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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by sherryw View Post
    I just love kids. They do the cutest things. I wouldn't mind having another, but hubby wants to stop at 2.
    aww thats cool hehehe you should have lots... heehee i have two kids too mine are just more furry hehe, so many here are married with kids i feel the right old maid LOL

    time for some piccie spam


    "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
    ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
    Card designed by Falcon Horus


      Gee did I happen to mention that I love pic spams!!!

      Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
      AVI by *ERIKA*


        Originally posted by sherryw View Post
        Gee did I happen to mention that I love pic spams!!!

        Ditto to that!!!




          "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
          ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
          Card designed by Falcon Horus


            Well folks, as much as I would like to stay and chat, I have a two hour course to teach tomorrow morning. So hopefully, I'll get to catch ya all tomorrow so we can continue the whump.

            nighty night.* Wonder if I'll get to dream of Sheppy having a tracheotomy again......*


              Hi whumpers,

              OMG, I got so very whumped by RL today, I honestly dropped onto my couch and sobbed a while in spite of myself before I got a hold on myself again. And what’s more, it’s all my own fault, I have to admit. Obviously sometimes shoddy house-keeping comes back at you like a boomerang…
              Spoiler for OT:
              First when I got up, one of my cute little budgies sat on her bar with one eye swollen and closed. She didn’t play around with the other three (because of her limited vision) and looked so pitiful and sick it literally broke my heart (she probably had a little run-in with the other female… tse tse tse). I called the vet who told me to leave her be ATM and see if it gets better later on. Which it did finally about 8 pm (the poor bugger still has her eye a bit swollen but she opens it again, eats and plays with the others and generally looks a lot better than this morning.
              Unfortunately by the time the budgie recovered, it was too late to go shopping for the cake I planned to bake. So I remembered I still had a pack of frozen butter in the fridge. I put it into the microwave-oven to melt it a bit and for once (!) didn’t put the cover on top. What happened? Sure, it blobbed and contaminated my entire microwave oven!!!
              Still, there was enough of the butter left to get the batter done. When I finished preparing it and wanted to oil the cake tin, I couldn’t find the darn thing. I remembered vaguely that I didn’t put it where it belonged after cleaning it last time (I was too lazy then), yet couldn’t come up with where the hell I had placed it. After searching through my closets and cupboards, I finally discovered it in my pressure cooker where I previously didn’t find it in because I had put the cover on top of it too (what a brilliant idea…). And to top it all, I burnt myself lightly when I opened the oven door after the cake was ready and got the hot steam in my face.
              Believe me or not, I’m so done with today!!!
              At the very least the cake really looks yummie yummie and I’m going to munch on it any moment now.

              Sorry for the OT rant, peeps, I had a really bad day…
              And in order to blow off steam I spent the whole rest of the evening tidying my PB account, so I can more easily serve with some gorgeous whump pics myself now.

              So, back to Shep whump, I say!

              Spoiler for size for our poor dial-uppers
              First of all some ‘Common Ground’ to get into the right mood:
              And then some ‘Condemned’ because I just love the look on his face in this one:

              Ok, this one’s not really whump but Teyla looks breath-taking and the piccy she is holding is sooo cute:

              Since you and I always get to squeee over ‘Defiant One’, have some ‘bugged’ Shep (pun intended):

              Which inevitably leads us to the stunning ‘Conversion’ (or what was it called… ) eppy:

              And finally to ‘Suspicion’ because I think he looks adoring even when dragged away unconscious *drool*:

              This is it, whumpers. Now I have posted two pics for each of my reached 100 posts (rounded up of course in my never ending over-estimation).

              I’ll be back tomorrow to catch up and hopefully ‘talk’ to you again. (seems like I still have a loooong way to go to get my ShepClone…)

              But congrats to all the milestoners, nonetheless.

              What's up, Paris? Your post looks as sad as mine... *sniff*
              FanFic---------------------------------------------------Twinchy's Lair



                Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                holds drool bucket.

                Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                AVI by *ERIKA*


                  Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                  girls can be vicious...but I just don't see it happening. Come on, Shep getting beaten/ass kicked/whumped big time by a girl? I just don't think it would look good for his character.

                  Before you mention it, Teyla is a different story in the Shep getting his ass-kicked by a girl dept.
                  Yeah, but
                  She must be a seriously strong woman to be the commander. In that kind of nomadic, on the edge life, they would not be creme eggs (hehe). Think Reavers (if you've seen Firefly), but a little more sane.

