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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
    People from the DH/RM thunk thread might know how much I like "McKay pointing" pics. I made a new cap today (from "The Return 2") - McShep and pointing. Heaven.

    What might John think in that pic? Looks a bit as if he contemplates if the pointing turns him on or not.
    That isn't a spoiler, and I think Sheppard wants to point that gun at him... hmm, nice arm porn btw.


      Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
      That isn't a spoiler, and I think Sheppard wants to point that gun at him... hmm, nice arm porn btw.
      No, it's not a spoiler, but after I wrote my post I was afraid I could get modded for posting the "turn on" thing so openly, so I hid it. By know I think that wasn't really necessary.

      Point that gun at him? Why? Because he's annoying, or because it's a kink?

      Yeah, definitely nice arm porn.

      Bye, A.
      ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
      ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


        Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
        No, it's not a spoiler, but after I wrote my post I was afraid I could get modded for posting the "turn on" thing so openly, so I hid it. By know I think that wasn't really necessary.
        GW may be PG but it isn't that PG, I think turning someone on is quite acceptable.

        Point that gun at him? Why? Because he's annoying, or because it's a kink?
        Annoying, but you know that may be one of his kinks.


          Alright so it is almost 12 in the morning for me so I can't post caps of Tao of Rodney, but there is so much McShep in this episode... if you can *cough*it you have to! I swear we even get a hint (with slash goggles) of DADT when John...


          Admits he loves Rodney... you know *wink wink* as a friend. And even though it is Ronon who gets a hug from McKay it is John he asked to deliver his eulogy, and John freaking out over that *it was so touching in a sad, sick sort of way* and they are in John's room again, oh the McShep was everywhere!

          But as I said it is very late here and I really need to go to sleep brian is slowing down and I will start posting about things that I shouldn't there was so much in this for the McShep fandom... *bounces*


            Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
            Alright so it is almost 12 in the morning for me so I can't post caps of Tao of Rodney, but there is so much McShep in this episode... if you can *cough*it you have to! I swear we even get a hint (with slash goggles) of DADT when John...


            Admits he loves Rodney... you know *wink wink* as a friend. And even though it is Ronon who gets a hug from McKay it is John he asked to deliver his eulogy, and John freaking out over that *it was so touching in a sad, sick sort of way* and they are in John's room again, oh the McShep was everywhere!

            But as I said it is very late here and I really need to go to sleep brian is slowing down and I will start posting about things that I shouldn't there was so much in this for the McShep fandom... *bounces*
            Thanks for the great bit on the ep. I just finished *cough* and now I am going to watch it. So is this the last one until Jan/07?
            See you guys later.
            Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


              Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
              Alright so it is almost 12 in the morning for me so I can't post caps of Tao of Rodney, but there is so much McShep in this episode... if you can *cough*it you have to! I swear we even get a hint (with slash goggles) of DADT when John...

              Admits he loves Rodney... you know *wink wink* as a friend. And even though it is Ronon who gets a hug from McKay it is John he asked to deliver his eulogy, and John freaking out over that *it was so touching in a sad, sick sort of way* and they are in John's room again, oh the McShep was everywhere!
              Yes, this was a great ep for us McShep slashers! I loved all the scenes you mentioned,
              the talk in John's room, John trying to help Rodney with the ascension thing (ferris wheels and blue skies - Rodney did listen to John and what he said, even though it looked as if he thought it was silly, but in the end he we hear that Rodney tries to imagine the blue skies!), that Rodney fell into John's bed (ok, so he passed out...), the eulogy thing, the way John looked while standing at Rodney's deathbed...

              A not spoilerish pic from the ep. I love how they look!

              Bye, A.
              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                OH MY TTOR WAS INCREDIBLE!!!

                It made me Squee with Joy.

                I love how he had great meaningful moments with everyone. He left Radek speechless. Love that he gave Ronan a big hug. He was so nice to everyone. I wonder how this is going to change how he interacts with everyone. He better not lose that snark.
                Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                  The thing about McShep, and someone mentioned it here or somewhere, that even when they try and write them as 'just' friends and there is no hugging or really any touching, it is just so slashy anyway. I think I would believe it less if they did hug, I think I would start to think they are straight if they started to touch each other all the time. No, still do want that bloody hug but hey we get to see our pairing in even more intimate situations,
                  I mean John never lit candles for Teyla or Weir. He never has them openly invited into his room no that is left for Rodney. *squee* And so far Rodney is the only one he has said he loves *squee again* (who cares what the situation was he not only implied it he said it!)


                    CAPS! They are spoilery for Tao of Rodney beware!


                    This is my boyfriends brain on Crack!

                    Can you feel the slash tonight?

                    And although I am not a whumper, this just made me squee like crazy!


                      Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                      CAPS! They are spoilery for Tao of Rodney beware!


                      This is my boyfriends brain on Crack!

                      Can you feel the slash tonight?

                      This picture so reminds me of certain scenes in 'Demolition Man' lol
                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                        Rodney fell into John's bed (ok, so he passed out...
                        Well, who wouldn't want to pass out in John's bed... And I could see Rodney going to extremes to get there. It doesn't look like a very comfy bed...but I guess in the heat of passion, no one would notice.

                        Speaking of noticing, don't they both look especially fit and handsome?
                        I don't know how they couldn't go for each other...

                        I better stop there before I start drooling on the keyboard.


                          Hi, just a reminder *heads up* that the voting in LJ's McShep Awards has offically started. Just be aware it takes up a few pages so if the category you are looking for isn't on the link page just click on the 'page link' to go forward. (Yes I was confused )

                          Go here: McShep Awards


                            With a new Stargate series in development, dare we hope for a real honest-to-god m/m relationship on the new show? If so, I hope it's not an already established relationship. I want to follow it from the beginning....we need some gay UST!

                            God knows we've got plenty of it on Atlantis...


                              Hi folks!

                              Geez, from everything I heard about Tao of Rodney,
                              it must have been a very slashy episode! I can't wait to see it myself.

                              Thanks to everyone for posting these gorgeous caps!

                              Originally posted by smushybird
                              With a new Stargate series in development, dare we hope for a real honest-to-god m/m relationship on the new show? If so, I hope it's not an already established relationship. I want to follow it from the beginning....we need some gay UST!
                              To be honest, I don't want this new spin-off to happen at all. Even if SG-1 is gone - who the hell needs another stargate series?

                              So far I don't dare to make any assumptions about characters etc. since I simply cannot imagine that TPTB make another series with a team exploring another world so it's just a bad copy of SG-1 and Atlantis. I hope they produce an entirely new concept within the SG world - and yes, m/m relationship(s) would be fantastic, but first of all I want to see them on Atlantis!

                              To Willow & Arlessiar (and everyone else who's on my LJ friendlist and who I might have forgotten ):
                              I posted a Christmas present. It's a fic with... well, with you
                              Check it out here if you're interested.


                                Originally posted by Freyja View Post
                                To be honest, I don't want this new spin-off to happen at all. Even if SG-1 is gone - who the hell needs another stargate series?

                                So far I don't dare to make any assumptions about characters etc. since I simply cannot imagine that TPTB make another series with a team exploring another world so it's just a bad copy of SG-1 and Atlantis. I hope they produce an entirely new concept within the SG world - and yes, m/m relationship(s) would be fantastic, but first of all I want to see them on Atlantis!
                                I am with you on that, it would need to be very different from SG-1 and SGA or what would be the point? To just have another show with SG in the title.

                                Also again agree I want to see real UST between our boys before I see it on another Stargate show with two different characters. Plus as we mostly know from watching TV when the writers go out of their way to pair characters up from the start, it usually fails because you can't really tell from the pilot if there is genuine and on going chemistry... Many shows suffer from thinking that two hot leads will equal twice the sizzle when it comes to shipping them. It rarely works that way by design it is usually happy accident when the leads click on screen. I don't think anyone really thought Mulder/Scully on paper was ship material at all (some still don't) but I did see it briefly myself as they worked so well together.

                                To Willow & Arlessiar (and everyone else who's on my LJ friendlist and who I might have forgotten ):
                                I posted a Christmas present. It's a fic with... well, with you
                                Check it out here if you're interested.
                                I did read it and thank you for including me *hugs* I have never been a character in a fic before that was really nice of you. Thanks.

