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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
    Nice pics, Neb! I really need to make screencaps for First Strike, but I can't use my usual VirtualDub because of some audio codec wonkiness in the file. Such a nice program too, you can select a whole section and have it process it all into jpegs. Guess I'll have to give the regular DVD player program a try...
    Is that when it insists it needs to fix the audio but actually ends up breaking it? I usually get that but simply create a file just for using with Virtualdub, though I didn't know about the jpeg procesing feature - does it do each frame or every few?


      It does each frame for the selection, pretty awesome if you want to say make an animated gif with another program. There's an option to override the audio thing too, under "Audio" -> "Error mode" then chose one of the other options: either "decode regardless" or "conceal errors and proceed".
      For a copy of "Have A Little Faith in Me", My Kate Heightmeyer Appreciation Vid Click Here

      McWeir Central by PurpleYin (who deserves much appreciation for it) | aka: the reason why the McKay/Weir Thread on GW is Quiet


        I know this might be an annoying plug, but please help us!

        They're going to reset the values when we get to the top 5 so please help us keep mcweir in the top 5 (it's close right now but as soon as the minor ships are gone it's gonna get hit a lot!)


          Originally posted by nebulan View Post

          I know this might be an annoying plug, but please help us!

          They're going to reset the values when we get to the top 5 so please help us keep mcweir in the top 5 (it's close right now but as soon as the minor ships are gone it's gonna get hit a lot!)

          LOL, yes! Help us! If we can keep McWeir in the #5 spot when it gets reset, it'll be:
          Sam/Jack 40
          Shep/Weir 30
          Daniel/Vala 30
          Ronon/Teyla 30
          and Rodney/Elizabeth 20

          So we'll be the underdog, but they'll be so close we could have a chance!
          It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


            Originally posted by Purpleyin View Post
            I usually get that but simply create a file just for using with Virtualdub, though I didn't know about the jpeg procesing feature - does it do each frame or every few?
            You can tab an entire scene and ask it to make jpegs of the whole thing. You tend to end up with TONS of jpegs though, so there's a lot to toss, but you're practically guaranteed to get that split-second frame shot.

            Originally posted by dahan View Post
            It does each frame for the selection, pretty awesome if you want to say make an animated gif with another program. There's an option to override the audio thing too, under "Audio" -> "Error mode" then chose one of the other options: either "decode regardless" or "conceal errors and proceed".
            My error was slightly different, the program was basically missing an audio codec and wouldn't even open the file. Solution - turn off the audio! Screencaps, here I come!


              Originally posted by nebulan View Post

              I know this might be an annoying plug, but please help us!

              They're going to reset the values when we get to the top 5 so please help us keep mcweir in the top 5 (it's close right now but as soon as the minor ships are gone it's gonna get hit a lot!)
              Oh man, I totally forgot about that thread! I will start voting now for sure! It's nice to see that our ship survived the Shweir fans. But I suppose they were too busy voting out Sheyla to notice us. haha


                I only just realised you can do it once a day. Got to remember to come back and do it from now on.


                  Originally posted by Reichiru View Post
                  Oh man, I totally forgot about that thread! I will start voting now for sure! It's nice to see that our ship survived the Shweir fans. But I suppose they were too busy voting out Sheyla to notice us. haha
                  Yeah, I think McWeir flies under the radar alot. You'll notice Beckett/Weir is still there too. Nobody is voting for them, people are just ignoring them. lol!
                  It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                    I uploaded my screencaps of First Strike up to Central, supplementing Neb's already impressive collection. My faves (non-spoilery):

                    I'm very happy at how First Strike was so Weir-centric and how all those shippy scenes snuck in there.


                      *sigh* so lovely

                      Looks like we've come full circle.

                      Daily reminder to vote: Sorry I'm being annoying, but I will consider us winners if we make it to the top 5, lol!


                        Originally posted by nebulan View Post
                        Daily reminder to vote: Sorry I'm being annoying, but I will consider us winners if we make it to the top 5, lol!
                        Done my duty for the day.

                        Anyway, I came here to remind everyone the Isis Awards (for het ships) nominations period closes TODAY. If you want to nominate something to be included (and therefore votable on later on) in the awards today's your last chance.

                        And now, I've got to scurry off and put in my noms today since I left it so late with my pc problems last week.

                        EDIT: Decided we need a little picspam - S1 oldies, behind the spoiler tags to be dialupfriendly

                        Last edited by Purpleyin; 22 March 2007, 03:23 AM.


                          Uh oh, we're finally starting to get ganged up on in the hurt and heal. We must hold the non-believers at bay!

                          I have been having a creativity block so hardcore recently. I'm almost done with my latest McKay vid, but I'm having trouble ending it. Not to mention the song I have is corrupted or something, so I have to go to the very beginning everytime if I want to be able to preview the clips and music matching up. If I wasn't so lazy I'd just get a new version of the song... but alas... I am lazy.

                          Can't write anything either. I have a bajillion and five stories started and I can't finish any of them. One of them is an AU of The Real World (and semi long), but I just keep feeling like it is too stupid to continue.

                          Someone share their magical creative fairy dust with me!!!

                          *edit* oh yeah, and not gonna lie, I was going through some older episode descriptions and this kinda sorta made my day (sorry to anybody that ships Shweir):
                          "P.S. -- Sometimes a hug is just a hug. Sheppard put his life on the line to save Weir and the entire city ... heck, I'd give him a hug the next time I saw him, too."
                          (Stargate writer Martin Gero, in a message at GateWorld Forum)
                          Last edited by Reichiru; 22 March 2007, 10:08 PM.


                            Not that ganged up on I'd say, but I put my vote in for the day.

                            I also just about managed to get my Isis noms in last night. Can't wait to see if any new M/W fics get into the nominations, I love finding things I've yet to read. but we have another 18 days to wait until voting opens.

                            LOL Reichiru - you've given me a bunny for a fic where nearly everyone in the whole city wants to hug Shep in thanks and he tries to hide, begs Carson to quarantine him or something, anything to get away from too much hugging.


                              Missed this in Joe's Blog earlier:

                              2:00 p.m.: We discuss Alan’s Tabula Rasa rewrite. How could Lorne top his barefoot scene in Doppelganger? Well how about this meaty role? Oh, and poor Katie.

                              Maybe he dumps her?
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                                Missed this in Joe's Blog earlier:

                                2:00 p.m.: We discuss Alan’s Tabula Rasa rewrite. How could Lorne top his barefoot scene in Doppelganger? Well how about this meaty role? Oh, and poor Katie.

                                Maybe he dumps her?
                                Or maybe...
                                she dies! Ah, no that'd be too cruel of them to keep on using that. Er, how about maybe Rodney accidentally gets married off world...

