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John Sheppard Whump

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    Hi all! *waves madly*

    Congradulations to all the milestoners!

    I've missed being in here and talking to you all! The darn shutdown didn't even effect me because I've been to busy to come on. Didn't even know it was happening until the one chance I did get to hop on was, naturally, right in the middle of it! How is everyone? Pass on a hello to O1, Roo! Tell her we definitely won't forget her. I hope all's going well with the new flat.
    My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
      There are four of us that I know of that are going. SGAFAn and I think Bling are the veterans and WannaBe and myself are newbies. Personally, I'm going just for the fun of it and too finally meet many of wonderful people that I've been chatting with.

      If JF is there, well, that's just icing on the cake... long johns!!!
      Joe really needs to get himself to the cons where Jason is appearing because Jason is stealing all the fangirls. *fell in love with Jason in Chicago* That and I really want to see Joe's face when Jason calls him 'Grandpa Joe'.


        Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
        Hi all! *waves madly*

        Congradulations to all the milestoners!

        I've missed being in here and talking to you all! The darn shutdown didn't even effect me because I've been to busy to come on. Didn't even know it was happening until the one chance I did get to hop on was, naturally, right in the middle of it! How is everyone? Pass on a hello to O1, Roo! Tell her we definitely won't forget her. I hope all's going well with the new flat.
        *waves madly* back at ya!! How ya been?


          Originally posted by blingaway View Post
          Joe really needs to get himself to the cons where Jason is appearing because Jason is stealing all the fangirls. *fell in love with Jason in Chicago* That and I really want to see Joe's face when Jason calls him 'Grandpa Joe'.
          I would so love to see Joe and Jason together. That would be a hoot!!

          What's with the "Grandpa Joe" reference???
          Last edited by Gate Geek; 12 October 2006, 05:17 PM. Reason: punctuation correction


            Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
            Hi all! *waves madly*
            Pass on a hello to O1, Roo! Tell her we definitely won't forget her. I hope all's going well with the new flat.
            Will do lauriel!! as i said in my other post before shes stressed cos of the job factor and having no net....but shes very pleased with her flat, and it has an extra bedroom for me to go and stay soon lol!!

            ahh im so glad the forum is back now...missed all my fellow whumpers!!



              Whump pix time!! I need somethnig to amuse myself. It's gone all quiet.

              Hm...I think I'll go with a wraith theme.....



                Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                I would so love to see Joe and Jason together. That would be a hoot!!

                What's with the "Grandpa Joe" reference???
                Jason said that in Chicago. It was a just a bit of talking smack about who's better at skateboarding. It would be a total delight to have them together at a con; it sounds like they're really good friends.


                  Originally posted by blingaway View Post
                  Jason said that in Chicago. It was a just a bit of talking smack about who's better at skateboarding. It would be a total delight to have them together at a con; it sounds like they're really good friends.
                  Well maybe they should have a skate off at Vancouver and let us fans be the judge of who is better...... SQUEE!!!


                    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                    *waves madly* back at ya!! How ya been?
                    Been good, just busy! Pleased to say my brother is out of hospital without having to undergo surgery. (YAY!!) He's pretty sore and has to wear a back brace for a while. He ended up with hairline fractures to some of his lumbar vertebrae, but no other damage, thank goodness.

                    Originally posted by Blingaway
                    Joe really needs to get himself to the cons where Jason is appearing because Jason is stealing all the fangirls. *fell in love with Jason in Chicago* That and I really want to see Joe's face when Jason calls him 'Grandpa Joe'
                    Grandpa Joe! LOL! I'd love to see those two together as well. They always seem to have fun, and that's infectious. Then again, I'd love to see any of them. together or not.
                    My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                      Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                      Been good, just busy! Pleased to say my brother is out of hospital without having to undergo surgery. (YAY!!) He's pretty sore and has to wear a back brace for a while. He ended up with hairline fractures to some of his lumbar vertebrae, but no other damage, thank goodness.
                      Hey lauriel...glad to hear your brother will be ok!!!!! bet thats a major relief for you!!



                        Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                        Been good, just busy! Pleased to say my brother is out of hospital without having to undergo surgery. (YAY!!) He's pretty sore and has to wear a back brace for a while. He ended up with hairline fractures to some of his lumbar vertebrae, but no other damage, thank goodness.
                        Very good to hear! Yes, you can get through with hairline fractures in the back, fortunately. Done it myself. Hurts like a bear for, geez, I can't recall how long, though...


                          Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                          Been good, just busy! Pleased to say my brother is out of hospital without having to undergo surgery. (YAY!!) He's pretty sore and has to wear a back brace for a while. He ended up with hairline fractures to some of his lumbar vertebrae, but no other damage, thank goodness.
                          SQUEE!!! Lauriel that's very good news about your brother!! I fractured some lumbar vertebrae in high school. Nearly 20 years later, I still have no lingering effects from that. I sure hope the same for your brother!!! *does happy dance for you*


                            Fantastic news about your brother Lauriel! I had a hairline fracture in L5 twenty years ago and aside from having to be careful that first year after, it settled its issues on its own. *sends good healing vibes*


                              Originally posted by prion View Post
                              Very good to hear! Yes, you can get through with hairline fractures in the back, fortunately. Done it myself. Hurts like a bear for, geez, I can't recall how long, though...
                              Poor you! I hope it's all better now though? Yes, it was a relief. He can put up with being sore for a while, I'm sure. It's a much better outcome than many of the alternatives. And thank God he fell off the first floor balcony, not the second floor balcony that's off his bedroom.
                              My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                                Criminy! How many of us have been whumped in the back?!

