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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Wilson3Girl View Post
    Since I'm doing this anyway, here are a couple of other lovely McShep smile pics that I like: I'll put them in spoiler tags just in case.


    I hope it was okay to post these pictures here----there is no McShep Thunk thread---and I hope maybe others will post their own favorite McShep pictures.

    Pics are always welcome here!

    I finally got around to watching all the eps this season (the ones that have aired of course) and I have to say the start of Tracker is the weirdest and most slashy I think I have ever seen John behaving.

    What was up with that? Could it have been anymore obvious?!

    Aw, poor John I really felt for him. Rodney is such a tease! lol

    I can't say I saw much else in the eps that was that slashy but I did love the car racing, I know we haven't really had that much Rodney/John interaction this season and I think I know why but these little moments are so worth it, I think in the end it always comes back to Rodney and John. No matter how hard tptb try and move in another direction.... Rodney and John is just so meant to be!

    I am a little worried about Brain Storm, but then I was worried to death about The Shrine so I am willing to sit on the fence until I see it. I just wish we could have that one episode where it is totally John and Rodney relying on each other.... Harmony could have been that ep but it wasn't, and the movies will never 'waste' time on such silly things like building character relationships so yeah the boat has probably sailed.

    OH btw I was so fraking annoyed by
    the handshake! I mean it was contact and that is great but.... it is not a HUG!!!!! Dam it!!!!


      I will not watch that episode! To trick myself I am going to pretend that She is going in Teyla's place cause Torren is sick!

      I feel like I have to lie to myself just to get past any kind of romance crap they throw at the mckay keller fans.

      EVEN though I know there is more implied MCSHEP than any M/K canon stuff.

      I wanna cry!
      Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


        Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
        I will not watch that episode! To trick myself I am going to pretend that She is going in Teyla's place cause Torren is sick!

        <> I wanna cry!
        You know I think that is why I have been so happy to avoid watching the show.

        I love watching Rodney and John even in those small moments but really it is hard sometimes to maintain my slashy love within the show when tptb go out of their way to stomp all over it *dam you Joe M* and they do stomp all over it, it is like a homophobic picnic (I know what I mean ) when tptb really get going.

        Just look at Sam/Jack and the way they went for that in AUs and completely crippled Jack/Danny in any time-line or AU. They don't even have the guts to go there in an AU! Jeez is this really 2008?!?!


          Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
          Pics are always welcome here!

          I finally got around to watching all the eps this season (the ones that have aired of course) and I have to say the start of Tracker is the weirdest and most slashy I think I have ever seen John behaving.

          What was up with that? Could it have been anymore obvious?!

          Aw, poor John I really felt for him. Rodney is such a tease! lol

          I can't say I saw much else in the eps that was that slashy but I did love the car racing, I know we haven't really had that much Rodney/John interaction this season and I think I know why but these little moments are so worth it, I think in the end it always comes back to Rodney and John. No matter how hard tptb try and move in another direction.... Rodney and John is just so meant to be!

          I am a little worried about Brain Storm, but then I was worried to death about The Shrine so I am willing to sit on the fence until I see it. I just wish we could have that one episode where it is totally John and Rodney relying on each other.... Harmony could have been that ep but it wasn't, and the movies will never 'waste' time on such silly things like building character relationships so yeah the boat has probably sailed.

          OH btw I was so fraking annoyed by
          the handshake! I mean it was contact and that is great but.... it is not a HUG!!!!! Dam it!!!!
          Here you go willow, i think this sums up the tracker scene you described



            brain storm yuuuuuck i hate this episode the pics make me sick, i hate keller grrrrr (ok no bashing here) but i can't imagine this relationship, where is the alchemy, there is no look with passion between keller and rodney as the boys look at each other.

            my delicious


              Originally posted by marli View Post
              brain storm yuuuuuck i hate this episode the pics make me sick, i hate keller grrrrr (ok no bashing here) but i can't imagine this relationship, where is the alchemy, there is no look with passion between keller and rodney as the boys look at each other.
              Maybe we should rename said episode to "Storm of No Brainers"


                Nice !!! very nice !

                my delicious


                  Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                  Maybe we should rename said episode to "Storm of No Brainers"
                  Also like "Brain Fart"

                  This ep would have been so much better as a McShep episode, maybe John could have actually shown off some smarts.
                  I'm sad that there isn't going to be much opportunity for McSheppy goodness the rest of the season, it is the reason I watch the show.
                  I am not planning on watching Brainless.


                    A few very random McShep Pics




                      nice pics !!!! they're gorgeous together !

                      my delicious


                        hi guys just popping in to say ive made a mcshep vid uf you guys are interested


                          Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                          hi guys just popping in to say ive made a mcshep vid uf you guys are interested
                          Awesome vid!!!
                          Thanks for sharing! Perfect song for those images.



                            thanks and hi, i think ill prob hang out here aswell, ive always like mcshep but im lovin it even more at the mo. I've got a few more mcshep vids if ur interested, although i think my last one was def my best!


                              Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                              hi guys just popping in to say ive made a mcshep vid uf you guys are interested
                              Very nice! Thank you


                                Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                                thanks and hi, i think ill prob hang out here aswell, ive always like mcshep but im lovin it even more at the mo. I've got a few more mcshep vids if ur interested, although i think my last one was def my best!
                                Yes, post away please! I love McShep vids.


