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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
    Anonymous #12 writes: “My question is as someone who is concerned about the inclusion of carter..can you please at least assure me that the focus will definately be on shep's team and not to heavy on sam??”

    Answer: Carter will play a support role on Atlantis. The focus will remain on Shep’s team. However, Carter’s science and military background will allow her to play an active role should the need arise

    THATS MY QUESTION WOOO!!! even though he ignored my request for more whumpy tidbits and dint say whether shep would be CO or not!
    You know, I wondered if that was you!!! Great question, and to be honest, that's the answer I would expect, as JM has said similar things. However, it's good to see that in black and white, in direct answer to a question!!! So, well done. Shame he didn't answer about the whump, but hey, we'll keep on plugging away. We're like dogs with bones...we just won't let go!!!
    Originally posted by WannaBeAWhumper View Post
    Aw shucks. Thanks Linz. I tried to green you...and Roo also so she could get another jello cube...but the rep system doesn't like me today. Insists I spread it around.. *sigh*
    Well, I appreciate the thought. I'm always being told to spread it around!
    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
    i greened you instead!!

    you may!!!
    pretty good question huh hehehe....its actually made me feel quite happy he said even starting to...warm up to the idea of carter being there....dont die of shock now lol....tbh if i carry on hating the decision itll bring the squee down, ive accepted shes coming and actually think as long as she doesnt detract from shep and mckay saving the day then...ok...lets see what happens! i was actually thinking about the second half of season 3 how it didnt leave me feeling all that squee although tehre were some eps i loved like echoes, the ark, sunday it was only first strike- with all its changes- that got me excited about the show again so the shake up mustve been good....and im feeling so squee about season 4 not gonna let anything get me down about in joe we trust!!

    rambly post i know hehe
    You know, I wasn't best keen on any SG1 character coming over to SGA. I feel very protective of the show, and SG1 seasons 9 and 10 haven't really lit my fire. However, if Carter coming in brings a new direction for the show, then I'm ok with it. I do like Carter, more than I like Weir, TBH, so I'm ok with the cast change, though I do understand those who are upset about it.

    I think the bottom line for me, is that the show goes on...telling great and exciting adventures. Shep is my big favourite, but I do like many other aspects of the show too. I'm interested to see how the show will pan out, but am excited that it's going to be darker. I just hope it's not too lightweight, as that can be frustrating for me sometimes.

    It was interesting to see JM saying he thought us fans would like DG best. I hope that's because Shep gets one hell of a whumping!!!!

    The best news for me though, is that the focus will be on the team, with Carter helping out when necessary. I'm ok with that. I'd love every eppie to centre on Shep, but that's not obviously going to happen, and it wouldn't be fair to the other characters anyway.

    Boy, that was a ramble too! Must have cuaght it off Roo!
    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
    hehe yep, well SGA has always been about shep's team for me and i really do think the focus will be on them, with carter-as-weir but with the added oomph of knowing what mckay is babbling on about! lol without having to try and write in carson, as well as main storylines for weir....i think we will def have a lot of focus on shep and his team, and more development and more squee and whump and stuff!!!!!

    im liking the positive Roo!!

    SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!! ok im happy having a break from my essay and watching 38 minutes and conversion...if i have any time after that ill do a bit more but i might go to bed instead lol

    night whumpers!!
    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
    Has someone lost their Shep clone??...

    Very good, Blue!

    Originally posted by Josie View Post
    Just a flyby post before bed to say hi.

    Well done on getting your question answered GG. Have you read the other answers, his reply to "Anonymous#10" has to be the best answer he's ever given to a question. Genius!
    I spat tea everywhere when I read that, Josie. What's the betting some take that seriously too?
    Originally posted by Lorr View Post
    GUP is on at the moment, but since most of it is McKay & Carter, I have time to play here! (I know that's nasty, but I can watch the flooding Jumper scenes only so often.)

    Congrats to all the milestoners! I was keeping track of everyone, then saw SGAFan's new piccies and Bluealiens WPs and O1's vid and lost my way. I do rmember Caty, Erika, Peggy and Pocus! Sorry if I missed anyone.

