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John Sheppard Whump

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    Aww, you're so cruel to your clone, Ali.


      Originally posted by Addie
      Hey Lauriel, my best wishes for your brother. I'm relieved to read that he is getting better a bit^^. I hope for you and your family that the specialist will have good news for your brother .
      Couldn't agree more!

      *tries to catch up....again...*

      mutters something about always playing catch up...

      (((HUGS))) Lauriel!!
      My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


        Originally posted by Linzi
        Sure. 'Buzz' by Stealth Dragon:
        She also wrote a follow up called:
        SQUEE!!! Thanks hon! More stuff to read. *bouncy bouncy*


          Originally posted by wraithkeeper
          Yes, he is a bad boy in CSI Miami and he does such a good job playing the part. He kind of creeped me out during some of the scenes. *shivers*

          He gets whumped in a few scenes of Thoughtcrimes so I rec seeing that too.
          Hmm.. yes, Mike Sheridan is a bad boy (but still so sexy, which is scary! LOL)

          Oh, btw: Ali Loved the story! I left ya a review

          *hunts for other stories she's missed...*
          My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


            Originally posted by prion
            Oh puhlease....some of us would at least hell "Hemostat! IV ringers stat!" After all, don't want the poor man dead, do we? (well, not unless we can revive him, then it's what? "400 jules! charge!") hahahahaha!


            Well to my thinking that would fall under the 'other whump paraphenelia'. Besides, I don't do the medical stuff. I only specialize in blood letting devices.


              Originally posted by Alipeeps
              I'm bored so I wrote you a drabble:

              Teyla pirouetted with a natural grace that he simply couldn’t match, couldn’t keep up with, and her stick slipped past his guard and met his flesh with a resounding thwack. The impact surprised him, sharp, unexpected pain stabbing through his side, and he couldn’t hold back a pained grunt as his legs wobbled and he hit the ground, hard, the air rushing from his lungs in an involuntary “oof” as he sprawled on his back on the gym floor. For a moment he struggled to pull in air and dark spots danced across his vision.

              “Colonel? Are you okay?” Concern tightened Teyla’s usually smooth, calm voice.

              He sucked in air and grimaced as pain flared again in his side, hot and angry.

              “I’m good,” he managed. “Just a little winded.”

              His view of the ceiling was blocked by Teyla’s concerned face, her loose hair swinging forward as she leaned over him, peering down at him dubiously. “My apologies, Colonel. I did not think that my blow landed that hard..”

              “No, no. It’s fine. Just… just took me by surprise.” His was surprised to find his voice a little shaky and Teyla’s expression hardened into suspicion.


              “I’m fine. Just gimme a minute…” He took a deep breath, gritting his teeth against the stab of pain that caused, and got his hands under him, pushing upwards to a sitting position. He got about half way before a sharp pain spasmed his muscles, making him cringe over to favour his injured side, his arms giving and landing him back on the floor with a cry of pain.

              “John?!” Teyla was worried now, dropping to crouch on the floor beside him, her sticks clattering forgotten to the floor.

              He struggled for breath, pain flaring and throbbing in his side, his body tensed and curled against the pain. He breathed a shaky curse as the pain slowly settled.

              Teyla was hovering over him, a frown on her face, and her voice was stern as she scolded him, “This is not just “winded”, John. You are injured?”

              He grimaced, feeling ridiculously helpless laid out on the gym floor. “I dunno. It was fine before…”

              Teyla’s expression was rapidly evolving into the familiar look of frustration that he usually saw on Carson’s face. Her tone was brisk, no nonsense, her gaze running over his body, taking in his tense posture, assessing his condition with a practised eye. “What was fine before? Your side?”

              She read the answer in his eyes and, before he could protest, was pushing up his ubiquitous black t-shirt, a hand on his chest holding him in place as she pulled the fabric aside. He saw the expression of surprise cross her face as she exposed the ugly purpling bruise spread across his ribs. He couldn’t help a wince of pain as she ran a probing hand across the tender flesh.

