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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    I'm actually not going to read in depth spoilers this season. Yes sit down everyone. I don't want to have my squee coloured by what others think. Equally, I don't want to go the opposite way either. I think DG is going to be a favourite of mine. But Joe's pitched eppie will be excellent, I'm sure.

    Life is short,, and so am I too! I'm positive, I'm squeeing, and looking forward to season 4. I remember our ticking clocks last year for season 3. I want those back for season 4, only I don't know how to do one myself!

    One thing has struck me though over my years here. Hiatus time is a difficult and frustrating time. We get bored, concerned and tempers fray on occasion. This is how it's always been and indeed how it always will be.

    We need a whumper group hug to get us back in the whumper spirit of things...or do we need to just whump the crappity doo dah out of Shep!
    We are strong, confident, and apparently short, people, we can multi task I say we do both

    Hugs for the whumpers.......

    If my PB ever loads whump to follow


      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      I'm actually not going to read in depth spoilers this season. Yes sit down everyone. I don't want to have my squee coloured by what others think. Equally, I don't want to go the opposite way either. I think DG is going to be a favourite of mine. But Joe's pitched eppie will be excellent, I'm sure.

      Life is short,, and so am I too! I'm positive, I'm squeeing, and looking forward to season 4. I remember our ticking clocks last year for season 3. I want those back for season 4, only I don't know how to do one myself!

      One thing has struck me though over my years here. Hiatus time is a difficult and frustrating time. We get bored, concerned and tempers fray on occasion. This is how it's always been and indeed how it always will be.

      We need a whumper group hug to get us back in the whumper spirit of things...or do we need to just whump the crappity doo dah out of Shep!
      Well said Linzi ITA. There's lots to look forward to. We should all just be thankful that there is a S4, even though none of us have patience and want it to start immediately. Here's your group hug whumpers!!!

      Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
      AVI by *ERIKA*


        Originally posted by Listy View Post
        I am also very happy and full of squee, however I need strict supervision and someone to motivate me otherwise I seem to wander off into my own little world I am happily going to continue to squee until I finally get to see the S4 eps which will probably be months after everyone else, seen as I am having internet issues at the moment and so will have to wait patiently for Sky one

        We just need a good topic to get our teeth into We need to get into practice on the whumping of the Shep, to make sure we are all in fine form when the wonderfulness that is S4 - the season of Shep whump.
        Indeed. I wander off all the time too! Don't worry about the eppies. I'll sort something out.
        Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
        Hey peeps!

        Still home. I thought we'd venture out.......nothing yet.

        JF cracks me up! A sense of humor is extreeeeemely sexy. "Talk to the doll".....ROFL. I was glad to read AT and DH quickly pointed out JF was omitted from answering one of those questions.

        Indeed. I'm sure GJ was just being absent minded and not concentrating on the job at hand... Joe's sense of humour IS sexy, isn't it? It's so important to me, and his humour is very similar to mine, poor devil!
        Originally posted by sherryw View Post
        Does anyone across the lake use Netmeeting? Just wondering cause I wanted to test something out.
        I'm sure you won't be surprised to know that I have no idea what Netmeeting is! Er, what is it?


          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
          There's nothing wrong with a fantasy world it's amazing the fun you can have with your imagination. Ah hon, worry not we'll keep you plyed with squee until you get to see it, and oh boy we're in for a treat in S4.

          Well, we could discuss Shep getting captured, beaten, if he;s going to be tortured for info, how they're going to get what they need out of him. Do we think this new alien race are going to stab our Sheppy in the back. what deal he's had to make, and at what cost to him What will they do to him when he's captured, and how is captured. Do we think he'd going to be zatted, or punched as they get him out the PJ

          Hehehe he is funny

          I don't hon sorry
          stab him in the back.. literally or figuratively? hmm images of Shep with a heavily bleeding knife wound to the back.......*sighs*


            Originally posted by sherryw View Post
            Well said Linzi ITA. There's lots to look forward to. We should all just be thankful that there is a S4, even though none of us have patience and want it to start immediately. Here's your group hug whumpers!!!
            (((((hugs))))) Where's that damn time machine then?


              Originally posted by Listy View Post
              stab him in the back.. literally or figuratively? hmm images of Shep with a heavily bleeding knife wound to the back.......*sighs*


                Argh!! Hubby ahs now caught the stomach flu.

                On the up side, i just finished watching some S3 eppies including First Strike...and all I can say is............

                BRING ON S4..... N.O.W!!!!!!!!!!!


                  Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                  I forgot to add
                  I'm glad JF came to the rescue with Shep backstory. I hope the writers don't mess up with his idea and turn it into something else entirely *coughs* "Epiphany" *coughs* He seems to have good ideas for and about the character, and I trust him to take it to a good place.


                  This time I know it won't be messed up. They've been really careful about what they're doing, hence them taking a long time to make sure it fits and isn't disappointing. I honestly do like Epiphany. It's a sweet little story really. Joe F. won't let his ideas be messed with again, and I think really Epiphany had budgetary and time issues with the writing, in all fairness to BW. But I think Joe's new pitched eppie will be good. I have a gut feeling.


                    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                    Argh!! Hubby ahs now caught the stomach flu.

                    On the up side, i just finished watching some S3 eppies including First Strike...and all I can say is............

                    BRING ON S4..... N.O.W!!!!!!!!!!!
                    Poor hubby! Stomach flu is vile! I hope he gets well soon.

                    I adore FS. I'm so surprised I did, because it's my favourite season finale so far. Usually I'm not so keen on them, but FS rocked, I felt. I want to see season 4 NOW!!!!


                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      Indeed. I wander off all the time too! Don't worry about the eppies. I'll sort something out.

                      Indeed. I'm sure GJ was just being absent minded and not concentrating on the job at hand... Joe's sense of humour IS sexy, isn't it? It's so important to me, and his humour is very similar to mine, poor devil!

                      I'm sure you won't be surprised to know that I have no idea what Netmeeting is! Er, what is it?
                      thanks hun

                      Oh JF's sex appeal is so much more than just his looks, he is just fab, a killer sense of humour, a good dad, a big kid, you just gotta love him and it just makes the characters he plays all the better. Hmmmm Shep is just fab to whump

                      I have no idea what netmeeting is either I really need to get my head in gear and pay more attention to technology.

                      S4 pic.... been a while......

                      random old whump.....

                      Maybe we need a project, like a new A to Z of whump or something.......


                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Poor hubby! Stomach flu is vile! I hope he gets well soon.

                        I adore FS. I'm so surprised I did, because it's my favourite season finale so far. Usually I'm not so keen on them, but FS rocked, I felt. I want to see season 4 NOW!!!!
                        Thanks Linzi for the well wishes.

                        I really liked FS too. THe was lots of action, depth and well....peril. I ahve to say, this is the first season finale that I am anxiously awaiting to have resolved. Damn, S4 is still too long off.


                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          I'm actually not going to read in depth spoilers this season. Yes sit down everyone. I don't want to have my squee coloured by what others think. Equally, I don't want to go the opposite way either. I think DG is going to be a favourite of mine. But Joe's pitched eppie will be excellent, I'm sure.
                          Life is short,, and so am I too! I'm positive, I'm squeeing, and looking forward to season 4. I remember our ticking clocks last year for season 3. I want those back for season 4, only I don't know how to do one myself!

                          One thing has struck me though over my years here. Hiatus time is a difficult and frustrating time. We get bored, concerned and tempers fray on occasion. This is how it's always been and indeed how it always will be.

                          We need a whumper group hug to get us back in the whumper spirit of things...or do we need to just whump the crappity doo dah out of Shep!
                          That's very true, and while I am a spoiler whore, and very short I have the memory of a goldfish when it comes to spoilers as Josie can atest to, hehehe. So I can read anything and everything and still be surprised when the ep airs. Hiatus is very frustrating, and it seems an inordinantly long wait this year. But it won't be long know. Time to get that ticking clock going again

                          for the whumping crew

                          Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                          I forgot to add
                          I'm glad JF came to the rescue with Shep backstory. I hope the writers don't mess up with his idea and turn it into something else entirely *coughs* "Epiphany" *coughs* He seems to have good ideas for and about the character, and I trust him to take it to a good place.


                          Woohooooooo *does the happy dance* I think the fact that they are taking their time with this, and are extremely happy with the pitch says a lot, and I think it will turn out not disimilar to how JF wants We know he told them about Vengeance and they took on his suggestions and it's paid off. So i'm confidently squeeeing

                          Originally posted by Listy View Post
                          We are strong, confident, and apparently short, people, we can multi task I say we do both

                          Hugs for the whumpers.......

                          If my PB ever loads whump to follow

                          Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                          Well said Linzi ITA. There's lots to look forward to. We should all just be thankful that there is a S4, even though none of us have patience and want it to start immediately. Here's your group hug whumpers!!!
                          I have no patience, just a tone of squee, so as always feel free to snurch

                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          Indeed. I wander off all the time too! Don't worry about the eppies. I'll sort something out.

                          Indeed. I'm sure GJ was just being absent minded and not concentrating on the job at hand... Joe's sense of humour IS sexy, isn't it? It's so important to me, and his humour is very similar to mine, poor devil!

                          I'm sure you won't be surprised to know that I have no idea what Netmeeting is! Er, what is it?
                          Oh heck is there anything about Joe that isn't sexy

                          Originally posted by Listy View Post
                          stab him in the back.. literally or figuratively? hmm images of Shep with a heavily bleeding knife wound to the back.......*sighs*
                          Why do we have to make a choice? We should be able to have both



                            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                            Indeed. I wander off all the time too! Don't worry about the eppies. I'll sort something out.

                            Indeed. I'm sure GJ was just being absent minded and not concentrating on the job at hand... Joe's sense of humour IS sexy, isn't it? It's so important to me, and his humour is very similar to mine, poor devil!

                            I'm sure you won't be surprised to know that I have no idea what Netmeeting is! Er, what is it?
                            Netmeeting is used to share desktops. So I could in essence connect to any of you from my computer. It's a way of doing meetings without have to be present. So if I connected to you computer you could see what's on mine.

                            Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                            Argh!! Hubby ahs now caught the stomach flu.

                            On the up side, i just finished watching some S3 eppies including First Strike...and all I can say is............

                            BRING ON S4..... N.O.W!!!!!!!!!!!
                            *waves madly* Hi GG!!! Sorry to here about the hubby. That really does stink. I hope he recovers fast.

                            Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                            AVI by *ERIKA*


                              I like "Epiphany" sure is Whumpy enough! And he's all scruffy and bloody and injured........*SIGH*.....not to mention feeling abandonment issues. *wants to huggle Shep* I'd be curious as to how much of that was JF's idea.

                              I can't wait to see what we get this season! *bouncy*




                                I may have not been around much lately, but that doesn't mean I haven't lost my SQUEEE!!! I'm so excited for Season 4 I can hardly stand it!

                                My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ

