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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
    Hehehe I remember you... vaguely. Weren't you the one where the pigeon pooped on you?

    Hehehe someone passed this round in work the other day and I thought of you. *giggles*

    heheh yep thats me!!!
    aww thats a cute piccie!! but damn those pigeons!!!!! heh
    Originally posted by Listy View Post
    Hellooooooooooo!!! oh bless you did it all go ok, was it sad to leave? I hate unpacking boo on the having to get ajob, here is hoping you find something you love.

    oh and thanks
    oh yeh there were tears...not from me mind you..i felt sad but i didnt cry....ive been preparing myself for it all week...i am gonna miss uni though, i had some great times!! i cant wait to go back and graduate and go to my graduation ball!
    im gonna get any job really to pay for some travelling and then, well i had an epiphany shall we say, and im thinking of going back to uni and training to become a child's nurse (so my ancient history degree ive been working on for 3 years is a bit pointless lol)...but nursing runs in the familiy and i've always wanted to work with feeling quite hyped up about the idea!!
    so technically one uni has finished and another will soon be beginning LOL!!



      Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
      heheh yep thats me!!!
      aww thats a cute piccie!! but damn those pigeons!!!!! heh

      oh yeh there were tears...not from me mind you..i felt sad but i didnt cry....ive been preparing myself for it all week...i am gonna miss uni though, i had some great times!! i cant wait to go back and graduate and go to my graduation ball!
      im gonna get any job really to pay for some travelling and then, well i had an epiphany shall we say, and im thinking of going back to uni and training to become a child's nurse (so my ancient history degree ive been working on for 3 years is a bit pointless lol)...but nursing runs in the familiy and i've always wanted to work with feeling quite hyped up about the idea!!
      so technically one uni has finished and another will soon be beginning LOL!!
      What a wonderful idea. Being a children's nurse sounds wonderful! Good for you!


        Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
        heheh yep thats me!!!
        aww thats a cute piccie!! but damn those pigeons!!!!! heh

        oh yeh there were tears...not from me mind you..i felt sad but i didnt cry....ive been preparing myself for it all week...i am gonna miss uni though, i had some great times!! i cant wait to go back and graduate and go to my graduation ball!
        im gonna get any job really to pay for some travelling and then, well i had an epiphany shall we say, and im thinking of going back to uni and training to become a child's nurse (so my ancient history degree ive been working on for 3 years is a bit pointless lol)...but nursing runs in the familiy and i've always wanted to work with feeling quite hyped up about the idea!!
        so technically one uni has finished and another will soon be beginning LOL!!
        Oh that is a fab career choice go for it hunny


          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          What a wonderful idea. Being a children's nurse sounds wonderful! Good for you!
          Originally posted by Listy View Post
          Oh that is a fab career choice go for it hunny
          Thanks guys! my family are being really supportive of the idea too they think its a good love a job that made a difference and i think this is it! im excited now...its a goal, something to work for.



            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
            Let's have a Fiesta for
            Linzi's 13400 Posts
            Sheppy D's 9700 Posts

            Happy Belated Anniversary Bebop! 14 years! Go You!
            What Pocus says!! Congrats to you on your massive milestones!!

            WTG Listy!!

            Congrats Miza!

            So much awesome whump I'm trying to catch up on this afternoon!!!

            sig by Sci!

            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


              Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
              Oh, yes, I forgot to tell the great news! My neighbour let us have her TV until we can get a new one!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I'll be able to watch Atlantis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll need to go home by bus, stay over the night, eat my mom's food, but is totally worth the effort! Atlantis starts on July 5th!!!

              The same neighbour gave me her refrigerator for free, can you believe that??? Now I can go to the grocery store and buy food for more than only a day!

              Excellent news Erika!!! That's awesome!!!

              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              Joe is so evil! Can't believe he went to the trouble of posting my question and answering it... without actually answering it!

              So what was the question?

              Originally posted by Listy View Post
              34 Minutes people!!!!! I am so chuffed I have posted pics on My LJ seen as its totally off topic I have mymedal and am now relaxing - I think I deserve it.

