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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    WOOTZ! yay!


    MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
    Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
    Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


      Originally posted by Wilson3Girl View Post
      I loved this one! The music fits very well with the scenes you chose.
      I fear that I am one of the few left on the planet who hasn't seen
      the "Mama Mia" movie. Here in my city, a friend told me that people
      in the theater where she saw it were dancing and singing in the aisles.
      I need to rent it.
      Lately, the song I hear in my head for John and Rodney is "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. <hint, hint> You can find his video on YouTube.....I think it would make the perfect background music for a video about our boys.
      Thanks for sharing!


      ok just thought id let you know ive started your vid, and i was wondering, did you want it all from one of their pov (im thinking mckay) or should i swap pov for the second verse?


        Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
        ok just thought id let you know ive started your vid, and i was wondering, did you want it all from one of their pov (im thinking mckay) or should i swap pov for the second verse?
        Awesome!! I'm so excited!!
        I have no preference as to whether you do it from one of their pov's
        or switch back and forth---I am just so happy that you are making
        the video using this wonderful song! I think it fits their relationship
        perfectly! You do it however you'd like and I guarantee that I'll love
        it (as will others!).

        Wilson3Girl, excited!


          To Valaslonglostsister,
          I salute you! You go where mere mortals fear to tread.


            ok ive finished it, should be uploading it soon


              ok here it is, hope you enjoy, and let me know if u have any other vid ideas, and check out some of my others, i do all types of ships



                Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                ok here it is, hope you enjoy, and let me know if u have any other vid ideas, and check out some of my others, i do all types of ships

                It says This Video is Unavailable


                  Did you know that we McSheppers are sick? Because we force straight men into being gay?

                  *looks around* *shruggs shoulders I don't see any straight men where John and Rodney are concerned * HEE
                  Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                    Originally posted by Valaslonglostsister View Post
                    SO i see the day has come. Brain storm. As i have said before. I will watch this episode for the thread to give you guys the heads up incase there is any mcshep in it at all! I'll keep my eyes peeled. *brave breath* FOR THE THREAD! lol ^__^
                    Hee, you are a true McShep fan.

                    I am going to watch it in a few minutes, I can't not watch RM/DH at the moment the more I think about this being the last few eps the more I just have to watch them.

                    Even if it hurts.


                      Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                        Here we go my favourite Mcsheppers. A little picture to help us forget BS. I haven't seen it yet, prolly wont til tomorrow, although im dreading it.

                        Spoiled for size


                          If you're not a McKeller fan- DO NOT WATCH! Ugh- it was terrible! Keller nagging at Rodney the entire episode. Awkward exchanges between them. TPTB have finally done it for me- I just don't care anymore

                          And yes, even McKay looking like sex on legs in his tux couldn't save this one.
                          Sig by im_meli
                          More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


                            There is already fic up to help get the bad taste of the episode out of our mouths!

                            I didn't watch!

                            But I hope like hell all McShep fanfic writers turn out in force to make this go away!
                            Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                              Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
                              There is already fic up to help get the bad taste of the episode out of our mouths!

                              I didn't watch!

                              But I hope like hell all McShep fanfic writers turn out in force to make this go away!
                              Don't waste your time watching. There is not enough mental bleach to remove the stain that was this one.
                              Sig by im_meli
                              More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


                                Nope! I waz smart! I watched Erin Brockovich!
                                Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?

