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John Sheppard Whump

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    Heeeeyyy, don't look at me LOL, keep those puppy dog eyes for Sheppard.

    As for me, I'm sitting here starting to doze and my laptop needs a reboot after all that graphics stuff anyway so I'm going to take the hint and go to bed before hubby sends a search party after me.

    Good night!!!


      Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
      *grin* Linzi! Well, seeing how he covered his mouth and made gagging noises when he saw hubby kiss me last night, I'd say he's got a ways off thankfully.
      Lol! My kids do that too. In fact my youngest one keeps saying 'you won't be kissing when you get the bill for my therapy' She's only ten, so I think the older ones may have influenced her just a little...


        Argh! My 'puter threw a hissy fit and threw me out of everything! I was halfway through formating a fic for LJ and I had to start again. Hmph. At least a reboot fixed it I suppose.

        Great fics, IWTB! I read them both, and both of them were fantastic!
        And if you've got a long weekend, doesnt' that mean more time to finish off the next part? *bats eyes innocently*
        My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


          Originally posted by Josie
          So what do you guys think of the spoilers for episode 18 Submersion?

          It all seems a little odd to me.

          "The team search for an alternative to Z.P.M.s, but when they are under water in a Jumper, it breaks down. A visitor is quite shocking."

          "A visitor is quite shocking"? What the hell does that mean, it sounds like a quote from a 1940's BBC announcer. But being stuck in a jumper under water, the writers may not make that whumpy but we sure can.
          LOL at the bolded bit...It does, doesn't it? I liked your spoilers as well Prion...I nearly bought it for a moment!!

          Congrats Ali and Linzi on your wedding anniversaries!!

          IWTB - your boy is lovely...thanks for sharing the pics!

          Everyone - sorry I haven't read any of your fics. I've got a job just keeping up with this thread at the mo'!!


            Originally posted by Elinor
            LOL at the bolded bit...It does, doesn't it? I liked your spoilers as well Prion...I nearly bought it for a moment!!

            Congrats Ali and Linzi on your wedding anniversaries!!

            IWTB - your boy is lovely...thanks for sharing the pics!

            Everyone - sorry I haven't read any of your fics. I've got a job just keeping up with this thread at the mo'!!

            I nearly bought Prion's too! When I was half way through reading Prion's spoilers, I suddenly caught on! Boy, was I disappointed!!!!!!! I want an eppie just like that!!! NOW!!!!!
            Josie's comment in bold made me snicker too! Are these spoilers translated from another language? As sometimes they seem to be English that's been literally translated and doesn't always quite make sense!


              Originally posted by Lauriel
              Argh! My 'puter threw a hissy fit and threw me out of everything! I was halfway through formating a fic for LJ and I had to start again. Hmph. At least a reboot fixed it I suppose.

              Great fics, IWTB! I read them both, and both of them were fantastic!
              And if you've got a long weekend, doesnt' that mean more time to finish off the next part? *bats eyes innocently*
              How frustrating. Silly computer! Give it a good kick. Hugs to you!


                Hi Linzi!

                Consider my computer kicked and myself hugged. Thanks.

                Format problems conquered as well! So here is my fic:


                It's posted in 2 parts, but the second on follows straight on, so if you're still interested at that point, just click over to the next page.
                My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                  Originally posted by Linzi
                  I nearly bought Prion's too! When I was half way through reading Prion's spoilers, I suddenly caught on! Boy, was I disappointed!!!!!!! I want an eppie just like that!!! NOW!!!!!
                  Hi Linzi! Oooh me too!! Now I wonder if they'll be an opportunity for
                  in this episode! We was robbed of that in GUP!! ROBBEDDDD!!

                  Josie's comment in bold made me snicker too! Are these spoilers translated from another language? As sometimes they seem to be English that's been literally translated and doesn't always quite make sense!
                  I think they might be from a German it called spoilerfix or something? Not to sure!


                    Originally posted by Elinor
                    Hi Linzi! Oooh me too!! Now I wonder if they'll be an opportunity for
                    in this episode! We was robbed of that in GUP!! ROBBEDDDD!!

                    I think they might be from a German it called spoilerfix or something? Not to sure!

                    WetShep sounds good to me. I love the Storm/Eye Sheppy wetness. Still think he could have got a little wetter though. Joe said he enjoyed that, didn't he? Getting wet and all mussed up. Strange lad...Now, all we need to do is get him to like being whumped, and we'd be all right! He'd nag TPTB to whump him on our behalf, lol!


                      Originally posted by Lauriel
                      Hi Linzi!

                      Consider my computer kicked and myself hugged. Thanks.

                      Format problems conquered as well! So here is my fic:


                      It's posted in 2 parts, but the second on follows straight on, so if you're still interested at that point, just click over to the next page.
                      Thanks. Linz runs off to read...


                        Originally posted by Linzi
                        Thanks. Linz runs off to read...
                        Linz beta-ed! I appreciate your enthusiasm though. I fixed up the tense probs, so hopefully it's easier to read this time round.
                        My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                          Originally posted by Lauriel
                          Linz beta-ed! I appreciate your enthusiasm though. I fixed up the tense probs, so hopefully it's easier to read this time round.
                          It was simply wonderful. A poignant and emotive story and a unique CG tag! I loved it to bits! The tenses were excellent. What you did is pretty difficult to pull off, but you did yourself proud!


                            Thank you! That means a lot to me.
                            My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                              You have my sympathies on the computer problems Lauriel I'm having a few hiccups myself. I've been looking on different sites trying to find the cheapest for buying a new one. I'm waiting on my brother to call and help me. I think I've got it sussed but I'd just like him to go through it with me first.

                              I'm just terrible at spending money on myself, it always feels really selfish, especially with other peoples birthdays and Christmas fast appraoching.


                                Originally posted by Josie
                                You have my sympathies on the computer problems Lauriel I'm having a few hiccups myself. I've been looking on different sites trying to find the cheapest for buying a new one. I'm waiting on my brother to call and help me. I think I've got it sussed but I'd just like him to go through it with me first.

                                I'm just terrible at spending money on myself, it always feels really selfish, especially with other peoples birthdays and Christmas fast appraoching.
                                I would be so completely lost without my brother to help on the IT front. He works in IT, and he's really clever at anything computer related. I just muddle along.
                                My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward

