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John Sheppard Whump

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    Well folks its after 1 AM, I'm tired and my computer is operating too slow. So I'm calling it a night. Talk to ya all later today.


      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
      Well folks its after 1 AM, I'm tired and my computer is operating too slow. So I'm calling it a night. Talk to ya all later today.
      Sorry - I had to run away. Have a good sleep GG, and some nice whumpy dreams.
      My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


        Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
        Salty, if I only I had your faith in myself!

        But really, if they did open submissions, I'd do it. What's there to lose? Nothing. LOL.

        Med free labors...ack.

        Out of all four of mine I had *but* that should be qualified because, tada, I'm one of those poor unlucky SOB's where the epidurals...they didn't work. Two out of three failed completely. I had pitocin with three, the same three I begged for an epidural with. The one that did take somewhat only took the peaks off but hey, I wasn't complaining at that point. With Ben, he was my last and I was so, well, I don't want to say traumatized by my last one before him, but hey, it fits! They started the pitocin, I asked for an epi, they got it in...nothing. I was grabbing everything, telling them it isn't working, the nurse comes in, the anesthesiologists come in, everyone was trying to figure out why it wasn't doing anything when I tell them the baby's coming. The silly nurse, "OH, it's too soon." I was holding on to hubby for dear life telling her, "Tell it to HIM!" Ben was born after only two hours of labor.

        I'm one of those with horror stories, omg, do I ever have them, but my second was a normal, uneventful birth with only a wee bit of staydol. Hey, if anything it made me not care about how awful the pain was every two minutes or so.
        Oh poor IWTB! If I'd given to babies that were as healthy a size as your boys, I'd have been screaming for a hammer to be applied very violently to my head!!!
        My labour with my eldest daughter took over 20 hours. She was eventually a forceps baby...ouch!!!
        My son was born after only 3 3/4 hours. No pain meds, but he was born with the chord around his neck and had to be rescusitated, which was scary. He was blue and limp and looked dead when he was born. Fortunately he was fine.
        My youngest daughter was a caesarian as she was an unstable lie. That was the easiest of all my births!!!! I felt no pain, Lol!!!
        I've really enjoyed hearing all the birthing stories!! Thanks, guys!!!


          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
          hi Linzi,

          I see you have been playing over in the ep thread again.

          I'm going to start Exo from the start again over the next few days and take my time reading it this time.
          Yes, I've been playing in the episode thread again... i just can't help myself.
          I'm going to re-read Exo again as well.


            Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
            GG, my book didn't arrive today either, so maybe we'll both get it tomorrow!

            SLC, those pics solidified'll be 38 minutes tonight LOL, I think that episode wins over all because he was gorgeous and whumped. Why is it that in the other big shep whump episodes they have to make him (spoilers for CG)
            all buggy and old?
            You are right, 38 Minutes is awesome because we get whumped 'hot gorgeous' Shep throughout!!! Maybe we will get another like that in s4!

            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            Well I am. I'm going to watch 38 Minutes, TDO, Conversion, CG and Echoes over Christmas. I'm also partial to Siege I whump, Suspicion whump and Coup whump. Hell, I love all the whump!!!!
            Oh me too!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            Oh yes. Though I prefer reading my favourite whumpy fanfics, to be honest. My favourite stories are superior to the books, IMHO.
            I agree they are so much better.

            Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
            No, I don't think it's just you LOL. I'm kind of maxxing on Rodney right now. I love the McKay-Sheppard dynamic, but I need some good strong Sheppard right now so I'm disappointed to hear the book doesn't really deliver that. But I'll read and re-read the Shep whumpy bits after doing a read.

            I really didn't care for their writing style in Chosen so I doubt I'll like it in this story either.
            Yes we need some Sheppy and we need some good Sheppy whump!!!!


              Originally posted by caty View Post
              Hello everybody

              Just a question that jumped into my mind reading your posts...

              Do you know the numbers by heart, or do you have to check them?
              Know mine by heart. I just remember things like that. I don't try to, they just stay in my head for some reason!
              Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
              I agree GG, I'm not super excited now but I'll still go into it with an open mind. If the OC's are well done and all, it can at least be enjoyable if not squeeaable, right?

              I don't think I'd voice anything in the author's thread but I'll hope for something yummy in the future. I know Martha Wells is a shep writer so there's that to look forward to. Seeing how there isn't any info on their website though, I'm guessing it'll be a while. Darn it.

              The secret santa fics have me excited, definitely.