              “The bruising is deep. How long have you had this?”

              “Unnnh. A few days.” He shifted uncomfortably as she continued to examine the injury. “It really didn’t seem that bad…”

              She looked up in surprise, cutting off his excuse. “A few days? Since PH5-A4G?”

              He tried for a careless grin, pain shortening his breath. “Yeah. That little tumble we took?” It had been a stupid mistake; an unlucky step by Rodney onto uneven ground, gravel slipping and giving way under his boot. Sheppard had reacted instinctively, reaching out the grab the falling scientist, but they’d been on a steep slope and McKay’s momentum had pulled Sheppard along with him, his balance failing him as McKay had slid down the slope, tumbling Sheppard from his feet and slamming him into the ground. He’d managed to keep hold of McKay’s tac vest and wrap his other arm around a passing bush and had abruptly halted their slide. He’d felt a bit bruised and achy as Ronon and Teyla had helped them clamber back up to solid ground but nothing worth bothering about. The lingering tenderness hadn’t bothered him and it was only two days later that he’d caught sight of himself in the bathroom mirror and been surprised to find the darkening bruise.

              Teyla frowned as she pulled his t-shirt back into place. “You should have said something, John.” Her tone of voice was as stern as her expression and she held his gaze pointedly as she lectured him. “I would not have agreed to train with you, had you told me you were injured.”

              “I wasn’t! I…” He faltered as she gave him an exasperated look.

              “Really, Teyla,” he tried again, “it didn’t feel that bad..”

              She shook her head, “Nonetheless..”

              She rose fluidly to her feet, leaving him sprawled on the floor as she strode to her kit bag and rummaged for a radio. Guessing what was coming, John gritted his teeth and, with a muffled groan, rolled himself over onto his left side.

              “Carson? This is Teyla..”

              Panting for breath as pain spiked across his ribcage, John planted his hands on the gym floor and, on shaky arms, pushed himself up onto his hands and knees. He couldn’t help a low moan of pain as his ribs throbbed and protested the movement.

              “John? What are you doing?!”

              He couldn’t answer, letting his head hang for a moment as his limbs trembled under him, breathing in short, shallow pants. There was a rustle of fabric and Teyla was kneeling next to him, her hand on his back, her touch warm through the fabric of his t-shirt.

              “John, let me get Carson to help you..”

              “No,” he gritted out painfully. “I’m good. Just help me up..”

              “You are in pain..”

              He shook his head stubbornly. “Carson’ll just fuss and send a gurney. I can walk.”

              “Teyla? This is Carson. Did you want me for something, love?”

              Teyla hesitated for a moment and John lifted his head to meet her worried gaze, his expression pleading. She frowned, her reluctance evident, but with a sigh, she slipped her shoulder under his, a hiss of pain escaping him as she slung his arm across her shoulders.

              She rose slowly, smoothly, bearing his weight as he shakily got his legs under him. She waited until he was steady, his teeth gritted against the pain, sweat beading on his brow, before leading him a hesitant step forward. The movement pulled at his tender flesh and he breathed slowly and steadily, pushing through the pain. One more step. And another. He could do this.


              “Carson. I am bringing Colonel Sheppard to the infirmary.”

              OOO SQUEAAA that was awesome

              "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
              ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
              Card designed by Falcon Horus


                Originally posted by Alipeeps
                Well I'm gonna have a go at doing it in a month... See the NaNoWriMo link in my sig for details....
                OMG you are doing that! so cool!
                i was thinking about it but i'm such slow writier i doubt i could ever do it

                "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                Card designed by Falcon Horus


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps
                  I'm bored so I wrote you a drabble:

                  Teyla pirouetted with a natural grace that he simply couldn’t match, couldn’t keep up with, and her stick slipped past his guard and met his flesh with a resounding thwack. The impact surprised him, sharp, unexpected pain stabbing through his side, and he couldn’t hold back a pained grunt as his legs wobbled and he hit the ground, hard, the air rushing from his lungs in an involuntary “oof” as he sprawled on his back on the gym floor. For a moment he struggled to pull in air and dark spots danced across his vision.