                  I just wandered over to the S4 threads and posted on one of them. Some people just have NO imagination or ability to suspend disbelief. And, then, they all upset when you offer very reasonable explanations. I just have to shake my head and pity them. Such sad minds.


                    I hope things look better tomorrow, Twin 0.5!

                    Methinks I must leave now, too. the cold is better, but I am tired. Precious little sleep last night, too. Goodnight to one and all!


                      Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
                      Hi whumpers,

                      OMG, I got so very whumped by RL today, I honestly dropped onto my couch and sobbed a while in spite of myself before I got a hold on myself again. And what’s more, it’s all my own fault, I have to admit. Obviously sometimes shoddy house-keeping comes back at you like a boomerang…
                      Spoiler for OT:
                      First when I got up, one of my cute little budgies sat on her bar with one eye swollen and closed. She didn’t play around with the other three (because of her limited vision) and looked so pitiful and sick it literally broke my heart (she probably had a little run-in with the other female… tse tse tse). I called the vet who told me to leave her be ATM and see if it gets better later on. Which it did finally about 8 pm (the poor bugger still has her eye a bit swollen but she opens it again, eats and plays with the others and generally looks a lot better than this morning.
                      Unfortunately by the time the budgie recovered, it was too late to go shopping for the cake I planned to bake. So I remembered I still had a pack of frozen butter in the fridge. I put it into the microwave-oven to melt it a bit and for once (!) didn’t put the cover on top. What happened? Sure, it blobbed and contaminated my entire microwave oven!!!
                      Still, there was enough of the butter left to get the batter done. When I finished preparing it and wanted to oil the cake tin, I couldn’t find the darn thing. I remembered vaguely that I didn’t put it where it belonged after cleaning it last time (I was too lazy then), yet couldn’t come up with where the hell I had placed it. After searching through my closets and cupboards, I finally discovered it in my pressure cooker where I previously didn’t find it in because I had put the cover on top of it too (what a brilliant idea…). And to top it all, I burnt myself lightly when I opened the oven door after the cake was ready and got the hot steam in my face.
                      Believe me or not, I’m so done with today!!!
                      At the very least the cake really looks yummie yummie and I’m going to munch on it any moment now.

                      Sorry for the OT rant, peeps, I had a really bad day…
                      And in order to blow off steam I spent the whole rest of the evening tidying my PB account, so I can more easily serve with some gorgeous whump pics myself now.

                      So, back to Shep whump, I say!

                      Spoiler for size for our poor dial-uppers
                      First of all some ‘Common Ground’ to get into the right mood: [spoil
                      And then some ‘Condemned’ because I just love the look on his face in this one:

                      Ok, this one’s not really whump but Teyla looks breath-taking and the piccy she is holding is sooo cute:

                      Since you and I always get to squeee over ‘Defiant One’, have some ‘bugged’ Shep (pun intended):

                      Which inevitably leads us to the stunning ‘Conversion’ (or what was it called… ) eppy:

                      And finally to ‘Suspicion’ because I think he looks adoring even when dragged away unconscious *drool*:

                      This is it, whumpers. Now I have posted two pics for each of my reached 100 posts (rounded up of course in my never ending over-estimation).

                      I’ll be back tomorrow to catch up and hopefully ‘talk’ to you again. (seems like I still have a loooong way to go to get my ShepClone…)

                      But congrats to all the milestoners, nonetheless.

                      What's up, Paris? Your post looks as sad as mine... *sniff*
                      {{hugs}} Sorry to hear you had such a bad day. I hope it gets better and have a piece of cake for me.

                      Love the pics especially the CG one. Yummy!!!

