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John Sheppard Whump

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    Evening whumpers!!

    I am one very very happy little whumper tonight, got home from work to find a nice dvd shaped parcel - My S2 discs have arrived SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

    Disc one is in my player ready to go but thought I would nip on here for a while, then watch Submersion at 8.00pm on sky and then go drool over my dvd's am very excited as haven't seen all the eps so its new squee!! I just can't decide whether to stay up and watch as many eps as possible or pace myself and make the squee last longer - might try and restrict my self to just watching the first disc

    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    I guess nobody from the J/T would mind me saying
    the Joe interview in on page 1117 of their thread. Someone kindly told me about it. It's very good. Joe is a really smart man.
    Thanks hunny!! just read it and loved it also notice the "Perversion" slip couldn't help but laugh, think it would have been hilarious if Joe had realised what she had said!

    Originally posted by Josie View Post
    It was a woman who wrote the piece she must have had her mind on other things.
    hmmmmmmmm don't know what that could be

    Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
    Hi whumpers! *waves madly*

    How is everyone today? I'm paying the price of uploading free stuff last night - I'm currently scanning my system and updating my adware/antivirus stuff to get rid of all the free bugs I uploaded with it.

    Don't feel to guilty - I'm halfway through a torture fic too. Poor Sheppy is having a hard time of it from us whumpers, lately.
    Bugs are only fun when they are whumping shep not Lauriel!!

    Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
    LSC: CC, you're clone and I need to have a talk.


    Originally posted by CritterCreator View Post
    This is Sheppard we're talking about. Even his clone isn't all that keen on therapy. Besides, all my clones tend to be one taco short of a combination plate. You should see my Jack Sparrow clone. He makes my Shep clone look sane.

    Plot bunnny, run!

    I'd like to see more fics where Sheppard becomes an addict to some type of drugs. I know Alipeeps has one, and I think O1 has a fic where Shep becomes an addict, but we need more.
    Have read Ali's but not O1's can someone give me the link?

    Originally posted by CritterCreator View Post
    Now, now, no need to fret. They're perfectly harmless. Unless they've gotten their hands on some explosives, and pencils, and paint. Oddly enough you should be more concerned if they managed to procure paint, sand, cases of Mountain Dew, whip cream, some Calimari, and a canon. Don't ask why.

    And, crud, I think they have. Ruuuuun!

    Nifty self portrait, Paris.
    Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
    Hi again whumpers! *jumps back into thread to the sound of trumpet fanfare* Miss me?

    I read your sugar rush fic last night. I don't think I commented, sorry - but it was a great giggle.

    *bows* TY.
    Sugar rush fic? must go find that one

    You lot are mad, BTW my shepclone was reading over my shoulder and upon seeing the word bug, started looking around for his p90. He also now seems to be cowering behind a couch mumbling something about pencils and paint! think your clones have scared him

    Congrats on 300 Bebop


      Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
      TY!! Don't worry, you all will find out the mischief I'm up to... *G*
      Should we be worried?


        Originally posted by PuddleJumper42 View Post
        Should we be worried?
        *adjusts halo* *G*

        On another note, I think I finally figured out how to go forward with Shattered. Making good progress on ch2.

        *feels bad about the delay*
        My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


          Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
          *adjusts halo* *G*

          On another note, I think I finally figured out how to go forward with Shattered. Making good progress on ch2.

          *feels bad about the delay*
          Cool!!!! can't wait!!!!

          Josie - forgot to say earlier love your sig, I kind of like the Brown, but the blue is very nice too


            Evening all! I'm a bit down so I don't think I'll be hanging around much.

            Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
            *adjusts halo* *G*

            On another note, I think I finally figured out how to go forward with Shattered. Making good progress on ch2.

            *feels bad about the delay*
            What delay? I leave big gaping holes of emptiness in between my chapters.


              Whats CC's name?? I can't remember!!


                Originally posted by Listy View Post
                Whats CC's name?? I can't remember!!
                The one and only Stealth Dragon
                *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                  Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                  Lost Boys had sooooo much to offer in that way! And a killer soundtrack.
                  oh yeh! i have that soundtrack on my comp and ipod, love it!!!

