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John Sheppard Whump

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    Back from lunch. Ate too much!

    Hubby got me an Easter Egg - bless him - and mum gave both of us a little knitted Easter chick made by her friend... which turned out to have a Creme Egg hidden inside each!


      Originally posted by Stricken View Post
      It is an April Fools, it just seems that some fans have taken it out of context and believed it to be true
      I know that the rumor first showed up on Wikipedia several weeks ago.. Although everybody should know how Wikipedia is run, some still take everything that's on there seriously...
      I mean, it could be true - but it's not more than a rumor up to this point..
      *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Back from lunch. Ate too much!

        Hubby got me an Easter Egg - bless him - and mum gave both of us a little knitted Easter chick made by her friend... which turned out to have a Creme Egg hidden inside each!
        Aw! That's really sweet. I didn't get any Easter Eggs but my mummy did give me a big bar of Cadbury's dairy milk mint. Yum!


          Originally posted by caty View Post
          I know that the rumor first showed up on Wikipedia several weeks ago.. Although everybody should know how Wikipedia is run, some still take everything that's on there seriously...
          I mean, it could be true - but it's not more than a rumor up to this point..
          Ah! Wikipedia in that case I really don't believe it. If it had come from sides or an extra or anything like that then I'd pay more attention but seeing as no other source has this info on this I'm going to dismiss it totally for now.


            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            Back from lunch. Ate too much!

            Hubby got me an Easter Egg - bless him - and mum gave both of us a little knitted Easter chick made by her friend... which turned out to have a Creme Egg hidden inside each!
            SQUEE!!! Creme eggs!! How yummy.

   gonna share with us whumpers?


              Ahhhh....a classic S1 ZPM

              Thanks to blingaway for the shiny new siggie!


                Here's a whumped ZPM...........



                  I think I'm gonna go eat some Easter egg.. whilst watching some more of my S2 DVDs. And then try and get some writing done.


                    Originally posted by Josie View Post
                    Thanks Linzi, that clears that up, I kind of hope it is just a rumour though
                    With the Miller's Crossing, which is obviously a McKay episode, that would mean at least two McKay centric episodes in the first half of the season and I thought they were going to share them out a bit more.
                    Well, I sincerely hope not. General spoilers for season 4.
                    If they did 2 McKay show case eppies, I, for one, would be extremely unhappy as we've been told each character gets one show case eppie in the first 10 episodes. That would also sort of mean that when JM says they're aware that people have complained about too much McKay centricity and that they were sorting that out, that , in fact they don't mean it. I just can't see them having Lorne as a major player in an eppie though. He's there for support, and if someone is to have no memory of who they are, I can't see the audience generally giving two hoots if it's a minor character like Lorne. some viewers probably watch the show and don't even know who Lorne is! My hubby watches every eppie, and isn't invested in the show, and when I was talking about Lorne the other day, both he and my daughter hadn't a clue who I meant, and they watch every eppie, though not like I do. It'd have to be a main cast member , IMHO.


                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      We're going to Longleat. I've been to all of them though, over the years. When the oldest two oiks were young they loved all the activities. Lucy will love it there, and my youngest oik will too. The elder two are coming away with us - they wanted to - but I hope they won't be too bored with mum and dad there! I suspect my eldest daughter is just coming because she loves the puppy so much

                      Oh we have been to that one. I really enjoyed it and would like to go back some time!!!

                      Originally posted by WannaBeAWhumper View Post
                      Morning peeps!

                      Happy Easter to those who celebrate that sort of things. Apologies to those who don't. At least most of us get to enjoy a long weekend this week, eh?

                      I have lots to do today, but I'm having a slow start. Can't seem to get motivated. Maybe I'll put it off and pop in an episode of SGA instead.

                      Anybody notice we've almost caught up to the JF thunk thread? At the rate we're chatting we should bypass them very soon. My, we're a friendly bunch! And it just goes to show how very whumpable our Shep is!

                      I think within the next couple of days we will have overtaken the thunk thread - that is amazing as about a year ago the thunk thread was about 30,000 or so posts more than this I think.!!!!

                      Originally posted by Josie View Post
                      Ah! Wikipedia in that case I really don't believe it. If it had come from sides or an extra or anything like that then I'd pay more attention but seeing as no other source has this info on this I'm going to dismiss it totally for now.
                      I am sure that I heard that DH mentioned something along these lines to someone at P2 - I may be way off base and possibly it was DH making a joke.


                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Well, I sincerely hope not. General spoilers for season 4.
                        If they did 2 McKay show case eppies, I, for one, would be extremely unhappy as we've been told each character gets one show case eppie in the first 10 episodes. That would also sort of mean that when JM says they're aware that people have complained about too much McKay centricity and that they were sorting that out, that , in fact they don't mean it. I just can't see them having Lorne as a major player in an eppie though. He's there for support, and if someone is to have no memory of who they are, I can't see the audience generally giving two hoots if it's a minor character like Lorne. some viewers probably watch the show and don't even know who Lorne is! My hubby watches every eppie, and isn't invested in the show, and when I was talking about Lorne the other day, both he and my daughter hadn't a clue who I meant, and they watch every eppie, though not like I do. It'd have to be a main cast member , IMHO.
                        I know exactly what you mean
                        I normally watch both stargates with my brother yet when Echoes aired he had no idea who Lorne was and had to ask me. No it should definitely be a main character but that sounds like another instance of "let's give DH a episode where he can show what an amazing actor he is, because he's so totally cool and we love him bestest". Who's writing Tabula Rasa? Is it a Martin Gero ep?


                          Hmmm. Change of plans. Hubby has gone and sat in the living room to read so.. writing (and Easter egg) now... DVDs later!


                            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                            Well, I sincerely hope not. General spoilers for season 4.
                            If they did 2 McKay show case eppies, I, for one, would be extremely unhappy as we've been told each character gets one show case eppie in the first 10 episodes. That would also sort of mean that when JM says they're aware that people have complained about too much McKay centricity and that they were sorting that out, that , in fact they don't mean it. I just can't see them having Lorne as a major player in an eppie though. He's there for support, and if someone is to have no memory of who they are, I can't see the audience generally giving two hoots if it's a minor character like Lorne. some viewers probably watch the show and don't even know who Lorne is! My hubby watches every eppie, and isn't invested in the show, and when I was talking about Lorne the other day, both he and my daughter hadn't a clue who I meant, and they watch every eppie, though not like I do. It'd have to be a main cast member , IMHO.

                            Well Lorne
                            hardly had two lines in s3 - it was easy to forget that he even existed! I cant see that he will get an eppie dedicated to him although I guess he may get more than a 30 second slot in one of the s4 eps.

                            I am not totally convinced that Millers Crossing will be a McKay episode- it may turn out to be a team episode. Although they may touch on the relationship issues between Rodney and his sister I dont think that the ep would deal with that again in two much detail.

                            I still have this idea that it will be an AU Mrs Miller that has built a crossing into Atlantis for some reason.


                              Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                              Oh's all good! I just love bullets best!! LOL!! Those fics where Shep is out in the wilds struggling with a gunshot wound are fab! I think your fic is great by the way Bebop!

                              Linzi...I think you'll be able to get internet access at Centerparcs. I've been before and they seem to have everything, so I bet they've got that now. Although at those sort of places they expect you to be out and about doing cycling, archery etc. don't they?!! Hee might be against the rules to be sat indoors playing on a computer!!

                              Thanks for reading the fic Elinor!!!!

                              Originally posted by Josie View Post
                              Good morning all!

                              So as I've hit a brick wall with my current fic, I'm toying with the idea of trying to write this one-shot I've had in my head for a while first, thinking if I can get that idea out the way I might have better luck with the WIP.

                              Is anyone interested in the idea of a fic set on Earth, dealing with Shep's past and with some psychological whumpage? No blood or bullets I'm afraid - okay I lied there is some blood.
                              NOW NOW NOW... and blood would be much appreciated, but you know...I'll leave it to you!!!

                              Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                              Well I had a period that I was getting dizzy a lot of the time- it would start when I moved my head to the right - but luckily it doesnt happen too often these days. But I still have bad weeks now and then - so I know how much it sucks!
                              I suffer from a thing called Labyrinthitis which is internittent dizziness. Its something I've had for about 10 years on and off and it sucks big stylie I have to say, so anyone suffering from dizziness gets my undying sympathy!!!

                              Originally posted by Josie View Post
                              It's a long way from being essential to the plot, it's just one line of dialogue that I could easily leave out it's just that I like to have dialogue sound right and not being American myself it's difficult to find the right kind of wording sometimes. It's an OC too so I want him to sound like a real person.

                              BTW up to 1769 words now.
                     go girl!!!!

                              I'm now feeling a little bit more human, the throat is back to cat clawed from razor blades, so I guess that an improvement. I managed to get a bit more writing done today as we had a quiet day at home with the small versions. So chapter four is done and five is half way there.

                              If anyone is still running the game, I would go for shot with bullets personally, 'cause that would of course lead to fevered and restrained ultimately!!!!!

                              my fan fiction place


                                Oooooh..I got another jelly block!!!!

                                my fan fiction place

