines.

      OK shutting up now.
      No, don't shut up. I agree with you here.

      I really loved Carter as leader. She was so good and had the potential to be fantastic, given some more screen time! I don't blame AT either. I well understand and wish her the very best. She's such a lovely person.

      Woolsey will have to be gradually developed into more than he is now. After a while his whining annoys me, even though I love RP. He needs to be toned down and made more mellow, while he doesn't lose some of his beaurocratic tendencies. I want to see conflict etc... so hopefully we'll get that and Shep's life won't be so cosy.

      Originally posted by sherryw View Post
      Well I'm off to catch up on other things. I'll try and swing back again later.
      Come back soon!
      Originally posted by Elinor View Post
      Hope you had a fantabulous day yesterday Linzi! Well, watching Shep in HD has to be pretty much perfection for a birthday!! Hee hee!
      Thanks, Eli. I had a great day!

      Oh, Sheppy and the wonders of HD. What can I say? Joe just looks perfect on screen. How can he look that good when HD shows up so many imperfections? Guess the guy's just plain perfect! Anyways, enough of my thunking tendencies and onto whumpy musings.... When Joe has Sheppy doing the puppy dog eyes, and the emotional expressions? Gosh, I feel whumped. I did have to control myself in front of the family during Outcast. Squeees were venturing near my lips! My mother thought Outcast was sad, my dad sat and watched quietly, which is a miracle for him, and the kids loved it. Hubby did a few little coughs whilst muttering
      under his breath. But, from him, that's an endorsement!

      Originally posted by Elinor View Post
      S5 cast changes......
      Well, I was pretty surprised they picked Woolsey but it could be interesting to see where the writers go with this. He always seemed a bit of wuss but if they're going to 'beef' his personality up a bit things'll be different. As long as we don't get lots of talky, political type stories. My brain switches off in those! I'm glad Carson's back. I've missed him the most. Daniel? Hope it's not too many episodes. We haven't really had many stories on SGA that deal with archaeology type discoveries. So that might be interesting. I would be extremely surprised if they diminish Joe's presence in s5. There would be uproar if they did that! He's had his best year in s4 and I think the exec's realise his star quality.

      Hmmmm, well now you're starting to make me feel more positive about, spoilers for season 5 SGA,
      Daniel in season 5. But, I couldn't bear it if he is all heroic and takes away screen time from the regulars like RDA did in Return II. I really resented him in that eppie, and I love RDA. But, you're right, there haven't been any archaelogical stories. I just don't want the regulars pushed to the background too much, and with talk of loads of dialogue between Daniel and McKay...well, that doesn't exactly thrill me, to put it mildly!


        Originally posted by Linzi View Post

        Thanks, Eli. I had a great day!

        Oh, Sheppy and the wonders of HD. What can I say? Joe just looks perfect on screen. How can he look that good when HD shows up so many imperfections? Guess the guy's just plain perfect! Anyways, enough of my thunking tendencies and onto whumpy musings.... When Joe has Sheppy doing the puppy dog eyes, and the emotional expressions? Gosh, I feel whumped. I did have to control myself in front of the family during Outcast. Squeees were venturing near my lips! My mother thought Outcast was sad, my dad sat and watched quietly, which is a miracle for him, and the kids loved it. Hubby did a few little coughs whilst muttering
        under his breath. But, from him, that's an endorsement!

        Hmmmm, well now you're starting to make me feel more positive about, spoilers for season 5 SGA,
        Daniel in season 5. But, I couldn't bear it if he is all heroic and takes away screen time from the regulars like RDA did in Return II. I really resented him in that eppie, and I love RDA. But, you're right, there haven't been any archaelogical stories. I just don't want the regulars pushed to the background too much, and with talk of loads of dialogue between Daniel and McKay...well, that doesn't exactly thrill me, to put it mildly!
        I just read that on JM's blog and my heart sank a bit there I must admit. Still, maybe that means something happens to Shep...he's trapped by some artifact they discover and suffering terribly...on the verge of death. Daniel and Rodders have to figure out quickly how to rescue him!

        I've loved what they've done with Shep in s4. He's been front and centre more than any other season. I'm pretty sure that they won't change that winning formula for s5!


          Oh good lord help me! I went to the gym last night for the first time in AGES and now i CANT MOVE!! I ran 5km and was dead proud of myself, now i ache all over and wondering if it was worth it! My fingers are about the only thing that still work.

          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
          *sigh* I know, but.
          .it's so damned typical to have something I truly like and have it worked over to the point I can't stand it anymore. Right now, I am seeing S5 going this way. Then again, I always like to think about the worst case tends to make things seem not so bad when they happen.
          Hee - that's me too. My mother used to sigh and say being so pessimistic all the time must be so depressing. But i just used to say that as a pessimist, i'm prepared for the worst and i can only be pleasantly surprised if things work out right. I'm never disappointed!

          Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
          Now on the S5 cast news:

          That was a bit of a surprise. But I can see the points made by some people here in the whump thread. The character is not locked and has a lot of space to change and grow. RP is a great actor IMO and I'm liking Woosley more and more everytime he appears. We all had doubts and reservations about Carter, and she turned out fine. So much that I'm upset that AT is not regular anymore. I was liking Carter in Atlantis. Now we'll have to get used to a new leader again, and the new dinamics that comes with that.... Maybe the position of leader of the expedition will turn out to be just like the position for defense against the dark arts teacher in Hogwarts... cursed!
          i was beginning to think that myself!

          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          Wheeeee! Outcast on the nice big TV screen!

          Mind you, Sky announcers are doing their usual sterling job... in the ad break half an hour before the show they summed up the plot as
          "Like Britney's career, the Atlantis team's experiment goes off the rails." WTF??!!
          Where on earth did they get that from?! Did they even watch the episode?

          Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
          I'd love to see a drunken Sheppard, I think it'd be very funny.
          Yay!! Drunk Shep!! We gotta petition JM for that.

          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          Holy moly! I've lost 3½lb this week! Despite eating out oooohhh... about 3 times... and not really counting points exactly, just trying to be sensible!

          I've now lost over 9lb since the beginning of the year!

          Yesterday was pancake day in the UK - half the country will have had pancakes for dinner!

          Yeah, space is always an issue with scrapping... not just space to do it but space for all the stash! Mine is all carefully packed away in boxes in the cupboards in the spare room and that's another reason I get apathetic about getting back into scrapping - the effort of having to drag stuff out to find the stash I want and then having it lying about everywhere and having to pack it all away again!

          I'm still really tempted by the CraftRobo but I'm not rushing into it - I've decided first of all to buy a new printer... well, I needed a new scanner cos mine has died and I ended up looking at combined scanner/printer/copiers and decided I might as well go that route as the colour printer I have is good but it has never printed the colours the way I want - photos always come out too dark and never the colours I see on the computer screen and I have to manually adjust the colour contrast etc before printing... which seeing as the vast majority of my photos for the past several years are taken with a digital camera and are stored on the hard drive and need to be printed out in order to scrap, is a real problem.

          So I'm going to try a different make of printer and hope it has better colour reproduction than the Epson. So that's £80 and I'm having to buy a new mouse/keyboard combo because of my mouse dying... so I'm already spending over £100 this month on computery bits... so I need to not give in to temptation and rush to buy the Craft Robo and sit and think about it properly for a bit! I just have a bad habit of when I want something, I want it NOW!
          Wow - really well done on the weight loss!!

          Mmmmm, pancakes - i had five. Boyfy said it was too many, but that's how much batter i got using one egg! I can't halve an egg now can i?! And he's allergic so.......

          Erm, excuse my stupidness - but i don't get scrapping, what is it you actually do??

          Right - S5 news...
          ... having thought about it, read other people's comments and thought about it some more...

          Woolsey - i think i can live with that. He's not military so Shep will be in charge of that again (which was my main beef with the possibility of Caldwell) and hopefully he'll just stay pushing pens and not stick his oar in too much. Or he'll at least defer to their greater experience. Or else, Shep will just over-ride him as Military Commander.
          Yup, i'm happier about it now, but still have some reservations.

          Daniel - well i like (love) Daniel so i'm okay with him coming in, though i wouldn't want him there too often. JM reckons just a two-parter (for now - but it can't be much more, if anything!) and that'll be cool. Especially as he's apparently going to be working with McKay - those two together should be pretty good.

          Carson - still YAY!! As long as the explanation for his return is a good one later this season, i'm looking forward to his eps. There's obviously a reason his character can't return for good, and i'm very intrigued!

          Keller - cool, whatever. She's grown on me. I doubt she'll be in more than she already is even if she is a regular - cos she's in quite a lot now!

          So i'm now calm and tranquil about this - or maybe, i'm just too tired and sore to get worked up!
          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

          l My LJ l


            Originally posted by Squonk View Post
            Oh good lord help me! I went to the gym last night for the first time in AGES and now i CANT MOVE!! I ran 5km and was dead proud of myself, now i ache all over and wondering if it was worth it! My fingers are about the only thing that still work.
            Ouch...well done though!

            Hee - that's me too. My mother used to sigh and say being so pessimistic all the time must be so depressing. But i just used to say that as a pessimist, i'm prepared for the worst and i can only be pleasantly surprised if things work out right. I'm never disappointed!

            i was beginning to think that myself!
            I missed that point from Erika when I was catching up. That's fab! Yes...I think it's cursed!!


              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
              Where on earth did they get that from?! Did they even watch the episode?
              Apparently not!

              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
              Erm, excuse my stupidness - but i don't get scrapping, what is it you actually do??
              Here's what Wikipedia says about Scrapbooking. As a modern hobby, it started in the US a few years ago and has grown hugely and is doing the same in the UK. There is now an incredible range of products available specifically for scrapbooking, from 12x12 papers and card, ribbons and fibres, embellishments of all kinds, rub-ons, stickers... you name it. Scrapbooking - or scrapping - is basically making decorated pages with photos (rather than e.g. just shoving them into an album). Of course you can also do pages without photos but most scrapbooking pages will use photos and decorations and maybe some journalling about the subject of the photo etc. It's a way of preserving memories of moments as opposed to just the photo itself - e.g. journalling about what the photo means to you, when it was taken etc or including items like e.g. tickets from the event the photo was taken at etc.

              Here's an example of a couple of my scrapbooking layouts!


              This was a layout I made for a scrapping contest - the prompt was nature and I used photos from a visit to Niagara Falls.

              This was a layout I made and had framed as a birthday present for my mother-in-law, using photos (scanned and reprinted) of she and her twin sister at various ages).

              Interestingly, with regard to my desire to buy the Craft Robo, both of these layouts have handcut titles - printed in reverse onto the back of card and carefully - and laboriously - cut out by hand with a craft knife, by me. You can see how fiddly they are! That's the kind of thing the Craft Robo would make a *lot* easier!


                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                Here's what Wikipedia says about Scrapbooking. As a modern hobby, it started in the US a few years ago and has grown hugely and is doing the same in the UK. There is now an incredible range of products available specifically for scrapbooking, from 12x12 papers and card, ribbons and fibres, embellishments of all kinds, rub-ons, stickers... you name it. Scrapbooking - or scrapping - is basically making decorated pages with photos (rather than e.g. just shoving them into an album). Of course you can also do pages without photos but most scrapbooking pages will use photos and decorations and maybe some journalling about the subject of the photo etc. It's a way of preserving memories of moments as opposed to just the photo itself - e.g. journalling about what the photo means to you, when it was taken etc or including items like e.g. tickets from the event the photo was taken at etc.

                Here's an example of a couple of my scrapbooking layouts!


                This was a layout I made for a scrapping contest - the prompt was nature and I used photos from a visit to Niagara Falls.

                This was a layout I made and had framed as a birthday present for my mother-in-law, using photos (scanned and reprinted) of she and her twin sister at various ages).

                Interestingly, with regard to my desire to buy the Craft Robo, both of these layouts have handcut titles - printed in reverse onto the back of card and carefully - and laboriously - cut out by hand with a craft knife, by me. You can see how fiddly they are! That's the kind of thing the Craft Robo would make a *lot* easier!
                Thanks for the info - it looks interesting and you layouts are brilliant.

                Yee gods - you cut those out yourself?!?! That's some serious talent - and patience beyond anything i possess!! i'd have thrown a fit and chucked the lot out the window!
                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                l My LJ l


                  good morning!

                  Feeling pretty good today, gonna try and get some more whumpy writing in.


                    Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                    good morning!

                    Feeling pretty good today, gonna try and get some more whumpy writing in.


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      I've really got my groove back, I even wrote out two pages by hand last night after I'd switched the computer off - of course how long this new found enthusiasm will last is anyone's guess but I'll try and make the best of it.


                        Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                        I've really got my groove back, I even wrote out two pages by hand last night after I'd switched the computer off - of course how long this new found enthusiasm will last is anyone's guess but I'll try and make the best of it.
                        Awesome. Good for you. Nice to see you feeling so motivated and enthusiastic. *hugs*


                          Good Morning Whumpers!!

                          Ali - CONGRATS on the weight loss!! you rock girl!!

                          Pilgrim - WHOO HOO on the wrting mus striking!

                          Squonk - Ouch! Self whump!! I hope you recover soon! Heating pad, a good beverage and whump might help!

                          Yuck! gotta go to work today. I really don't want too. Oh well, I need money.


                            Wow, congrats on losing some weight, Ali.... If it was intentional
                            *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                              Originally posted by caty View Post
                              Wow, congrats on losing some weight, Ali.... If it was intentional
                              Oh it was! I'm doing WeightWatchers.. I have a lot more to lose yet!


                                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                                Oh it was! I'm doing WeightWatchers.. I have a lot more to lose yet!
                                Alright!!! Well done! Then congratulations!!! Congrats on 14,500 posts, too!
                                *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*