              I wasn't sure about mine, and I'm not sure how it'll be received in the end, but I think it's easily a favorite for me. I really love how it turned out. Normally I hate my stories when I'm done LOL, so I don't know what that means about this one, but we'll see!
              Icarus is wonderful. It would make a fantastic episode. A really good and original story with added whump, what more could a girl ask for?

              Originally posted by Salty View Post
              If they do, you MUST submit! Or I'll do it for you
              Or I will!

              Originally posted by sherryw View Post
              I do recall a fic with Sheppard sharing a labor with a woman (actually feeling the pain). That story was great! I have to see if I can find it again. Unless one of you fab writers here wrote it. Then you will have to give me the title so I don't have to go searching for it.
              That was IWTB and Merlin's ficcie, Not The Daddy. A really wonderful story!!! I felt the pain too!!


                Originally posted by SLC View Post
                You are right, 38 Minutes is awesome because we get whumped 'hot gorgeous' Shep throughout!!! Maybe we will get another like that in s4!

                Oh me too!!!!!!!!!!!!

                I agree they are so much better.

                Yes we need some Sheppy and we need some good Sheppy whump!!!!
                Mornin' SLC! How are you today?


                  Wow! Some of you are re-reading Exo already? I haven't even started it yet!!


                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    Mornin' SLC! How are you today?
                    I am good!!! Got a busy day today -going out to lunch - then to get some last minute shopping and then to the hairdressers for probably 3 hours!!!

                    Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                    Wow! Some of you are re-reading Exo already? I haven't even started it yet!!

                    I am only on the 4th Chapter - I havent had that much time to read it!


                      Originally posted by SLC View Post
                      I am good!!! Got a busy day today -going out to lunch - then to get some last minute shopping and then to the hairdressers for probably 3 hours!!!

                      I am only on the 4th Chapter - I havent had that much time to read it!
                      You will be busy! I'll miss seeing you around, though having your hair done sounds wonderfully relaxing!

                      I'm a really quick and careless reader, hence the need to re-read!!


                        Originally posted by SLC View Post
                        I am good!!! Got a busy day today -going out to lunch - then to get some last minute shopping and then to the hairdressers for probably 3 hours!!!

                        I am only on the 4th Chapter - I havent had that much time to read it!
                        Mornin' SLC! can take it to the hairdressers to read! If you're going to be there 3 hours!!

                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        You will be busy! I'll miss seeing you around, though having your hair done sounds wonderfully relaxing!

                        I'm a really quick and careless reader, hence the need to re-read!!
                        ...and Mornin' Linzi! I've got 3 books on the go at the mo'!! I really like to finish one before I start another but I'm not doing so well on that this time round. Think I'll drop them and start on Exo instead!!

                        I love your posts over in the episode thread Linzi! You're so good at debating. Wish I could do that.


                          Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                          Mornin' SLC! can take it to the hairdressers to read! If you're going to be there 3 hours!!

                          ...and Mornin' Linzi! I've got 3 books on the go at the mo'!! I really like to finish one before I start another but I'm not doing so well on that this time round. Think I'll drop them and start on Exo instead!!

                          I love your posts over in the episode thread Linzi! You're so good at debating. Wish I could do that.

                          Thanks, Eli, but I'm actually far too emotional to be good at debating! I do enjoy discussing things with those of different opinions though. However, I can ramble on a fair bit, as you've probably noticed!!!
                          I'm one of those people who start a book and have to finish it - yesterday! Very impatient by nature. I think my impatience ruins books sometimes, because I don't savour them as I should. I admire you for having three books on the go at once. Don't you get the stories mixed up sometimes and forget which you're reading? That happens to me with fanfic quite frequently!


                            Good morning!

                            I'm only poppin in to say hi, I have some more Christmas shopping to do *choke* and go to work later while other people will annoy me doing Christmas shopping..
                            Why do they have to do it the last minute???
                            *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              You will be busy! I'll miss seeing you around, though having your hair done sounds wonderfully relaxing!

                              I'm a really quick and careless reader, hence the need to re-read!!
                              Well I was going to leave it until nearer to P2 - but to be honest those grey hairs are showing - so it is probably a good idea that I am going today!

                              Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                              Mornin' SLC! can take it to the hairdressers to read! If you're going to be there 3 hours!!
                              Now that is a good idea!

                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              Thanks, Eli, but I'm actually far too emotional to be good at debating! I do enjoy discussing things with those of different opinions though. However, I can ramble on a fair bit, as you've probably noticed!!!
                              You are doing a great job!


                                hey SLC looking forward to shepmas?

                                I'm not dead. Yet.

