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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Squonk View Post
    Ooo, so tempted to put up a few choice Brummie expressions.....
    Please do. You can start with Brummie.
    Sig by Luciana
    My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


      Originally posted by Jade Xianghua View Post
      I really should be afraid of dogs, but I'm not. Almost got my hand bitten off by an Alsatian. It was a warm sunny day (for once in Scotland), the family was having a barbeque. So I have a hamburger and I'm leaning over the fence with the burger in hand talking away to a friend of mine when this Alsatian runs up out of the blue and bites my hand with the hamburger in it! It steals it out of my hand and I had to quickly slide my hand out it's mouth before it decided to snack on my hand as well. To this day, I just really don't like Alsatians... and snakes, but that's because I watched some jungle film when I was younger and some kid got swallowed up by an Anaconda.
      i dont have a problem with snakes for some reason, but i used to be terrified of dogs because of a bad experience when i was younger with not too bad these days though thank god... unfortunately my fear for spiders is my number 1 fear these days.



        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        I shouldn't laugh but you have such a wonderful turn of phrase...
        Maybe I should take up writing...


          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
          Please do. You can start with Brummie.
          A Brummie is someone from Birmingham, which is known locally as Brummagem
          (original name was Bremingham, Brem being the family wot founded it, Ing being olde english for family, ham olde english for home. Name got misspelled over the years to create Brummagem, then Birmingham)

          These are a few that i tend to use

          Ackers = Money
          Any road up = anyhow, anyway
          Baygoona = Not going to.
          Blarting = Crying..lots of tears
          Bosting = Terrific, excellent, fantastic etc.
          Bug Hutch = The local Cinema
          Buzz = Bus a form of public transport (god i hate this one)
          Canting = Talking
          Cob = bread roll (amazingly, had to explain this one to boyfy and bro's gilrfriend! Both southerners though)
          Cut = Canal
          Fizzog = Face
          Guzzunda = (LOVE this one) Bed pan used in old days when the loo was outside "The pot guzzunda (goes under) the bed"
          Mardy = a miserable mood, grumpy
          Strides = Trousers
          Wooden hill = Stairs

          Well I'll go to the top of our stairs = What a surprise
          Black uvva Bill's Muvva's = Black over Bill's Mothers = I.e. storm clouds in the distance"
          You gotta face like a bulldog chewing a wasp = You are looking annoyed
          Around the Wrekin = going for miles and getting nowhere
          Shut yer gob, there's a bus coming = Your mouth is too large.
          You want coal cracking on your head = Stupid boy.
          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

          l My LJ l


            Originally posted by Josie View Post
            Maybe I should take up writing...
            Hmmm.. well, now you mention it...


              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
              A Brummie is someone from Birmingham, which is known locally as Brummagem
              (original name was Bremingham, Brem being the family wot founded it, Ing being olde english for family, ham olde english for home. Name got misspelled over the years to create Brummagem, then Birmingham)

              These are a few that i tend to use

              Ackers = Money
              Any road up = anyhow, anyway
              Baygoona = Not going to.
              Blarting = Crying..lots of tears
              Bosting = Terrific, excellent, fantastic etc.
              Bug Hutch = The local Cinema
              Buzz = Bus a form of public transport (god i hate this one)
              Canting = Talking
              Cob = bread roll (amazingly, had to explain this one to boyfy and bro's gilrfriend! Both southerners though)
              Cut = Canal
              Fizzog = Face
              Guzzunda = (LOVE this one) Bed pan used in old days when the loo was outside "The pot guzzunda (goes under) the bed"
              Mardy = a miserable mood, grumpy
              Strides = Trousers
              Wooden hill = Stairs

              Well I'll go to the top of our stairs = What a surprise
              Black uvva Bill's Muvva's = Black over Bill's Mothers = I.e. storm clouds in the distance"
              You gotta face like a bulldog chewing a wasp = You are looking annoyed
              Around the Wrekin = going for miles and getting nowhere
              Shut yer gob, there's a bus coming = Your mouth is too large.
              You want coal cracking on your head = Stupid boy.
              ROFLMAO!! *note to self: bring a translator on next trip to Britain* Those are hilarious. I'm keeping the "shut your gob, there's a bus coming" for a special occasion. *wipes tears from eyes*
              Sig by Luciana
              My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                ROFLMAO!! *note to self: bring a translator on next trip to Britain* Those are hilarious. I'm keeping the "shut your gob, there's a bus coming" for a special occasion. *wipes tears from eyes*
                I love my dialect. But even i can't understand really broad Brummie accents - it's a foreign language!!

                Ooo, missed my favourite. This has got to be the best ever response to a request to do something. Instead of saying "i ain't doing it", we simply say "A."
                Gotta respect laziness like that!
                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                l My LJ l


                  Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                  ROFLMAO!! *note to self: bring a translator on next trip to Britain* Those are hilarious. I'm keeping the "shut your gob, there's a bus coming" for a special occasion. *wipes tears from eyes*
                  I love colloquialisms...

                  My mum used to have an awesome book (printed in Liverpool in the 60s) called "Lern yerself Scouse" (Scouse is also used as the name for the Liverpool accent). It was a hilarious book with loads of Scouse phrases etc with very posh English "translations".

                  One of my favourites was:
                  Scouse: Booggerroff!
                  Translation: No, thank you. Please depart.

                  The best section however was called "At the footie" (At the football match), and included such gems as:

                  Scouse: Ere's your leg back mate!
                  Translation: You are kicking too wildly.

                  Scouse: Hit him with yer handbag!
                  Translation: You must tackle him more forcibly.

                  Scouse: Pull his leg off and hit him with the soggy end!
                  Translation: You must tackle him more forcibly.

                  (My dad actually used to say that last one! )


                    Hi whumpers. How's everyone? Just a quick flyby.

                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    SheppyD and I have been discussing this piccie posted by Kangamoo in the thunk thread. A friend sent it to her, she doesn't know where it came from.

                    Now, some were speculating it's from The Ark. But, SheppyD and I don't think so, because if you zoom in, Sheppard clearly has, spoilered for possible season 4 whumpage
                    a cut on his lip. We've compared hair and sideburns and beard growth to piccies from the Ark and they don't match. So, we think it's possible this is a season 4 photo. Goodness knows how. We've been through all the season 3 eppies with the new uniform in it and this doesn't match any episode.

                    Here's the link to the photo in the JFT. What do you guys think?

                    That picture looks like it's from S4. I know you have already been talking about it, but the hair looks different for sure and the set looks like it's from Travelers
                    . Maybe GG can identify some stuff in that picture from her set tour.

                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    It certainly looks in this picture like
                    Sheppard is kinda "sneaking" around... it looks like he's holding a weapon of some sort in his hands, just out of shot, and is cautiously checking around a corner before proceeding.... and he's doing all of this without a tac vest and without a P90.

                    And in Travelers he's a prisoner (so they would take away his tac vest and weapons (if he'd been wearing them in the jumper) and if he were to escape, or be trying to escape, then he'd be skulking around like this....

                    I'm definitely thinking more and more that this is a pic from Travelers!! *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!*

                    The only bummer is that, if it is, it suggests that, once again, Sheppard is going to be saving himself/escaping etc.
                    Hopefully as it was already stated he will escape and be recaptured again.
                    A whumper can only hope.

                    Originally posted by caty View Post
                    What is all this about a
                    sore jaw??? have I missed some important whumpy details????
                    Yea I was wondering the same thing.

                    Originally posted by Jade Xianghua View Post
                    ...*delurks* Hiya everyone! Mind if this whumpage loving fanfic writer joins teh thread?
                    Welcome Jade. It's nice having you here.

                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    This is a little OT. But I don't think I told you guys what happened the other day, did I? I was taking my dad for his usual round of blood tests, and he's got a new wheelchair. It has a padded cushion seat which is removable. My mum put it in its plastic wrapper in the back of the car, on the seat, and we went on our merry way. When we got there she lifted the cushion and bag off the seat, and literally hundreds of little spiders ran out everywhere. There must have been a nest in the bag from the factory where it was stored. I still am getting spiders in there now, despite us cleaning it out 3 times, with a few yelps as we did it. It was so disgusting and frightening, and would happen in my damn car! Urrrrggh!!!
                    Yuck!! I was sitting at my computer a few days ago and I just happened to glance to my left and there was a nice spider hanging from the ceiling inches a way from my head. If you saw me you would have been laughing.

                    Well off to to the doc. Looking forward to the ark tonight.

                    Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                    AVI by *ERIKA*


                      Hiya!! *waves wildly!!*

                      SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! for the new pic! It definitely looks like it could be from T! I do hope
                      that split lip isn't the only whump we'll get though!

                      Originally posted by Jade Xianghua View Post
                      ...*delurks* Hiya everyone! Mind if this whumpage loving fanfic writer joins teh thread?
                      Welcome to the thread, Jade! I'm sure you'll love it here Do you have a link to your fics, by any chance?

