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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by parisindy
    Hola all!
    Hey, Paris! I have been popping in and out as I write. Glad to see someone else drop in! The echo in here was quite disturbing!


      Originally posted by Lorr
      Hey, Paris! I have been popping in and out as I write. Glad to see someone else drop in! The echo in here was quite disturbing!
      I know! i wonder why its so quiet?

      "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
      ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
      Card designed by Falcon Horus


        Congrats O1 and GG on your milestones!

        Josie - hope you feel a bit better today sweetie!

        You've all been making me laugh over the last few Shep isn't allowed to come home through the gate unless he's well and truly whumped!!

        Have you all noticed the number of hits this thread is receiving? It's now the 3rd most popular of the Atlantis character threads...behind Shep/Weir and Shep Thunk! Our boy's popular...that's for sure!



          Originally posted by Alipeeps
          Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah *sighs happily*

          Done it. Chapter 5 of Infirmary Blues is posted...


          Well FF isnt working for me- but I cant wait to read your fic Ali!


            Morning everybody!

            congrats to the milestoners
            I'm a little late, I know

            Ali, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but there are only 4 chapters of Infirmary blues on FFnet!!!
            Josie, I hope that you'll soon get better

            some morning whump


              Originally posted by SLC

              Well FF isnt working for me- but I cant wait to read your fic Ali!
              I've loaded it up to my LJ - here

              Previous chapters are on there too...


                Originally posted by Alipeeps
                I've loaded it up to my LJ - here

                Previous chapters are on there too...
                thanks for posting it Ali! Going to read right away.


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps
                  I've loaded it up to my LJ - here

                  Previous chapters are on there too...

                  Yay!!! Thank you very much Ali!!!!!!!


                    Quick question for those who frequent the Sheppard HC LJ.... is anyone else no longer seeing the pretty graphics etc that were put in place when the com was set up? When I view the page now it seems to have defaulted back to a plain, standard setting with no nice pictures etc.

                    Is it just me?


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps
                      Quick question for those who frequent the Sheppard HC LJ.... is anyone else no longer seeing the pretty graphics etc that were put in place when the com was set up? When I view the page now it seems to have defaulted back to a plain, standard setting with no nice pictures etc.

                      Is it just me?
                      No, it's not just you! What happened?


                        Ratings are in for anyone who's interested. Return pt 1 earned another 1.6. So obviously RDA didn't make any difference here. Interestingly SG1 got a 1.7 for their episode.


                          Originally posted by Linzi
                          No, it's not just you! What happened?
                          I can only assume that it's something to do with the account... it happened breifly with another com I frequent so maybe the special functions like pretty graphics etc expire or something after a certain amount of time and need to be renewed now and then. The com was set up by Beanie wasn't it so I don't know if anyone else can reinstate the graphics etc?


                            Originally posted by Alipeeps
                            I can only assume that it's something to do with the account... it happened breifly with another com I frequent so maybe the special functions like pretty graphics etc expire or something after a certain amount of time and need to be renewed now and then. The com was set up by Beanie wasn't it so I don't know if anyone else can reinstate the graphics etc?
                            Oh what a shame. It was so pretty!


                              Originally posted by Alipeeps
                              I've loaded it up to my LJ - here

                              Previous chapters are on there too...
                              Stupid STILL isn't allowing me to see your new chapter!!!!! Off to lj then!!!


                                Originally posted by Linzi
                                Stupid STILL isn't allowing me to see your new chapter!!!!! Off to lj then!!!
                                *sigh* FFnet really is being odd of late. It's definitely working for some people as I've had reviews overnight.... Freaky.