              Ok off to catch up BRB!!
              I can't access your LJ through the link

              Originally posted by Listy View Post
              I am hungry, wonder if I use my mobile and ring down stairs someone will make me a sandwich... then again I value my life too much and would rather not be whumped by a family member BRB
              When I lived at home, I had my own phone dad used to call me on it to ask me to bring him something cold to drink. The kitchen was in between his room and my bedroom!
              Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                heheh yep thats me!!!
                aww thats a cute piccie!! but damn those pigeons!!!!! heh

                oh yeh there were tears...not from me mind you..i felt sad but i didnt cry....ive been preparing myself for it all week...i am gonna miss uni though, i had some great times!! i cant wait to go back and graduate and go to my graduation ball!
                im gonna get any job really to pay for some travelling and then, well i had an epiphany shall we say, and im thinking of going back to uni and training to become a child's nurse (so my ancient history degree ive been working on for 3 years is a bit pointless lol)...but nursing runs in the familiy and i've always wanted to work with feeling quite hyped up about the idea!!
                so technically one uni has finished and another will soon be beginning LOL!!
                Pesky pigeons, lol. If you decide to go back to uni and want to be a nursery nurse. the NNEB course might suit you don't to the ground... although it's been about 15 years since I did it, but well worth it, if you want to work in the neonatal wards and stuff.

                And just think with the nursing training you'll be able to fix Shep up after you whump him
                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                I like it!

                Happy anniversary to Bebop and nearly happy anniversary to you Pocus. I've been married for 20 years, and it sounds like a life sentence! Hee hee!!!

                Oh, I know. I really don't know what's wrong with me! I clean out the rabbits every week and that's never happened before. All I could think was 'Oooh, woozy, stunned and headachey Sheppy seeing stars and needing a cold compress on his head!'

                Thanks, sweetie!

                Good one!

                Ok, ok, I get the message. If I write more Sheppy whump I'll stop subconsciously whumping myself. Hmmm, Shep whump deprivation!

                *MR MALLOZZI: Seriously, if you don't whump Shep enough in season 4, I'll fear for my life!!!! So, pretty please, make sure the man is whumped to oblivion in the unwritten eppies please! *

                I know. It's quite worrying!

                Thanks, sweetie!

                Okay, I get the message! Hee hee!

                Me too! I can't wait, but I wonder about This Mortal Coil?

                Growl at some of the posters on JM's blog!!!

                She likes it when Shep bleeds and gets shot, a la TDO, she says, but doesn't like him being really hurt too much - she says that would be going against her chosen career of being a doctor!!!! She likes Ronon quite a lot physically, but likes Shep as a character more. She's not interested in Ronon whump though.

                Drools along with Peggy!

                Thanks Peggy!
                *passes a tissue to Linz* Grr indeed, lol. hehehe I think your plea to Mr M could work wonders, you could also tell him that if SD doesn't get her intubated in S4 then she will be gutted. She's been so patient for so long, bless her.

                Ah she likes mini whump, she's got a way to go to reach her mom's level, but no doubt you're training her as we speak Hehehe yeah Ronon whump doesn't make me squee, only Sheppy whump and McKay whump just makes me cry


                  Originally posted by Salty View Post
                  Excellent news Erika!!! That's awesome!!!

                  So what was the question?

                  I can't access your LJ through the link

                  When I lived at home, I had my own phone dad used to call me on it to ask me to bring him something cold to drink. The kitchen was in between his room and my bedroom!
                  Here ya go hon Listy's LJ

                  Listy your linky had an extra http:// in it hon


                    Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                    Oh, yes, I forgot to tell the great news! My neighbour let us have her TV until we can get a new one!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I'll be able to watch Atlantis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll need to go home by bus, stay over the night, eat my mom's food, but is totally worth the effort! Atlantis starts on July 5th!!!

                    The same neighbour gave me her refrigerator for free, can you believe that??? Now I can go to the grocery store and buy food for more than only a day!

                    That is wonderful Erika!!!
                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Congrats Listy on 1900 and the race!!

                      All this talk of running exhausts me. lol

                      Congrats Linzi on 13400!!
                      Congrats SheppyD on 9700!!

                      Erika, what a lovely neighbor you have. People like that restore my faith in humanity!

                      Roo, congrats on finishing! Your idea to be a children's nurse sounds wonderful! I think you'd be great at it.


                        Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                        heheh yep thats me!!!
                        aww thats a cute piccie!! but damn those pigeons!!!!! heh

                        oh yeh there were tears...not from me mind you..i felt sad but i didnt cry....ive been preparing myself for it all week...i am gonna miss uni though, i had some great times!! i cant wait to go back and graduate and go to my graduation ball!
                        im gonna get any job really to pay for some travelling and then, well i had an epiphany shall we say, and im thinking of going back to uni and training to become a child's nurse (so my ancient history degree ive been working on for 3 years is a bit pointless lol)...but nursing runs in the familiy and i've always wanted to work with feeling quite hyped up about the idea!!
                        so technically one uni has finished and another will soon be beginning LOL!!
                        Travelling sounds wonderful. Where were you thinking about going?

                        My sister was a secretary for years, a preschool teacher for years and just recently finished her Nurses training at age 50. She works in a school for troubled boys and loves it. I have another sister who was a pediatric intensive care nurse for years.

                        Nursing is a hard but rewarding career choice. If you work with little ones you can use your history degree to create some wonderful stories to keep sick little ones entertained while you care for them.

                        Whatever you choose to do, I know you will do well. You always seem to give things your "all"!

                        ETA: besides, just think of all the wonderful whumping tidbits you can pick up while learning how to become a nurse. All sorts of medical jargon and maybe some mysterious diseases and injuries


                          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                          Pesky pigeons, lol. If you decide to go back to uni and want to be a nursery nurse. the NNEB course might suit you don't to the ground... although it's been about 15 years since I did it, but well worth it, if you want to work in the neonatal wards and stuff.

                          And just think with the nursing training you'll be able to fix Shep up after you whump him

                          Ah she likes mini whump, she's got a way to go to reach her mom's level, but no doubt you're training her as we speak Hehehe yeah Ronon whump doesn't make me squee, only Sheppy whump and McKay whump just makes me cry
                          ooh thanks ill look into that....i know i probably want to do a diploma rather than a degree again, ive been looking into it at oxford brookes they do a great course by the looks of things.
                          not only can i use my medical knowledge to whump shep but i can also start the kiddies on the whump young

                          im with you..Ronon whump does nothing for me, mckay whump-yeh makes me cry and cringe because mckay crying and moaning is..horrible...and as for lady whump..well we all know thats kinda...POO!!!
                          Shep whump only for me!! but then you all know that by now!! damn getting too predictable now!!!!

                          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                          Roo, congrats on finishing! Your idea to be a children's nurse sounds wonderful! I think you'd be great at it.
                          Thanks Lorr! and thanks again hehe...thats just what my mother said!



                            Question Whumpers:

                            When are able to green your fellow whumpers once you have reach the limit?

                            It is telling me I have to (I think) spread some reputation before I can give it.
                            sig by Sci!

                            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                              Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                              Travelling sounds wonderful. Where were you thinking about going?

                              My sister was a secretary for years, a preschool teacher for years and just recently finished her Nurses training at age 50. She works in a school for troubled boys and loves it. I have another sister who was a pediatric intensive care nurse for years.

                              Nursing is a hard but rewarding career choice. If you work with little ones you can use your history degree to create some wonderful stories to keep sick little ones entertained while you care for them.

                              Whatever you choose to do, I know you will do well. You always seem to give things your "all"!

                              ETA: besides, just think of all the wonderful whumping tidbits you can pick up while learning how to become a nurse. All sorts of medical jargon and maybe some mysterious diseases and injuries
                              Thanks!! aww everyone is being so suportive of the idea, i love it!

                              traveling..i def want to do north america and australia (any whumpers in these areas up for a visit lol?)..and a few other places..depends what i can afford lol!!

                              yeh nursing is something ive only just recently thought about, it was something my mum said and it kinda clicked....ive never really known what i wanted to do but i knew i wanted to work with kids...i considered teaching for a long time but that wasnt quite what i wanted....i think nursing could be for me! oh great idea about using my history degree to tell stories!! im sure it is hard, but yeh definately rewarding..thats the kind of job i want for sure.

                              yeh i could pick up some interesting medical stuff for shep hehehehehehe!!



                                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                                What Pocus says!! Congrats to you on your massive milestones!!

                                WTG Listy!!

                                Congrats Miza!

                                So much awesome whump I'm trying to catch up on this afternoon!!!


                                Thanks hunny

                                Originally posted by Salty View Post
                                I can't access your LJ through the link
                                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                                Here ya go hon Listy's LJ

                                Listy your linky had an extra http:// in it hon
                                I am a muppet, how did I manage that?? oh well thanks Peggy

                                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                                Question Whumpers:

                                When are able to green your fellow whumpers once you have reach the limit?

                                It is telling me I have to (I think) spread some reputation before I can give it.
                                If its telling yo to spread it around, you are trying to give it to the same person too soon after your last one, you need to green some different people then it should let you green whoever it is Does that make sense?? I am tired and don't think my brain is working too well