                      Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                      Heh! I'm calling it 'The Bodacious Black Shirt of Rolled Up Sleevy Goodness'!!
                      *chuckles* I LOVE that name, Eli!

                      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                      I agree with you here, Roo.
                      It doesn't look like bruising to me either. And I find that he is rarely stubble free. If it is from T, perhaps this is from the beginning of the ep. His uniform looks awfully wrinkle-free for someone that's been captive several days.
                      Oh! Oh! I so hope the pic is from the beginning of the ep! That would leave us with many more whump opportunities!

                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      God, I hate spiders! *shudder*
                      Me too!

                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      This is a little OT. But I don't think I told you guys what happened the other day, did I? I was taking my dad for his usual round of blood tests, and he's got a new wheelchair. It has a padded cushion seat which is removable. My mum put it in its plastic wrapper in the back of the car, on the seat, and we went on our merry way. When we got there she lifted the cushion and bag off the seat, and literally hundreds of little spiders ran out everywhere. There must have been a nest in the bag from the factory where it was stored. I still am getting spiders in there now, despite us cleaning it out 3 times, with a few yelps as we did it. It was so disgusting and frightening, and would happen in my damn car! Urrrrggh!!!
                      Oh God, that's so disgusting and utterly terrifying! ((hugs!!))

                      Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                      well joe does have a family who he no doubt wants to spend lots of time with, no offence to DH or JM but they dont have 3 young kids to look i dont blame him being scared of the net, he might come across us nutters
                      Joe must be exhausted at the end of the shooting period!

                      Originally posted by Jade Xianghua View Post
                      Ugh, spiders. I'm not that scared of them myself. It's wasps that get me. I hate hate HATE wasps. Especially when they buzz near my ears >_<
                      Oh yes. I hate spiders, and I hate wasps! A few years ago I was home alone for 3 weeks when my parents were on vacation, and in the second week I brought the clean laundry up to my dad's room, opened the door, and slammed it shut almost instantly: there were dozens and dozens of wasps flying and crawling around the room. I was absolutely terrified! Turns out there was a nest in there.

                      Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                      Ack!! I had one in my towel once, i thought i was going to have heart attack.

                      In my home town, this guy had a car imported and delivered. As he sat in it and jiggled the gear stick, a load of spiders came scurrying out. Course he leaps out and calls the RSPCA cos they're probably foreign spiders.
                      And they were!!
                      The local zoo now has a healthy collection of Funnel Web spiders on display.
                      Wow, it would've never even occurred to my to call the RSPCA!

                      Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                      A Brummie is someone from Birmingham, which is known locally as Brummagem
                      (original name was Bremingham, Brem being the family wot founded it, Ing being olde english for family, ham olde english for home. Name got misspelled over the years to create Brummagem, then Birmingham)

                      These are a few that i tend to use

                      Ackers = Money
                      Any road up = anyhow, anyway
                      Baygoona = Not going to.
                      Blarting = Crying..lots of tears
                      Bosting = Terrific, excellent, fantastic etc.
                      Bug Hutch = The local Cinema
                      Buzz = Bus a form of public transport (god i hate this one)
                      Canting = Talking
                      Cob = bread roll (amazingly, had to explain this one to boyfy and bro's gilrfriend! Both southerners though)
                      Cut = Canal
                      Fizzog = Face
                      Guzzunda = (LOVE this one) Bed pan used in old days when the loo was outside "The pot guzzunda (goes under) the bed"
                      Mardy = a miserable mood, grumpy
                      Strides = Trousers
                      Wooden hill = Stairs

                      Well I'll go to the top of our stairs = What a surprise
                      Black uvva Bill's Muvva's = Black over Bill's Mothers = I.e. storm clouds in the distance"
                      You gotta face like a bulldog chewing a wasp = You are looking annoyed
                      Around the Wrekin = going for miles and getting nowhere
                      Shut yer gob, there's a bus coming = Your mouth is too large.
                      You want coal cracking on your head = Stupid boy.
                      Those are great, Squonk! Thanks for sharing them!

                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      I love colloquialisms...

                      My mum used to have an awesome book (printed in Liverpool in the 60s) called "Lern yerself Scouse" (Scouse is also used as the name for the Liverpool accent). It was a hilarious book with loads of Scouse phrases etc with very posh English "translations".

                      One of my favourites was:
                      Scouse: Booggerroff!
                      Translation: No, thank you. Please depart.

