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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Ravenheart View Post
    I think I'll go with the fact we weren't shown the Replicators killing the others. It makes me feel a whole lot better and gives the possibility we might see them again.

    I also see losing Elizabeth as one of the reason's Rodney has that emotional breakdown in a later episode.
    I felt exactly the same way!!!

    When I saw the scene between Radek and Rodney I felt the emotional breakdown coming.
    It all adds up... losing Carson, Rodney's guilt about reactivating the nanites, the supposed (according to repliKeller) real Elizabeth death... and whatever might happen with Katie during Quarantine.
    I sense tears coming ... or maybe Rodney madness.

    I think Torri might come back because the replicators can take whoever's appearance now, so we might get another repliWeir...

    Episode review updated on my LJ.



      I think that This Mortal Coil has been one of the best episodes of Stargate I've ever seen. (Though maybe it's too soon to be making this kind of comment.) The only real nitpick I had was the way the nanite-enhanced version of the team were dispatched, which is the way it always happens, but as was said above they only shot Sheppard so it's possible the other four survived in some shape.

      I suppose another criticism could be that we got so little McKay/Weir time together, but it's more than we've got since the start of the season so I'm not complaining. Plus I think the McKays being so busy working on the Asuran tracking device as well as the conversation between Rodney and Zelenka at the end is really foreshadowing some great stuff in the future, assuming TPTB don't forget about it, that is.

      And those lines from Radek, "I know what you're trying to do... Losing yourself in your work to avoid thinking about Elizabeth." He's really read into McKay (and his feelings for Weir) in a way that no-one else has, with the possible exception of Sheppard who came to tell him about shipping her stuff back to Earth. I have to admit I couldn't help but wonder what happened to the book McKay wrote for her in Tao of Rodney.

      Plus I see some people above have mentioned a future breakdown. Has this been mentioned officially? And with the potential of seeing Elizabeth at least once more, I can'r wait to see how the rest of the season unfolds.


        JM said that the Radek/McKay scene was an added scene they put in because the episode ran short-- Thank god the episode ran short! That was the best scene in the episode!
        It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


          Joe Mallozzi has put a piece up on his blog regarding This Mortal Coil. Read it here.

          Some snippets:
          On Weir's fate:
          Many interesting little revelations in this sequence of scenes, not the least of which concerns the ultimate fate of Elizabeth Weir. We learn from Repli-Keller that Weir is dead, killed by Oberoth because she exerted an unhealthy influence on the collective. Sad news that, from a series perspective, allows Sheppard and co. some closure on the issue and finally puts to rest any hopes of a rescue mission. On the other hand, can Repli-Keller be trusted? Is what she revealing the sad facts as she knows them, or is this an attempt by her to forestall any potential rescue attempt that would rob them of the precious template that has allowed them to create humanity? Is Elizabeth Weir really dead? Well, it depends on which producer you ask.

          On Repli-Weir contacting Atlantis:
          I love the fact that, despite what he has been told, McKay desperately wants to believe.

          On the McKay-Zelenka scene:
          Remember when I mentioned we came in short and I wrote two extra scenes. The team cell discussion was the first. This was the second. Still, for an added scene that didn’t really add anything to the actual story, I thought it added significantly in terms of character moments. We have McKay who is so overwhelmed with grief that he chooses to lose himself in his work rather than, yet again, face reality. On the other hand, we have Zelenka who, in a simple gesture suggests that, despite the endless seemingly endless bickering between the two, there is a friendship here.


            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
            This Mortal Coil
            made the shipper in me both happy and sad. Sad because, well, the real Elizabeth is most likely dead. But there were several shippy scenes, like when the repli!Rodney discovered repli!Weir on Atlantis, when the real Rodney saw repli!Weir on the TV screen, and at the end of the ep when Rodney was grieving over Elizabeth by burying himself in his work. Some lovely shippy moments there.

            Definitely worthy of screencapping, though I'm too irked to do it right now.

            I totally agree.
            I was so happy to see the McWeir, but so sad at the same time. Maybe repli!Weir and repli!Merwill get together... if they yet live. Hmmm... I feel a ficcy a-brewing...
            thankee toasteronfire


              Oh yeah, I've got fanfic bunnies about
              repli!Rodney and repli!Weir. Not as we saw them (though aaobuttons has a great point about how repli!Rodney had to turn away from repli!Elizabeth cutting herself), but if and when the entire experiment is rebooted and they interact again. Repli!Rodney's memories are from Rodney a year ago, right? And Rodney has been dating Katie a year or so as confirmed in Miller's Crossing, right? So does that mean repli!Rodney wouldn't remember dating Katie?

              Repli!Weir would probably know about Katie though, so who knows how that would play out. She would also remember how Rodney had given her the book in Tao.

              Heh, here I am thinking about angsty repliclones in love. Snerk.

              Kinda irked that Rodney spent the whole time on the planet with his repliclone instead of talking with Elizabeth, but he did get that great scene in the end with Radek. I'm glad that scene was left in!


                Just wanted to stop in and say something about TMC:

                I thought it was McWeir shippy throughout, but the last moments between Rodney and Shep were some of the most heartwrenching I've seen on the show. It could have two shippy intepretations, but I think Rodney truly felt like he lost his chance at something special. At teh close of S3 he made it clear he had some feelings for her. Pehraps that's why he is taking his relaitonship with Katie Brown so slow...Poor Rodney!!! I hope this isn't the end of Liz. You know, there could be a wierd ep, or fic, in which Rodney shows feelings towards RepliLiz but holds back because he knows she's not the real deal. The angst!

                Happy shipping,


                Signature By Amber Moon


                  Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post

                  Heh, here I am thinking about angsty repliclones in love. Snerk.
                  There oddly seems like there should be a musical in there somewhere....

                  Kinda irked that Rodney spent the whole time on the planet with his repliclone instead of talking with Elizabeth, but he did get that great scene in the end with Radek. I'm glad that scene was left in!
                  Beautiful scene and one of the things that makes McKay as a character - the contrast between his arrogant, self absorbed side and the very human, very caring side that he keeps so well hidden at times. I do like the idea that under all that shell he's still hurting very much about the deaths of Carson and Elizabeth.
                  by Kaaatie


                    oh wow such a shippy ep. i had no idea they were gonna be so forward with the ship, but hey i'm not complaining! i loved it when replimckay sqirmed away from repli-weir cutting herself it was so sweet. i don't know about the whole "elizabeth being dead" thing. it was mentioned so offhand that it was a big let down in terms of being a fan. i didn't really think of her as dead until that scene with mckay and zelenka at the end. his reactions almost made me cry. i mean, we all knew that's what he was doing, but now it's real, ya know? now no one can say he doesn't care about ppl deep down. he has such a hard time admitting his feelings, remember TOR and MC just last week? now we know exactly how he feels about lizbeth. it's all canon now!
                    in terms of story, such a great ending. all those beeps after the F2B is great; funny but it kept the tension. the asurans have soooooooo many ships now, how we gonna stop them?
                    wonder what ep weir is gonna be in next???
                    *throat punch*
                    My blog:
                    LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                      I just found some screenshots on another thread.



                        Originally posted by NotANumber View Post
                        I just found some screenshots on another thread.


                        Awww...his little face....*heart breaks a tiny bit*
                        by Kaaatie


                          Originally posted by NotANumber View Post
                          I just found some screenshots on another thread.


                          Again with the no personal space issues! I just love that there isn't that invisible wall between them.
                          It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                            Heh, I thought of another bunny.
                            Repli!Rodney was the one to discover repli!Weir in not!Atlantis, right? What if the replicators reset the experiment and he found her again, only under slightly different circumstances? And then again and again and again. After a while, the replicators would go "wtf?"


                              Mortal Coil:

                              Elizabeth kinda creeped me out with all the "feeling pretty good for a dead woman" stuff.

                              The look on Rodney's face when he saw Elizabeth on the monitor was perfect. It looked like his heart had leapt right into his throat and I loved that it took a moment for him to be able to speak (technically an entire commercial break ). And then I loved that he was acting as if he didn't care at all whether she was the real thing or not. Later when Sheppard and Elizabeth were having their conversation about them always seeing her as less than she was, all I could think was Rodney could never do that to her.


                              I'm torn. I want to believe that repli!Keller is wrong, but at the same time she has no reason to lie about the real Elizabeth being dead... But at the same time Oberoth could have easily lied to her as well since, as these replicators have shown, they can put up mental defenses against the collective, and as their leader you would assume he is strongest. He knows that those like Niam would have wanted to interact more with Elizabeth to learn more about ascension, and perhaps he wanted to hide her from them, especially when he realized she was having an influence on others. It just seems stupid to kill someone so vital to understanding your enemy and they could easily use her as bait at some point in the future to try and find Atlantis. Not to mention you'd think they would keep her around as a sort of lab rat... bah. I don't know what to think. All I know is I am going to be writing one hell of a fic to fix all of screw ups TPTB made.

                              Psh... the real team should have just ganked fake Elizabeth whether she liked it or not. I think she would have gotten over it eventually. I refuse to have my snark!babies dream die! =P

                              And is it wrong that I loved when Shep said "My McKay"? bahahaha. Sorry, my ships are starting to cross. *cough*

                              And my favorite part ever was:
                              Shep: "Outputted? Is that even a word?"
                              McKay 1: "Of course it is!"
                              McKay 2: "We can't both be wrong."


                                Originally posted by aaobuttons View Post
                                Again with the no personal space issues! I just love that there isn't that invisible wall between them.
                                oh i know
                                rodney has such a hard time opening up to anyone else, but with her he's always just a little bit closer.

                                thanks for the piccys NAN
                                *throat punch*
                                My blog:
                                LVI now open to all fandoms!!!

