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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
    Lol, there probably squeed out and need to recharge their batteries, hehehe. Oh no hon, that's rough have you got much more to finish on your project or is it at it's early stages? It's always fun to come and play, I think it makes it that much more special I know he's been too busy talking about food. The nerve of him, lol. I mean it doesn't matter that it's HIS blog and he can write what he wants, but the man should just not tease us, lol, he knows how exciteable we get, hehehe
    Almost done. The real whumping was yesterday. I'm hoping to have this finished momentarily so I can grab some lunch and read CC's new fic.

    <snickers> I know! The nerve of that JM in writing what he wants on his own blog. I'm trying to think of a really good question that we could squee over (that hasn't been asked yet). Maybe we'll get something good to squee about tomorrow.
    Sig by Luciana
    My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
      Almost done. The real whumping was yesterday. I'm hoping to have this finished momentarily so I can grab some lunch and read CC's new fic.

      <snickers> I know! The nerve of that JM in writing what he wants on his own blog. I'm trying to think of a really good question that we could squee over (that hasn't been asked yet). Maybe we'll get something good to squee about tomorrow.
      Yeah it's so great when you're near the end and you can see all the fruits of your labour I'm gonna head off and watch some whump.....oh what to chose I think my brain is too tired to read, lol.

      I know what you mean, there's so much Shep talk and want to try and ask about something else, but it's that something else, i can't think of, lol. I have been looking on the IMDB see who's in Travelers, but can't find anything, so there's no yummy spoilers come out of the con then? That's no fun, lol. The congoesrs should be plying the guests with alcohol, loll then we might have got SOMETHING

      I'm gonna head off I think. Might be back later if I don't fall asleep *waves*


        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
        Spiders! Ack! I'm in complete agree with Shep. I hate bugs. All of them. Ick.

        But I'm all for whump. And it doesn't get much better than CG. I am watching all of my SGA DVDs through from beginning to end. Tonight is TDO. *wishes day would hurry up and end*

        A little CG whump for you...

        And a little TDO for me...

        Double squeeeeee!!!

        Okay fingers crossed that GG can tell us something interesting tomorrow to increase the squee!!!


          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
          I'm gonna head off I think. Might be back later if I don't fall asleep *waves*
          *waves* Happy whumping Peg! See you later.
          Sig by Luciana
          My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


            Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone!

            Had a lot of catching up to do today!

            Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
            yep people were annoyed about that in FS, its ridiculous isnt it!!
            hehehe yeh i really didnt like ford all that much, he was so annoying!!glad we have ronon now one of my fav characters!
            hehe sloth....i was going to do some work on an essay today ive got as far as picking what question im going to do lol its all this talk of evil shep and what not its been a very interesting indepth conversation indeed!!
            I wasn't annoyed about Shep
            following orders in FS at all. It's his job, and I happen to think they were right and Weir was wrong. I just would've liked to see more of Shep defending Weir's honor to an outsider, like he did with Everett in The Siege I. Agreeing with Ellis, but also making it clear that he thinks Weir's done a damn good job of leading Atlantis for the past 3 years.

            As for Ford, I actually really liked him. I thought he was quirky and full of bubbly energy But I adore Ronon!

            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            Hope I'm not repeating what anyone else has reported. But..
            spoilers for season 4 SGA:

            People at the Con who went on the set tour, went in Weir's office and saw piccies on the desk that were of Sam, Jack, Daniel and Cassie. So it does look as if Carter may be in (temporary) command of Atlantis, as many of us suspected.

            Originally posted by bebop View Post
            I have to say ref S4

            I'm actually quite glad Sam will be stuck behind the desk. They need to free the main man up to get himself in ALL sorts of trouble don't they? I mean how are we ever going to get ALL of the infirmary scenes and nekkid under sheets if he's stuck behind a desk doing personnel reviews...

            Sam will be right where she needs to be in my humble opinion. She can have the odd snarky conversation with Rodney, but she won't be gadding through the gate with the team and that's good news for me
            I completely agree, Bebop. S4
            I was actually quite relieved to hear that Sam'll most likely take over Weir's job (whether it be temporary or not), because I was rather worried they'd add her to Shep's team! Now that, I would not have liked. I like Sam, but I don't want her to take away too much screentime from the team, so if she ends up getting Weir's job, it means she won't be going off-world much with shep and the team, and that's fine by me

            Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
            Considering I was sick most of the weekend, I did manage to get to as many Con activities as I could, but the highlights...
            • got to see/walk thorugh a set for Travelers - SQUEE!!!!
            • got to touch Sheppy's S3 wardrobe - SQUEE!!
            • found some props for the episode "Missing"
            • got to walk through parts of the wraith hive ship set
            • got to wear my "life - sometimes it really does suck T-shirt" you know the one with that picture.
            • got to watch several S3 episodes I hadn't seen
            • got to see ADB!!!
            • ran into DH while waiting for the elevator

            gotta go. someone else needs the computer. I'll try and get on later tonight.
            Sorry to hear you were sick, GG! But I really do envy you for getting to see and do all that great stuff! Looking forward to your report!

