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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by sherryw View Post
    Thanks Lorr...
    my stomach is so twisted in knots right now and I'm so worried that the daycare is going to ask us to leave after my hubbie's little outburst. I just don't know what the answer is. I wish I could just be a stay at home mom, but with all the meds I take I need a prescription plan.

    You know what would cheer me up?

    S4. Has it started yet?
    Sherry- I am so sorry you are having trouble with the daycare. I know parents worry enough about leaving their children because of work, but to have the place she is be so unsympathetic is just not right. They are supposed to help you raise a healthy, happy, well rounded child.
    I know there are phases that children can go through that make a teacher feel like she/he is telling the parents bad news everyday. I have done that with a few little angels. I can see parents slowing down while walking towards me and see the worry in their face. I believe that it is all in how it is delivered to parents. A little sympathy for the parent (we know you are working hard to do your best for your family) and a little understanding that children are learning social skills, safety protocols, and testing the waters on many different levels to find their place in the world. Sometimes they make mistakes (sometimes many in a row). Sometimes a little humor from the teacher helps.

    I don't know if you can request a meeting with the teachers and director. My suggestion would be to put it back on them. "What would you like us to do about this problem? You are the ones with her all day. What can we do to help at home?" Teamwork between parents and teachers goes a very long way.

    Originally posted by Lorr View Post
    Sherry, I'm so sorry! ((((HUGS)))) That has to be the worst thing. You entrust your children to these people.

    Knightie, we think it was 1.1 for SGA and SG1. Not good, but apparently a lot of ratings were down. Spiderman 3 and other factors.
    Here is a link to the CNN Article about ratings across the board. It actually sparked quite an indepth discussion between me and hubby about shows and longevity and hiatuses (?sp). He brought up a totally unrelated genre of Soap Operas that never take breaks but some of them have been on the air since before we were born. And that's a long time ago.

    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    Ack! My two least favorite subjects *ever*!

    Definitely. I think if it's a subject you are really into then you can put up with a bad teacher (I was lucky in that for my A Levels I had two teachers for each subject and in each subject one teacher was crap/mediocre but the other was *brilliant*) but if the subject is not a focus for you then so much depends on having a decent teacher.

    OT rambling:
    I think I could have enjoyed history if I'd had a good teacher... but I got stuck with Miss Xxxx right from my first year of high school so I always hated the subject.. except for the one year where my class had Mr Xxxx instead, which just goes to show... with him as teacher I enjoyed the class and found it interesting.

    He encouraged interaction and actually using your brain. He used to write up a passage of information about a subject onto the blackboard with specific words missing (dates and names and important stuff like that) and with an empty box beside the paragraph - we had to copy it all into our notebooks and a) fill in the missing words (meaning you had to think about it and look the information up in your textbooks) and b) draw a picture in the box that illustrated the topic - the drawing bit appealed to my artistic nature and actually having to look up the words etc for the passage was more interesting than just being told the information and made you learn it in the process.

    Miss Xxxx on the other hand used to just tell us to read pages xx to xx in our text books and we'd all sit there and read. Or she'd tell us to write an essay adn we'd all sit there and write (or in my case, stack all my text books into a wall around the front of my desk so she couldn't see what I was doing and read a book instead! ). There was no interaction whatsoever, no real teaching or imparting of information. She also used to miss a lot of classes (and got in trouble for it eventually after a parent complained) and was crap and disorganised... we had to choose an optional subject as part of the course and out of my class only two of us chose a European history topic (everyone else was doing a British history topic).. TWO WEEKS before the final history exam, Miss Xxxx comes up to me and the other girl doing the Europe topic at lunchtime in the school cafeteria and says, "Oh girls, I've just realised, I've forgotten to cover World War II with you and it'll probably be in the exam. Come and see me after lunch and I'll give you some information on it." !!!!! European history and she FORGOT to cover World War II!!!!!

    No wonder I hated history!
    I loved History class. I happened to get two teachers, one in high school and one in college, that loved History and made class a big story time.

    Wasn't JF a History major at one point?


      Originally posted by Squonk View Post

      More OT ramblings!
      I hear ya!! For a-level chemistry we had one great teacher and one that used to read from a text book and we had to write down what he said. Zzzzzzz
      For German we had one great one again and then one that rarely turned up and when she did she spent most of the lesson crying and then would run out!!