                      Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                      AVI by *ERIKA*


                        Originally posted by sherryw View Post

                        holds drool bucket.
                        we may need a mop

                        "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                        ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                        Card designed by Falcon Horus


                          Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
                          Hi whumpers,

                          OMG, I got so very whumped by RL today, I honestly dropped onto my couch and sobbed a while in spite of myself before I got a hold on myself again. And what’s more, it’s all my own fault, I have to admit. Obviously sometimes shoddy house-keeping comes back at you like a boomerang…
                          Spoiler for OT:
                          First when I got up, one of my cute little budgies sat on her bar with one eye swollen and closed. She didn’t play around with the other three (because of her limited vision) and looked so pitiful and sick it literally broke my heart (she probably had a little run-in with the other female… tse tse tse). I called the vet who told me to leave her be ATM and see if it gets better later on. Which it did finally about 8 pm (the poor bugger still has her eye a bit swollen but she opens it again, eats and plays with the others and generally looks a lot better than this morning.
                          Unfortunately by the time the budgie recovered, it was too late to go shopping for the cake I planned to bake. So I remembered I still had a pack of frozen butter in the fridge. I put it into the microwave-oven to melt it a bit and for once (!) didn’t put the cover on top. What happened? Sure, it blobbed and contaminated my entire microwave oven!!!
                          Still, there was enough of the butter left to get the batter done. When I finished preparing it and wanted to oil the cake tin, I couldn’t find the darn thing. I remembered vaguely that I didn’t put it where it belonged after cleaning it last time (I was too lazy then), yet couldn’t come up with where the hell I had placed it. After searching through my closets and cupboards, I finally discovered it in my pressure cooker where I previously didn’t find it in because I had put the cover on top of it too (what a brilliant idea…). And to top it all, I burnt myself lightly when I opened the oven door after the cake was ready and got the hot steam in my face.
                          Believe me or not, I’m so done with today!!!
                          At the very least the cake really looks yummie yummie and I’m going to munch on it any moment now.

                          Sorry for the OT rant, peeps, I had a really bad day…
                          And in order to blow off steam I spent the whole rest of the evening tidying my PB account, so I can more easily serve with some gorgeous whump pics myself now.
                          awwww babes i'm so sorry you had a bad day ((((((hugs)))))))))
                          I so hope your Budgie is okay! poor little schmoo.

                          Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
                          What's up, Paris? Your post looks as sad as mine... *sniff*
                          nothing...everything lol
                          I snurched some of your pics hope thats okay

                          "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                          ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                          Card designed by Falcon Horus


                            Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                            I hope things look better tomorrow, Twin 0.5!

                            Methinks I must leave now, too. the cold is better, but I am tired. Precious little sleep last night, too. Goodnight to one and all!
                            Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                            {{hugs}} Sorry to hear you had such a bad day. I hope it gets better and have a piece of cake for me.
                            Thanks for the well wishes, Lorr, Sherry and Paris. I truly hope tomorrow will be better!!! *crosses fingers*

                            I'll think of you when I eat the next slice of the cake, sherry.

                            Love the pics especially the CG one. Yummy!!!
                            Yup, yup, those pics *closes eyes dreamily* and CG was an overall gorgeous ep for capping

                            Paris, you may snurch as much as you want! My caps are your caps!
                            Nice to see you're ok. At first I thought your smilie was weeping (must have been my own foul mood *shrugs*) but in case you still need the mob, have mine. Maybe that saves me from cleaning my windows tomorrow (and perhaps falling off the ladder with my luck...)
                            FanFic---------------------------------------------------Twinchy's Lair


                              Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
                              Paris, you may snurch as much as you want! My caps are your caps!
                              Nice to see you're ok. At first I thought your smilie was weeping (must have been my own foul mood *shrugs*) but in case you still need the mob, have mine. Maybe that saves me from cleaning my windows tomorrow (and perhaps falling off the ladder with my luck...)
                              awww chin up kiddo

                              Squeaaa! thanks for the caps ((hugs))

                              erg i got work tomorrow...two more days until the weekend

                              i might head off soonish tonight folks..kind of joining in with the sick group though i'm not really sick... just being allergy girl

                              stupid snow mold! ..some of it is stress to, but heck if Shep can handle the wraith without problem then stress will not kick my ass!

                              take that! stupid stress

                              lol...okay i think its officially i have lost my marbles

                              "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                              ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                              Card designed by Falcon Horus


                                Now, this is it for tonight, girls!

                                I'm going to grab my nice little ShepHolo and try not to get whumped in my dreams (wasn't there something about whumping Shep not oneself?).

                                Night whumpers and dream well (of equally well whumped Shep)! *hugs my whumpers*

                                BTW, Paris, loooooooooooves your smilies (as always, I might add)! And don't you get sick or your allegies or what ever. After all we're supposed to be the giving NOT the receiving end, you know...
                                FanFic---------------------------------------------------Twinchy's Lair

