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John Sheppard Whump

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    *peeks in thread*

    ::flings Mardi Gras beads::

    I have returned, Whumpers! I survived 2 weeks in New Orleans. Barely.

    So.....what have I missed? How was "Outcast"? I am not sure I'll ever catch up in this thread now!

    I have to share this.......while I was home, I was watching my great-nephew, who's almost 2. SGA was on.....this was about 4pm and it was a S-1 episode. He started clapping every time the puddlejumper flew! And.....he went up to the TV and put his hand on JF, like he was patting him! It was priceless. brother has a large screen.....and JF looks verrrrry nice almost life-size.



      Originally posted by Redhooks View Post
      Actually, the body absorbs ethanol easier than methanol so that the methanol is effectively being blocked from being absorbed and not neutralized. Interesting anecdote from the professor of a college freshman chemistry course that I seemed to have remembered for more than 20 years. While the patient is having fun one day, the next is bad for the hangover that is caused by the ethanol.

      Still it is better than death, although, a few hangovers I have had came close to dis-proving that.
      Okay, I was summarising what was explained in House rather than going into detail - what House actually said was that the patient would just "pee it [the methanol] away harmlessly"!

      But thanks for the detail...


        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
        JM said she was still a series regular and a member of the team.

        I've been thinking about what Woolsey in charge will mean to the team. I already think he'll be a source of conflict occasionally, but I mean more than that. As Shep said in Sateda, Elizabeth was family. I don't think Carter is there yet, but she could have been. She understands the bond of the team. Woolsey on the other hand is all new to this. The bond with Weir formed that first year when they were cut off from Earth.

        I have a pretty vivid imagination, but no matter how hard I try, I can't hear Sheppard refer to Woolsey as family. I wonder if this will strengthen the bonds of the team.
        I have a hard time imagining that, too. But even more so, I don't see Shep referring to him at all. We know that Shep doesn't respect him and he does not take him seriously. Of course, that could change depending on the way he's written, but right now, I can just picture Shep anybody for their opinion but Woolsey...

        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Wheeeee! Outcast on the nice big TV screen!

        Mind you, Sky announcers are doing their usual sterling job... in the ad break half an hour before the show they summed up the plot as
        "Like Britney's career, the Atlantis team's experiment goes off the rails." WTF??!!

        I just burst out laughing!!!!! Do they do that all the time??
        *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
          Thanks Ruffles, I knew
          she was going to take some time off, glad to know everything's still there and the team's still there.
          But she's not taking any time off that was just a rumour.


            Okay I'm a not terribly proud of this one but I wrote a quick tag to Outcast this afternoon (my first ever episode tag) if you wish to check it out its up on my LJ here.


              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              Okay, I was summarising what was explained in House rather than going into detail - what House actually said was that the patient would just "pee it [the methanol] away harmlessly"!

              But thanks for the detail...
              You know, having Sheppard contract some disease that can only be cured by getting him very drunk would make for a fun episode especially if he falls down while drunk and gets some bruises or cuts himself. Then you whumpers would be happy. He can also loosen-up about his past history with his father, brother, and ex-wife which the team can remind him of later when he is sober.


                I'd love to see a drunken Sheppard, I think it'd be very funny.


                  Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                  Okay I'm a not terribly proud of this one but I wrote a quick tag to Outcast this afternoon (my first ever episode tag) if you wish to check it out its up on my LJ here.
                  Please let me know when you have written something of which you are terribly proud so I can nominate it for awards. You have incredibly high standards for pride-worthy because this, this is wonderful. I particularly loved the way that John just summed up what had been happening to him and then wondered where it had come from. Thank you. Bookmarked to reread.


                    Hmm... well, what a surprise...

                    Woolsey - eh. I'll try to wait to judge, but like many of you have said, I just don't see anyone really respecting him. Which, of course, would cause some nice drama... but at some point he would have to become competent. Again, I'll wait and see, but I'm just not seeing how it will work based on the character they've given us. He just doesn't seem to have any experience in controlling... well, basically a whole city plus all the extras of the Pegasus galaxy. Well, hopefully they will make his character better in this last half of the season and into season 5. Overall, not too pleased right now. Oh well.

                    Beckett - YAY!! I would have loved more episodes for him because out of all the characters we've lost on SGA, I've missed him the most. His character was so strong and likable... why, oh why? But still, five is better than none.

                    Keller - eh, again. I don't hate her and I like her a little more now, but she just doesn't do it for me. I don't know... I just don't like her character too much. Hopefully she'll grow on me. Then again, if they keep having Beckett come around, its only going to make me dislike Keller more. Again, oh well. We'll see.

                    Daniel - I'm actually not too upset about this right now. As long as they don't try to let him take over a bunch of episodes, I think his presence would be refreshing and interesting. I may change my mind after seeing his episodes, but I really like Daniel and Micheal Shanks is a great actor. So, I'm pretty good with this one.

                    Everything else... don't really care right now.

                    Well, I finally found what I want to do my paper on, so I need to get to that (as it's due tomorrow.) Mucho amor!


                      Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                      Okay I'm a not terribly proud of this one but I wrote a quick tag to Outcast this afternoon (my first ever episode tag) if you wish to check it out its up on my LJ here.
                      I loved it! You can be proud of it, so be proud!

                      Originally posted by Susnn View Post
                      Please let me know when you have written something of which you are terribly proud so I can nominate it for awards. You have incredibly high standards for pride-worthy because this, this is wonderful. I particularly loved the way that John just summed up what had been happening to him and then wondered where it had come from. Thank you. Bookmarked to reread.
                      Oh, you should read her 'Under the Surface'... That reminds me - I haven't been around much the last few months of last year. Have you updated it, Josie?
                      *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                        Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                        Okay I'm a not terribly proud of this one but I wrote a quick tag to Outcast this afternoon (my first ever episode tag) if you wish to check it out its up on my LJ here.
                        That was great!!! Lovd it!
                        My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                        Sig and avi by me


                          Originally posted by caty View Post
                          I just burst out laughing!!!!! Do they do that all the time??
                          Pretty much, yeah. Both in terms of the inanity of the comments and of getting the details/summaries of the eps completely wrong!

                          Mind you, they're better than they were - in Season 3 the announcer had a nasty habit of a) continually mispronouncing McKay's name and b) giving away the major plot points in the intro! When they introduced Submersion, they summarised it as something along the lines of "The team battle a Wraith queen!" Wow, thanks guys. I'll be in the edge of my seat wondering what happens in this episode!! DOH!

                          Originally posted by Redhooks View Post
                          You know, having Sheppard contract some disease that can only be cured by getting him very drunk would make for a fun episode especially if he falls down while drunk and gets some bruises or cuts himself. Then you whumpers would be happy. He can also loosen-up about his past history with his father, brother, and ex-wife which the team can remind him of later when he is sober.
                          *adds to ever-growing list of fanfic ideas to write*


                            Originally posted by Susnn View Post
                            Please let me know when you have written something of which you are terribly proud so I can nominate it for awards. You have incredibly high standards for pride-worthy because this, this is wonderful. I particularly loved the way that John just summed up what had been happening to him and then wondered where it had come from. Thank you. Bookmarked to reread.
                            That's very kind of you. Thank you

                            Originally posted by caty View Post
                            Oh, you should read her 'Under the Surface'... That reminds me - I haven't been around much the last few months of last year. Have you updated it, Josie?
                            No! and I'm very ashamed of that but you should have another chapter soon, its very, very close to being finished and I'm making a real effort to get back into writing more regularly.

                            Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                            That was great!!! Lovd it!
                            Thanks Erika


                              Originally posted by Redhooks View Post
                              You know, having Sheppard contract some disease that can only be cured by getting him very drunk would make for a fun episode especially if he falls down while drunk and gets some bruises or cuts himself. Then you whumpers would be happy. He can also loosen-up about his past history with his father, brother, and ex-wife which the team can remind him of later when he is sober.
                              Ah, sigh, with our luck, he'd get drunk, just melt and fall down and pass out, and of course, just get a bump or two! Drunks are very relaxed (which is why many survive car accidents while others don't). But drugged.... drugged would be good

                              Alipeeps said
                              Mind you, they're better than they were - in Season 3 the announcer had a nasty habit of a) continually mispronouncing McKay's name and b) giving away the major plot points in the intro! When they introduced Submersion, they summarised it as something along the lines of "The team battle a Wraith queen!" Wow, thanks guys. I'll be in the edge of my seat wondering what happens in this episode!! DOH!
                              Nah, on Scifi, with SG1, they had a commercial of Sam going "the building is the bomb!" and I'm like, thanks, that the culmination of the entire episode, about six minutes from the finale. I mean, Scifi makes you want to bang your head on the keyboard with the spoilers they give away.


                                *bounces into the thread* I am so happy finally seen Outcast, seems like ages ago everyone else was talking about its, so sorry I am going to bore you now

                                Ok just some initial gut reactions, have only seen it once, and I think I might try and fit a second viewing in tonight, yes it was that good!! I loved it!! I haven't gone back and read what everyone else wrote about their thoughts on the ep.....

                                OMG John's face when Carter said she had bad news (kind of like ok hit me I can deal) and then when she told him, it just hit him and I wanted to hug him, poor John.

                                Then when Rodney was talking to him and he said "I'm fine", but his face just showed how far from fine he actually was (brilliant acting by JF).

                                Also when he was stood looking at the gate with his bag waiting for them to dial, and the shot is coming up behind him with the gate looking all big and imposing, he looks kind of like a little boy and then it pans round to his face, he looks resigned to the fact he is going back to see the family alone, then Ronon showed up and John asked "Where are you going?" and all he said was "with you" I thought that was fab, very Ronon, said what needed to be said and nothing more. Wanting to hug Shep again at this point.

                                Big Squeee for "Based upon an episode concept by Joe Flanigan"

                                Oh and his face when his brother is being really cold and thinking he turned up just for money (wanted to hit his bro round head with a stick or else set Ronon on him)

                                So much emotional angst!! It was pure gold!!

                                at Ronon asking if the food was free

                                ooo his past is complicated

                                Then when he see's Nancy and he says to Ronon "I told you I had an ex wife right?"
                                "yeah why?"
                                "good cos here she comes" It really amused me, and it just seemed so awkward for Shep, bless him, he's not good at the small talk.

                                Is it wrong that when she said "it's good to see you again John" I felt like shouting "back off" at the tv??

                                Dr Lee with sunburn, bless him

                                Ronon looking good in jeans, black top and a bullet proof vest. Shep looking pretty damn fine in his usual black combo - sorry wrong thread, but it had to be said, ookin gdamn fine!!

                                The whump, what can I say other than a big fat SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I mean we got him flung against the crates, that had to hurt, then picked up and strangled, Sheps face, as if he was going to pass out (not faint) and the tension in his arms, as if he really wanted to get the replicator off him, but couldn't. Then to see him slide to the floor and lay there looking all hurt, struggling to get up and stab him with the doohicky and then did he end up sat back on the floor or was he standing after this? I need to re-watch it.

                                I know we didn't get loads of backstory, but its not like they could tell us about his entire life, I liked what we got, that his family life was complicated, that he must have been black ops or something and that might have contributed or been a main factor in his failed marriage, that he is actually on level terms with his ex and that she knows him well enough to know he is a whump risk . Also that something happened between him and his dad and that his dad felt badly about whatever it was that happened and in the end he went back to see his brother. I thnk anymore than that and it would have detracted from the actual episode and wouldn't have felt right to me. But this is all just my humble opinion.

                                All in all an awesome ep, which left me wanting to hug Sheppy to death and slap everyone else upside the head for upsetting poor sheppy Definitely up there as one of my fav eps of S4 All of the emotional whump and angst, was just fantastic, another amazing job by JF and the physical whump. There was whump!!!!! Squeee!!! There was sliding down crates (walls? was it a crate?) and choking and gasping for air and throwing across rooms, damn shame they couldn't find a way to fit an infirmary scene in there Maybe I will slot one in in my dreams tonight. Wonder if any of the wonderful fic writers have added scenes


                                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                                Wheeeee! Outcast on the nice big TV screen!

                                Mind you, Sky announcers are doing their usual sterling job... in the ad break half an hour before the show they summed up the plot as
                                "Like Britney's career, the Atlantis team's experiment goes off the rails." WTF??!!

                                House got the patient drunk on whiskey - apparently the ethanol in the alcohol binds with the poisonous methanol in the toner and neutralises it.
                                Really?? I would love to see Shep have to go through that, would love drunk Shep

                                Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                                *peeks in thread*

                                ::flings Mardi Gras beads::

                                I have returned, Whumpers! I survived 2 weeks in New Orleans. Barely.

                                So.....what have I missed? How was "Outcast"? I am not sure I'll ever catch up in this thread now!

                                I have to share this.......while I was home, I was watching my great-nephew, who's almost 2. SGA was on.....this was about 4pm and it was a S-1 episode. He started clapping every time the puddlejumper flew! And.....he went up to the TV and put his hand on JF, like he was patting him! It was priceless. brother has a large screen.....and JF looks verrrrry nice almost life-size.

                                That is so cute, I know how he feels, I quite often would like to just clap at the screen and pat JF If it wasn't for the fact I would block the view for other people I think my face would be an inch from the screen all the way through the eps

                                Originally posted by Redhooks View Post
                                You know, having Sheppard contract some disease that can only be cured by getting him very drunk would make for a fun episode especially if he falls down while drunk and gets some bruises or cuts himself. Then you whumpers would be happy. He can also loosen-up about his past history with his father, brother, and ex-wife which the team can remind him of later when he is sober.
                                I would love that, someone needs to write that really, really soon

                                I am so happy right now, I think I will go watch Outcast again

                                Josie fab tag!!!! I really liked it!