                      The best section however was called "At the footie" (At the football match), and included such gems as:

                      Scouse: Ere's your leg back mate!
                      Translation: You are kicking too wildly.

                      Scouse: Hit him with yer handbag!
                      Translation: You must tackle him more forcibly.

                      Scouse: Pull his leg off and hit him with the soggy end!
                      Translation: You must tackle him more forcibly.

                      (My dad actually used to say that last one! )
                      *chuckles* I love those too, Ali! Thanks!

                      Thanks to the lovely Pegasus SGA for the awesome sig!


                        Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                        Welcome Jade. It's nice having you here.
                        Thank ya!

                        Originally posted by Tristen View Post
                        Hiya!! *waves wildly!!*

                        Welcome to the thread, Jade! I'm sure you'll love it here Do you have a link to your fics, by any chance?

                        Oh yes. I hate spiders, and I hate wasps! A few years ago I was home alone for 3 weeks when my parents were on vacation, and in the second week I brought the clean laundry up to my dad's room, opened the door, and slammed it shut almost instantly: there were dozens and dozens of wasps flying and crawling around the room. I was absolutely terrified! Turns out there was a nest in there.

                        Yup, I've got a link to my profile;


                        So far I've only got my old Atlantis stuff up from a year ago, but I'm working on more so they'll be up there in future

                        Gah! Wasp nests! Those are the worst. We had a wasp nest in our attic once... I'd always leave the house whenever the parents went up to try and take care of it. Also when I was younger I had a habit of locking myself in rooms alot in the summer time because of wasps. I was daft then. I'm not so scared anymore, now I'm only really scared of them when I'm in an enclosed space where I can't get away from it. Like in a car.
                        Lonk the Sane: My job? Taking care of crazies like you. Making sure you don't go and hurt yourselves with your deviant powers. And cookies, I make cookies.


                          Originally posted by Tristen View Post
                          Oh yes. I hate spiders, and I hate wasps! A few years ago I was home alone for 3 weeks when my parents were on vacation, and in the second week I brought the clean laundry up to my dad's room, opened the door, and slammed it shut almost instantly: there were dozens and dozens of wasps flying and crawling around the room. I was absolutely terrified! Turns out there was a nest in there.
                          Yikes! Wasps are nasty, but spiders? If I can see them, I start freaking out. Doesn't matter how far away they are. My brother likes to taunt me about it and sometimes he'll leave the body where I can see it. (I usually make him squish them because I refuse to get that close to the evil things.)


                            Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                            A Brummie is someone from Birmingham, which is known locally as Brummagem
                            (original name was Bremingham, Brem being the family wot founded it, Ing being olde english for family, ham olde english for home. Name got misspelled over the years to create Brummagem, then Birmingham)

                            These are a few that i tend to use

                            Ackers = Money
                            Any road up = anyhow, anyway
                            Baygoona = Not going to.
                            Blarting = Crying..lots of tears
                            Bosting = Terrific, excellent, fantastic etc.
                            Bug Hutch = The local Cinema
                            Buzz = Bus a form of public transport (god i hate this one)
                            Canting = Talking
                            Cob = bread roll (amazingly, had to explain this one to boyfy and bro's gilrfriend! Both southerners though)
                            Cut = Canal
                            Fizzog = Face
                            Guzzunda = (LOVE this one) Bed pan used in old days when the loo was outside "The pot guzzunda (goes under) the bed"
                            Mardy = a miserable mood, grumpy
                            Strides = Trousers
                            Wooden hill = Stairs

                            Well I'll go to the top of our stairs = What a surprise
                            Black uvva Bill's Muvva's = Black over Bill's Mothers = I.e. storm clouds in the distance"
                            You gotta face like a bulldog chewing a wasp = You are looking annoyed
                            Around the Wrekin = going for miles and getting nowhere
                            Shut yer gob, there's a bus coming = Your mouth is too large.
                            You want coal cracking on your head = Stupid boy.
                            wow that really is like a foreign language and Im english too. I think the only one on that list iv heard before is "mardy" I even have a friend from birmingham and she doesnt use any of those, not that iv heard *shrugs*. The english language rocks, indeed it does.


                              OMG, I can't believe I have missed the most fantastic Squeetastic Squeefest in ages because of stupid sodding, god damn work!!!! its not fair...anyway...
                              SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I totally agree
                              Its gotta be a S4 pic, I can't find anythign with that shirt and a cut lip and his hair is definitely shorter. Before I read all peoples speculation on here, I was leaning more to it being from DG because I thought it looked he was hiding and thought maybe it was Shep hiding from his team because they thoguth he was evil shep, but yeah it probably is Travelers. i am so excited for S4 it has brought all my squee back and if it turns out not to be a s4 pic, which I can't see it being anything else, its renewed the squee which is unreal!!!

                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              Listy, I've sent you a pm!
                              Oh sorry hunny I missed your PM must have just logged off, i am gutted, I would hav ebeen up till the wee small hours with you checking. I PM'd you back before i checked this thread so jsut ignore my craziness

                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              I feel cheered as well. May I also just add that, spoilers for SGA season 4, woo hoo!
                              that Sheppy looks extremely attractive a little roughed up!!!!

                              WHUMP THUNK!!!!!
                              Oh I second and third that!!!!

                              Originally posted by Jade Xianghua View Post
                              ...*delurks* Hiya everyone! Mind if this whumpage loving fanfic writer joins teh thread?
                              Helloo welcome to the craziness we are a squeeful bunch

                              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                              God i'm totally the same! I found a huge bruise on my leg this morning - no idea how i got it. And i managed to cut my finger slicing cucumber and didn't even notice till i got to work!

                              But a cold knocks me for six!! (well they do ever since the glandular fever ten years ago. )
                              Yeah I have three massive bruises on my legs no idea where from but didn't notice till yesterday, but slightest hint of a cold and I am puddle

                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              Oh yeah, COME BACK SHEPPYD!!!!! I MISS YOU!!!!!
                              Yes Yes come back!!!

                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              This is a little OT. But I don't think I told you guys what happened the other day, did I? I was taking my dad for his usual round of blood tests, and he's got a new wheelchair. It has a padded cushion seat which is removable. My mum put it in its plastic wrapper in the back of the car, on the seat, and we went on our merry way. When we got there she lifted the cushion and bag off the seat, and literally hundreds of little spiders ran out everywhere. There must have been a nest in the bag from the factory where it was stored. I still am getting spiders in there now, despite us cleaning it out 3 times, with a few yelps as we did it. It was so disgusting and frightening, and would happen in my damn car! Urrrrggh!!!
                              lol I am not really affraid of spiders, just don't really like to touch them. Once as a curious child, I learned its not very bright to go poking a spider nest with a very short lolly stick ...eeeeuuuwwww!!! My poor work colleague is so scared she can't even look at a picture of a spider. sat at work a few months back and I look up to see the biggest spider on the ceiling above her head, not wanting to alarm her I asked her if she would mind going and picking something up out of another office to me but she was a bit distracted and jsut said in a minute, so I persisted, which lead to a get it your sodding self kind of remark to which i gave up and said "ok get up and leave the office right now without looking up at the sodding huge spider sat above your head" I have honestly never seen anyone run so fast in my life, the spider was so big that when I climbed onto the desk with a plastic cup from the water cooler to snag it, I had to use a piece of card to tuck its big hairy legs in, it was rank!!

                              Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                              i dont have a problem with snakes for some reason, but i used to be terrified of dogs because of a bad experience when i was younger with not too bad these days though thank god... unfortunately my fear for spiders is my number 1 fear these days.
                              I am with you there, I have major dog issues, but snakes and stuff don't bother me, we had pet snakes in the biology lab at school. Moths on the other hadn *shudders* can't sleep in a room that has a moth am paranoid it will crawl into my ear!! *shudders again*

                              Oh yeah and did I say


                                Originally posted by Jade Xianghua View Post
                                Thank ya!


                                Yup, I've got a link to my profile;


                                So far I've only got my old Atlantis stuff up from a year ago, but I'm working on more so they'll be up there in future

                                Gah! Wasp nests! Those are the worst. We had a wasp nest in our attic once... I'd always leave the house whenever the parents went up to try and take care of it. Also when I was younger I had a habit of locking myself in rooms alot in the summer time because of wasps. I was daft then. I'm not so scared anymore, now I'm only really scared of them when I'm in an enclosed space where I can't get away from it. Like in a car.
                                Cool, thanks for the link! It's been bookmarked

                                Originally posted by PuddleJumper42 View Post
                                Yikes! Wasps are nasty, but spiders? If I can see them, I start freaking out. Doesn't matter how far away they are. My brother likes to taunt me about it and sometimes he'll leave the body where I can see it. (I usually make him squish them because I refuse to get that close to the evil things.)
                                LOL! I always feel bad about squashing them, so I try to avoid it by getting my mom or my b/f to wrestle the thing outside

                                Thanks to the lovely Pegasus SGA for the awesome sig!