    Good news with getting your questions answered GG & Roo! He ignores mine. I must send more chocolate! lol

    Okay, I missed the vote on which whump we want but, I'm going to weigh in, anyway.
    Sheppard attacks his team while having drug induced hallucinations. Rodney shoots him in a panic (as usual) and he ends up in the infirmary. The wound becomes infected, and Shep gets a high fever. he has to be restrained because he's delerious and is trying to get out of bed. Then he has convulsions, goes into a coma and stops breathing. He has to be intubated to save his life.
    I know I added a couple of things, but, hey, why not while I was at it?

    Oops, need to rewind the DVR back to the Sheppy bit I missed on GUP. be back in a minute!
    on GUP. not my favourite of season 2, but let's not get into that, as I've said enough on that in the past! I like your story idea. So, I'll have that in a season 4 eppie please. You listening, PTB?
    Originally posted by Lorr View Post
    I just read JM's blog of the day. The man is certifible (sp?)! I LMAO at his answer regarding
    the killing off of McKay!

    Roo, I doubt they'l mess too much with the Shep/McKay dynamic (at least I hope not). It works too well and is popular. I also doubt that they'll diminish Shep's ability to come up with solutions to problems. The thing that he is so good at that McKay and Carter aren't is intuitive, leap of faith thinking. They are scientists and think like scientists. Sorry for the stereotyping. I love to know how and why everything works, too. Seeing the big picture sometimes suffers with that thinking.
    I sincerely hope they don't mess with the Shep/McKay stuff, as I adore it, and gather many fans do too. I think it'll be a good Shep season, at least I hope so. It's about damn time...
    Originally posted by Salty View Post
    YAY Pocus!!!!

    And YAY Peggy!!

    I greened you for a most excellent question and answer!!!

    I will add

    Hanging from chains being whipped - 1

    I'm planning on watching Return Part 1 to get ready for next Friday night - SQUEEEEEEE - just waiting for hubby to finish putting SaltyJunior to bed so he can watch with me!!
    You must be so excited about season 3 being on next week. I can't wait to hear what you think of the episodes.
    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
    Thanks Salty!!!

    Woo Hoo less than 1 week to go! Why does it seem that this week will take longer to get through than the last 6 months.

    I wish I could watch Return 1. For some reason our DVR erases things randomly. (sometimes Hubby does too, grr) and all of the first half of the season has disappeared.

    At least I just got season 2 DVDs today. I can go on a Perve...uh...Conversion craze!!!!!!

    Conversion -spoiler for amount
    Submersion disappeared off my Sky + box, and nobody in the house can tell me what happened...I think hubby deleted it by mistake. At least I hope that was the I have no copy....WAH!!!!

    Originally posted by Salty View Post
    I just watched Return Part 1 again and I'm so SQUEEEE for Friday!!! My dream part 2 ep
    would be Shep rescuing O'Neill, getting whumped in the process, concussed, weak, and sent back to Earth in handcuffs for mutiny, where a recovering O'Neill has to tell Landry how Shep saved the day, but of course O'Neill would be in a coma and unable to help Shep out until Shep is faced with a court-martial.
    Yeah, I know this would never happen but a girl can dream and I hope to tonight!!
    Okay, so who votes Salty writes eppies for season 4 then?

    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
    OMG!! If you have not read this do it now. It's very short and funny and as all hell. It's by Sholio aka Friendshipper on LJ......

    Well, I never saw it before and I did think it was very funny. *shrugs*
    That's hysterical! I really chuckled. It also endears the characters to me!
    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
    Vacation? What is this you speak of?

    Hubby and I are boring. We like to spend our vacations at home. We usually do day trips and work on at least one major house project. With our work schedules, getting to spend time at home together is a treat. Plus finding care for our 3 furry babies is expensive and we would feel bad leaving them behind.

    We are so boring!!
    Well, we're going away this summer and taking the puppy with us. We just think she's too young to go to kennels. So it's an action/dog walking holiday for us at Centerparcs....gooody... How will I cope without the net for a whole week? Nooooooo!!!!

    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
    Well it's been fun, but I gotta get my butt to bed. Got a busy day ahead of me tomorrow.

    Talk to you soon and for those who celebrate... Happy Easter!!!
    Happy Easter GG, and to all the other whumpers too!

    Comment's taken me ages to catch up! Great JM answered your questions GG and Roo. I think we're going to get some great stuff for Shep next season.
      He thinks DG is going to be a fan fave? Interesting...'cos that sounds like it's going to be a super duper Shumpy episode!!

      Fantastic vid O1!

      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      Oh thats awesome - I have never thought of using photobucket before - ummmm maybe I should upload a couple of Expo clips some time.
      Oooh, yes please!

      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
      OMG!! If you have not read this do it now. It's very short and funny and as all hell. It's by Sholio aka Friendshipper on LJ......

      Well, I never saw it before and I did think it was very funny. *shrugs*
      Fab!! I hope Sholio does some more like that...really funny!!

      Are we still playing the game? I'd vote for shot with bullets!!


        Originally posted by Elinor View Post's taken me ages to catch up! Great JM answered your questions GG and Roo. I think we're going to get some great stuff for Shep next season.
        He thinks DG is going to be a fan fave? Interesting...'cos that sounds like it's going to be a super duper Shumpy episode!!

        Fantastic vid O1!

        Oooh, yes please!

        Fab!! I hope Sholio does some more like that...really funny!!

        Are we still playing the game? I'd vote for shot with bullets!!

        I voted for shot with bullets too, though fevered and restrained seems to be winning...I could live with that


          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          I voted for shot with bullets too, though fevered and restrained seems to be winning...I could live with that
          Oh's all good! I just love bullets best!! LOL!! Those fics where Shep is out in the wilds struggling with a gunshot wound are fab! I think your fic is great by the way Bebop!

          Linzi...I think you'll be able to get internet access at Centerparcs. I've been before and they seem to have everything, so I bet they've got that now. Although at those sort of places they expect you to be out and about doing cycling, archery etc. don't they?!! Hee might be against the rules to be sat indoors playing on a computer!!


            Good morning, whumpers and Happy Easter!!!

            Just read JM's blog... Yay, DG as a fan favorite?? Sounds like it's really gonna be a great episode...

            I think I'll post a question
            *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


              Just one question for the whumpers..

              You know that I haven't been here much the last few weeks and it seems like I must have missed something.. I wonder why so many people (from this thread, too) suddenly find the idea of Carter in Atlantis good? *iz confused*
              *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                Originally posted by caty View Post
                Just one question for the whumpers..

                You know that I haven't been here much the last few weeks and it seems like I must have missed something.. I wonder why so many people (from this thread, too) suddenly find the idea of Carter in Atlantis good? *iz confused*
                For me, Caty, in spoilers, for OT content,
                there were two choices. Be upset and let it ruin the show, or accept the fact that she's coming over, and actually be positive about it. I like Carter, and think AT is a terrific actress. Weir isn't my favourite character, and to be quite frank, I'm about Shep, whump and the team. Who's in charge doesn't really bother me that much. That's how I feel about it. I also think just as with most things in life, in time you just get used to things and accept them. I want the show to succeed, and I know that ratings need to improve. TPTB think moving Carter over and removing Weir will do that. Whether they're right or not, who knows? But, I'm willing to give them a chance. The spoilers for season 4 look promising, so I'm hopeful I'll get to see some exciting and tense stuff. Obviously, I can't speak for anyone else, but that's why I'm feeling positive!


                  Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                  Oh's all good! I just love bullets best!! LOL!! Those fics where Shep is out in the wilds struggling with a gunshot wound are fab! I think your fic is great by the way Bebop!

                  Linzi...I think you'll be able to get internet access at Centerparcs. I've been before and they seem to have everything, so I bet they've got that now. Although at those sort of places they expect you to be out and about doing cycling, archery etc. don't they?!! Hee might be against the rules to be sat indoors playing on a computer!!

                  Really? I'll go online and look and see if they have net connection available.
                  Oh yes, CP is all about outdoor activities and such fun. I can't wait... NOT!
                  Well you know me! They don't call me Mrs Couch Potato for nothing! Oh, bike riding...the joy!


                    Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                    GUP is on at the moment, but since most of it is McKay & Carter, I have time to play here! (I know that's nasty, but I can watch the flooding Jumper scenes only so often.)

                    Congrats to all the milestoners! I was keeping track of everyone, then saw SGAFan's new piccies and Bluealiens WPs and O1's vid and lost my way. I do rmember Caty, Erika, Peggy and Pocus! Sorry if I missed anyone.

                    Good news with getting your questions answered GG & Roo! He ignores mine. I must send more chocolate! lol

                    Okay, I missed the vote on which whump we want but, I'm going to weigh in, anyway.
                    Sheppard attacks his team while having drug induced hallucinations. Rodney shoots him in a panic (as usual) and he ends up in the infirmary. The wound becomes infected, and Shep gets a high fever. he has to be restrained because he's delerious and is trying to get out of bed. Then he has convulsions, goes into a coma and stops breathing. He has to be intubated to save his life.
                    I know I added a couple of things, but, hey, why not while I was at it?

                    Oops, need to rewind the DVR back to the Sheppy bit I missed on GUP. be back in a minute!
                    Thx hon Ooooh I like the sound of that, squeeeee, see for me that sounds perfectily logical Shep on some backwater hamlet type planet, gets Shot and due to the bugs on the planet thw ound becomes severly infected and in his delusional state his tea have to restrain him, tie him up and strip him off, cos let's face it we all know that when with high fever, too many clothes can cause complications... now i'm torn whether to strip him off or keep him covered,
                    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                    hehe yep, well SGA has always been about shep's team for me and i really do think the focus will be on them, with carter-as-weir but with the added oomph of knowing what mckay is babbling on about! lol without having to try and write in carson, as well as main storylines for weir....i think we will def have a lot of focus on shep and his team, and more development and more squee and whump and stuff!!!!!

                    im liking the positive Roo!!

                    SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!! ok im happy having a break from my essay and watching 38 minutes and conversion...if i have any time after that ill do a bit more but i might go to bed instead lol

                    night whumpers!!
                    I like positive Roo to

                    Originally posted by Salty View Post
                    YAY Pocus!!!!

                    And YAY Peggy!!

                    I greened you for a most excellent question and answer!!!

                    I will add

                    Hanging from chains being whipped - 1

                    I'm planning on watching Return Part 1 to get ready for next Friday night - SQUEEEEEEE - just waiting for hubby to finish putting SaltyJunior to bed so he can watch with me!!
                    Oooh nice! See i'm kinda swaying now with the whipping. I don't see why, if Teal'c gets the half nekid scenes and torture why Shep can't be whipped. See i'd love to see that in
                    *sigh* Never gonna happen, lol

                    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                    aww thanks salty!! its funny i added my question as a last minute thing thinking he wouldnt glad i did now!!

                    right im going to take some cough medicine (finally found one that wont kill me-bloody asthma!!) and go to bed!!

                    really i am going now lol night night!!
                    Feel better soon *hugs*

                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    Oooh yes. You definitely should!

                    It is indeed a fab video!

                    My vote - if forced to choose - has to go with fevered and restrained...

                    Intubated - 1
                    Shot with bullets - 1
                    Fevered and restrained - 5
                    Drug induced Hallucination- 1

                    I laughed so much I *cried* reading JM's blog tonight!

                    Had a busy day today with wandering around town with Arctic Penguin and then spending the afternoon with AP and I watching Dresden Files, having a bit of a BBQ in the garden and watching my husband tackle the gardening with a combination of axes, loppers and a pressure hose! Oh and AP did some anger management therapy on some bushes with an axe!

                    And then we watched Dr Who. And it was FAB! Am so loving this season... (and yet more whump in this ep.. dammit, if Dr Who can cry out in pain and/or collapse unconscious to the floor in every ep so far then why can't Sheppy?!

                    I've finished off my evening watching Runner and Duet and now I'm off to bed! Gnight folks!
                    Sounds like you two had a great day, I think AP shoulda saved the whumping for Shep though, hehehe

                    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                    OK...lets see if I get this right............

                    CONGRATS TO

                    PEG ON 900 POSTS!!!
                    POCUS ON 2200 POST!!!

                    WAY TO WHUMP GIRLS!!!!!
                    Ta hon

                    Originally posted by Salty View Post
                    I just watched Return Part 1 again and I'm so SQUEEEE for Friday!!! My dream part 2 ep
                    would be Shep rescuing O'Neill, getting whumped in the process, concussed, weak, and sent back to Earth in handcuffs for mutiny, where a recovering O'Neill has to tell Landry how Shep saved the day, but of course O'Neill would be in a coma and unable to help Shep out until Shep is faced with a court-martial.
                    Yeah, I know this would never happen but a girl can dream and I hope to tonight!!
                    Hehehe Don't look Salty
                    I wish we had got wet Shep, how cool would that have been!
                    I like your scenarion better hon!

                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    You know, I wondered if that was you!!! Great question, and to be honest, that's the answer I would expect, as JM has said similar things. However, it's good to see that in black and white, in direct answer to a question!!! So, well done. Shame he didn't answer about the whump, but hey, we'll keep on plugging away. We're like dogs with bones...we just won't let go!!!

