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Team Flyboy (thunking, shipping, discussion) - Lorne/Mitchell/Sheppard/O'Neill

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    Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
    *waves at ~lg*

    For me ~lg...

    I think that it is location/people in your life. For me I love the Seattle Mariners. I lived in Bellingham, WA and then Alaska and they were a close team that was televised. I wasn't much of a baseball fan before these factors, but through watching a few games I began to recognize the names and the positions they played and it wasn't very long before I was a fan and HAD to watch. Now I live in MN and don't see many Mariner games and through trades and such most of the players I cheered for have moved on so it is not nearly as much fun to watch the games the limited times I actually could see them play. So I'd say over all it is the familiarity you develop that causes some people (like me) to become fans.

    On another thread, a friend DG is a huge Rangers fan and the last couple of years when they get into the finals and such we all tend to watch and cheer the team on for her. Lots of fun to see her get so excited. The same kind of for Two LL's and the Yankees, love to cheer on her and her team.

    I'm the same way with Drag Racing. Hated it when I was single, but hubby is a huge fan and watches most weekends. Over time I began to recognize the names and faces and now I watch with him each weekend and enjoy it.

    Also when I was in Alaska and a kid we would watch football each week with some friends. Being in Alaska you'd think that the Seahawks would be our team, but the friends my folks watched with were Bronco fans... so we cheered each week for them and became fans. I'd also have to say that it is really helpful if the team you cheer for and become a fan of wins once in a while, otherwise it is kind of depressing to be their fan. Like the Vikings (MN football team), they have kind of sucked the last few years and it would be really hard to become a fan.
    waves at Bay

    Hey, hey, hey! What about WW and her Red Sox?

    I forgot to mention, lg, the Phillies and any Philadelphia team. We lived across the Delaware from Philly for a little over a year and hubby worked in Philly. He became a huge fan of the Eagles. Also, the teen's been rooting for his GF's teams with football--they're a big football family. Me--not so much. Luckily, they like the Eagles, too.

    So, since SG-1 was taken off instant watch on Netflix, and I finished Firefly (except Serenity, which is being all choppy for some reason), I watched something last night I haven't seen in ages--MacGyver. Don't have any stills from it, but seeing FG's Mac picture below reminded me.

    Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
    Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


      *waves back at WW*

      Sorry about omitting...
      WW and RedSox there... The Yankees are a footnote for most of Two LL's posts here and on the SG1 thunk thread, so very easy to remember.

      Sounds though that you are a fan of quite a few teams... I lurk on the Fan Fic Writers Sprinting Station thread and saw all of the pro team talk over there too.

      One day I'll get to participate in a few of the sprints, but you all are usually done sprinting by the time I get kids settled in bed for the night and can sit down to actually write. I do find reading you all's progress to be motivating though.

      Can't wait till they put Stargate back on Netflix. Hope it is soon. Bummer about the Serenity movie being a bugger though. Love that series and movie! One of my favorites of all time.



        Can y'all believe?

        I'm having A/C problems AGAIN! Brand new unit, every last shred of it, even the base, fer cryin' out loud. So once again, I am on the phone trying to get this situated. The whole thermostat went off this time. You could say at least it's September, but it's not like it'll get cooler here for another few months--somewhere around November, we should start getting a break.

        Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
        Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


          Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
          *waves back at WW*

          Sorry about omitting...
          WW and RedSox there... The Yankees are a footnote for most of Two LL's posts here and on the SG1 thunk thread, so very easy to remember.

          Sounds though that you are a fan of quite a few teams... I lurk on the Fan Fic Writers Sprinting Station thread and saw all of the pro team talk over there too.

          One day I'll get to participate in a few of the sprints, but you all are usually done sprinting by the time I get kids settled in bed for the night and can sit down to actually write. I do find reading you all's progress to be motivating though.

          Can't wait till they put Stargate back on Netflix. Hope it is soon. Bummer about the Serenity movie being a bugger though. Love that series and movie! One of my favorites of all time.

          **looks at siggie & avi & forgives Bay**

          From the very first episode, I was hooked on Firefly. I do wish they'd put it out again, but I know it's been a lot of years since it first came out. I can't remember why I was unable to watch it at the time, because I do remember that it looked interesting.
          Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
          Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


            Wow, WW...
            I can't believe it! You'd think you would have been set for a couple of years without issues. *shakes head* Hope it is fixed for you soon. Maybe the embarrassment factor that something they just installed has already broken will be motivational for them to get it fixed ASAP!

            *blushes* Thank you for that.



              Thank you.

              You would've thought we'd be set for at least a couple of years. Hopefully, it's just a switch or something, but we're without A/C until they call and come out here. Being as there's no infants or people with medical issues in our house, we're pretty low on the priority list.

              Since I've got to wait for them to call, I'm off to make my car legal. I just bought the car I was leasing, so I've got to go do something at the DMV; don't know what, other than waste time.

              Then, it's errands to run--multiple banks to get to and stores to return stuff and buy stuff.

              Later, hubby may have to install the window A/C units again. Luckily, it doesn't take too long.

              Hope you can join us one time over at the Sprinting Station. It's tough with the different time zones--9 p.m. MST is my 11 p.m., which is WAY past my bedtime (or at least past the time I'm not doing more than drooling on the keyboard ).
              Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
              Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


                Originally posted by Whytewytch View Post
                Thank you.

                You would've thought we'd be set for at least a couple of years. Hopefully, it's just a switch or something, but we're without A/C until they call and come out here. Being as there's no infants or people with medical issues in our house, we're pretty low on the priority list.

                Since I've got to wait for them to call, I'm off to make my car legal. I just bought the car I was leasing, so I've got to go do something at the DMV; don't know what, other than waste time.

                Then, it's errands to run--multiple banks to get to and stores to return stuff and buy stuff.

                Later, hubby may have to install the window A/C units again. Luckily, it doesn't take too long.

                Hope you can join us one time over at the Sprinting Station. It's tough with the different time zones--9 p.m. MST is my 11 p.m., which is WAY past my bedtime (or at least past the time I'm not doing more than drooling on the keyboard ).
                Did I write 9 PM MST??? I meant 7 PM!!!


                  Originally posted by Whytewytch View Post
                  Thank you.

                  You would've thought we'd be set for at least a couple of years. Hopefully, it's just a switch or something, but we're without A/C until they call and come out here. Being as there's no infants or people with medical issues in our house, we're pretty low on the priority list.

                  Since I've got to wait for them to call, I'm off to make my car legal. I just bought the car I was leasing, so I've got to go do something at the DMV; don't know what, other than waste time.

                  Then, it's errands to run--multiple banks to get to and stores to return stuff and buy stuff.

                  Later, hubby may have to install the window A/C units again. Luckily, it doesn't take too long.

                  Hope you can join us one time over at the Sprinting Station. It's tough with the different time zones--9 p.m. MST is my 11 p.m., which is WAY past my bedtime (or at least past the time I'm not doing more than drooling on the keyboard ).
                  Thanks WW... I hope to be able to sometime too. Time zones are a messy thing for all of us sometimes. There are times though when the time zones are helpful.

                  Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                  Did I write 9 PM MST??? I meant 7 PM!!!
                  Hiya ~lg... No... you didn't type it wrong... WW was referring to my earlier post...

                  Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                  *waves back at WW*

                  Sorry about omitting...
                  WW and RedSox there... The Yankees are a footnote for most of Two LL's posts here and on the SG1 thunk thread, so very easy to remember.

                  Sounds though that you are a fan of quite a few teams... I lurk on the Fan Fic Writers Sprinting Station thread and saw all of the pro team talk over there too.

                  One day I'll get to participate in a few of the sprints, but you all are usually done sprinting by the time I get kids settled in bed for the night and can sit down to actually write. I do find reading you all's progress to be motivating though.



                    Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                    Thanks WW... I hope to be able to sometime too. Time zones are a messy thing for all of us sometimes. There are times though when the time zones are helpful.

                    No... you didn't type it wrong... WW was referring to my earlier post...
                    Got it! *breathes sigh of relief* I've gotten time zones mixed up before, and my brain was halfway between my original story, the collab I'm writing with FG, and cleaning out the cabinets in the kitchen! Just wanted to make certain I hadn't gotten things confused.


                      Found out the hard way today...
                      that school now starts earlier at my 3rd grader's school. I was so proud to have gotten him to school a little early today so that he could be settled before class started instead of rushing in. It was the first day back for students here and I wanted it to go smoothly for him.