            Originally posted by parisindy View Post
            does anyone else here watch supernatural?
            *raises hand* Yup! I do! And I love me my Dean whump! *evil grin* Though it's nowhere near as good as Shep whump, of course

            X Tristen

            Thanks to the lovely Pegasus SGA for the awesome sig!


              Hey peeps!!

              Am multi-tasking tonight, am catching up on here while filling out two whole job application forms . Where I work, they are making major changes and making certain staff use computers and do all of their own work (everyone of them currently computerphobic) which means I eventually will have to be redeployed to do a different job as they are not training us on the new system so that we can't be relied upon to get them out of trouble. Hate my job anyway its pants was just too lazy to look for a new one so this is giving me the push I need to apply for stuff, I just hate filling out the applications they are so long winded and there is never enough space to put all the info I need to enter so have hundreds of attachments... anyway...

              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
              I'd agree with your odds, IWTB. Fingers crossed that season 4 rocks and is a big success, same with the back half of season 3, which is just as important in the ratings stake, I gather.
              I don't like character bashing either. I think it's fine to criticise on a public forum constructively, and say you've never warmed to a character etc...but to say someone 'sucks at acting' or is 'a bad actor' on a public forum is wrong, IMO - it's all subjective anyway. What's said privately is another matter, of course. I hope everything works out well.

              I reallly really really hope we get a season 5 I love SGA far too much and don't want to let go just yet when people insult acting ability thats more the actual person than the character and I think that is completely unwarranted they are at the end of the day just doing their job to the best of their ability and because we don't warm to the character is no fault of theirs, sometimes people just don't gel. At the end of the day not everyone is going to like every character, its never gonna happen, but as long as there is a firm fan base for the characters then its all good

              I am still very very excited about season 4 and can't wait to see Shep and the team back in action regardless of who else happens to be tagging along for the ride

              Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
              well i hope there is a season 5, anything can happen, i didnt think we'd get a season 4 and we did and i certainly never thought SG1 would get a season 7,8,9,10!! i hope so it would be such a shame when theres so much potential left.
              yeh i dont think weir will be back either unfortunately. i was never her biggest fan but i did like her.
              i can seriously accept sam as long as she doesnt take over, the ATLANTIS cast arent bowing at her feet every 5 seconds, as long as shep/mckay get to save the day, as long as she doesnt go offworld, as long as none of the eps revolve too heavily around her, as long as shep isnt ousted out of his command position, as llong as mckay doesnt become her lapdog, and as long as shes pretty much tehre for the hellos and goodbyes....not too much to ask for is it lol oh and as long as she leaves at the end of the season
              yup too right!!!

              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
              Considering I was sick most of the weekend, I did manage to get to as many Con activities as I could, but the highlights...
              • got to see/walk thorugh a set for Travelers - SQUEE!!!!
              • got to touch Sheppy's S3 wardrobe - SQUEE!!
              • found some props for the episode "Missing"
              • got to walk through parts of the wraith hive ship set
              • got to wear my "life - sometimes it really does suck T-shirt" you know the one with that picture.
              • got to watch several S3 episodes I hadn't seen
              • got to see ADB!!!
              • ran into DH while waiting for the elevator

              gotta go. someone else needs the computer. I'll try and get on later tonight.
              OMG I am soooooooo jealous!!!!!! just wait till you are sat watching all of S3 again and you can say I touched that, I walked there, I went in that office, it will be so cool!!! and when you said "ran into DH" hope you didn't mean literally

              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post

              Sounds like you had an awesome time! The first two items on your list alone are enough to make me incredibly jealous... and slightly weak-kneed!

              I'm catching up on Season 1 of it by renting the DVDs....

              Glad to report am feeling a bit better today. Not great but definitely better than yesterday. Still fluctuating between hot and cold and coughing and generally feeling tired and groggy and crap but my head feels rather clearer... and less like it weighs 5 tons. Progress. Yay.

              How's everyone's day going?
              So glad you are feeling a little better, I am bored and have a blocked nose so think my codl is resurfacing now ( and i don't have a cough but think i may well need chocolate anyway!!!!! I am not good at selling myself so my application looks pants and feel like chucking it out fo the window might have to redo it

              Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
              well apparently at the con Torri asked if her photo of sedge (i think it was) was still in her office and they had to tell her no poor torri ,so i dont think we wil get weir back, as for ellis he may have wanted shep on side but shep already was, sure he may have had second thoughts after atlantis was in danger, but there was no need for ellis to say all that stuff, unless he meant it imo

              i warmed to ellis more too, with cauldwell it wasnt until TLG i think when i started liking him. Now he WAS an ass to shep.
              oh thats so sad I feel bad for her.

