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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
    Yeah, I ahve to dress up somewhat - something more than jeans and t-shirt. (Of course that's about all I own). Chico's huh? We just got one that opened up here. I'll have to check it out. Thanks.

    Back to Shep whump (kinda), I had a dream that Sheppy was in some big arse weeks long battle off world. After the routine check up when he got back (no major whump - just exhaustion, mental fatigue, bruises and aches) he heads up to Weir's office where after a short bit, falls asleep on the couch.

    I woke up at this point and believe it or not, I've been bugged as to whether Weir would have just left him sleep on the couch for a bit or would she have waken him and sent him to his room?

    Yes, I am a weird person.....
    That is too whump! and Elizabeth would totally have let him sleep.

    Thank you for the sig, SciFan!

    Thank You Sheyla Fan!



      Originally posted by strinam View Post
      That is too whump! and Elizabeth would totally have let him sleep.
      Well, the whump I dreamed just seems pale in comparison to some of the whump ideas put forth here.... but an exhausted Shep..I so can get into that.


        Ok, i'm outta here. I need to get up early tomorrow. Have fun whumpers!!!


          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
          Ok, i'm outta here. I need to get up early tomorrow. Have fun whumpers!!!
          Night GG....and Congrats again!

          Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
          AVI by *ERIKA*


            Hello all wanderers of the nighttime hour.
            Kick-butt space pirate. And proud of it.


              Originally posted by CritterCreator View Post
              Hello all wanderers of the nighttime hour.
              Hey's it going?

              Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
              AVI by *ERIKA*


                Well I'm off to bed. Night whumpers!

                Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                AVI by *ERIKA*


                  Hi! And, bye! I just stopped back in to say goodnight. CSI is on, I'm trying to finish a scene in the fic and I hear a chocolate brownie call me from the kitchen. I think I need to get it before the clone does.

                  Friday tomorrow!! woohoo!


                    Why do I always show up just as everyone is leaving?

                    Sherry, are you still willing to do some betaing? the story's nearing completion - I'm not sure how near but it's getting there, and once it's done I'm going to start posting (maybe sooner if I can get more into the rhythm of things). So if your still up for being a beta, I could use the help. If not, that's cool, I'll just read the chapters over three times instead. Which I'm doing anyways.
                    Kick-butt space pirate. And proud of it.


                      story? did i hear story?
                      My Spidey Senses are tingling

                      "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                      ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                      Card designed by Falcon Horus


                        That's right, a story. As promised, there will be an enslaved sheppard and he will be abused. And since I do have every intention of finishing this story, I present to you a snippet - since snippets seem to be all the rage these days. This is not, I repeat, not drabble, but a portion of the story.


                        John's heart stumbled in its rhythm. He moved deliberately out of reluctance when raising his arms. He barely had them up when Aleen whipped off the silken shirt one handed. John flinched and tensed in a small cringe. Aleen placed her hand on the back of his neck and pushed him until his knee caps were digging into his chest.
                        “Would you look at that back?” Aleen's fingers brushed lightly over old scar tissue and recent scabs. John shuddered again.
                        “Oh my.”
                        “He is a trouble maker.”
                        “At least he appears to be healthy.”
                        “Yes,” Aleen skeptically replied. “I ensure that he stays in good shape. But I've had to make an example of him so many times I've resorted to cutting back his meals. And he was sick not that long ago. I don't like how thin he's gotten.” Aleen's cool palm pressed into the right side of John's back. He shuddered a third time. He hated that woman's hands, those manicured nails, the suffocating scent of the oils she always rubbed into them to make them soft. The oils didn't do a d**n thing except make her skin slick as fish scales. “His ribs are too visible, even when he is dressed. I don't like being able to feel them.”
                        And yet she wouldn't keep her d**n hands off him. Not that she escalated beyond petting his head and back (occasionally chest when she was drunk). She knew better. Anything beyond petting would give Korest the excuse to kill John. Aleen wasn't going to let that happen to her favorite.
                        Unless, again, if she was drunk.
                        “Why does he keep shivering like that?” Asked the blond woman in the forest green dress.
                        “Oh, is he scared? Poor thing.”
                        “Maybe he's cold.”
                        Aleen waved dismissively. “No. He's just nervous. Korest's fault. The man gets too jealous. But Korest won't be back until tomorrow morning.”
                        Aleen's hand stroked John along his spine, and each time she started at the top to run her hand down, John shuddered again and again. Nausea clawed at John's gut, and his heart battered the inside of his chest. Korest wasn't the only one with anger management problems. Get enough drink into Aleen, and she'd go heavy handed. Many of the foot-shaped bruises on John were from Aleen's foot.

                        That's as far as I go snippet wise. Don't want to give too much away.
                        Kick-butt space pirate. And proud of it.


                          Guess I'll head out now. Adios.
                          Kick-butt space pirate. And proud of it.


                            Originally posted by CritterCreator View Post
                            Why do I always show up just as everyone is leaving?

                            Sherry, are you still willing to do some betaing? the story's nearing completion - I'm not sure how near but it's getting there, and once it's done I'm going to start posting (maybe sooner if I can get more into the rhythm of things). So if your still up for being a beta, I could use the help. If not, that's cool, I'll just read the chapters over three times instead. Which I'm doing anyways.
                            Originally posted by CritterCreator View Post
                            That's right, a story. As promised, there will be an enslaved sheppard and he will be abused. And since I do have every intention of finishing this story, I present to you a snippet - since snippets seem to be all the rage these days. This is not, I repeat, not drabble, but a portion of the story.


                            John's heart stumbled in its rhythm. He moved deliberately out of reluctance when raising his arms. He barely had them up when Aleen whipped off the silken shirt one handed. John flinched and tensed in a small cringe. Aleen placed her hand on the back of his neck and pushed him until his knee caps were digging into his chest.
                            “Would you look at that back?” Aleen's fingers brushed lightly over old scar tissue and recent scabs. John shuddered again.
                            “Oh my.”
                            “He is a trouble maker.”
                            “At least he appears to be healthy.”
                            “Yes,” Aleen skeptically replied. “I ensure that he stays in good shape. But I've had to make an example of him so many times I've resorted to cutting back his meals. And he was sick not that long ago. I don't like how thin he's gotten.” Aleen's cool palm pressed into the right side of John's back. He shuddered a third time. He hated that woman's hands, those manicured nails, the suffocating scent of the oils she always rubbed into them to make them soft. The oils didn't do a d**n thing except make her skin slick as fish scales. “His ribs are too visible, even when he is dressed. I don't like being able to feel them.”
                            And yet she wouldn't keep her d**n hands off him. Not that she escalated beyond petting his head and back (occasionally chest when she was drunk). She knew better. Anything beyond petting would give Korest the excuse to kill John. Aleen wasn't going to let that happen to her favorite.
                            Unless, again, if she was drunk.
                            “Why does he keep shivering like that?” Asked the blond woman in the forest green dress.
                            “Oh, is he scared? Poor thing.”
                            “Maybe he's cold.”
                            Aleen waved dismissively. “No. He's just nervous. Korest's fault. The man gets too jealous. But Korest won't be back until tomorrow morning.”
                            Aleen's hand stroked John along his spine, and each time she started at the top to run her hand down, John shuddered again and again. Nausea clawed at John's gut, and his heart battered the inside of his chest. Korest wasn't the only one with anger management problems. Get enough drink into Aleen, and she'd go heavy handed. Many of the foot-shaped bruises on John were from Aleen's foot.

                            That's as far as I go snippet wise. Don't want to give too much away.

                            Woo hoo!!!!! My deadlines end next week so I will have loads of time to spare and some yummy whump fic would be very much appreciated!!!!!

                            Congratulations GG on getting the job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                              Hi everyone!

                              Originally posted by CritterCreator View Post
                              That's right, a story. As promised, there will be an enslaved sheppard and he will be abused. And since I do have every intention of finishing this story, I present to you a snippet - since snippets seem to be all the rage these days. This is not, I repeat, not drabble, but a portion of the story.


                              John's heart stumbled in its rhythm. He moved deliberately out of reluctance when raising his arms. He barely had them up when Aleen whipped off the silken shirt one handed. John flinched and tensed in a small cringe. Aleen placed her hand on the back of his neck and pushed him until his knee caps were digging into his chest.
                              “Would you look at that back?” Aleen's fingers brushed lightly over old scar tissue and recent scabs. John shuddered again.
                              “Oh my.”
                              “He is a trouble maker.”
                              “At least he appears to be healthy.”
                              “Yes,” Aleen skeptically replied. “I ensure that he stays in good shape. But I've had to make an example of him so many times I've resorted to cutting back his meals. And he was sick not that long ago. I don't like how thin he's gotten.” Aleen's cool palm pressed into the right side of John's back. He shuddered a third time. He hated that woman's hands, those manicured nails, the suffocating scent of the oils she always rubbed into them to make them soft. The oils didn't do a d**n thing except make her skin slick as fish scales. “His ribs are too visible, even when he is dressed. I don't like being able to feel them.”
                              And yet she wouldn't keep her d**n hands off him. Not that she escalated beyond petting his head and back (occasionally chest when she was drunk). She knew better. Anything beyond petting would give Korest the excuse to kill John. Aleen wasn't going to let that happen to her favorite.
                              Unless, again, if she was drunk.
                              “Why does he keep shivering like that?” Asked the blond woman in the forest green dress.
                              “Oh, is he scared? Poor thing.”
                              “Maybe he's cold.”
                              Aleen waved dismissively. “No. He's just nervous. Korest's fault. The man gets too jealous. But Korest won't be back until tomorrow morning.”
                              Aleen's hand stroked John along his spine, and each time she started at the top to run her hand down, John shuddered again and again. Nausea clawed at John's gut, and his heart battered the inside of his chest. Korest wasn't the only one with anger management problems. Get enough drink into Aleen, and she'd go heavy handed. Many of the foot-shaped bruises on John were from Aleen's foot.

                              That's as far as I go snippet wise. Don't want to give too much away.
                              Blinkin' flip! I like that...A LOT! Looking forward to more CC!

                              GateGeek got a job? Well done sweetie!


                                Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                                okay, finally. *G*

                                Chapter 1 of my new Whump fic: Cold Race is posted on, in which John Sheppard gets into a little bit of a... uhh bind. *G*


                                Cold Race Chapter 1
                                Wow...this is good as well SGAFan! Fabby start!

