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John Sheppard Whump

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    Congrats to all the milestoners!!!!!


      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
      Oh, God, yes!! I wonder if he plays poker? Dh says he can hold a nonplussed expression for an inordinate length of time when filming, but he doesn't seem to be able to in RL!

      You've done a transcript already! Yikes!
      Yeah, now the cat is screeching for me to go to bed, so I must obey my master

      Did up some crappy little screencaps and added them to the transcript. caught one of Joe practically jumping out of his chair as he egged on the fans to get him to direct. Hm, don't think it worked


        Morning Whumpers

        I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who posted pictures and links from the comic-con. You're all so wonderful

        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
        I'M AWAKE I'M AWAKE....

        Ah nuts! Scifi obviously doesn't think us Brits are fans, it won't work for me as i'm apparently in the wrong location... *sigh*

        I want to see it

        *trundles off to bed weeping into her pillow*

        Uless anyone got a cheap ticket going spare to the US
        Wrong location....... same here grrrrrrrrrr, don't they realise that the fans are everywhere and not just in the US?

        Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
        Hello whumpers!

        Just a flyby post to let you all know I'm still alive. Can anyone stop RL for awhile? I wanna get off.

        How is everyone here?

        Me either. Poo.
        Hy Lauriel, glad to see you're still around I can feel with you, RL really sucks at the moment. But then when I find a little time I come in here and everything is starting to look brighter

        Originally posted by sherryw View Post
        I'm looking so forward to this episode.
        I wonder if this fight between Sheppard and evil shep is going to be real or in Shep's dream. I really hope it's real, but something tells me it will be in his dream. Though what would be cool is if his body reflects the injuries he receives in his dreams.
        Oh yes, I wish it'll be real *fingers crossed* or like you said that he's at least going to have the injuries in reality

        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
        IT IS SEASON 4 YET!!!

        I can NOT wait for the backstory eppie pitched by JF!!!
        Still 61 days (but who's counting )
        squeeeeeeeee for backstory

        Originally posted by prion View Post
        Re the SGA COmicCon panel....

        Since it seems only US folk can view the SGA comic con panel, I've done up a transcript at

        Enjoy! Alas, I wish I could screencap Joe's expressions!
        You're a star, thank you

        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
        I was interested in the section I've quoted below, for two reasons:

        Joe Mallozzi: In fact, actually, that’s what we were talking about on Friday. We’re spinning Sheppard’s backstory, specifically the fact that in “Letters from Pegasus,” he didn’t really seem to have anyone out there and the question is sort of ‘why?’ and it’s something we discussed on Friday and we’ve got something really cool planned which I’m not at liberty to reveal right now, but Joe [Flanigan] came up with a great springboard for a story. We’re going back to Earth-

        Firstly, there is no 'may' here as was suggested before. The backstory IS happening! Woo hoo! Secondly we now know it's about why Shep has nobody back home! So we HAVE learned a spoiler we didn't know before!!!! Woo hoo. This is good news for me, because I really wanted this to be addressed!!!

        Thanks again Prion for taking the time to do this. I hope there's some way I'll be able to actually watch the vid... save for buying a ticket to the US!
        Yay, the backstory IS happening....and it'll be about why Shep seems to have nobody back home.... squeeeeeeeeee, emotional whump, squeeeeeeeeee


          Originally posted by Atair View Post
          Morning Whumpers

          Yay, the backstory IS happening....and it'll be about why Shep seems to have nobody back home.... squeeeeeeeeee, emotional whump, squeeeeeeeeee

          Hee hee! It IS happening! I'm so ecstatic! SQUEEEEEEE!


            Originally posted by Linzi View Post

            Hee hee! It IS happening! I'm so ecstatic! SQUEEEEEEE!

            Woohooo, I'm so excited *bounces*

            And then JF's fav epi is CG. Who'd have thought but that's one of our favs too

            Some CG pics


            SQUEEEE I'm in a good mood today


              Originally posted by prion View Post
              Re the SGA COmicCon panel....

              Since it seems only US folk can view the SGA comic con panel, I've done up a transcript at


              Enjoy! Alas, I wish I could screencap Joe's expressions!
              Thanks so much for taking the time to do that, prion. You're an angel.

              I was so disappointed when I couldn't watch the video. Stupid, ridiculous, Skiffy!! Yes, there are fans across the globe, and it was only a Con panel for crying out loud, not the actual show. I even took the time to email them and complain.

              Thanks to everyone who took time to post links to pictures etc..

              I hope Joe makes the movie. That would be just great, especially if it gets movie theatre release. Joe on the big screen. WOW

              I loved the bit about the Daddy action figure. Not many kids get an action figure of their daddy. They're lucky kids. Sweet!


                The link below is to a great Comic Con report! I couldn't find one here for it, but if it's been linked already, I apologise.


                Of interest was some stuff about:

                Shep and Teyla having stuff to go through because of her situation etc... and mention that in the vid trailer there was a lovely scene between Carter and Shep where he congratulates her on her promotion and he goes all shy and embarrassed!!! I want to see the promo trailer!!!!


                  *grumbles* I finally have the time to hang out with you guys and catch up to things, my Internet connection decides it wants to have a coupla days off. Just my luck! *glares at computer*

                  Anyway, hi!

                  I love all the new pics and tidbits we've been getting of JF at ComicCon and stuff! He looks as thudworthy as ever, if a bit tired

                  Originally posted by prion View Post
                  Re the SGA COmicCon panel....

                  Since it seems only US folk can view the SGA comic con panel, I've done up a transcript at


                  Enjoy! Alas, I wish I could screencap Joe's expressions!
                  Thanks so much for the transscript, Prion! I wish I was able to see the vid, but this is definitely the next best thing. Thanks so much!

                  Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post

                  It seemed that during that panel as well that Joe was ignored and seemed a little more focused on DH. It kind of annoyed me at the beginning when GJ was talking about how awesome the SG1 panel was. Come on and what's the deal with Joe, why is he always being snubbed? Especially when GJ overlooked him on the fav ep question.
                  I thought that was pretty stupid of GJ, too. But I was really pleased that both David and Amanda immediately spoke up and pointed out to him that he'd skipped Joe.

                  Originally posted by prion View Post

                  Big image and second report on COmic Con at

                  and......... check out

                  I've also added more links to They're starting to multiply!
                  I absolutely adore the pic of JF and DH together! They look like they're having lotsa fun, and it's always great to see them goofing around together off-set! Thanks for posting these!

                  Thanks to the lovely Pegasus SGA for the awesome sig!


                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    The link below is to a great Comic Con report! I couldn't find one here for it, but if it's been linked already, I apologise.


                    Of interest was some stuff about:

                    Shep and Teyla having stuff to go through because of her situation etc... and mention that in the vid trailer there was a lovely scene between Carter and Shep where he congratulates her on her promotion and he goes all shy and embarrassed!!! I want to see the promo trailer!!!!

                    Oh my.
                    Shy and embarrassed Shep? I wanna see the promo trailer, too! *cries!*

                    Thanks to the lovely Pegasus SGA for the awesome sig!


                      Morning folks!!!

                      Congrats to all milestones!!!

                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      Joe Mallozzi: In fact, actually, that’s what we were talking about on Friday. We’re spinning Sheppard’s backstory, specifically the fact that in “Letters from Pegasus,” he didn’t really seem to have anyone out there and the question is sort of ‘why?’ and it’s something we discussed on Friday and we’ve got something really cool planned which I’m not at liberty to reveal right now, but Joe [Flanigan] came up with a great springboard for a story. We’re going back to Earth-

                      Firstly, there is no 'may' here as was suggested before. The backstory IS happening! Woo hoo! Secondly we now know it's about why Shep has nobody back home! So we HAVE learned a spoiler we didn't know before!!!! Woo hoo. This is good news for me, because I really wanted this to be addressed!!!
                      My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                      Sig and avi by me


                        Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                        Ain't it the truth? (maybe not the only reason but it definitely helps! LOL)
                        oh no shep IS pretty much the only reason i watch the show, even though i love the team as well, but shep is always the one im looking at. ive always said if joe left the show i wouldnt watch it. i can barely stand eps where hes not in them for long as it is... was going to suggest TRW but then that ep was just boring crap anyway lol imo of course.
                        Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                        I'm looking so forward to this episode.
                        I wonder if this fight between Sheppard and evil shep is going to be real or in Shep's dream. I really hope it's real, but something tells me it will be in his dream. Though what would be cool is if his body reflects the injuries he receives in his dreams.
                        well as ive already said
                        if our shep is really affected ill hate it, so i hope either at some point evil shep takes form and beats the beep outta our shep or if it is in his dreams that his body is affected on the outside..otherwise wheres the peril?

                        It seemed that during that panel as well that Joe was ignored and seemed a little more focused on DH. It kind of annoyed me at the beginning when GJ was talking about how awesome the SG1 panel was. Come on and what's the deal with Joe, why is he always being snubbed? Especially when GJ overlooked him on the fav ep question.
                        my im so surprised..not...see this is why im so conflicted with this always ends up being about the others and not so sick of it....joe deserves better. the thing i did love was how JM always seems very pro shep and talks about him more....good for season 4 hopefully..its good to have someone who isnt in love with mckay like all the others seem to be.
                        Originally posted by prion View Post
                        Re the SGA COmicCon panel....

                        Since it seems only US folk can view the SGA comic con panel, I've done up a transcript at


                        Enjoy! Alas, I wish I could screencap Joe's expressions!
                        thank you prion! You are a star!
                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Wow! Shattered? I really hope that works out for Joe and us! Hee hee!

                        Joe Mallozzi: In fact, actually, that’s what we were talking about on Friday. We’re spinning Sheppard’s backstory, specifically the fact that in “Letters from Pegasus,” he didn’t really seem to have anyone out there and the question is sort of ‘why?’ and it’s something we discussed on Friday and we’ve got something really cool planned which I’m not at liberty to reveal right now, but Joe [Flanigan] came up with a great springboard for a story. We’re going back to Earth-

                        Firstly, there is no 'may' here as was suggested before. The backstory IS happening! Woo hoo! Secondly we now know it's about why Shep has nobody back home! So we HAVE learned a spoiler we didn't know before!!!! Woo hoo. This is good news for me, because I really wanted this to be addressed!!!
                        i hope joe gets shattered too....i really want him to go into movies whenever atlantis finishes and i just know he can do really well.

                        as for the backstory idea, im excited but im still a little wary..i guess ill believe when i see it...anything could change now up to the shooting of it. the way joe worded it though gives me hope!
                        the thing i like about it is it sounds like we will find out something we dont know about shep rahter than them just showing us what we already knew like in phantoms. just think though its in the second half...we have to wait until next year to see it
                        dont you find it ironic however that joe flanigan came up with the idea...and not the so called professional writers of the that reflects well on them huh....then again fanfic writers have been coming up with great backstory for shep for years now so..!
                        Originally posted by Tristen View Post
                        Oh my.
                        Shy and embarrassed Shep? I wanna see the promo trailer, too! *cries!*
                        i wanna see it too! sounds cute.



                          Originally posted by prion View Post
                          Re the SGA COmicCon panel....

                          Since it seems only US folk can view the SGA comic con panel, I've done up a transcript at


                          Enjoy! Alas, I wish I could screencap Joe's expressions!
                          Thanks so much for this Prion - was gutted to find only US folks can watch the vid. How stupid. And yet they've got other vids from ComicCon up on their site that non-US viewers can watch!

                          Anyway, the transcript helps to ease the pain and there are some interesting bits in there. I noticed this little section:

                          Question from Gary: Martin, what was the most difficult episode to shoot of Atlantis?
                          Martin: Um, the most technically complicated was probably the one where David had to work with himself. But Robert has done the same kind of thing at the beginning of season four so would you say that the twenty episodes are the most difficult? … For the actors it becomes very difficult because they’re acting against a green ball that is their alter ego, or their alternative character, so it becomes very difficult for them. It’s not as hard for us to visualize, I guess, it’s just technically more complicated.
                          Heeeeee! Obviously referring to Doppelganger there and Joe working "with himself" on scenes with both Good!Shep and Evil!Shep in!

                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          I was interested in the section I've quoted below, for two reasons:

                          Joe Mallozzi: In fact, actually, that’s what we were talking about on Friday. We’re spinning Sheppard’s backstory, specifically the fact that in “Letters from Pegasus,” he didn’t really seem to have anyone out there and the question is sort of ‘why?’ and it’s something we discussed on Friday and we’ve got something really cool planned which I’m not at liberty to reveal right now, but Joe [Flanigan] came up with a great springboard for a story. We’re going back to Earth-

                          Firstly, there is no 'may' here as was suggested before. The backstory IS happening! Woo hoo! Secondly we now know it's about why Shep has nobody back home! So we HAVE learned a spoiler we didn't know before!!!! Woo hoo. This is good news for me, because I really wanted this to be addressed!!!

                          Thanks again Prion for taking the time to do this. I hope there's some way I'll be able to actually watch the vid... save for buying a ticket to the US!
                          It's awesome, isn't it? Am so giddy about that!! As we had discussed previously - unlike in Epiphany where the backstory elements got cut/lost as the ep was spun/written/filmed, with this ep it sounds like
                          the backstory IS the main plot element, is actually the focus of the story... so it can't really get cut or lost!

                          P.S. I really REALLY wanna see that promo trailer! Hopefully it might get loaded up onto Skiffy's website or something at some point (not that that necessarily means non-US viewers will be able to see it! ).. Joe said something in his blog about hopefully people will be able to see it at some ppoint, didn't he?...


                            Backstory? About Shep?


                            Nope, not excited about it!

                            Now off to read HP! **if RL doesn't get in my way again**


                              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                              Oh, God, yes!! I wonder if he plays poker? Dh says he can hold a nonplussed expression for an inordinate length of time when filming, but he doesn't seem to be able to in RL!

                              You've done a transcript already! Yikes!
                              Hehehehe.... thats so funny. Actually I love that whole "deadpan expression" thing Shep does when McKay is babbling on about something. LOL

                              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                              Read it! Good name for a good fic! I think you did a great job filling in one of the many blanks we have!

                              Time to go. Goodnight and good morning!
                              aw, thanks!

                              Originally posted by prion View Post
                              Re the SGA COmicCon panel....

                              Since it seems only US folk can view the SGA comic con panel, I've done up a transcript at


                              Enjoy! Alas, I wish I could screencap Joe's expressions!
                              Love the transcript. I'm watching the scifi report, very cute

                              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                              Congrats on 1600, Elflinn and 4000, SGAFan!
                              *blinks* I didn't even notice! LOL
                              My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                                ah, has solved its issues (for now )

                                my story did actually make it up there

                       link for anyone interested... Guidance
                                My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ

