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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Well you do only have 34 posts so it was just a matter of a simple search. You didn't really expect us McWeir shippers to be able to simply wait when there is good McWeir gossip out there did you?

    But you promised Elly she could post about it so I'm being super quiet on what you posted... But I just have to yell out SQUEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
    It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


      so it seems to me that David Hewlett doesn't mind mcweir

      *mutters something about gateworld being huge and unable to hide*


        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
        *wonders what "mcwatch" is...*
        you had to ask... rodney/watch

        what? I'm a weird shipper.

        ooh i'm a desperate to post the mcweir here, but elly would kill me


          Nothing wrong with inanimate object shipping...

          I wonder what's more comfortable/sexy/odd, the transporter or the closet...


            Originally posted by HyperCaz
            you had to ask... rodney/watch

            what? I'm a weird shipper.

            ooh i'm a desperate to post the mcweir here, but elly would kill me
            LOL! I still maintain Rodney/Coffee as much better...

            Anyway, I've not yet seen the con report, will the link be up here?
            Oh and there's another OT3 vid here.


              I give up. Most people know anyway. And elly doesn't see me as much anymore so she can't kill me

              From my con report:

              - Elly asked if Rodney and Elizabeth are ever in transporters together.

              David Hewlett said (he was not serious, but gosh it’s good) “Yes!” adding on transporters that they are “very small and get very hot”. He continued "I’m more than happy to be in a transporter with Weir.”

              and from the auction in my con report:

              - Then came a mcweir promo pic signed by Torri Higginson (or, as David Hewlett kept saying “Torri Hiss” because of her signature) and David Hewlett. It was framed. I couldn’t help it – elly and I had been meaning to say it. I burst out, “Where’s the hand?”

              If you see that pic (it’s a season 1 promo pic) you’ll know what I mean. Rodney’s left hand is hidden behind Weir and they both have interesting, suspicious looks on their faces.

              David Hewlett’s response – “what?” then looking at it “where is my hand?” There were more mcweir moments (according to elly and myself) when David Hewlett pointed to another pic of Torri Higginson and said with a grin “she’s my boss” and “me and Torri – we’re at it again”.

              there ya go. I caved in.

              rest of my con report can be found here:



                I still think Hewlett hasn't discounted McKay/Weir from his side yet. Sure, there was that interview where he doubted that Weir would go for it, her being leader and all, but he never said what Rodney thinks of the idea...Gah, I wish someone could have asked Torri about it at her cons, just for fun's sake.

                Getting legitimate ship info at a con is damn hard to impossible anyway. I would imagine that the actors have ambivalent answers planned regarding ship and they probably say things that please the fans. Let's face it, they would never say "That's a really bad idea for a ship. We would never do that" to a shipper fan. Likewise, I just can't see them saying "This is a great ship idea! I would love to do it on the show!" because it would cause a frenzy of expectations and pressure on TPTB. Neutral, polite answers seem to be the norm.

                But the hand comment, heh.


                  New spoilers on The Hive! Read 'em here.

                  It seems like this episode is really turning into a good one for Rodney. I knew that he was going to go through withdrawl back on Atlantis while Elizabeth looked on (aw!), but now it appears that he knocks out his guards to escape and later works with Caldwell to rescue the team on the hiveship (Hurray for Caldwell!). I was thinking that we were only going to see Rodney strapped to a bed, which would set up some nice scenes with Elizabeth, but he runs around later as well and hopefully interacts more with her. It will be interesting to see how she reacts when he works with Caldwell because of their ongoing "feud". Most likely glad that they're thinking up a plan to rescue people, but perhaps a little betrayal as well? Ooh, can't wait week.


                    now a bed scene. that would give all kinds of thoughts...


                      Hi guys!

                      Sorry it has taken me so long to find an internet connection but i'm currently in the middle of moving house so i'm afraid it's going to be a bit patchy for a while!

                      Some of you may have already heard this, (if you haven't you can read it at the australasian conventions page) but i am NOT going to post a full con report. The convention itself was beyond belief of how wonderful it was and in that spirit i will not be detailing every moment on the web - sorry guys.
                      but, as Caz has already posted, we did ask the questions you guys wanted us to, and the exact wording of the mcweir question was, "we were curious to know if you and elizabeth were secretly meeting up in transporters." and mcweir abounded from then on in, (along with very healthy doses of sam/mckay)
                      i'm sure someone has shared the zelenka/no shirt/wet/oil joke with you, but if not that can be found on database

                      As soon as i get a scanner i will scan the famous, "where's the hand?" pic in, but if you were wondering it's that promo where they're standing very close and weir has a raised eyebrow, mckay has a suspicious look and of course, the hand is nowhere to be seen - great stuff.

                      and yes, the rumour is true, Dr. zelenka signed my perfume bottle!