                  Originally posted by caty View Post
                  I just finished the paragraph.. I'm not really happy with it, but I'll leave it for now and will go back to it later today... on to the next bit
                  i finished my essay and handed it in today but it was pretty crap. i just get so bored of writing them after a while!! on to my next essay now...*sigh*
                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  Technically, it is grammatically incorrect... however, in practice, it is used a lot! I was certainly taught at school that you should never begin a sentence with a conjunction but, as I said, it is something you do see quite often and I have been naughty and done it myself now and then... sometimes the sentence etc just seems to need to be written that way!

                  I agree. Its best not to use 'And' at the start of a sentence unless there's no other way around it. Whenever I've done essays/dissertation I've just avoided doing it just to be on the safe side.
                  dont say the D word!! Dissertation presentation coming up soon not looking forward to that
                  Originally posted by caty View Post
                  How cool *hugs Ali*... Yeah, I have your E-Mail adress... I'll probably have the first draft finished tonight... Or most of it

                  Some OTness... We have a show in Germany calld 'The perfect dinner'. 5 people cook dinner for each other on each day of the week and the best one wins at the end. I just went grocery shopping after I was done at the library and this woman asked me that they were doing one in Bonn soon and if I wanted to be one of the 5 people
                  Of course, I declined cause I live in a crappy appartment with room mates and I can't cook But it was fun... I could have been on TV. Of course, I would have made a total fool of myself
                  we have that show here too, but its called something else...come dine with me or something like that. heh you shouldve done it, although i wouldnt either since i cant cook!! its either a takeaway, eating out or oven/microwave food!! occasionally pasta but thats as far as it goes!!
                  Originally posted by Listy View Post
                  Have read Ali's but not O1's can someone give me the link?

                  best forgotton



                    Originally posted by caty View Post
                    The one and only Stealth Dragon
                    Thats the one! thanks! I knew I had it on my author alerts but couldn't for the life of me remember which one it was

                    Thanks hunny


                      Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                      Thanks hunny!! am gonna have some good fic to read


                        Originally posted by Josie View Post
                        Evening all! I'm a bit down so I don't think I'll be hanging around much.

                        What delay? I leave big gaping holes of emptiness in between my chapters.
                        ((HUGS)) Josie!
                        My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                          Originally posted by Josie View Post
                          Evening all! I'm a bit down so I don't think I'll be hanging around much.

                          What delay? I leave big gaping holes of emptiness in between my chapters.
                          *hugs Josie*


                          *points to Shrapnel still awaiting an update since April 2006*

                          *mumbles shamefacedly and tries to hide in corner*


                            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                            It is wondeful, isn't it. She has a couple more up at the SGAflashfic challenge on lj. There are 43 stories entered in the sickness challenge. Some are slash, so if you don't like it, then read the synposis for each story carefully. There are some great stories there. Here are some links:
                            To the challenges:
                            I'd recommend Kodiak's two stories and Everybetty and Kristen999's 'The Unkindest cut' particularly!!!

                            Thanks for the link!! I always forget to check the LJs for fics

                            I'm having a lousy day - it started off fine despite the fact I have pink eye but hubby just yelled at me about credit card bills and now I feel all depressed.
                            Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                              *pokes the whump thread* anyone here?

                              Random question if anyone is. Do we have any idea what kind of helicopter John was flying in the beginning of Rising? *G*
                              I don't know if anyone's answered you yet hon, but there was a goof on the Pilot of SGA and apparently the helicopter had a canadian tail number? I found this if it's any help for you from TV Zone about the pilot. Don't know if it's any help to you though...sorry.


                              “It was a glorious day and not very Stargate-like for us because we don’t usually have that kind of money to play around with. We took four helicopters up with us, one just for all our gear. There was a ‘hero’ helicopter and Richard sat in the front passenger seat. You can see him in all the scenes where the helicopter is bobbing, weaving and whipping around in the air. At one point we were talking on the radio and he was like, ‘Come on, have us do more loops.’ Richard had a ball,” chuckles the director.

                              Now GW is letting me play today, i'm going to catch up.

                              ETA - Ignore the post, lol, just read Prion's post hehehe. Note to self:Read through ALL posts before posting.

                              I know return you to the quietness that is the whumping thread. *pokes thread*
                              Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 28 February 2007, 11:19 AM.


                                Woohooo Submersion is just starting

                                Edit: oooh its good
                                Teyla kicked Ronan's ass and now a wraith Queen just popped out of the water... am loving this!!!
                                Last edited by Listy; 28 February 2007, 11:21 AM.

