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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    Stop teasing us and post it!
    I did post a link...



      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      And DAYUM it was a good fic too!

      In terms of style/accuracy etc your fic needs very little work at all... my only real job as your beta is to tidy up your grammar!
      And my scatter gun approach to punctuation.

      Truth be told you make me lazy because I know you'll correct it anyway.


        Originally posted by Josie View Post
        And my scatter gun approach to punctuation.

        Truth be told you make me lazy because I know you'll correct it anyway.
        Well now that's hardly the proper attitude, young lady! You'll never learn anything that way!


          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          Me too!
          I'm particularly looking forward to Sunday, well TPTB have said it's the best SGA ever, and The Ark, Submersion (both Ken C episodes, so, damn it, they should be great!) and of course, Vengeance, which really has got my attention since recent spoilers have become known! And as for First Strike.Is it November 20th yet?
          You know what has me slightly worried?? Thinking rationally (which is very hard for me ), not all episodes written by Ken C can have whumped Sheppy in it..

          He does it so well, though...
          *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


            Originally posted by caty View Post
            You know what has me slightly worried?? Thinking rationally (which is very hard for me ), not all episodes written by Ken C can have whumped Sheppy in it..

            He does it so well, though...
            And why not?!! Who says so, eh?!! Eh?!!!


              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              And why not?!! Who says so, eh?!! Eh?!!!
              Well, teh rational side of my brain if you know what I mean

              Josie, I'm glad you're back! Missed ya!
              *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                Thanks caty

                Whether there's whump or not Ken C seems to have been a good addition to the writers room, here's hoping CG wasn't a fluke.


                  I have just made a decision...well two actually...

                  1. Tommorow at some point I am going to buy an Atlantis DVD...haven't decided which one yet could be any or all of the..
                  2. To put heaps (well as much as can be considered canon) of backstory in my Memory Loss fic...

                  Hmm....need a whump pic....

                  Technically not whump but still.....


                    Welcome back, Josie! I'm glad you're feeling a little better. Sorry about your pre-birthday blues. Consider your arse well and truly kicked, lol !!!!
                    I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the last 3 eppies of the first half of season 3.
                    M&MM, I particularly agree with you there.
                    Rod wasn't convincing at all, and didn't work, IMO. Don't know whether it was the writing, or DH's performance there, but Rod just seemed superfluous to me.
                    Phantoms, I agree was excellent.
                    I really liked the Return though. Goodness knows what's happened to the wonderful RDA. Botox, face lift? Something was definitely not quite right, I agree. Very sad. Let's hope the Return II sees him returning to form a little more.


                      Originally posted by Josie View Post

                      M&MM I really wasn't that fussed about, there was good stuff there but on the whole it left me feeling a bit "meh". Rod was annoying and it all felt a bit too false, having said that I really liked Kate Hewlett I think I'd actually have preferred this episode if it had concentrated on McKay and Jeannie and left out the whole Rod thing. Hope we get to see her again.

                      Phantoms I really liked, the direction was really good and built up the tension nicely, and it gave Joe and Paul the chance to do something different acting wise. It was nice seeing Sheppard being something other than the in control figure we're used to. Okay so we didn't learn anything new about Shep but I still think it did a good job of portraying him as the character we all fell in love with in the first place.

                      The Return
                      was also very good but felt incredibly rushed they really could have made a three parter out of this and had a whole episode take place back on Earth, it would have made the passage of time seem more real and they could have had the first episode explain more about the Ancients reasons for their actions it all felt a little too contrived at times.

                      Also as a three parter they could have played the emotional/angsty elements even more, show how much Atlantis and the "team" means to them all, although I enjoyed it I feel it was a bit of a missed opportunity.

                      Also RDA just doesn't seem "right" anymore, he seems really wooden - actually rather more plastic, I found myself wondering if he'd been at the botox.

                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      Welcome back, Josie! I'm glad you're feeling a little better. Sorry about your pre-birthday blues. Consider your arse well and truly kicked, lol !!!!
                      I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the last 3 eppies of the first half of season 3.
                      M&MM, I particularly agree with you there.
                      Rod wasn't convincing at all, and didn't work, IMO. Don't know whether it was the writing, or DH's performance there, but Rod just seemed superfluous to me.
                      Phantoms, I agree was excellent.
                      I really liked the Return though. Goodness knows what's happened to the wonderful RDA. Botox, face lift? Something was definitely not quite right, I agree. Very sad. Let's hope the Return II sees him returning to form a little more.
                      Yeah I agree with a lot of the thoughts there:

                      The more I watch M&MM, the more unconvincing I find Rod. I think the storyline would definitelty have been a lot better focusing on the excellently portrayed Rodney/Jeannie relationship (and have the required element of danger coming from the experiment still) without the need to add Rod in there.

                      And RDA was definitely just not..... good. He came across as very stilted and not even amusing as he used to be... why, I couldn't say but it was a sad thing to see....


                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        Yeah I agree with a lot of the thoughts there:

                        The more I watch M&MM, the more unconvincing I find Rod. I think the storyline would definitelty have been a lot better focusing on the excellently portrayed Rodney/Jeannie relationship (and have the required element of danger coming from the experiment still) without the need to add Rod in there.

                        And RDA was definitely just not..... good. He came across as very stilted and not even amusing as he used to be... why, I couldn't say but it was a sad thing to see....
                        I meant to say that in the interview with DH in Starburst, he said Vengeance was filmed before First Strike. So First Strike was the last episode filmed this season. Don't know if that helps with any of the Carson rumours or not!!!!


                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          I meant to say that in the interview with DH in Starburst, he said Vengeance was filmed before First Strike. So First Strike was the last episode filmed this season. Don't know if that helps with any of the Carson rumours or not!!!!
                          I had a quick flick through that interview in Borders on Saturday and it looked good... I thought about buying the mag but it was £10!!!!


                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            I had a quick flick through that interview in Borders on Saturday and it looked good... I thought about buying the mag but it was £10!!!!
                            I know! It wasn't cheap, but I had an hour and a half in the car to kill, while waiting for my little one to do ballet, so I thought it was £10 well spent. I'd offer to scan the articles, but I know the text won't be legible!


                              Linzi, check your email. I've got five more minutes of free time LOL, I changed the ending...*pulls hair*...(and technically, it being a whump fic, I'm barely on topic...guess that needs a pic then, eh!)



                                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                                Me too!
                                I'm particularly looking forward to Sunday, well TPTB have said it's the best SGA ever, and The Ark, Submersion (both Ken C episodes, so, damn it, they should be great!) and of course, Vengeance, which really has got my attention since recent spoilers have become known! And as for First Strike.Is it November 20th yet?
                                Hmmm. I hope it lives up to the hype. The last time TPTB seemed to be 'excited' about an episode was for The Real World and that was the most boring thing ever!