                      Anyway, it was a blast! and can be summed up like so...

                      Firstly and MOST importantly; vegemite is a wonderful hang over cure.
                      If someone mentions the nutbush - it's all true.
                      the line from Paul whilst hugging me was actually, "God, you Australian women all smell so fantastic."
                      ...The perfume in question is Clarins.
                      For all those who bet money, you're going to need to pay up.
                      Poor Brad Wright - you'll get the email sooner or later.
                      Hopping is dangerous - but not so much as screen caps.
                      All those things that you now regret saying - well,


                      oh alright, Australia will keep them quiet!

                      thank you for being so patient with me everyone, ALL HAIL MCWEIR!

                      elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

                      HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

                      NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

                      HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

                      Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"



                        Bumming through the region 1 commentaries. I saw Storm/Eye last night (commentary by Martin Wood, Martin Gero, and David) and learned a bunch of things.


                        -One of the Martins (or both? gah, I couldn't really tell them apart) made some comment about how they thought the Rodney/Zelenka scene with Weir where they discussed the plan was the best scene in the season. Or at least the episode. Apparently that scene cemented Zelenka as a recurring secondary.

                        -Lots and LOTS of talk about the special effects in both eps. Apparently all the scenes with Teyla, Ford, and Beckett on the planet when the storm hit was filmed in complete sunshine. The blowing trees on Atlantis during the storm were apparently just extras hiding and shaking the hell out of the trees.

                        -The Martins kept on commenting about the absurd amount of rain during most of the scenes with David and Torri in the rain. Seriously, it seemed like they mentioned it ALL THE TIME. So there was no discussion about Elizabeth grabbing Rodney, his arm around her, or his "if this doesn't work" comment. David stated that he got a bottle of champagne after all of the rain scenes.

                        -No talk of ship, obviously, and minimal talk about the characters. Most of the focus was on how they shot a scene and special effects. One of the Martins commented on Rodney's change in facial expression when he was standing in front of a gun and realized he was standing in front of a gun. David jokingly raised a stink about how Rodney gave up his plan after getting a little cut on his arm.

                        No commentary for Home, too bad. Next up for me is Rising and then on to Hide and Seek and Sanctuary.


                          ohh, interesting info on the Commentaries! Thanks for supplying it to us! I know as an individual lacking in the season one DVD, I appreciate it!

                          Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                          I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                          Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                            Watched "The Storm"/"The Eye" last night. I hadn't seen it for a while, and I'd forgotten how much wonderful interaction there was between these two characters. Love the bit where Rodney makes Shep go to the generator that's far away because "Elizabeth hurt her knee". Squee! And of course, the two of them huddled together in the rain and Rodney being ready to take a bullet for Elizabeth is just too sweet and adorable for words. Loved it!

                            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                              Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                              Watched "The Storm"/"The Eye" last night. I hadn't seen it for a while, and I'd forgotten how much wonderful interaction there was between these two characters. Love the bit where Rodney makes Shep go to the generator that's far away because "Elizabeth hurt her knee". Squee! And of course, the two of them huddled together in the rain and Rodney being ready to take a bullet for Elizabeth is just too sweet and adorable for words. Loved it!

                              Oh! The arm around Elizabeth was a DH thing, I think. Someone mentioned at one stage that Torri was really cold (in the commentary they mentioned that Torri's 'not as heavy' as Hewlett, so she was freezing --- blue lips the whole thing) and David just put his arm around her, to warm her up.


                                Okay...I'll admit it...I was not a Mckay/Weir Shipper from the start...did I see them as friends...yes....but as more? Not really...

                                Then I got Season 1 on DVD and rewatched 'The Storm/Eye' episodes and yea I'm seeing a pair!

                                Dr. McKay puts himself in harms way to protect Weir.

                                As I rewatched these episodes...this time around I couldn't help but think that these two do make a great duo.

                                I love both of these I'm going to be watching all episodes for some McKay/Weir moments...oh if I didn't spend enough time already watching Atlantis episodes.