                    Well, I appreciate the thought. I'm always being told to spread it around!

                    You know, I wasn't best keen on any SG1 character coming over to SGA. I feel very protective of the show, and SG1 seasons 9 and 10 haven't really lit my fire. However, if Carter coming in brings a new direction for the show, then I'm ok with it. I do like Carter, more than I like Weir, TBH, so I'm ok with the cast change, though I do understand those who are upset about it.

                    I think the bottom line for me, is that the show goes on...telling great and exciting adventures. Shep is my big favourite, but I do like many other aspects of the show too. I'm interested to see how the show will pan out, but am excited that it's going to be darker. I just hope it's not too lightweight, as that can be frustrating for me sometimes.

                    It was interesting to see JM saying he thought us fans would like DG best. I hope that's because Shep gets one hell of a whumping!!!!

                    The best news for me though, is that the focus will be on the team, with Carter helping out when necessary. I'm ok with that. I'd love every eppie to centre on Shep, but that's not obviously going to happen, and it wouldn't be fair to the other characters anyway.

                    Boy, that was a ramble too! Must have cuaght it off Roo!

                    Well I'm happy too! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

                    Very good, Blue!

                    I spat tea everywhere when I read that, Josie. What's the betting some take that seriously too?

                    on GUP. not my favourite of season 2, but let's not get into that, as I've said enough on that in the past! I like your story idea. So, I'll have that in a season 4 eppie please. You listening, PTB?

                    I sincerely hope they don't mess with the Shep/McKay stuff, as I adore it, and gather many fans do too. I think it'll be a good Shep season, at least I hope so. It's about damn time...

                    You must be so excited about season 3 being on next week. I can't wait to hear what you think of the episodes.

                    Submersion disappeared off my Sky + box, and nobody in the house can tell me what happened...I think hubby deleted it by mistake. At least I hope that was the I have no copy....WAH!!!!

                    Okay, so who votes Salty writes eppies for season 4 then?

                    That's hysterical! I really chuckled. It also endears the characters to me!

                    Well, we're going away this summer and taking the puppy with us. We just think she's too young to go to kennels. So it's an action/dog walking holiday for us at Centerparcs....gooody... How will I cope without the net for a whole week? Nooooooo!!!!

                    Happy Easter GG, and to all the other whumpers too!
                    Squeeeeeeee for DG Shep
                    touching a device making him pass out and needing to go the infirmary then suffering from hallucinations and then fullcontact extreme whumpage

                    Ah hon you'll have a great time in centerparcs, maybe you could take your laptop with you? Or they may have an internet cafe there

                    I feel your pain over the Submersion deletion

                    Originally posted by Elinor View Post
          's taken me ages to catch up! Great JM answered your questions GG and Roo. I think we're going to get some great stuff for Shep next season.
                    He thinks DG is going to be a fan fave? Interesting...'cos that sounds like it's going to be a super duper Shumpy episode!!

                    Fantastic vid O1!

                    Oooh, yes please!

                    Fab!! I hope Sholio does some more like that...really funny!!

                    Are we still playing the game? I'd vote for shot with bullets!!
                    I think we're going to get some great character development for Shep to, like how he's going to cope with being
                    whumped to oblivion

                    Originally posted by caty View Post
                    Good morning, whumpers and Happy Easter!!!

                    Just read JM's blog... Yay, DG as a fan favorite?? Sounds like it's really gonna be a great episode...

                    I think I'll post a question
                    Yay go on Caty

                    Well, i've gotta head off in about half an hour and see mom. I want to play *stomps foot*

                    Oh well at least no work tomorrow

                    Enjoy your Easter eggs everyone, and for those that don't celebrate have some chocolate anyway *giggles* that cracks me up every time, hehehe


                      Good morning all!

                      So as I've hit a brick wall with my current fic, I'm toying with the idea of trying to write this one-shot I've had in my head for a while first, thinking if I can get that idea out the way I might have better luck with the WIP.

                      Is anyone interested in the idea of a fic set on Earth, dealing with Shep's past and with some psychological whumpage? No blood or bullets I'm afraid - okay I lied there is some blood.


                        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                        Thx hon Ooooh I like the sound of that, squeeeee, see for me that sounds perfectily logical Shep on some backwater hamlet type planet, gets Shot and due to the bugs on the planet thw ound becomes severly infected and in his delusional state his tea have to restrain him, tie him up and strip him off, cos let's face it we all know that when with high fever, too many clothes can cause complications... now i'm torn whether to strip him off or keep him covered,

                        I like positive Roo to

                        Oooh nice! See i'm kinda swaying now with the whipping. I don't see why, if Teal'c gets the half nekid scenes and torture why Shep can't be whipped. See i'd love to see that in
                        *sigh* Never gonna happen, lol

                        Feel better soon *hugs*

                        Sounds like you two had a great day, I think AP shoulda saved the whumping for Shep though, hehehe

                        Ta hon

                        Hehehe Don't look Salty
                        I wish we had got wet Shep, how cool would that have been!
                        I like your scenarion better hon!

                        Squeeeeeeee for DG Shep
                        touching a device making him pass out and needing to go the infirmary then suffering from hallucinations and then fullcontact extreme whumpage

                        Ah hon you'll have a great time in centerparcs, maybe you could take your laptop with you? Or they may have an internet cafe there

                        I feel your pain over the Submersion deletion

                        I think we're going to get some great character development for Shep to, like how he's going to cope with being
                        whumped to oblivion

                        Yay go on Caty

                        Well, i've gotta head off in about half an hour and see mom. I want to play *stomps foot*

                        Oh well at least no work tomorrow

                        Enjoy your Easter eggs everyone, and for those that don't celebrate have some chocolate anyway *giggles* that cracks me up every time, hehehe
                        Morning Peggy!

                        When you going to post some more cheeky questions on JM's blog? I can't tell you how entertaining I find them!!!


                          Originally posted by Josie View Post
                          Good morning all!

                          So as I've hit a brick wall with my current fic, I'm toying with the idea of trying to write this one-shot I've had in my head for a while first, thinking if I can get that idea out the way I might have better luck with the WIP.

                          Is anyone interested in the idea of a fic set on Earth, dealing with Shep's past and with some psychological whumpage? No blood or bullets I'm afraid - okay I lied there is some blood.
                          Sounds good to me. That's an area of Sheppard I'd like to explore....okay, that came out wrong...or did it?

                          I think that'd be great, Josie.


                            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                            Sounds good to me. That's an area of Sheppard I'd like to explore....okay, that came out wrong...or did it?

                            I think that'd be great, Josie.
                            And when I say his past I don't mean his Dad, this is going to be something hopefully a little different to what other people have done in this area. I've just got make a good job of it - I don't lack decent ideas just the skill to write them as well as I'd like.


                              Originally posted by Josie View Post
                              Good morning all!

                              So as I've hit a brick wall with my current fic, I'm toying with the idea of trying to write this one-shot I've had in my head for a while first, thinking if I can get that idea out the way I might have better luck with the WIP.

                              Is anyone interested in the idea of a fic set on Earth, dealing with Shep's past and with some psychological whumpage? No blood or bullets I'm afraid - okay I lied there is some blood.
                              Oooooohhhh me me can you see me *waves* hehehe I'd love that. I love anything pyschological

                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              Morning Peggy!

                              When you going to post some more cheeky questions on JM's blog? I can't tell you how entertaining I find them!!!
                              Morning Linzi i'll have to think of something cheeky, lol Glad you like them, there's nothing like being subtle in a question

                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              Sounds good to me. That's an area of Sheppard I'd like to explore....okay, that came out wrong...or did it?

                              I think that'd be great, Josie.
                              hehehe there are lots of things about Shep i'd like to explore to

                              oh hello gutter

                              Originally posted by Josie View Post
                              And when I say his past I don't mean his Dad, this is going to be something hopefully a little different to what other people have done in this area. I've just got make a good job of it - I don't lack decent ideas just the skill to write them as well as I'd like.
                              Josie, you know I love your fics and a pychological one would be fantastic. I say go forth and write


                                Originally posted by Josie View Post
                                And when I say his past I don't mean his Dad, this is going to be something hopefully a little different to what other people have done in this area. I've just got make a good job of it - I don't lack decent ideas just the skill to write them as well as I'd like.
                                Personally, I'd like to read something about Sheppard's past. I think his dad stuff is getting a little old in FF now, TBH. So, something from a different angle would make a refreshing change for me. If it's full of angst and emotional/psychological upheaval, then that can only be a good thing for me. Blood too, I hear you say? Even better

                                Edit: Remember Josie, skills can be taught and learned, imagination can't be.