      But my history teachers were excellent. One in particular was just amazing. I remember going to Warwick Castle for GCSE's and her telling us about the Killing Grounds and how the portculis would come down at either end to trap people in (hopefully skewering a few as they did - her words!) and then the defenders would rain down stones, arrows, boiling oil on those trapped. She really got into it, eyes glinting, leaping about. The general visitors to the castle looked horrified!! God she was cool....
      Heh. I had the same thing for A Level English - one teacher's idea of a lesson was for us to all sit around one table and take it in turns reading aloud from the book we were studying. Urgh. I was like, "Um, I can read it in my OWN time!" I used to actually fall asleep in those lessons.. I used to sit right opposite the teacher, across the table from her, with the book open in front of me and rest my head in my hands and just doze off... I had the most amazing talent for waking up in time to catch up to where we were up to just before the person next to me finished and it was my turn to read!

      The other English teacher was *brilliant*. So enthusiastic and terribly funny.. and also easily distracted.. he would go off on a tangent about a wierd dream he'd had the night before where his family all turned into giant carrots and were chasing him (true story - he actually told us about that dream)!! One of the books we studied with him was T S Elliot's The Wasteland and he went through the entire poem with us, talking all about all the references and the mythology etc etc etc and by the time we finished all the margins of my copy of the book were just filled with notes and information and we had so much information with which to write the essay... I got an A+ on that essay! He made Shakespeare interesting and was just a very funny, clever man.

      I think enthusiasm and, most of all, humour are vital in making a good teacher. For my three A Level subjects, the excellent teachers were interesting *and* entertaining and made me laugh a lot.. the not so good teachers (aside from the 2nd German teacher who was just a ***** and we absolutely despised each other! ) were very nice, earnest people but just booooooring!!!


        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Heh. I had the same thing for A Level English - one teacher's idea of a lesson was for us to all sit around one table and take it in turns reading aloud from the book we were studying. Urgh. I was like, "Um, I can read it in my OWN time!" I used to actually fall asleep in those lessons.. I used to sit right opposite the teacher, across the table from her, with the book open in front of me and rest my head in my hands and just doze off... I had the most amazing talent for waking up in time to catch up to where we were up to just before the person next to me finished and it was my turn to read!

        The other English teacher was *brilliant*. So enthusiastic and terribly funny.. and also easily distracted.. he would go off on a tangent about a wierd dream he'd had the night before where his family all turned into giant carrots and were chasing him (true story - he actually told us about that dream)!! One of the books we studied with him was T S Elliot's The Wasteland and he went through the entire poem with us, talking all about all the references and the mythology etc etc etc and by the time we finished all the margins of my copy of the book were just filled with notes and information and we had so much information with which to write the essay... I got an A+ on that essay! He made Shakespeare interesting and was just a very funny, clever man.

        I think enthusiasm and, most of all, humour are vital in making a good teacher. For my three A Level subjects, the excellent teachers were interesting *and* entertaining and made me laugh a lot.. the not so good teachers (aside from the 2nd German teacher who was just a ***** and we absolutely despised each other! ) were very nice, earnest people but just booooooring!!!
        that was the one "redeeming" feature of the dull chemistry teacher. We could get him talking about anything and once he was off....! We even ended up talking about the possibilities of rabid mosquitoes!!
        My good chemistry teacher was really sympathetic to my lack of ability because i made up for it in sheer determination! He used to say "you're eyes have glazed over, let's go through that again..." And he would, endlessly till i got it.

        I used to fall asleep in classes all the time in upper sixth but that was because i had glandular fever. I never got yelled at, they all felt sorry for me!

        Anyway, shouldn't we be at least attempting to talk whump!

        okay, so where exactly did we discover there was going to be
        full contact whump
        and to which episode does this pertain?
        The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

        l My LJ l


          Originally posted by Squonk View Post
          Anyway, shouldn't we be at least attempting to talk whump!

          okay, so where exactly did we discover there was going to be
          full contact whump
          and to which episode does this pertain?
          From SGA_Spoilers [/shameless self-promotion]
          "We watched our very first director’s cut late last week. Rob Cooper did a terrific job on Doppelganger. Some wonderfully way-out sequences in this one as well as some effectively creepy scenes as well, not to mention the full-contact extreme Shep whumpage in this one. This one is a lot of fun and, believe me, you cannot wait to see it!"
          Source: Joe Mallozzi’s blog (March 19 entry)


            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            From SGA_Spoilers [/shameless self-promotion]
            "We watched our very first director’s cut late last week. Rob Cooper did a terrific job on Doppelganger. Some wonderfully way-out sequences in this one as well as some effectively creepy scenes as well, not to mention the full-contact extreme Shep whumpage in this one. This one is a lot of fun and, believe me, you cannot wait to see it!"
            Source: Joe Mallozzi’s blog (March 19 entry)
            S4 is looking better and better!! *happy squee dance*

            And there's nowt wrong with shameless promotion!!