              As for Ellis and Cauldwell...
              I tried very very hard not to like Cauldwell, and to a certain extent managed it but at the end of the day its Mitch Pileggi and he is class so I couldn't quite manage to totally dislike the character as maybe I would have if had been someone else playing him and then yeah TLG happened and then that was it he was just a big pussycat. I liked Ellis, I was a bit wary at first, but I thought he was really good and would like to see him again and I thought it was good that he had respect for Shep and while he could well have just been blowing smoke up his butt, I didn't think about it or see it that way, but I guess each persons interpretation is different and I can be propper dense sometimes don't see whats right in front of my face half the time and can be very naive

              Originally posted by Josie View Post
              Good evening whumpers. Feeling kinda down today kind of hoped I'd find something on line to help my mood but sadly not. You'd have thought that one of the guests at the con would have spilled even a teensy spoiler for season 4 but apparently not.

              Think I'll go back into lurk mode until I feel more chipper.
              Hope you feel happier soon hun! keep your chin up!!


                *whispers* Wow, it's quiet in here...

                Right, got 2 whump fics to recommend! With the risk of looking like an idiot when it turns out most of you have already read them:

                Baetae Memoriae by sazz27 - Complete, with plenty of Shep whump.

                North by cybersid42 - also complete, with Shep whump (blind Shep!) and a bit of McKay whump.

                They're both very good in terms of plot and grammar and such (believe me, I'm very picky), so I hope you'll find them a good read, if you haven't read them already. Oh, and there's no slash or ship in either of them. Just good ol' friendship

                Whump pic!

                Have to go now. See you guys later!

                X Tristen
                Last edited by Tristen; 27 March 2007, 10:30 AM.

                Thanks to the lovely Pegasus SGA for the awesome sig!


                  Originally posted by Tristen View Post
                  *whispers* Wow, it's quiet in here...

                  Right, got 2 whump fics to recommend! With the risk of looking like an idiot when it turns out most of you have already read them:

                  Baetae Memoriae by sazz27 - Complete, with plenty of Shep whump.

                  North by cybersid42 - also complete, with Shep whump (blind Shep!) and a bit of McKay whump.

                  They're both very good in terms of plot and grammar and such (believe me, I'm very picky), so I hope you'll find them a good read, if you haven't read them already. Oh, and there's no slash or ship in either of them. Just good ol' friendship

                  Whump pic!


                  Have to go now. See you guys later!

                  X Tristen
                  Cool have read Baetae Memoriae and i loved it but haven't read the second one gonna book mark it so thanks for the rec


                    Evening peeps. Just sitting here listening to the Chris Daugherty album..(the guy from American idol)..and I have to say its pretty good..

                    I'm currently finishing my ficcy, its the last chapter and I'm trying to decide exactly how cruel to be to Sheppy!!!..

                    my fan fiction place


                      oo, didnt know he was out yet in england. He so should av won. Whats goin on with the word.

                      I havent read ficcie in ages. Got to the point where iv just got too much to catch up on. Tis a very big task


                        Originally posted by bebop View Post
                        Evening peeps. Just sitting here listening to the Chris Daugherty album..(the guy from American idol)..and I have to say its pretty good..

                        I'm currently finishing my ficcy, its the last chapter and I'm trying to decide exactly how cruel to be to Sheppy!!!..
                        Do you even have to ask ? Be cruel, be very very cruel... as long as you fix him!!!

                        I am watching Hide and Seek, I love Shep when he chucks McKay off the Balcony and then when he says "I shot him...In the leg" it makes me giggle, he looks really goofy happy like a big kid its so cute!!


                          afternoon whumpers
                          Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                            Originally posted by mckaychick View Post
                            afternoon whumpers
                            Hey up duck, hows it going?


                              im alright just wishing April 13th would hurry up and get herre
                              Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                                Originally posted by Tristen View Post
                                *whispers* Wow, it's quiet in here...

                                Right, got 2 whump fics to recommend! With the risk of looking like an idiot when it turns out most of you have already read them:

                                Baetae Memoriae by sazz27 - Complete, with plenty of Shep whump.

                                North by cybersid42 - also complete, with Shep whump (blind Shep!) and a bit of McKay whump.

                                They're both very good in terms of plot and grammar and such (believe me, I'm very picky), so I hope you'll find them a good read, if you haven't read them already. Oh, and there's no slash or ship in either of them. Just good ol' friendship

                                Whump pic!


                                Have to go now. See you guys later!

                                X Tristen
                                Tristen - thanks for the recommendations. Those are the type of fics that I like. I'm thrilled to have something new. Can't wait to read them. BTW - if you have never read anything by Sholio - take a look. Her stories are awesome.

                                Originally posted by bebop View Post
                                Evening peeps. Just sitting here listening to the Chris Daugherty album..(the guy from American idol)..and I have to say its pretty good..

                                I'm currently finishing my ficcy, its the last chapter and I'm trying to decide exactly how cruel to be to Sheppy!!!..
                                You know, this is the whump thread. That's a dangerous statement to make. Whump him good, girl!
                                Sig by Luciana
                                My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics

