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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    So, would this be an appropriate place to ask if anyone has seen any McShep fics based on ToR or The Game yet? I've been scouring lj, but so far it has failed me. Failed. Me. *bangs head on desk*

    At this point, I would accept anything, any rating. *puts cork in bottle and tosses it into the sea*


      Originally posted by the old briar pipe View Post
      So, would this be an appropriate place to ask if anyone has seen any McShep fics based on ToR or The Game yet? I've been scouring lj, but so far it has failed me. Failed. Me. *bangs head on desk*

      At this point, I would accept anything, any rating. *puts cork in bottle and tosses it into the sea*
      Hmm, have you tried Double Treat (now known as Crossroads) They have a couple for ToR. None up yet for The Game. Read the warning before entering the site it contains naughty NC-17 fic links.

      mckay_sheppard has posted a few, but as you seem to have gone on LJ I assume you went there? But if not...I know there were a few posted in December for ToR and The Game too I think. Just click on the 'tag' episode related. I do think most of the fics are tags to the eps rather then long(er) stories.


        Originally posted by the old briar pipe View Post
        So, would this be an appropriate place to ask if anyone has seen any McShep fics based on ToR or The Game yet? I've been scouring lj, but so far it has failed me. Failed. Me. *bangs head on desk*

        At this point, I would accept anything, any rating. *puts cork in bottle and tosses it into the sea*
        tried looking at wraithbait?
        Don't Voyagernize Atlantis!
        Which actors do you wanne see? Gatedoku Kavan Smith Secondary Atlantis Ladies Torri Connor Trineer Claudia Black McShep
        If You Wanne Live, Don't Go To Atlantis, People Die There Like Flies!
        "There are rules. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an airlock when someone's inside. Don't lie about your genetic status." - Jack in Statistical Probabilities


          Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
          Hmm, have you tried Double Treat (now known as Crossroads) They have a couple for ToR. None up yet for The Game. Read the warning before entering the site it contains naughty NC-17 fic links.

          mckay_sheppard has posted a few, but as you seem to have gone on LJ I assume you went there? But if not...I know there were a few posted in December for ToR and The Game too I think. Just click on the 'tag' episode related. I do think most of the fics are tags to the eps rather then long(er) stories.
          Oh, you rock. I failed to use tags to search and just gave up after digging through a bit. Clearly I need more sleep.

          *wanders off very happy*


            Originally posted by Orovingwen View Post
            tried looking at wraithbait?
            Eheheh. I've gotten to that stage in fanlife where I avoid wraithbait and other giant archives unless something is specifically recced in them. I don't just go searching through, because I might burn my widdle brain. Though their standards certainly are higher than most.... Possibly enough to justify a quick hit-and-run.

            Thanks for the suggestion.


              Just thinking is anyone every gonna do a Mcshep version of Anise's infamous Daniel's diary? How cool would that be?


                Originally posted by the old briar pipe View Post
                Eheheh. I've gotten to that stage in fanlife where I avoid wraithbait and other giant archives unless something is specifically recced in them. I don't just go searching through, because I might burn my widdle brain. Though their standards certainly are higher than most.... Possibly enough to justify a quick hit-and-run.

                Thanks for the suggestion.
                I agree some of the larger sites like Wraithbait and Area 52 can be hit and miss as anyone can post there, but then it is the same with LJ really.

                I do think from what I have heard that even *our* misses in McShep are better then most other pairings Hits... Slash writers for McShep are quite good in general, mostly I believe as they come from other fandoms and are slightly older or you know, above 30.

                I know all my favourite writers for McShep are in their 30s or 40s and one, although she hasn't said so, is I am sure in her fifties... *bless em* I do think in writing experience does count, not only how long you have been writing but RL experience, and as I said many of McShep's writers cut their teeth in other fandoms so they know now how to craft a story based on an episode, and other people's characters.

                I think generally Slash fandoms have the best writers. *OK that is total prejudice but who cares!* They certainly have the most evil imaginations. LOL!


                  Originally posted by the old briar pipe View Post
                  Eheheh. I've gotten to that stage in fanlife where I avoid wraithbait and other giant archives unless something is specifically recced in them. I don't just go searching through, because I might burn my widdle brain. Though their standards certainly are higher than most.... Possibly enough to justify a quick hit-and-run.

                  Thanks for the suggestion.
                  yeah well I'm not much of a reader so it's mostly the only thing I know to sarch through becasue LJ is not that good sorted.

                  it were intersting making a study in that topic^^
                  maybe only the teenage fangirlys who have a . let's say "naiv" phantasy about such a dreamlive and othe rpairings are more attractive to have such blue eyes dreams about then slash.
                  But slash/not slash fanfiction writers suck to 90% even if teh story idea behifn it is actually good the lack of skills kills the joy
                  Don't Voyagernize Atlantis!
                  Which actors do you wanne see? Gatedoku Kavan Smith Secondary Atlantis Ladies Torri Connor Trineer Claudia Black McShep
                  If You Wanne Live, Don't Go To Atlantis, People Die There Like Flies!
                  "There are rules. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an airlock when someone's inside. Don't lie about your genetic status." - Jack in Statistical Probabilities


                    Originally posted by Orovingwen View Post
                    yeah well I'm not much of a reader so it's mostly the only thing I know to sarch through becasue LJ is not that good sorted.

                    it were intersting making a study in that topic^^
                    maybe only the teenage fangirlys who have a . let's say "naiv" phantasy about such a dreamlive and othe rpairings are more attractive to have such blue eyes dreams about then slash.
                    But slash/not slash fanfiction writers suck to 90% even if teh story idea behifn it is actually good the lack of skills kills the joy
                    I disagree with the 90% it maybe you are just reading the wrong writers I do admit I tend to stick with maybe a dozen or so regular writers and yes like ALL writers whether for fun or profit some do suck or have sucky days where their ideas or styles suffer... it may also be that while I do read novels and other books I am not a reader, so I don't find I am analysing every word or sentence on the page. I guess I am willing to let mistakes in grammar pass me by, and not worry too much about other characters being OOC, for me as long as McKay and Sheppard are McKay and Sheppard I can forgive a lot.

                    I guess what I was getting at more then anything; is that Slash tends to have older writers and because they are predominantly Straight females or bi females, there is less likely hood of the characters being Mary Sue's unlike in Het stories, or even gen stories.

                    It happens of course, but I think slash has a very sexual nature to it, no not the PWP stuff but the general basis of slash fanfic is the homosexual relationship as seen through the eyes of women, it is not realistic, it is fantasy... on so many levels... not least that most if not all writers/readers fancy the main pairing as actors/men, whether it is both or just one we have to admit we find Hewlett and/or Flanigan sexy. But we don't want to be McKay or Sheppard... or mostly the writers/readers don't (can not speak for everyone or the gay readers of McShep).

                    I can't say I feel the same for writers/readers of Het fics, from the essays I have read on Mary Sue's in fanfics I really get the impression it is par for the course in Het fanfics to want to *if not* write yourself in as the female lead. And without bagging out fandom I only have to read some of the posts here on GW to see how many female fans do identify with the females on the show (personally I don't) so if they write fic as well I have to wonder how much is wish fulfillment?

                    I don't see any of this as a major problem, it is just fandom and a bit of fun. Fics can be great time wasters, give you food for thought about characters on the show, and in some cases make you wish the fic writers actually wrote the show in the end I would say Fanfics are mostly harmless... well RPS is a little out there but well if that is your kink.

                    EDIT: Also like to add for me personally I do fall into that category of straight females who just find the idea of two otherwise het males getting together a real turn on... I say this without a shred of shame.
                    Last edited by Willow'sCat; 08 January 2007, 02:54 PM.


                      Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                      I disagree with the 90% it maybe you are just reading the wrong writers I do admit I tend to stick with maybe a dozen or so regular writers and yes like ALL writers whether for fun or profit some do suck or have sucky days where their ideas or styles suffer... it may also be that while I do read novels and other books I am not a reader, so I don't find I am analysing every word or sentence on the page. I guess I am willing to let mistakes in grammar pass me by, and not worry too much about other characters being OOC, for me as long as McKay and Sheppard are McKay and Sheppard I can forgive a lot.
                      Yeah I knwo I am mostly alone with that opinion and hy read all ff you like I say FOR ME it's carp and I do knwo i have very very very very ... very very very hight standards and that's also for my writing the case (no I am NOT a ff writer, I know I can't do it so I don't).
                      And I don't analyse it I just see it, I don't want to but I do see those stuff, that's teh reason why I (if I do so) read in english, I don't see the grammer and style thing (that much). I'm happy if I get the story *lol*

                      And I kidn adoubt it's teh wrong writers because people say taht all the tiem and direct me to places where supposenly are good writers and.. erm.. no. I still think it's bull****.
                      But as I say it's me and as long the other like it it doesn't matter what I think

                      And there are a lot of crapyp books out there, I always think even I could have written that better... A good book for me is when I don't see through the style sadly that's not often the case^^
                      I never should have start writing, it ruins so much

                      I guess what I was getting at more then anything; is that Slash tends to have older writers and because they are predominantly Straight females or bi females, there is less likely hood of the characters being Mary Sue's unlike in Het stories, or even gen stories.
                      I never noticed the age but you're probably right.

                      It happens of course, but I think slash has a very sexual nature to it, no not the PWP stuff but the general basis of slash fanfic is the homosexual relationship as seen through the eyes of women, it is not realistic, it is fantasy... on so many levels... not least that most if not all writers/readers fancy the main pairing as actors/men, whether it is both or just one we have to admit we find Hewlett and/or Flanigan sexy. But we don't want to be McKay or Sheppard... or mostly the writers/readers don't (can not speak for everyone or the gay readers of McShep).
                      oh there is PWP stuff but even there you got sometimes interesting thoughts. Something I like about the slash I read (I dunno if it's also in het, didn't read that much), I mean you got some expression in thwre how a chracter sees the other one or in what way for example Shep need Rodney, why he is attracted to him. or visa verse.
                      I read once a Kolya/Mckay fic and I must say it totally directed me POV of this charcter bnow. That Kolya really sees in Rodney something special (not that he is in love with him or something just that this tension I saw before I now can grab, give it a name, desribe it). And that was also NC-17 and not much of a plot (there was one but not really, more a set-up as a plot) but this thoughts were very interesting and I haven't seen things like that in any non slash ffs.

                      I can't say I feel the same for writers/readers of Het fics, from the essays I have read on Mary Sue's in fanfics I really get the impression it is par for the course in Het fanfics to want to *if not* write yourself in as the female lead. And without bagging out fandom I only have to read some of the posts here on GW to see how many female fans do identify with the females on the show (personally I don't) so if they write fic as well I have to wonder how much is wish fulfillment?
                      pretty much^^ you can also see such things in Author's fics :aaaa:

                      I don't see any of this as a major problem, it is just fandom and a bit of fun. Fics can be great time wasters, give you food for thought about characters on the show, and in some cases make you wish the fic writers actually wrote the show in the end I would say Fanfics are mostly harmless... well RPS is a little out there but well if that is your kink.
                      problem? no who talks about problem? we just talk about how many colors this part of fandom can have^^

                      I think McKay and Sheppard love each other eventhough it's might not a "romantic" love, it is love and deeper than a "normal" friendship.
                      Last edited by Orovingwen; 10 January 2007, 12:16 AM.
                      Don't Voyagernize Atlantis!
                      Which actors do you wanne see? Gatedoku Kavan Smith Secondary Atlantis Ladies Torri Connor Trineer Claudia Black McShep
                      If You Wanne Live, Don't Go To Atlantis, People Die There Like Flies!
                      "There are rules. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an airlock when someone's inside. Don't lie about your genetic status." - Jack in Statistical Probabilities


                        Originally posted by Orovingwen View Post
                        Yeah I knwo I am mostly alone with that opinion and hy read all ff you like I say FOR ME it's carp and I do knwo i have very very very very ... very very very hight standards and that's also for my writing the case (no I am NOT a ff writer, I know I can't do it so I don't).
                        And I don't analyse it I just see it, I don't want to but I do see those stuff, that's teh reason why I (if I do so) read in english, I don't see the grammer and style thing (that much). I'm happy if I get the story *lol*

                        And I kidn adoubt it's teh wrong writers because people say taht all the tiem and direct me to places where supposenly are good writers and.. erm.. no. I still think it's bull****.
                        But as I say it's me and as long the other like it it doesn't matter what I think
                        I find your view interesting, so how do you watch SGA then at all?

                        I find the show itself is not that great, the characters are often stupid and way underdeveloped, I would think if you can stand the show you could stand the fic? Just wondering.


                          Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                          it is fantasy... on so many levels... not least that most if not all writers/readers fancy the main pairing as actors/men, whether it is both or just one we have to admit we find Hewlett and/or Flanigan sexy. But we don't want to be McKay or Sheppard...
                          I do fancy them both, but I also do want to be McKay or Sheppard...

                          When I wrote slashfic, especially during the intimate scenes, I tended to picture myself as one character or the other--at least in the sense that I put myself in the position of the POV character (I usually wrote in first person) and identified with his emotions and physical sensations (inasmuch as a woman can identify with a guy's physical sensations during sex ). In every slash pairing, I always identify with one male character over the other and it's not always the character I find most attractive (though usually is). And for me, it was wanting to be that character, to understand the complexities of a m/m relationship, the vulnerabilities, and enjoy what I'd always felt was a more equal footing than any m/f relationship I've ever seen. Plus, the boys always seem to have more fun.

                          Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                          I can't say I feel the same for writers/readers of Het fics, from the essays I have read on Mary Sue's in fanfics I really get the impression it is par for the course in Het fanfics to want to *if not* write yourself in as the female lead.
                          Which is why I avoid all fan fic with an OC female. I have not come across one yet that didn't read like the author was inserting herself into the story and it makes me nauseated. If I want OCs, I'll read novels. In fan fic, I want only the characters in the show. They're the reason I'm reading it to begin with.

                          Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                          EDIT: Also like to add for me personally I do fall into that category of straight females who just find the idea of two otherwise het males getting together a real turn on... I say this without a shred of shame.
                          Me too! I can't think of anything more erotic than two guys falling for each other and going all the way. Yum.


                            A little off the fanfic topic but I made a McShep wallpaper (and icon) for y'all (apparently I am southern now ) Enjoy!


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              On the topic of fanfic vs show...I'd definitely say that I actually prefer the show to fanfics. I mean, I'm not sure how you can enjoy the writings if you don't first like the show. Yes, the fictions delve more deeply into the characters (which is nice) but the plots are usually less interesting. If I want to be entertained and diverted, I'll watch the show...if I want more than that I'll go to fanfic. So I see the fan writings as more of supplementary materials.

                              I guess I haven't found any writers/writings that I really love. Don't get me wrong, I've read some pretty great stories but sometimes I feel like the characters are written either completely out of character or to the extreme (meaning they're 10x snarkier or sarcastic than normal). But this is just my experience, and I am by no means a fanfic expert.

                              I don't mean to insult anyone here because I know how hard fics can be to write, to maintain the characters' voices and stay true to them while trying to do something new (I am trying my hand at one right now to ill effects). I respect anyone who takes the time to write one and, for the most part, I have enjoyed reading them...I just don't love many the way I love the show.

                              Last edited by Stef; 08 January 2007, 09:32 PM.

                              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                                Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                                I find your view interesting, so how do you watch SGA then at all?
                                Not sure I undersatdn what you mean.
                                As I said I don't read FF that much and good even lesser (and I'm speaking fo the good ones). So I have a certain view of the show teh characters and what is going on. Like about Shep and McKay *point above* the thing is, there can be a lil something that make me think further or ina diffrent direction. For example, there is a great fic that takes palce throught Season 2 so I can think about what we've seen has happend and then combine it what I've read and maybe see the scene in a diffrent light. Not exactly like teh ff says but just think about it again.
                                For example, why didn't Sheppard and McKay had a scene in conversion when he was changing? he saw Ronon, Teyla, Weir but not Rodnay (I didn't evennoticed that since I read it in teh FF) and the FF Shep said that it wa sbecause if he had seen McKay he couldn't have hold himmself together. So there is the thing, is McKay someoen who can go through Shep's defenses? We know shep is more a "quite" person but does Rodney has in some kind a way to go through the wall there is?
                                Or there is the topic of music in some fic that actually had become the one question I woudl love to have answered inteh show itself. I mean we know Rodney wanted to become a pianist and we know Sheppard loves Johnny Cash + he has a guitarr in his room. So what is taht all about? adn would they play music together? I mean msuic is for Rodney a dream, something of himself he learned to ignore. Maybe Shep could teach him to let it out again, maybe McKay would open up and they would play their music together. I picture Shep as a person who loves to play when he's alone in his room and deals with some emotional problems. And I defenetly woudl think he would share the music with Rodney because as I said it seems to me that Rodney tough Shep very deep.

                                I find the show itself is not that great, the characters are often stupid and way underdeveloped, I would think if you can stand the show you could stand the fic? Just wondering.
                                in which way? why are they stupid? I'd agree with Teyla but Rodney and Shep? Or ronon or Weir?
                                and yes underdevelope is right, I wisched tehy wouldn't do that much Rodney eps but show teh other charcters besides you can reveel a little something withing a "normal" (plot) episode.

                                I love the show and teh fics are often OOC or are bad written and such things, so tehy aren't perfect as well^^
                                Last edited by Orovingwen; 10 January 2007, 12:00 AM.
                                Don't Voyagernize Atlantis!
                                Which actors do you wanne see? Gatedoku Kavan Smith Secondary Atlantis Ladies Torri Connor Trineer Claudia Black McShep
                                If You Wanne Live, Don't Go To Atlantis, People Die There Like Flies!
                                "There are rules. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an airlock when someone's inside. Don't lie about your genetic status." - Jack in Statistical Probabilities