                  “Colonel? Are you okay?” Concern tightened Teyla’s usually smooth, calm voice.

                  He sucked in air and grimaced as pain flared again in his side, hot and angry.

                  “I’m good,” he managed. “Just a little winded.”

                  His view of the ceiling was blocked by Teyla’s concerned face, her loose hair swinging forward as she leaned over him, peering down at him dubiously. “My apologies, Colonel. I did not think that my blow landed that hard..”

                  “No, no. It’s fine. Just… just took me by surprise.” His was surprised to find his voice a little shaky and Teyla’s expression hardened into suspicion.


                  “I’m fine. Just gimme a minute…” He took a deep breath, gritting his teeth against the stab of pain that caused, and got his hands under him, pushing upwards to a sitting position. He got about half way before a sharp pain spasmed his muscles, making him cringe over to favour his injured side, his arms giving and landing him back on the floor with a cry of pain.

                  “John?!” Teyla was worried now, dropping to crouch on the floor beside him, her sticks clattering forgotten to the floor.

                  He struggled for breath, pain flaring and throbbing in his side, his body tensed and curled against the pain. He breathed a shaky curse as the pain slowly settled.

                  Teyla was hovering over him, a frown on her face, and her voice was stern as she scolded him, “This is not just “winded”, John. You are injured?”

                  He grimaced, feeling ridiculously helpless laid out on the gym floor. “I dunno. It was fine before…”

                  Teyla’s expression was rapidly evolving into the familiar look of frustration that he usually saw on Carson’s face. Her tone was brisk, no nonsense, her gaze running over his body, taking in his tense posture, assessing his condition with a practised eye. “What was fine before? Your side?”

                  She read the answer in his eyes and, before he could protest, was pushing up his ubiquitous black t-shirt, a hand on his chest holding him in place as she pulled the fabric aside. He saw the expression of surprise cross her face as she exposed the ugly purpling bruise spread across his ribs. He couldn’t help a wince of pain as she ran a probing hand across the tender flesh.

                  “The bruising is deep. How long have you had this?”

                  “Unnnh. A few days.” He shifted uncomfortably as she continued to examine the injury. “It really didn’t seem that bad…”

                  She looked up in surprise, cutting off his excuse. “A few days? Since PH5-A4G?”

                  He tried for a careless grin, pain shortening his breath. “Yeah. That little tumble we took?” It had been a stupid mistake; an unlucky step by Rodney onto uneven ground, gravel slipping and giving way under his boot. Sheppard had reacted instinctively, reaching out the grab the falling scientist, but they’d been on a steep slope and McKay’s momentum had pulled Sheppard along with him, his balance failing him as McKay had slid down the slope, tumbling Sheppard from his feet and slamming him into the ground. He’d managed to keep hold of McKay’s tac vest and wrap his other arm around a passing bush and had abruptly halted their slide. He’d felt a bit bruised and achy as Ronon and Teyla had helped them clamber back up to solid ground but nothing worth bothering about. The lingering tenderness hadn’t bothered him and it was only two days later that he’d caught sight of himself in the bathroom mirror and been surprised to find the darkening bruise.

                  Teyla frowned as she pulled his t-shirt back into place. “You should have said something, John.” Her tone of voice was as stern as her expression and she held his gaze pointedly as she lectured him. “I would not have agreed to train with you, had you told me you were injured.”

                  “I wasn’t! I…” He faltered as she gave him an exasperated look.

                  “Really, Teyla,” he tried again, “it didn’t feel that bad..”

                  She shook her head, “Nonetheless..”

                  She rose fluidly to her feet, leaving him sprawled on the floor as she strode to her kit bag and rummaged for a radio. Guessing what was coming, John gritted his teeth and, with a muffled groan, rolled himself over onto his left side.

                  “Carson? This is Teyla..”

                  Panting for breath as pain spiked across his ribcage, John planted his hands on the gym floor and, on shaky arms, pushed himself up onto his hands and knees. He couldn’t help a low moan of pain as his ribs throbbed and protested the movement.

                  “John? What are you doing?!”

                  He couldn’t answer, letting his head hang for a moment as his limbs trembled under him, breathing in short, shallow pants. There was a rustle of fabric and Teyla was kneeling next to him, her hand on his back, her touch warm through the fabric of his t-shirt.

                  “John, let me get Carson to help you..”

                  “No,” he gritted out painfully. “I’m good. Just help me up..”

                  “You are in pain..”

                  He shook his head stubbornly. “Carson’ll just fuss and send a gurney. I can walk.”

                  “Teyla? This is Carson. Did you want me for something, love?”

                  Teyla hesitated for a moment and John lifted his head to meet her worried gaze, his expression pleading. She frowned, her reluctance evident, but with a sigh, she slipped her shoulder under his, a hiss of pain escaping him as she slung his arm across her shoulders.

                  She rose slowly, smoothly, bearing his weight as he shakily got his legs under him. She waited until he was steady, his teeth gritted against the pain, sweat beading on his brow, before leading him a hesitant step forward. The movement pulled at his tender flesh and he breathed slowly and steadily, pushing through the pain. One more step. And another. He could do this.


                  “Carson. I am bringing Colonel Sheppard to the infirmary.”
                  *applause* Wonderful! somehow I think that's more than a drabble though...

                  But, who's complaining?! *G*
                  My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                    can you guys help me...i have a fic question...

                    why do you think it is that Jack can get away with disobeying orders and sheppy can't?

                    "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                    ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                    Card designed by Falcon Horus


                      I think Jack is just the type that talks back and speaks his mind, but doesn't necessarily disobey orders. We never really found out, I don't think, if Jack ever really actually disobeyed an order. Shep certainly does have black marks on his record, though, where he willfully disobeyed direct orders to leave his friends behind and simply didn't listen.


                        Wow... I finally got in to the forum... it was acting wacky all day yesterday..

                        So ummmm lets see... Congrats to all the milestoners out there if any

                        Shep Whump.... gaaaah do we have to really wait till the new year for new eps... I know Canada gets them soon... but I like watching the eps and getting the feel for our Shep

                        By Kidwizz

                        By JessM


                          Had to add.... OMG blue Shep... I love blue Shep

                          By Kidwizz

                          By JessM


                            Originally posted by Jersey13
                            I think Jack is just the type that talks back and speaks his mind, but doesn't necessarily disobey orders. We never really found out, I don't think, if Jack ever really actually disobeyed an order. Shep certainly does have black marks on his record, though, where he willfully disobeyed direct orders to leave his friends behind and simply didn't listen.
                            thanks jersey... i'm afraid i'm struggling writing jack and i wasn't sure if he actually ever did not follow orders or if he just hedged the line sometimes

                            "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                            ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                            Card designed by Falcon Horus


                              Originally posted by gravelgerdie

                              Shep Whump.... gaaaah do we have to really wait till the new year for new eps... I know Canada gets them soon... but I like watching the eps and getting the feel for our Shep
                              I promise to do my best reporting back with spoilers

                              "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                              ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                              Card designed by Falcon Horus


                                Originally posted by parisindy
                                can you guys help me...i have a fic question...

                                why do you think it is that Jack can get away with disobeying orders and sheppy can't?
                                That my friend, is a good question.


                                I don't think Jack really gets away with disobeying orders. It's just not good practice for any military organization/program - even if its a secret one. Maybe Jack's record didn't have any hair raising comments that would make his superiors question his ability as much as Shep does. So there seemed no reason to ride Jack or make him tow the line as hard as they do Sheppard.

                                Ach...I have no idea. It will be fun to see what others come up with as an explanation.