                      I found out later (by phone from the school when they called to find out why he missed roll call) that the doors now open at 7:35 and class starts at 7:45 instead of 8am (like it has always been). So he was late, not early I feel so bad for him. Couldn't even tell him sorry because I didn't know at the time. Oh well, he is young enough that all those eyes shifting to watch him come in late won't scar him for life... I hope.

                      Now on the other hand... if I'd done that with my older daughter, I'd never hear the end of it.



                        Originally posted by camelot7414 View Post
                        Here are some RDA pics from DragonCon


                        HOLY Hannah!!

                        Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
                        Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                          Originally posted by Whytewytch View Post
                          waves at Bay

                          Hey, hey, hey! What about WW and her Red Sox?

                          I forgot to mention, lg, the Phillies and any Philadelphia team. We lived across the Delaware from Philly for a little over a year and hubby worked in Philly. He became a huge fan of the Eagles. Also, the teen's been rooting for his GF's teams with football--they're a big football family. Me--not so much. Luckily, they like the Eagles, too.

                          So, since SG-1 was taken off instant watch on Netflix, and I finished Firefly (except Serenity, which is being all choppy for some reason), I watched something last night I haven't seen in ages--MacGyver. Don't have any stills from it, but seeing FG's Mac picture below reminded me.


                          Okay first thinks first.. Yahoo.. Yankee's Win

                          Secondly.. "Firefly" - Captain Tight pants.. born in my city, went to the same high school as he did. "Firefly" was great. Loved that show

                          WW, watching "MacGyver" you mean this guy..

                          Okay, time for work..

                          Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                            First things first:

                            A/C people will be here between 8 & 12 tomorrow. I asked could it be before 11, as I have a meeting and they said they'd try. You know what that means--they'll be here around 12:30 and stay until at least 1:30 (my meeting ends at 1). Update: Hubby just said he'd babysit A/C guys!

                            lg--What Bay said. I was thinking if we could start at 9 p.m. MST one day, she could join us at the Sprinting Station. Maybe this week-end we could do a later one?

                            Bay--What time's good for you this week-end to sprint?

                            Two LLs--Yup, when I say MacGyver, I mean that little hottie. Honestly, I didn't find Mal to be all that and a bag of chips--he was attractive, yes, but a lot of that had to do with attitude to me. It's cool that you went to the same high school, though.
                            The closest I come to that is James Van Der Beek (of Dawson's Creek fame) was born in what I consider to be my hometown (raised up from the age of 12 there)--Cheshire, CT; my dad was head of the cafeteria at the private school he attended--said he was a good kid.
                            I agree about Firefly, though--awesome show! Firefly for me was about the fabulous story and acting--there was no eye candy for me. All right, Simon once in awhile, and I had a girl-crush on Inara.
                            Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
                            Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


                              Originally posted by Whytewytch View Post
                              lg--What Bay said. I was thinking if we could start at 9 p.m. MST one day, she could join us at the Sprinting Station. Maybe this week-end we could do a later one?

                              Bay--What time's good for you this week-end to sprint?
                              I'm good to do a later sprint any day of the week. I average going to bed around midnight local time. If not a bit later.


                                Originally posted by Whytewytch View Post
                                First things first:

                                lg--What Bay said. I was thinking if we could start at 9 p.m. MST one day, she could join us at the Sprinting Station. Maybe this week-end we could do a later one?

                                Bay--What time's good for you this week-end to sprint?
                                Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                                I'm good to do a later sprint any day of the week. I average going to bed around midnight local time. If not a bit later.
                                Ah... you both are too sweet.
                                I'm serious when I say I lurk a lot and I've seen that you all do really well in the time slots you all are using. I really don't want to disturb that in any way. I keep figuring that once the kids are a bit more settled in their new back-to-school routines that I might be able to break away during your Monday sprints and give it a try.

                                On a school night, the more ideal time for me would be probably 9pm or later CST... 8pm MST. Kids are usually settled by 9 or 9:30pm. Weekends are even more open... usually if I can warn hubby that I have something I want to do, he can just make sure the kids are covered as long as we aren't already doing something as a family.

                                But again... I really do think you all are in a great, creative groove on there and wouldn't want you to change anything just to see if I could make it. Maybe I should just try to make it this Monday or next Monday and see if I can find a way... if it is just too chaotic or too many interruptions on my end than that is just how it is for a while... lurking is still very interesting and fun and writing is something that I can do when I find the time.

                                Thank you all for trying to fit me in though, it really is so sweet.