            I joined the community - not had chance to have a proper butchers yet though . Do i need approving or something.....? (i am such an LJ-idiot! )
            The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

            l My LJ l


              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
              S4 is looking better and better!! *happy squee dance*

              And there's nowt wrong with shameless promotion!!

              I joined the community - not had chance to have a proper butchers yet though . Do i need approving or something.....? (i am such an LJ-idiot! )
              No approval needed. Membership is open but posting is restricted - i.e. only the mods can make posts (so we don't get people adding unconfirmed spoilers) - but discussion is welcome in the comments to the posts, which anyone can add to.


                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                No approval needed. Membership is open but posting is restricted - i.e. only the mods can make posts (so we don't get people adding unconfirmed spoilers) - but discussion is welcome in the comments to the posts, which anyone can add to.

                Now i have something else to occupy my time when i should be working.....
                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                l My LJ l



                  I'm so happy!!! And I don't even know why!!!! It's just a wonderfully cold day!!! (Yes I do like cold days...)

                  So may interesting topics... I'll have to read the rating article, some of the fics recommended, JM's blog...

                  About that OT:

                  Boring History classes are so classical... I also a a teacher that read through the book and the top explantion she would give was underline this phrase because it's important. So I hate History and know very little about it. I had a great teacher on high school and all the little I know came from him. I actually found History less boring and interesting with him... so many interesting facts that we don't get to learn on primary school. Like why Brazil was the only country on the Americas not to have an Independence War and why we were the only ones to have a Monarchy instead of a Republic after independence... questions that I didn't even had, because I didn't know much about any of these subjects, but were answered.

                  Originally posted by Isolated_Fear View Post
                  So much has happened since yesterday.
                  "We want to suck Shepps blood!" ~vampire chorus
                  How's everybody doing?
                  *Joins the chorus*

                  Originally posted by prion View Post
                  Well, there's a nice bloody whumpy shot on JM's blog, alas, it's not Shep! How come the SG1 people get whumped up and not SGA??

         for pictures
                  I guess he got the wrong colonel in that one...
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                  Sig and avi by me


                    Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                    I guess he got the wrong colonel in that one...
                    Yeah, I posted a comment to point that out!


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      Yeah, I posted a comment to point that out!
                      Good. The Shep Whumpers can't be quiet about this.
                      My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                      Sig and avi by me


                        Good morning (or afternoon or late night)!

                        I just had a horrifying thought - the networks may feel they will need to put advertising banners across the bottom of the screen during the shows to keep the ad dollars rolling in! GAH!

                        I had a chemistry lecturer in college in Australia - Dr. Pallister - who looked just like Peter Cushing. He had 7 different degrees and was very good, but totally creeped us out. Then, during lab one day, he came over and started talking to me. He was the nicest man. He called me his little American girl. A total sweetie! LOL

                        my work day is already shaping up to be very nasty, so I had better go start cleaning up the mess in my email. Have fun!
                        Last edited by Lorr; 10 May 2007, 06:47 AM.


                          Hello guys!

                          It's been pretty quiet in here today. How is everyone?


                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            From SGA_Spoilers [/shameless self-promotion]
                            "We watched our very first director’s cut late last week. Rob Cooper did a terrific job on Doppelganger. Some wonderfully way-out sequences in this one as well as some effectively creepy scenes as well, not to mention the full-contact extreme Shep whumpage in this one. This one is a lot of fun and, believe me, you cannot wait to see it!"
                            Source: Joe Mallozzi’s blog (March 19 entry)
                            one word. (in my flyby posting on my way out the door to work..)


                            *waves* Later!
                            My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                              Originally posted by Josie View Post
                              Hello guys!

                              It's been pretty quiet in here today. How is everyone?
                              *waves* Hey Josie! It IS quiet today, isn't it? How's life across the pond today? Was your workday better?
                              Sig by Luciana
                              My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                                Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                                I just had a horrifying thought - the networks may feel they will need to put advertising banners across the bottom of the screen during the shows to keep the ad dollars rolling in! GAH!
                                I had the very same thought!
                                My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                                Sig and avi by me

